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View Full Version : Where is everyone?

02-21-2002, 08:17 AM
Anyone still playing on Nimune? What about back on Galahad? Pretty fed up with the armsman, love the ranger, but I could maybe come back and level up the scout if thats where everyone is. Havn't played in about a week cause I was sick of never seeing more than 1-2 people online.

Also lost the IRC info. Can hang on IRC form work now jsut need the info again.


02-21-2002, 11:32 AM
I stopped playing, got bored with it. I might come back later on if they make some kind of changes worth renewing for.

02-21-2002, 11:55 AM
so angryonis T.T

02-21-2002, 12:21 PM
I'm not totally board with the game yet, but I am board with sitting around with next to nobody to hang with, ot even just chat with.

Any idea what happened to the rest of the gang? Jyo, Ceryx, Sun, Oat, etc?

If there are at least people still playing on galahad I might try life back there. Don't like the armsman, or even albion in general anymore, but it beats a nearly dead realm/guild on nimue.

What are you doing with all the free time now O'Angry One?

I baught a copy of Return to Wolf, fun for about a week, beat it twice, played some online. Decent but I'm starting to feel that RPG itch again already :/

02-22-2002, 09:36 AM
I have absolutely nothing to do for 10+ hours a day. I started working out twice a day to kill time, and I bought a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. =o hehe I cant find a damn game to play. Warcraft 3 Beta is kinda fun, but its no mmog. Maybe I'll play a text mud or something =P


Let me know if something changes in daoc thats worth resubscribing for. 26 bux a month (2 accts) isnt that big a deal, but Id rather not give Mythic another dime til they get their shit straight.

02-22-2002, 12:48 PM
I'd like to tell you it was all better.. but it's actaully gotten worse. :/

I can put up with the crap as l ong as I get to kill stuff, and snipe some mids/albs but not seeing anyone online like ever is really ruining it for me.

Soloing alot is one thing. Not having anyone to 'hang' with in /gu is another.

02-24-2002, 01:40 PM
Basically it's come to the point where I've been getting more negative experience than positive when I'm playing daoc. You've been the funnest group of people that I've ever played a game with, but without anyone on anymore, it's an entirely different game. For the time being I'm back on Druzzil Ro working on my rogue and hanging out with old friends there. Back in eq I've realized a couple things...

1. rvr is pointless in its current state in daoc
2. items give me more pleasure than relics and forts
3. the graphics and interface in daoc rocks
4. mythic has given up on its test server (notice the 1 day from test to live on that last patch?)
5. there is no real rewards to pve
6. rvr is the incentive for pve... they have it backwards... items and encounters should be the emphasis of the game and rvr should have a dramatic impact on the ability to pve (which would provide the incentive to rvr)
7. mythic has realized that they've hired idiots, so rather than release nice gear and cool abilities, they release fluff that doesn't do anything but won't affect their precious game-balance (and even their fluff is broken... see #4)
8. despite all their flaws, mythic is still doing a better job at listening to their customer base and responding to feedback than verant ever has.

So yeah... I still have my daoc account and I wholeheartedly believe that daoc will eventually be an awesome game (look how far the game has come since its release). However, you guys were my incentive to play, and since that's gone I'm biding my time till things improve.


02-25-2002, 06:49 AM
Aver, Jyo, anyone else, you guys hang on IRC during hte day much? Often finding myself with tons of free time at work, but I have to be here 'in case something breaks', at least from 9ish-5ish.

If so let me know where. I'll look ya up for some board at work chatter...


02-25-2002, 10:51 AM
Sometimes I idle in irc, but mostly I can be contacted on one of the messengers

ICQ: 2071575 / 102017508
Yahoo: JoeAveron
AIM: AveronJoe

I reactivated my EQ account to hang out with the Kabaldies on 7th Hammer. I also made a char on Sol Ro to play with Furious Pantaloons hehe Yes, Im that bored.

02-26-2002, 09:49 AM
wanna help get back the alb relic from hib?


02-27-2002, 08:39 AM
Averon what if you play a mud tell me which one it is i wanna check it out :) i played ApocMud and got to immortality :( got bored and never really did anything else. And can i have your Warcraft 3 beta :D :D :D

02-27-2002, 09:10 AM
hehe I played the hack cuz I didnt get into beta =/ Right now you can only play multiplayer, with no computer opponents. Its gonna be a great game, I just dont feel like playing it right now. Me and Serene made some chars on a text mud at whitesands.net 4000 but I dont play there much. Its your typical modified diku, nothing special imo.

I logged in my warrior on 7th Hammer, and Kabald is just a mess. Hardly anyone left, nothing to do when I login. Friend is giving me a 60 cleric to play on Sol Ro, so I'll prolly be there mostly.

02-28-2002, 06:57 AM
I've been thinking of checking back into the world of EQ again myself. Mostly just to try and find some friendly faces. Still have a 60ranger/60cleric combo on 2 accounts on bertoxx. Just not sure if I can't stand EQ anymore. Everytime I think about it seriously I remember how useless playing EQ was. Whats the point? Ohh We killed X mob first, we must be cool. I people trying to say they were better than each other.. blah.. in Camelot at least you can go prove who is better.

If it wasn't for having to level another char up from scratch again I'd concider going scout back on galahad just for some people even though rangers own them.

O'well still haven't decided to do with all ym free time. Hell I could even play something from work a few hours a day at least now if I had something I enjoyed enough to bother with.

Drifting aimlessly..

02-28-2002, 04:04 PM
grail: irc.enterthegame.com #darkageofcamelot

03-04-2002, 07:01 AM
So bored. =/

03-06-2002, 07:22 PM

03-10-2002, 10:41 AM
I have not been in DAoC in a while. I have made a cat on Druzil Ro
Gentha I think is the name, but I rarely have time to play anything.

I just got back from 10 days in Hawaii!!! Now that was an awesome trip.

Hope to see you all again sometime.

Is anyone still playing Doac and if so where?

03-10-2002, 04:09 PM
Well heres what I'm doing with DAoC



03-11-2002, 12:04 PM
I'm playing again on Nimue. Joined retrib so i'd have people to chat with. The ranger thing is still kind of fun sometimes. I'm on most nights for a few hours. Feel free to look me up, char name is Fraya, thanks Jyo for the all female guild idea falling though :(

03-11-2002, 12:48 PM
I dont think its even worth selling on ebay truthfully. At best youll get a couple hundred bucks, but I dont want someone playing my char =P hehe Be careful what kinda payment you accept too. Paypal, imo, is extremely unreliable now. Ive read lots of accounts of people being scammed. They'll make purchases with paypal then reverse the charges after they get what they bought. Paypal does not condone the purchase of virtual items, so youre on your own when you get screwed. Theres also been alot of people using stolen credit cards on paypal. So at the end of the billing cycle when the person sees the paypal charge, paypal reverses the money. If you're selling, Id only take western union or cashiers check (or only deal with people who have alot of positive feedback). If you're buying, heh, its a crapshoot.

03-15-2002, 11:03 AM

I miss you all.

Grail, I was lookin for you on Nimue =( but I never see you there.

Im playing Lepus on Galahad a bunch now (infiltrator, lvl 28 now). Its just more fun with a bunch of people. I can try to Power-level a scout for you for a bit if youre interested... I have Tommy's Theurgist account. (shh dont tell anyone).

Anyways, come back and say hey sometime.


03-15-2002, 12:42 PM
Christ, I logged in for shits and giggles the other night. I was moving so friggin slow that I just sat and camped hehe My god, I forgot the slug-speed everyone moves at without a minstrel. BAH!

03-17-2002, 12:57 AM
I'm still playing on Nimue. I play about 4-5 nights a week, usually from about 9-12pm est, sometimes alittle longer plus weekends I'm on int he afternoons a bit, then again later at night. Almost 43 with the ranger. No way in hell I'm leveling up another archer. Was thinking of starting a skald when the pvp server comes up but not sure. Logged into Galahad 2-3 times in the last week or so, and found a total of 1 person I know in about a total off 2 hours logged in there.

Looks liek I'm staying on Nimue for now, just sucks being so damn broke. Greenbarks are mad solo exp, but drop no cash :(

03-20-2002, 12:16 PM
Well I took a long break myself. But came back recently to Galahad and made a cab. Actually the battleground areas for 20-24 25-29 and 30-35 are pretty fun. Not as over crowded as large scale rvr. My biggest gripe for rvr was the casting/shooting through terrain and doors, but you couldn't cast/shoot at people from the tops of keeps when you could see them. Today that was supposedly fixed so stuff makes a lil more sense. Anyway see ya guys around , btw we own all the relics atm.

Evldor 45 Wiz
Calypse 20 Cab

03-27-2002, 12:07 PM
Just lurking the boards, and I found some of my bookmarks leading here.

I've given up on Mythic to do something with my warrior in Galahad :( and got some shaman/sb duo for the lowbie BG.

Where are you guys playing on NImue?

I also read that EQ is jacking up their price, and one of my eq account is still active after 4 months of /afk due to daoc :(

Any of you guys picking up Dungeon Siege? It's more single play, but has some multiplayer option.

03-27-2002, 01:15 PM
Hehe, the new Averon gave me some lip when I asked if he was the original owner (I thought it was odd that Averon wasnt in Hoss anymore =/)

Hehe, he tried to play it off as if he was the original owner... thought it was kinda funny. I then informed him that the REAL Averon/Averonis was a founder of Hoss on Galahad/Albion/DAoC. He was like... oh.


Sorry to see Averonis/Jyotika go, but I cant blame ya. Maybe the next big thing can come out and hold your attention longer than a couple months.


03-28-2002, 09:28 AM
Due to nothing else to do, I've gone back to eq :( Got both of my accounts back up and running. Kinda fun, and it is nice to see all teh old crew I used to hang with for almost 3 years... If anyone stops by Bertox look me up, Grailyn/Yllo 60Ranger/60Cleric <Prophecy>

04-06-2002, 10:48 AM
Hello all, Daulken here just stoping by to say Hullo and miss you all. As some of you know, and I'm sure some of you don't...I joined the Navy and am still in boot camp (Yeah, I had the itch so I'm in a cyber cafe paying $6/hr to use the computer just to drop by and say hi to everyone...)

Anyway, I don't have much time really, but I'll check back with the boards a few times this weekend. Definately good to see that Geth is still around, wouldn't mind seeing something from Kate, Aelian, and the rest of the gang.



05-06-2002, 10:45 AM
You all have been around a lot longer in Hoss than I have (duh) but I don't see the inactivity of the guild that you guys are talking about. Every night for the last 2 weeks I've been on we've had no less than 8-10 people on between 6pm-1am PST on galahad. Hell we've even been taking keeps :)
A lot of the the game dynamics have changed especially since the last patch and the next patch will be even more so. I don't see things getting worse I see them getting better just from looking at the updates mythic is making. Keeps are actually worth taking now so they you can get into the uber loot zone(tm) Darkness falls.
That or you can RP farm taking Dun Crunch :) Take that keep and the Hibs and Mids are like bees to honey its crazy nowadays. RvR is incredibly active and heading out with Hoss the past few nights has been the most fun I've had in a long time. Darkness Falls, Dartmoor, new RvR dynamics, Realm abilities, I could go on and on. I enjoy it :) maybe you guys should come hang out with us for a week and see if it feels any different to you.

05-07-2002, 12:41 AM
There's a difference.

Old school Hoss and new school Hoss.

Two totally different entities and playstyles.


05-07-2002, 11:03 AM
Different entities I understand because I never intend to play EQ, but tactics and strategies I just pick up from Lrod and bucho in RvR. Teaching me the ways of Hoss-Fu when duking it out with trolls. Heck I even bagged my first level 50 Firbolg tank last night and I'm only level 44 Friar :).

Principles of RvR are pretty static for groups now, whoever gets off the first mezz (which is why we love Kami) of the most players wins. Of course that will be changing with the next patch and being able to heal mezzes (something they've been promising forever). I think the changes for RvR will be great.

I've always considered Kyoni, Waxabi, and Liquidsmoke old school Hoss because for as long as I've been playing this game (almost 6 months now) they have been in Hoss. I know that the EQ folks have probably been around close to 2 years and maybe thats what you are referring to. Correct me if I'm wrong :O

Lronius de la Mancha
05-08-2002, 07:06 AM
you're wrong, shut up, read my sig you white devil

Yeah things will be interesting with all of these new changes that are being implimented. instead of killing casters first we're gonna be killing tanks first since they can break their own mez now.

05-13-2002, 11:07 AM
What percentage of people, would you say, of the original numbers when DAoC launched are still playing?

-- Tarbash Jones, Former Frontier Biscuit-Maker

05-15-2002, 11:46 AM
It does look much better now. Not sure I could stand being a daoc tank again. The ranger on nimue was alot more fun untill they made rouges so uber the green ones where owning you 100% of the time :(

Looks liek the game is getting fun again, but not sure I ahve hte time to play 2 games. Back in eq, making the push for emp keys.. we should be trying the emp within the next week or so (~50 keys atm) then start the long VT key hunt etc... Plus DAOC put me 4-5 months behind on AA skills...

Not that any of this matters, soon as something good enough to hold my attentuin comes out I'll play that instead of either :)

Maybe I should jsut quit, start being every new single player RPG that comes out and change games every 3 weeks.. Bah
