View Full Version : DC Universe Online
09-01-2010, 05:55 AM
Pre-orderred this last weekend.
Will it replace wow as a mmo? Most likely a hell no, but a DC comic book game where you get to fight along side (or against if that is what you want to do) with Superman, Batman, The Flash, etc. was to cool to pass up for me personally. I am going to play it just to have some fun and see where it goes from there.
Check out the trailers at
09-01-2010, 07:31 AM
The better question is will Old Republic replace WoW as an MMO. DC Universe stands little change.
09-01-2010, 08:31 AM
The better question is will Old Republic replace WoW as an MMO. DC Universe stands little change.
I hope so. That game looks sick, but will it have the content/crafting/profs to keep people happy to stay with the game?.....
Widespreadd Panic
09-04-2010, 08:53 AM
I've been very curious about this game, since it started. City of heroes.. villains.. etc was just a constant grind that just bored the hell out of me after a while. I am hoping DC Universe is awesome, but Ive always been a comic junkie.
09-19-2010, 06:44 AM
i'm definitely excited about this game (though, i have relatively low expectations) but agree that the old republic stands more of a chance of success... can't wait for either :P
09-20-2010, 10:56 PM
The trailers definitely look good!
09-25-2010, 09:21 PM
omg that trailer looks SOOOOOOO sick! i'm considering picking this up for my PS3 since it should probably handle the game graphically a bit better than my laptop, though I'm not exactly sure how well an MMO like this would play with console controls... /shrug
10-05-2010, 09:11 AM
DC Universe Online delayed until early 2011
By Tor Thorsen (, GameSpot ( Oct 4, 2010 12:18 pm PT
Sony Online Entertainment's comic book-inspired PC, PS3 MMORPG missing November launch; beta starts next week; PS3 collector's edition unveiled.
Today brought disappointing news for comic book fans hoping to don virtual capes in DC Universe Online. This morning, Sony Online Entertainment announced that the DC Comics-inspired massively multiplayer role-playing game's launch had been pushed back from this November until early 2011. The delay of the MMORPG, the first to launch on both the PlayStation 3 and PC, was attributed to SOE's desire to fine-tune the title with feedback from the upcoming beta test.
"As the game heads into external beta testing, this extra time will allow us to address community feedback in a meaningful way," said SOE president John Smedley in a statement. "When we get deeper into external beta, we'll be able to share more information regarding the new launch date."
DC Universe Online's beta begins next week, with those who have VIP key cards and those who registered on the game's beta registration page ( getting priority access. Additionally, anyone who preorders the game by November 15 is guaranteed access to the beta by November 30. Starting October 7, SOE will post instructions on how to qualify for and redeem a beta key at the following (currently inactive) URL: (
In other news, SOE announced that due to popular demand, it will be releasing a collector's edition of DCUO with all the same extras as the PC CE. These include a Batman statue, a limited-edition Art of DC Universe Online art book, a DCUO Legends Issue #0 comic book with a Jim Lee variant cover, a DCUO Prestige comic presentation of the DCUO backstory, and the limited-edition Jim Lee-drawn poster version of the Issue #0 comic book variant cover.
Set within the DC Comics world, DC Universe Online will let players create a superhero or villain and fight alongside or against iconic comic book characters, such as the Joker, Batman, Superman, and others.
For more on DC Universe Online, check out GameSpot's most recent preview (
10-27-2010, 06:10 PM
Got into closed Beta for this. D'loading it now.
If anyone else got in let me know and I will meet up with you online.
11-01-2010, 11:15 AM
Controls take some getting use to in this game, but once you do get use to them it is a pretty nice system. Combos are done using the left and right mouse buttons and then you also have super powers linked to your 1-6 buttons. 7 is reserved for energy drinks (super powers like cold breath/heat vision/etc. take this energy) or health drinks and 8 is used for a teleport back to the nearest safehouse (only used out of combat).
Been reading up on why only 6 buttons for powers and they said it is because they do not want people having access to every single power they control during combat. They do however let you make different "loadouts" so when you are not in combat, you can make changes (like going from dps to tank, or dps to healer, or any combo of the 3....or just to change out your damage abilities).
The game is pretty. Graphics for the cities (both Gotham and Metropolis are huge) and mobs are pretty well done. Voice overs are still a work in progress (you can hear the same programmers voice doing about 20-30 people in game atm) and they did a great job working with DC to get alot of back stories on heroes/villians into the game.
Still leveling my toon (level 19 atm). Leveling goes very fast and it is intended that way to get people to 30 (current level cap) as fast as possible for end game raiding, pvp and alerts (you get messages from various heroes/villians in the game telling you something is in trouble and you go there to help them out).
IMO, flight is the best right now over super speed (running) and acrobatics. It makes getting around much easier overall, but the others have their advantages in combat over flight (in combat, flight is very very slow).
Valdis created a villian and got her to level 6-8 (I think), so he may be able to give more insight on this game (he watched me play quite a bit as well).
Overall so far??? Pretty fun game. Not sure atm how much end game stuff is being tested (or is even there) until I can get up to level 30.
Widespreadd Panic
11-14-2010, 06:30 PM
The graphics are amazing, but I do not like the controls at all. I think I would prefer to play this on PS3. It plays more like a console game than a PC game to me.
11-14-2010, 08:20 PM
What's your toons name WSP? I will look for ya.
Widespreadd Panic
11-14-2010, 08:55 PM
Darkice, but I am never on it. The whole control thing made me meh. I have mainly only been playing the 360.
Widespreadd Panic
11-18-2010, 05:24 PM
O ya it also seems to bother me that Latern powers are not a choice.
11-19-2010, 02:43 PM
I'm Senor Chupa when I play.
11-19-2010, 02:43 PM
The graphics are amazing, but I do not like the controls at all. I think I would prefer to play this on PS3. It plays more like a console game than a PC game to me.
Almost the entire dev team in Austin plays with a controller even when in the PC version.
11-20-2010, 04:05 PM
Wresh fighting Harley Quinn and her lackies.
12-14-2010, 09:46 PM
i've been playing the beta on the PS3... my computer wasn't too happy when i tried to play it on my windows partition for the PC beta... i really enjoy it so far... any old hosslings wanna team up sometime?
my thoughts so far... i found flight kind of difficult to control. i've had a lot more fun with super speed (plus i crush on The Flash) and my friend made a toon with acrobatics which seems quite a bit easier to control than flying or speed (though it's a bit slow)...
i tried not being a healer and that didn't work out so i'm working it with sorcery :P
i'm still deciding what platform to go with for the final game... Wresh, or anyone else, have any other insights?
12-14-2010, 09:54 PM
My professional insights are:
12-14-2010, 10:25 PM
i love you back doma! i've been meaning to call you too! i'll have to stop thinking it and actually do it soon! XOXO -zephy
12-15-2010, 07:50 AM
i'm still deciding what platform to go with for the final game... Wresh, or anyone else, have any other insights?
As much as I enjoy playing the beta there are a few things that are still bugging me about this game.
1. WAY too many bugs still. I know this is beta and they moved back the release date, but this game has way to many bugs in it and the Dev's are very slow in fixing them.
2. The level cap is only level 30 and you can level up to max level very fast. They say they want people to level 30 to enjoy all the content there is to offer in the game. I think they need to add many more story missions and slow down the leveling by about 50%.
3. The end game content? Really not enough right now. The league I am in (guild) has already defeated Brainiac, who is the "main" foe in this game. If they want to hold people into playing this game for longer than 2-3 months, then they better increase the amount of end game content at release. They did indicate they would be releasing small amounts of new content every 1-2 months post launch, but they better provide more at the start or people will leave 6-8 weeks into the game.
As far as what toon to take when this goes live? I have 3 toons right now (all with flight...I just enjoy flying). Not really sure yet which one I like the best. They all have their good points.
1. I have a lvl 30 Brawler (bare handed fighter) with fire powers. This guy is basically set up to either dps or tank. Tanking is pretty easy in this game.
2. I have a lvl 10 staff fighter with sorcery. This toon is my healer, so I could try it out.
3. I have a lvl 7 Bow ranged with Sorcery. Made this toon by mistake with these powers. I wanted to take a different skill set, so I will prolly delete it and make a new one.
12-15-2010, 03:56 PM
They aren't as slow as you think to fix them, they just don't push fixes out to the 'live' server that often. As far as content goes, they have a lot lined up story-wise with Jim Lee and others at DC Comics writing parallel stories to the comic books.
I'll be playing on the PS3 I think.
12-15-2010, 06:22 PM
i kept messing up my builds so i've got a lot of low level toons. i've been switching between my bow/sorcery healer and my martial arts/mental controller.
i like the ps3's controls but i haven't figured out an efficient way to type or talk with folks, which honestly makes me a little nervous. i suppose i could get a keyboard and use a bluetooth headset.
i do have high hopes that they can push out content on a more regular basis. Back when I worked my other newspaper I got to interview Jim Lee and he had me pretty sold :P
12-25-2010, 08:17 PM
i just ordered the parts for my gaming PC so I can play on that platform when the game goes live rather than the PS3. i can't wait — i've never built a computer before! i like the PS3 controls but i just have more faith in regular updates getting pushed to PC + the fact that the PC has the lifetime subscription offer makes this platform choice very appealing :)
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