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View Full Version : Can't view private boards from home.

02-20-2002, 09:32 AM
This is strange. I can view the private boards from my computer at work, but not from home; the links to them don't show up at all. Any ideas why?

Rolist Varsimian

02-20-2002, 02:33 PM
Not logged in from home, your work computer has the cookies set to auto login for you - I am assuming.

Use the lost password feature and see if you can get your password back then login from home, go to "user pc" button from the top and configure it to auto login at home (if you want it to.)

vB doesn't allow you to see forums you don't have access to I believe, or Andaas can justify who can see what from their access level. Eitherway you can't see forums you don't have access to.

02-20-2002, 03:33 PM
What Famor said is correct. You are probably logged in on one computer, and not the other.