View Full Version : Possible New Build Problems???

12-10-2010, 11:11 AM
I recently ordered an i5 760 and an MSI P55A-G55 which I put together today with some Corsair XMS3 ram. Initially, I was wary, because the boxes for everything had clearly been opened and visibly damaged by the US customs (I ordered from NCIXUS.com), but thought they'd still be fine as there wasn't any sign of damage to the actual components.

I got everything up and running on the first go, post included, with nothing but the power supply and monitor plugged in. I was ecstatic; I thought I'd have no problems from there on out. I powered down the machine and plugged in mouse, keyboard, and speakers and attempted to power back up... to get nothing. No fans spinning, no indicator LED on the motherboard, nothing.

Since then, I've taken everything out, reseated the motherboard, made sure all cables were snug and in the correct spot, and even started over from scratch, but I can't get the damn thing to even light up again. Thinking about filing an RMA today, but wanted to hear other opinions on what might possibly be going wrong.

As an aside, I seriously doubt the problem could be my power supply; its a Corsair 600w that has had zero problems running an overclocked e8400 and GTX 460 at max load with no problems for 4+ months.

12-10-2010, 03:53 PM

Probably just a bad CPU-seat? Not really sure, but it works now.

12-10-2010, 04:23 PM

12-10-2010, 07:04 PM
So the suggestion to not use the astro glide and instead use quicksilver work? Cool!