View Full Version : Fourth Kind
01-24-2010, 09:22 PM
I just watched this movie on ninjavideo... HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I don't think Ill be able to sleep tonight. I have never been afraid of anything in my life other than aliens. I'm pretty sure I've been "visited". Krip can vouch for my hystaria. I'm not sure whether or not I recommend this movie. Perhaps ignorance is bliss. They blend real footage and audio throughout the entire movie. Words can't describe the feelings I had watching this movie.
01-24-2010, 09:40 PM
I've had bad luck with NV lately... I have the plugins and its worked before, but nothing will connect unless its one of their flash portals. Really pisses me off.
That being said, I'd like to see this movie sometime. Still need to watch Drag Me to Hell and Paranormal Activity...
01-24-2010, 10:33 PM
Ya I got one movie to work today via dvix but then couldn't get anything else to play. There is a flash of this movie which is what I watched. I'm still spooked as we speak...
01-25-2010, 11:11 AM
I have no problems
01-25-2010, 09:42 PM
I figured out the problem. The newest version of DivX is not working with the ninjavideo app. So you have to uninstall the new version and install the version linked on the site.
01-25-2010, 11:28 PM
Oct, do you shave your pussy or is it still hairless? My fucking God.
01-26-2010, 10:24 AM
Like I said nothing scares me, except abduction shit. And that footage seems pretty fucking real IMO.
When I was 9 or 10 years old my Mother drove out to Wisconsin with myself, Krip and my sister. We were helping her best friend move out of her families farm house. The farm was in the middle of no where and surrounded by acres of corn fields. One night one of two things happened. A. I slept walked down 2 flights of stairs and wondered 2 miles into the middle of a corn field. B. Something else happend. I've never slept walked...ever.
When I was found by an adjacent farmer at 6 am, I was just standing there with a blank stare. I wouldn't respond to him in anyway like I was in a trance. Luckily the neighbor knew we were in town and brought me back to the house. As soon as I saw my mother is when I begin remembering again. I was hysterical and wouldn't stop crying. I couldn't explain what happened but didn't want to be alone or go to sleep. (this persisted for weeks afterwards) The only thing I remember about that night is that I had this dream detailing the evolution of primates into humans. Pretty odd for a 9 year old to have, especially since I didn't know what evolution was. This was when my initial and "irrational" fear of aliens began. It wasn't till later that I started to wonder why and look back on this incident.
There were a few other instances later on where something was standing in my room watching me. I would wake up for no apparent reason except for a feeling of terror. I would look at the thing watching me but could never see more than its silloette in my door way. One night I stared at it for 10 minutes trying to see if maybe it was some trick of my eyes or shadow. It wasn't. I can't really describe the feeling of dread and fear that coursed through me during these instances. Very un-natural, especially for myself who is otherwise fearless to a flaw.
In my rural hometown, there have been many sightings of UFO's. I know myself and consider myself pretty rational and certainly not insane. I understand how crazy it sounds and respect peoples views and opinions. Some people do not believe that there are Alien races that visit this planet. Some people do not believe that they abduct people. I am not one of these people.
This is why the movie scared the shit out of me. I haven't felt that inner dread in many years. One could find a million explainations to my stories and the millions of other stories by people all over the world, but that wouldn't sway my view one bit.
Like I said before ignorance is bliss. I wish I never knew it went on.
01-26-2010, 10:29 AM
OMG Oct! I'm flying up north just to watch this movie with you and we can hold hands! :love:
01-26-2010, 10:45 AM
Ill hold more than your hand big boi. :messenge:
I'm a glutton for punishment. I watched it again last night. I had to see the "real" video and audio again. I watched it over and over. I'm convinced it is real footage. There is too many sources and witnesses. I don't think people would go to such great lengths for a hoax. ie. kill others/themselves or paralyse others/themselves. I'd like to hear from someone who thinks this movie is BS and what their reasons are for that....
01-26-2010, 02:58 PM
Wasn't there tornadoes that night or day before or something? I remember being in the basement eating ice cream. I also remember that UFO over the Fry's house... Mom even saw that one and didn't know WTF it was.
01-26-2010, 03:01 PM
Hahah - oct gets anal raped by aliens while Krip eats his ice cream. Classic.
01-26-2010, 05:39 PM
I'm watching this tonight, Oct. I'll let you know my feelings!!
01-26-2010, 10:24 PM
Wasn't there tornadoes that night or day before or something? I remember being in the basement eating ice cream. I also remember that UFO over the Fry's house... Mom even saw that one and didn't know WTF it was.
Ya there was some crazy weather while we were there. And that UFO over the Fry's was crazy shit. We were not more than a 150 feet from the damn thing... Was there bright as a sun one minute then poof gone. Crazy shit happens in rural upstate NY I tell you.
01-26-2010, 10:32 PM
UFO at Fry's? I saw that too!
01-26-2010, 10:35 PM
Awesome. Mr. and Mrs. Fry were very recluse, but always had an amazing selection and great deals at their garage sales.
01-28-2010, 03:01 PM
To all the kids reading this, don't do drugs - you could end up like Octavus!!
01-28-2010, 05:00 PM
Are you guys doing premium service on this site or no. I ran into a road block with the amount I was watching doing the free stuff. Semi pissed me off :/
01-28-2010, 09:01 PM
I've never been restricted ever on ninjavideo.
01-28-2010, 09:43 PM
^^^ I've had other sites that give limits on the time per day but not ninja...
01-28-2010, 11:22 PM
^^^ I've had other sites that give limits on the time per day but not ninja...
I bet you he is watching the flash things they have links to that go to megavideo where you are limited.
01-31-2010, 04:51 PM
I bet you he is watching the flash things they have links to that go to megavideo where you are limited.
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