View Full Version : Internet in Orofino

06-25-2011, 08:57 PM
I finally have internet in Orofino (my parents hometown, where I have been living). It's even 5 Mbs cable, although the lag is noticeable.

Growing up here I never realized that we really are in the fucking woods - we're 30 miles from the edge of the Clearwater national forest, but that's 30 miles of trees.

A shitty picture I took with the camera on my phone - the neighbor's lawn:


Notice the deer near the street sign - one behind, and one to the right. They're freaking everywhere, and they drive my terrier nuts. They walk through town in the daylight. They walk through lawns, they walk down the sidewalk, they walk down the street. If you have a garden, it's fenced. We also have pheasant, quail and raccoons. Raccoons are cute until they chew a hole through all your garbage bags, because the trash guys won't take your trash if the bag won't lift out of the can whole. We have crows and we have an assload of wild turkeys, too, they're as thick as peanut butter, although the turkeys don't really come into town until winter. But since my house is 30 yards from the edge of the woods you can hear them bitching at each other in the evening.

Orofino has a population of about 3200, but we're the county seat, and we're considered the big city for this neck of the Clearwater. Life in a small town.

06-25-2011, 10:43 PM
I grew up in the County seat of McNairy County, this sounds familiar...

Widespreadd Panic
06-26-2011, 04:11 AM
Looks like a pretty place to me!

06-26-2011, 07:49 AM
I've hit 2 deer while driving. One landed on my Mustang's hood and then went flying over the top (I had the top down which was a wierd imagine when it was above me). The second one I hit on the interstate at night at 78 mph in my Denali. The damn thing spun around and hit the side of the truck and took a shit down the fender/door. Words cannot describe how much I hate deer and if I lived in such a place all I would do would be to shoot them.

On a more positive note I'm glad you have some internet. Come back to WoW!!!!

Widespreadd Panic
06-26-2011, 09:25 AM
The clearwater river looks simply amazing there.

06-27-2011, 10:36 AM
I've hit 2 deer while driving. One landed on my Mustang's hood and then went flying over the top (I had the top down which was a wierd imagine when it was above me). The second one I hit on the interstate at night at 78 mph in my Denali. The damn thing spun around and hit the side of the truck and took a shit down the fender/door. Words cannot describe how much I hate deer and if I lived in such a place all I would do would be to shoot them.

On a more positive note I'm glad you have some internet. Come back to WoW!!!!

Damn, even while driving Aind can't avoid the bad.

06-27-2011, 12:44 PM
Damn, even while driving Aind can't avoid the bad.

My father was in the truck beside me and trying to defuse my TEMPER at the time. He kept saying I think we can still use this piece as he grabbed a chunk of my grill or head light lol.

If I hit another deer I'm going to upgrade to a much larger truck. I may even buy a fing military 6x6 and drive through any animal I see on the road...

06-27-2011, 02:26 PM
I have a friend in NY who has hit more deer with his car then he has got hunting with his gun hahahaha.

06-27-2011, 07:40 PM
I finally have internet in Orofino (my parents hometown, where I have been living). It's even 5 Mbs cable, although the lag is noticeable.
I'm going to consider this a "yes" to Aind's request for a peotr blog :D