View Full Version : Question for you all.

05-23-2011, 02:04 PM
One of the guys I work with has been told he needs to get his L5-S1 vertebrae fused. Now this person is 28 years old, extremely overweight and has been having issues with his back for some time now. He hasn't gotten a 2nd opinion and is going ahead with the surgery.

I asked him to go get a 2nd opinion on having surgery right now and why it couldn't wait for another 30-45 days. In that time he could go see another doctor and attempt to lose 30+ pounds on a strict 1200 calorie diet, but he is hell bent on getting this surgery done.

I have seen many people get this done and then start having issues within a few years of other vertebrae surrounding the one fused getting weak and then those need to be fused as well. Anyone have any alternatives I can give him to save him a life of multiple fusions on his back? I know in the end it is his decision, but I really do not think he is thinking long term and is only (rightfully so) looking for relief right now.

05-23-2011, 05:12 PM
You have a fat lazy waste of life as a coworker. He doesn't have any real ones. He should suck it up, lose the weight and then get it done.

He is what is destroying our healthcare system in the US. Fatty should lose weight and then get the surgery.

PS: I was overweight (250/5'8, I am 160 now)

05-23-2011, 06:27 PM
You have a fat lazy waste of life as a coworker. He doesn't have any real ones. He should suck it up, lose the weight and then get it done.

He is what is destroying our healthcare system in the US. Fatty should lose weight and then get the surgery.

PS: I was overweight (250/5'8, I am 160 now)

Yeah, cause that will get his co worker motivated!!! "Hey man, a dude on the internet said he lost the weight and you are what is wrong with the whole health care system!!" Yeah. I can see him in the work out montage now from the 80's...

05-23-2011, 07:04 PM
is he planning on claiming disability at some point? Between the weight and the fusing of the vertebrae, and what I bet will be a cyclic do less because you hurt and eat more because thats what you had been doing in the past, he will just land there eventually

Im actually kindof surprised that he doesnt have a different health issue for someone to recommend fusing his vertebrae and not going a lapband route, if the weight is crushing his posture, compressing his vertebrae. Unless the dmg is completely done.

Ill quickly point out Im no medical expert. But if a lady has large breasts and has subsequent back issues, they reduce the breasts. They dont give her more support in her back to distribute the weight of the breasts.

I have a friend at work who is dating a guy who has lost nearly 300 pounds. Hes the only bastard who can beat me at words with friends. One of those hermit guys originally but everytime I see him I see that if you want to lose weight, no matter how depressed you are, if you get some support you can drop the weight. And he is so completely out of his shell now that hes 100% different than how he was 2 yrs ago when I first met him. He has a great girlfriend (fiance now) and I know that helps.

05-24-2011, 05:14 AM
You all pretty much are thinking along the same lines as I am with him. I completely understand his deisre for immediate relief, but I cannot imagine a doctor wanting to go straight under the knife before telling him "Let's wait 45-90 days. I want you to lose at least 45 pounds and then we will redo a CAT scan and see how the disk looks then".

@Ghelt - I agree with you when you said he will eventually be going on disability. It is a weight issue, not a back issue. Will his back be perfect if he lost 45+ pounds? Probably not, but I am sure it would improve dramatically.

Thanks for the replies all. :)

05-24-2011, 05:16 AM
PS: I was overweight (250/5'8, I am 160 now)

Great job man!! I am 6'3" and popped up to 235, then got onto P90X and I am now sitting at 205 90 days later. I still want to lose another 10-15 pounds....It is not easy, but it is worth it.

Keep up the good work!

05-24-2011, 06:56 AM
There are other options. Your coworker could just gain more wait, and start absorbing the world around him, like the monster in Akira.

05-24-2011, 02:44 PM
There are other options. Your coworker could just gain more wait, and start absorbing the world around him, like the monster in Akira.

He doesn't want to gain wait, he want to do the operation right now.

05-24-2011, 05:11 PM
Hi Peotr

05-25-2011, 02:29 PM
I have known many people that have had back surgeries that had more problems down the road. I would steer him towards more non-surgical options first, if he can be persuaded at all. Exercise and physical therapy can go a long way towards curing many ailments they like to fix with a knife!

05-25-2011, 03:18 PM
Oh, and if he doesn't get a 2nd opinion on something as major as this, he's doing it wrong. No one should go under major surgery unless they get a 2nd opinion.

05-25-2011, 05:05 PM
Most of my vertebral column is fused because I have scoliosis. Doctors said my life would be normal other than 'no contact sports' but I cannot stand up for more than 20-30 minutes at a time now without severe lower back pain.

If he opts for surgery over losing weight, then he is a fool.

05-25-2011, 05:30 PM
Ya, I talked with him again.

He is going ahead with the surgery even though he knows the risk. I tried to convince him to wait 2-3 more months and go on a very strict diet and exercise program, but with zero luck. I think he is a fool for doing it like this, but it is his life. Hopefully it goes well for him, but I think he is in for a lifetime of issues resulting from him being massively overweight and now this surgery.

Thanks for all of the replies all. We cannot do much for him now...

05-25-2011, 06:11 PM
Oh, and if he doesn't get a 2nd opinion on something as major as this, he's doing it wrong. No one should go under major surgery unless they get a 2nd opinion.

99% of the time Slyph is wrong, but this time he is correct.

05-25-2011, 06:12 PM
Most of my vertebral column is fused because I have scoliosis. Doctors said my life would be normal other than 'no contact sports' but I cannot stand up for more than 20-30 minutes at a time now without severe lower back pain.

If he opts for surgery over losing weight, then he is a fool.

Damn torrin, that isn't good. Nothing can be done?

Loniel Bonewalker
06-07-2011, 01:10 PM
Most of my vertebral column is fused because I have scoliosis. Doctors said my life would be normal other than 'no contact sports' but I cannot stand up for more than 20-30 minutes at a time now without severe lower back pain.

If he opts for surgery over losing weight, then he is a fool.

I feel for you, since my car accident a few years ago my back and stomach are fucked. But since this is a question about back issues, ill give you my view. Instead of the type of surgery that is being discussed, perhaps he should look into getting a discogram first. This could be a huge help in convincing him, as well as you/friends. Basically it could narrow down if the discs are as damage as it looks at first in which case even weight loss will not fix the issue. It could also show him that weight loss in his situation could be the best way to help his pain problems. I will also give you something to think about as well. If he does not get the surgery there could potentially be backlash towards you/friends for convincing him not to get it. Another problem that could arise by not getting surgery is he becomes depressed/further depressed, and ends up heavier with even more issues then what is wrong with his back now. Like I said the one test could help both sides as far as peace of mind concerning your friend going through with surgery. There is also the thought of pain manage injections etc.. Though I am sure that has been or at least should have been discussed already. You may also consider that if it takes longer then planned to lose the weight, and those doctors may no longer consider doing the surgery or perhaps bad luck with insurance (assuming he has coverage now). There is also the chance he wont lose a pound and will slip further into being overweight, and never be a candidate for the surgery ever again. Ultimately I understand where he is coming from. I deal with back pain everyday as I have 4+ herniated discs and other issues. All the doctors I have seen even surgeons in a hospital will not do a surgery on me because of my age and they do not want to risk it or some shit ( i find it to be bullshit). My only option is pain management, where they at least attempt to manage my pain with medication. Though who knows that may be gone soon with all the idiots who persecute PM docs, all because a member/friend of the family abused it and died now its all horrible etc. Yes I know that it doesn't pertain to him per say, however meds may be what he needs to get thru the pain in order to lose the weight to then go through with the surgery and hope the pain lessens or be able to manage pain with meds even easier then before the surgery that is to be done on his back. Perhaps as I said he fears not being able to have the surgery and being screwed far more then if he chances/has the surgery done now. Like a earlier post unfortunately I go on a bit sorry, however this topic is a personal issue/topic for me.

06-08-2011, 07:57 AM
Excellent post Loniel...

He ended up going through with the surgery. Nothing I said or showed him here convinced him to wait and make sure every option available to him was thought through and gone over. I hope it won't bite him in the ass later in life, but with everything I have now read on this subject steers me to think he will have more issues within the next 3-8 years.

Thanks for sharing some of your personal dealings with this type of issue all. Talking about something this personal is sometimes not easy, but it allowed me to learn something about this condition and try to help someone. I failed to help him, but I know it was his decision to make and one he will know have to live with.

I hope all is going good for you guys in WoW. I sometimes watch Valdis raid over his shoulder for short spurts (and have Valdis send Aind messages that he sucks at deeps :)).....I still haven't got the itch to play WoW and I think SWToR might be my next attempt to play something again.....but even with that one I will prolly be just a very casual player.

06-08-2011, 10:18 AM
I completely understand your fear of being owned by a gnome again Wresh. It all makes sense :)