View Full Version : Computer Issues

10-20-2010, 02:23 PM
I ran a typical Windows Update this morning (something trivial like MSE definitions and Windows Live updates), and immediately my comp started acting funny. It locked up during the update, so I eventually rebooted. I made it through the boot just fine, but at the windows screen, my Aero transparency theme for bars was a "cherry" red or so, which is clearly not transparent. I thought maybe a virus had lodged itself somewhere, but a full scan by MSE shows nothing. Another reboot and I can't click anything on the desktop or even drag-highlight anything before the system eventually gets stuck on a black screen with nothing but a movable mouse cursor.

I've uninstalled my previous drivers and can boot into safe mode just fine (which is how I am posting this), updated to the newest drivers, but nothing as of yet. I'm going to try a few other ideas to see if perhaps it was just a bug to the OS or something crazy. I have an 8800 GTX in case the card is dead while I RMA it or something.

Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

TLDR; Be cautious on Windows Updates for the time being. Having problems.

UPDATE 1: MSI Afterburner shows the shader clock stuck at 51 (LOL WHAT!?) when the normal for the card is 1430. The card is *NOT* overheating, as is typical of a faulty card either; I'm remaining around 28C, which was fairly typical of the card near idle anyway. I spoke to my old roommate who is having essentially the exact same problem after a windows update but with a Radeon 5870 vs my GTX 460.

I swapped in my old 8800 GTX with the same issues, which *SHOULD* prove that it is NOT an isolated graphics card issue. My only other thoughts on the matter would be that something in the registry, or possibly some extention of DirectX, are interfering with the workings of the card. I'll start by removing DirectX, then doing a repair feature, and a clean install, if necessary.

10-20-2010, 03:59 PM
Update 3:

I plugged my 460 GTX back in and its working fine. WTF? No clue what caused this or what fixed it, but I'm going to do a backup and a clean install this weekend to make sure it doesnt happen again.

10-20-2010, 07:25 PM
you are a pirate hooker that's what happened

10-20-2010, 09:43 PM
Your computer is telling you to stop touching yourself in front of it.

10-21-2010, 10:27 PM
you are a pirate hooker that's what happened

I really hate to agree with Tenelen like ever, but he may be correct on this one...
