View Full Version : Everquest Progression Server -- Release: 2/15/2011

02-01-2011, 11:53 PM
Time locked progression server releasing 2/15/2011.

It's receiving a ton of praise from the playerbase and it's looking like Sonys doing a good job on this one, check it out here:


What will be the name of the Time Locked Progression Server?

The Time Locked Progression Server will be named Fippy Darkpaw, as chosen by the community.

When will the Time Locked Progression Server open?

Currently we are targeting Tuesday February 15, 2011 for the opening of Fippy Darkpaw.

What rule set will the Time Locked Progression Server use?

The Time The Time Locked Progression Server will use the normal PvE rule set.

What sort of items and content will and will not be available at launch on Fippy?

For the Fippy Darkpaw Server we have done our absolute best to remove items which would give an inappropriate or undue advantage such as Defiant Armor or certain tradeskill related items. Generally the items that you will find should be items that came with the expansion currently available or were unlocked during that expansion. Augments created specifically for progression servers will be available.

Will there be Hotzones or Hotzone drops??

Hotzones and Hotzone items will not be available on Fippy at release

How about Marketplace items, will Mounts be available?

In addition to restrictions on items initially available within the game, Marketplace, Loyalty, and Claim items have been similarly addressed. If an item or buff offers stats, it will probably not be offered from any of those methods until a later date. Mounts will not be available until Legacy of Ykesha is unlocked or later, depending on the mount.

How will tradeskills work on Fippy Darkpaw?

We have made efforts to limit tradeskills to the expansion when the recipe actually came out. Potion making and jewelry making have had the old recipes enabled, and these will stay this way until the Prophecy of Ro expansion is unlocked. Similarly the new poisons will not be activated until around Underfoot. The exception is spell research where we will not reverse it to the older method. Instead, we have limited recipes for the appropriate expansion and made ingredients for research available in more zones..

How will progression work on Fippy Darkpaw?

As with the previous progression servers, players will need to defeat certain challenges to unlock newer expansions. Once these challenges have been defeated there will be a grace period where the server will stay in the current expansion. After the grace period, players will be able to vote through an in game poll to unlock the next expansion. The voting period will be one week.

Initially the grace period will be 90 days before voting will start for Kunark, then 60 days for each expansion after that. At some point we will even have a vote to see if players wish to change that grace period.

If the majority of players vote to unlock the next expansion, the next expansion will unlock at the end of the poll. If the majority of players voted to stay with the current expansion, then there will be a one week grace period before another poll will be posted. This will happen until a majority players vote to unlock the next expansion.

02-03-2011, 01:25 PM

It's astounding;
Time is fleeting;
Madness takes its toll.
But listen closely...

Not for very much longer.

I've got to keep control.

I remember doing the time-warp
Drinking those moments when
The Blackness would hit me

And the void would be calling...

Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again.

It's just a jump to the left.

And then a step to the right.

Put your hands on your hips.

You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane.
Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again.

It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me.
So you can't see me, no, not at all.
In another dimension, with
voyeuristic intention,
Well secluded, I see all.

With a bit of a mind flip

You're into the time slip.

And nothing can ever be the same.

You're spaced out on sensation.
Like you're under sedation.

Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again.

02-11-2011, 06:48 AM
Project 1999 Kunark: March 25th.

02-11-2011, 07:07 AM
I just received an email saying my Everquest account was turned back on again heh.

02-11-2011, 03:52 PM
I wonder if Vet rewards are available if you start on one of these progression servers.

02-12-2011, 03:02 AM
I just received an email saying my Everquest account was turned back on again heh.

I logged into EQ tonight, and ran into Rika. Reinvited him to Hoss and I wandered around PoK and don't have a fucking clue what to do there anymore. :|

02-12-2011, 06:57 AM
I logged into EQ tonight, and ran into Rika. Reinvited him to Hoss and I wandered around PoK and don't have a fucking clue what to do there anymore. :|

Yeah, that was me last time I logged on a few years back. I logged in and someone /bowed me and I was like whoa...

02-12-2011, 07:43 AM
I logged into EQ tonight, and ran into Rika. Reinvited him to Hoss and I wandered around PoK and don't have a fucking clue what to do there anymore. :|

Run around the new zones for an hour and marvel at how they can look so much worse than the 12 year old zones they replaced. Or get turned into a lizard by some NPC in town that was added as pointless filler for god knows what expansion, then die to a light blue mob when you discover your lizard abilities are terrible. Or kill a random mid-30s mob and discover the newbie loot with plane of time equivalent stats all over it that in large part trivialized the game. Then log off in disgust.

Or at least that is what I did yesterday. Just offering suggestions!

You should come play Project 1999 with me Andy. I'll powerlevel you! My first 50 was a druid, just like you. Only a superior race. (halfling, of course) Coral keeps lying to me about his intentions to log in, and I get bored.

02-12-2011, 09:52 AM
That's the one I keep hearing about!

Hai Torrid. ;)

02-12-2011, 01:24 PM
HAHA that's our Torrid!!

02-16-2011, 01:33 AM
So yeah, I downloaded EQ tonight and made a character on the 2nd new "progression server" Vulak. And I've been level one for about 45 minutes or so because even at level 1, you get 2% of a level per kill for an even con. But fuck, the Rivervale music made me smile.

02-16-2011, 09:57 AM
So yeah, I downloaded EQ tonight and made a character on the 2nd new "progression server" Vulak. And I've been level one for about 45 minutes or so because even at level 1, you get 2% of a level per kill for an even con. But fuck, the Rivervale music made me smile.

lol, nowadays level one lasts about a total of 30 seconds, if that. WoW and Rift have just taken leveling to LUDICROUS SPEEEEEEEEEED!

03-13-2011, 08:50 AM
You should come play Project 1999 with me Andy. I'll powerlevel you! My first 50 was a druid, just like you. Only a superior race. (halfling, of course) Coral keeps lying to me about his intentions to log in, and I get bored.

Is this an EQEmu server? I assume only the original no-expansion stuff? I played PEQ for a bit, maxed out three characters then burnt out. My main gripe was that monster AI and fights in general were gimped to make them easy to do raid content with like 5 people (because of low server population). How's this addressed in P1999, or is server population better?

*Edit* quickly checked their site out. I still have a copy of Titanium somewhere that I had specifically for EQEmu, maaaaybe I could be bothered to log on.

03-13-2011, 04:18 PM
Holy shit Amadis came out of the wood work!


03-13-2011, 05:07 PM

03-13-2011, 06:27 PM
How's this addressed in P1999, or is server population better?

They are trying to make it as close to the original game as possible with very few exceptions. (bug fixes/exploits) They are even adhering to Sony's patch schedule. I.e. they removed manastones and rubicite after some months; Added solusek temple later; Added sky later. Moss covered twig will be back at first then nerfed just as it was. etc.

Server population is around 750ish during prime time currently. Population is expected to increase dramatically in a couple of weeks as Kunark is going to be released on the 25th.

03-14-2011, 09:45 AM
That's actually not bad for population, how's lag?

03-14-2011, 01:00 PM
That's actually not bad for population, how's lag?

Haven't noticed any in months. I'm usually around 100ms latency.

03-14-2011, 01:03 PM
try EQmac. it stops at PoP!

03-14-2011, 04:52 PM
There is no lag, really. The only lag I've seen in the 4 months of playing here was zoning into east commons (the zone everybody idles in to auction shit) when the server had upwards of 900+ online at once in prime time just prior to Cataclysm.

03-14-2011, 05:19 PM
I logged in last night and made a rogue. The prohibition on 2 boxing is going to suck if I can't find groups, since I'm not interested in playing a solo friendly class like a mage, necro or druid.

03-14-2011, 05:39 PM
Awesome. Couple more questions:

1. Is there an organized raiding community? A decent guild to chill with?
2. What classes are more lacking? Or, alternatively, what should I absolutely not play because there's way too many of and there'd be no room for me?

Basically, I just found my copy of Titanium and while the next two weeks are going to be very busy for me (moving, and mopping up DA2 achievements) after that I think I'd like to play old style EQ again. I'm thinking of going cleric style, assuming there's not 2390293 clerics already (I assume that's not the case since it was never true in EQ).

*Edit* installing Titanium right now. :)

03-14-2011, 05:40 PM
Stosh, what timezone are you in / what hours do you plan on playing?

03-14-2011, 07:15 PM
Just made a cleric (halfling, named Gruff).

Hey, in P1999 do I need to open the spellbook to meditate?

BTW, I'm such a terrible newb now. It took me like five minutes to remember that alt-o was how you opened the options window. :(

03-14-2011, 08:30 PM
Be sure to train meditate and Sense heading. :)

03-14-2011, 08:33 PM
I did for SH. I can't seem to find a GM that can train Meditate, mine didn't or at least I couldn't find it. I'll go look again when I head back to town...almost level 5!

*Edit* never mind, a little research says it'll show up when I hit level 8. I got confused since my char shows it there, but at skill 0.

03-14-2011, 08:35 PM
Say, anybody play on P1999 and would be willing to *cough* send a newb some plat? Club* not as good as advertised, and can't afford a single L5 spell. :)

03-15-2011, 01:03 AM
Yeah, I can get you started with some gear and plat and maybe a bit of powerleveling if I'm not busy. I logged on late tonight because my fucking brand new cable modem locked up while I was nodding off so IMs couldn't wake me up.

The raiding scene here is actually much more hardcore than back in the day. The top tier guilds will sit on top of god and dragon spawns all night waiting for a spawn. They just cleared all of sky before Kunark, which didn't happen on live. Guilds are organized with web sites/forums just like any other server.

03-15-2011, 05:50 AM
Sounds good, thanks. What's your character name(s)? As I mentioned, Gruff here--I'm in Misty Thicket for now but I can run wherever.

03-15-2011, 07:37 AM
Torven is my druid; Torvie my magician

03-15-2011, 03:42 PM
Is there:

1. Some good UI themes that work with unpatched Titanium?
2. A map collection that matches the state of the world right now for P1999?

03-16-2011, 03:21 AM
I use the Velious with extras UI found here (http://www.project1999.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11949). If you get that UI, be sure to click on the easy to miss extras link in the post and overwrite the files in the Velious UI folder to get an improved Velious UI. (percentiles next to bars, mostly)

As for maps, I saw this (http://www.project1999.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26135) thread a little while ago. I haven't installed them, but they may be what you want.

03-19-2011, 08:47 AM
Thanks, the maps are decent, the UI is great.

I'm going to be mostly AFK this upcoming week, however after that I'm up for grouping and smashing baddies if anybody else is around the mid 20s (Phae?)

03-28-2011, 06:58 PM
Been playing for the past day or so. Have gotten an enchanter and rogue to level 5, Stosh and Stoshetta. Forgot to bind after making the trip from Steamfont to EC. Still have not found my original corpse in EC, but the second trip definitely reminded me to get a bind.

03-28-2011, 07:00 PM
I'll try and lug my butt in sometime this week. Last week was crazy hectic, and I've been under the weather.

04-01-2011, 06:26 PM
I finally have an internet connection and am mostly settled in after a bumpy move. I should be on a few nights this week, maybe days too we'll see--got a 25 cleric ATM.

04-04-2011, 06:47 AM
I am going to start EQ again :). I think my level 75 paladin is still around.

04-04-2011, 05:59 PM
I am going to start EQ again :). I think my level 75 paladin is still around.

Where have you been Renshin?!?


04-07-2011, 03:31 AM
Have a 51 cleric named Rivethead and druid named Ferris level 21, almost 22! Stosh?! Been leveling your rogue or what? :o