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View Full Version : Linode memory upgrade

06-17-2010, 12:08 AM
Hey Andy. I just found out that Linode gave free upgrades today for everyone for its 7th Anniversary. Pretty freaking awesome eh?

To commemorate this milestone and to show our appreciation for you, our customers, we’ve increased RAM across all our plans by about +42%. The new Linode Lineup looks like this: Linode 512, Linode 768, Linode 1024, Linode 1536, Linode 2048, Linode 4096 (4GB), Linode 8192 (8GB), Linode 12288 (12GB), Linode 16384 (16GB), Linode 20480 (20GB).


(For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, our websites, among other things, are hosted by Linode.)

06-17-2010, 12:11 AM
Grats Andy!