10-11-2011, 04:02 PM
My life is no longer my own.
Last week my dad and I spent three days traveling from Orofino to Spokane to visit the VA clinic. The VA wanted to have their first look at dad after his heart surgery, and they scheduled a 100% complete appliance-up-your-butt physical, and a second-day one-on-one with a real doctor (which is rare for the VA). And then Friday they called him back ... 160 miles one-way to Spokane and we did it six times, and by the end of the third day riding in the Subaru was getting fucking old. My ass doesn't fit comfortably in the Subaru, and with the price of gas I thought we could justify staying at a motel in Spokane, but my dad doesn't like motels. And he likes to drive.
So I endured. I endured because it's my dad, and because I knew that my parents were leaving to spend a week with my Aunt in the Dalles. And I would be at home, alone, to fuck off to my hearts content. Not just screw off, but fuck off. Really fuck off. Fucking fuck off. Fuck-the-fucking-fuck-off. I was gonna play on my (brother's) computer, eat bad food, and fart whenever I wanted.
And then Friday night my mom brought out the guilt. "You know, your aunt hasn't seen you in a year. And she's 86 years old, and she doesn't get around very well, and she can't travel. And she'd really like to see you."
No. Nonono. I have a fuck-the-fucking-fuck-off itinerary, and it's all planned (as much as it needs to be planned) and I don't want to go to the Dalles to visit my aunt because that also means I get to do more cooking and dad is going to weasel me into helping him with all the yard work that doesn't get done and I'm gonna have to clean their kitchen that doesn't get cleaned including their goddamn refrigerator which is some bus-sized stainless steel German creature that lives in the wall and enables them to keep tons of Tupperware with half-cup portions of leftovers that won't be eaten but are too good to throw out and I'm gonna get to walk the fucking dog and scoop the fucking cat shit and watch shitty movies until 2:00 AM and I DON'T WANT TO GO, ALL I WANT TO DO IS FUCK FUCK FUCK OFF! I have much fucking off to do, and only a week to get it done, you've owned me ALL SUMMER, FUCK ...
fuck... *sigh*
So I'm in the Dalles. On top of all the work that has been mentioned above, I am cleaning 4 years of cruft out of their computer (which I gave them, and which is still better than the one that I've been left with). It won't boot because 'WinFixer' needs them to buy WinFixer Pro so they don't infect the rest of the internet, and I can't get rid of it, but I did successfully make a Linux boot thumb drive that lets me VNC into my home computer, where I've discovered that my Mom turned off my desk power strip before we left, which shuts off my external drive where I keep all of my backup software. ("I told you never to shut that off, Mom." "Well, I know, but I hate to leave stuff like that on when we're away from the house.")
I don't mean to be a crosspatch with my relatives. My aunt is quite old, and quite infirm, and she and my cousin Andrea (who has been a quadruplegic from a nasty accident with an uninsured motorist 25 years ago) have a co-dependent living arrangement where together they manage to almost-but-not-quite get enough accomplished to keep one of them cleaned and fed. Another cousin Jenny lives in the Dalles and helps out a lot. Quite a lot. So much that she's almost to the point of ruining her career and her marriage. It's a tough situation, and I'm glad to come over and help out when I can no I'm not I want to be fucking off right now please I don'tgiveafuckhowprettyTheDallesis and noIdon'twanttogotofuckingTarget and noIreallyreallydon'twanttowatchallfivedifferentver sionsofJaneAustin'sEmma.
So last night I'm sitting on the deck drinking hard lemonade with my cousin Jenny, the person who usually helps the most around their house, and somehow in the conversation I find out that everyone in the Dalles had been expecting me to show up. It seems that my mom has been telling them that the three of us would be coming over in mid-October. She's been telling them that for weeks, even though I've been telling mom for weeks that I'm going to stay home in Orofino and fuck off while they go to the Dalles. In fact, as far as The Dalles was concerned, there had never been a question whether I would be coming with my parents for this visit.
I am a slave. I knew my mom was manipulative, but I never knew how bad my mom was manipulative. I have met true evil, and it is my mom.
Peotr (Slave)
P.S. On the positive side I got to tell everyone in the Dalles the story about my zucchini bread victory over my other aunt.
P.P.S. And I tied their shitty cat up in a paper bag and left him screaming on the back porch. That was fun. I may be a slave, but they can't figure out how to punish me.
Last week my dad and I spent three days traveling from Orofino to Spokane to visit the VA clinic. The VA wanted to have their first look at dad after his heart surgery, and they scheduled a 100% complete appliance-up-your-butt physical, and a second-day one-on-one with a real doctor (which is rare for the VA). And then Friday they called him back ... 160 miles one-way to Spokane and we did it six times, and by the end of the third day riding in the Subaru was getting fucking old. My ass doesn't fit comfortably in the Subaru, and with the price of gas I thought we could justify staying at a motel in Spokane, but my dad doesn't like motels. And he likes to drive.
So I endured. I endured because it's my dad, and because I knew that my parents were leaving to spend a week with my Aunt in the Dalles. And I would be at home, alone, to fuck off to my hearts content. Not just screw off, but fuck off. Really fuck off. Fucking fuck off. Fuck-the-fucking-fuck-off. I was gonna play on my (brother's) computer, eat bad food, and fart whenever I wanted.
And then Friday night my mom brought out the guilt. "You know, your aunt hasn't seen you in a year. And she's 86 years old, and she doesn't get around very well, and she can't travel. And she'd really like to see you."
No. Nonono. I have a fuck-the-fucking-fuck-off itinerary, and it's all planned (as much as it needs to be planned) and I don't want to go to the Dalles to visit my aunt because that also means I get to do more cooking and dad is going to weasel me into helping him with all the yard work that doesn't get done and I'm gonna have to clean their kitchen that doesn't get cleaned including their goddamn refrigerator which is some bus-sized stainless steel German creature that lives in the wall and enables them to keep tons of Tupperware with half-cup portions of leftovers that won't be eaten but are too good to throw out and I'm gonna get to walk the fucking dog and scoop the fucking cat shit and watch shitty movies until 2:00 AM and I DON'T WANT TO GO, ALL I WANT TO DO IS FUCK FUCK FUCK OFF! I have much fucking off to do, and only a week to get it done, you've owned me ALL SUMMER, FUCK ...
fuck... *sigh*
So I'm in the Dalles. On top of all the work that has been mentioned above, I am cleaning 4 years of cruft out of their computer (which I gave them, and which is still better than the one that I've been left with). It won't boot because 'WinFixer' needs them to buy WinFixer Pro so they don't infect the rest of the internet, and I can't get rid of it, but I did successfully make a Linux boot thumb drive that lets me VNC into my home computer, where I've discovered that my Mom turned off my desk power strip before we left, which shuts off my external drive where I keep all of my backup software. ("I told you never to shut that off, Mom." "Well, I know, but I hate to leave stuff like that on when we're away from the house.")
I don't mean to be a crosspatch with my relatives. My aunt is quite old, and quite infirm, and she and my cousin Andrea (who has been a quadruplegic from a nasty accident with an uninsured motorist 25 years ago) have a co-dependent living arrangement where together they manage to almost-but-not-quite get enough accomplished to keep one of them cleaned and fed. Another cousin Jenny lives in the Dalles and helps out a lot. Quite a lot. So much that she's almost to the point of ruining her career and her marriage. It's a tough situation, and I'm glad to come over and help out when I can no I'm not I want to be fucking off right now please I don'tgiveafuckhowprettyTheDallesis and noIdon'twanttogotofuckingTarget and noIreallyreallydon'twanttowatchallfivedifferentver sionsofJaneAustin'sEmma.
So last night I'm sitting on the deck drinking hard lemonade with my cousin Jenny, the person who usually helps the most around their house, and somehow in the conversation I find out that everyone in the Dalles had been expecting me to show up. It seems that my mom has been telling them that the three of us would be coming over in mid-October. She's been telling them that for weeks, even though I've been telling mom for weeks that I'm going to stay home in Orofino and fuck off while they go to the Dalles. In fact, as far as The Dalles was concerned, there had never been a question whether I would be coming with my parents for this visit.
I am a slave. I knew my mom was manipulative, but I never knew how bad my mom was manipulative. I have met true evil, and it is my mom.
Peotr (Slave)
P.S. On the positive side I got to tell everyone in the Dalles the story about my zucchini bread victory over my other aunt.
P.P.S. And I tied their shitty cat up in a paper bag and left him screaming on the back porch. That was fun. I may be a slave, but they can't figure out how to punish me.