View Full Version : Tera
03-11-2012, 08:46 AM
I found this the other day:
Has anybody played the beta? Is it any good? My initial reaction was 'oh, another half-naked-women-running-around crapmmo', but I'm intrigued by the big marketing spiel about using a console controller on the PC to control the character during combat. Seems like they may actually have made fighting interesting.
03-11-2012, 12:37 PM
While browsing their site, I came upon this: Quest Tracker.
One of the most annoying thing about MMOs these days is that the most efficient way of leveling is by doing quests. Whether it's kill these, or get this, or go there, they're fucking annoying and provide little to no replay value.
By how they are boasting "True Action Combat", I would hope that killing provide as efficient exp as questing.
03-13-2012, 09:28 AM
Another Korean MMO that will be suuuuuper grindy I bet. Also, the women look like straight up hookers. Even their casting animations look like stripper dances.
03-13-2012, 06:50 PM
What MMO isn't grindy?
03-14-2012, 10:10 AM
Well, I'm going to find out...should be playing in the beta this weekend. I'll let you know how grindy it feels (although at the low levels it's hard to get a grip on that, most games lately seem to be super fast leveling at the beginning, then slow down to a crawl).
03-25-2012, 08:23 AM
Well, I've actually been very pleasantly surprised so far. I tried a Berserker and didn't like the blocking mechanics (mostly they're just boring), so then I tried a Warrior and was floored by the combat system when using dodge mechanics (Warriors are an avoidance class in TERA). I had a crazy amount of fun playing it, and I'm pretty set on either a Warrior or a Slayer (both avoidance/leather classes) for release.
Is it grindy? I don't dare make a comment yet...I haven't really gotten to a very high level (13 on both Berserker and Warrior), and I've played too many MMOs that let you level fast for 20 levels or so then turn into grindfests. However, from what I've heard the quest density is sufficient to get you to the max level without any grinding (or at most a little bit of grinding if you don't want to or can't group at all, since some--not many--quests require groups).
The graphics are unbelievable. Easily the best looking MMO I've played so far.
On the negative side, the storyline seems to blow and the story, world, and itemization seems completely linear.
I'm definitely playing this when it comes out, and will get to max level on a character and see how things turn out. I'm not sold on it long term, but it seems good enough for one or two playthroughs. As long as I don't get bored with the combat system, I think I'll have a decent time.
03-25-2012, 08:19 PM
Also, the women look like straight up hookers. Even their casting animations look like stripper dances.
Better than 12 year old girls
04-04-2012, 06:14 AM
Hey, if anybody wants to try the NA beta, I have a couple of keys for this weekend's closed beta. It runs from Friday noon to Sunday midnight PST, so you need to be able to download about 20Gb in time for that, if you're interested shoot me a private message and I'll send you a key first come first serve.
Otherwise there's an open beta a couple weeks after that.
04-04-2012, 05:51 PM
Hook me up with a beta key!
04-08-2012, 07:47 PM
Oh well, I got a beta invite from En Masse anyways. Tried the game. Unimpressed with the game. The action combat seems promising. The artwork is alright (BOOBS!!). Graphics is on par with today's mmos although nothing spectacular. Quest system is a clone of wow. Yeah, i said it.
Could I play it? Sure, but not worth the money.
Will I? Not with Diablo 3 coming out.
04-08-2012, 08:00 PM
Boobs didn't save Conan
04-09-2012, 04:35 PM
Hook me up with a beta key!
*edit* I see you got in anyway. I'm liking the combat system more and more every time I play it. The quest system and writing is *way worse* than WoW's, TBH. I long ago started just fast forwarding past all of the conversations.
I'll be playing it, but that's probably because I don't really like the Diablo series, I didn't like GW1 so don't really want to play GW2, SW:TOR sucks, and there's really not much else to play. =/ The combat system and graphics are good enough for me though.
*edit2* Oh, and the boobs get old pretty fast. I'm playing popori (badger), which has much of the same general feel as an EQ gnome. Loving the model and animations so far.
04-09-2012, 07:14 PM
I wouldn't prejudge gw2 base on gw1. It's supposed to be a major overhaul from gw1.
05-14-2012, 10:50 AM
Anyone playing this since it launched? Looks kinda interesting, but I'd like to hear from someone who is playing it.
05-16-2012, 06:45 PM
I am, in one of the PVP servers (Valley of Titans). It's been a lot of fun so far, not really anywhere near as grindy as I expected (things only really slow down in the 50-60 range, and even then it's pretty easy to do a level a day). The combat is very good, the environment is beautiful, and as long as you play a tank or a healer finding groups is pretty much instantaneous (if you're DPS you better have some friends or a lot of time on your hands because getting matched for a PUG takes forever). Ganking is almost a non-issue because of how easy it is to avoid it--I've been killed three times in 57 levels. Well, I'll rephrase that: there's a lot of ganking going on, but only the really clueless get hit hard by it.
The bad stuff (this is hearsay, I'm only 57 right now): there appears to be very little to do at level 60 (this seems to happen on every MMO launch lately so who knows, it may improve when they release new content). There are two instances for level 60s and there's world PVP and guild vs. guild wars, but PVP is pretty pointless ATM since there's no battlegrounds and no reward for winning other than the satisfaction of killing some other dude's character. Hopefully this'll get better when they release battlegrounds, the PVP itself is actually pretty fun once you get down to the fighting, and player skill matters a lot more than in the usual MMO.
Let me know if you try it out, I can hook you up with some gold and whatnot if you choose VOT as your server, and I might be up to playing an alt (probably warrior but whatever, just not another lancer as that's what my main is). I'll probably play at least another month, then will see how things go.
05-17-2012, 12:58 PM
I am on Dragonfall (pve) and im having a blast... got 6-7 Phankers with me here. I am 40 atm.
05-23-2012, 06:01 PM
I've been 60 for almost a week now, and so far it's been a blast. The high level instances are pretty damn good.
05-24-2012, 06:05 PM
It's $25 for regular, and $30 for collector's edition on Amazon this Saturday 5/26. I'm going to pick it up then.
05-25-2012, 04:01 AM
A couple small pieces of advice:
* The Collector's Edition is actually worth it, if nothing else for the fast mount and the haste neck.
* Don't play a Berserker.
* If you want instant, and I mean instant, groups at 60 play a Lancer. The only downside is that soloing them to 60 is slow so try to make some friends to duo with once leveling starts slowing down a bit after 30. Leveling, even solo, isn't too bad most of the way except for a bit of a glut between 52 and 58 though.
* Duoing is a very, very fast way to level. Groups are too. So regardless of class, try to make some friends going up.
* Mystics and Priests get groups decently too, just not quite that fast. They also level slowly if solo.
* DPS is fun but you REALLY need a good guild or friends because trying to find groups via instance matcher is going to suck for you. DPS characters regularly wait hours to be matched. If you're going to DPS, the best two classes are Sorcerer and Slayer, followed by Warrior and Archer.
If you play in Valley of Titans (which I would recommend as PVP is actually fun in this game and this is the best PVP server), let me know. I have a 60 Lancer (Hansel).
05-30-2012, 12:26 PM
I'm loving the game. I'm also completely RUINED for other MMOs now. Anything less of a combat system is done for me.
Elidroth - Slayer
Elidread - Archer
Tubbybear - Warrior (my favorite class so far)
Oh.. I'm on the Dragonfall server btw.
05-30-2012, 06:28 PM
Warriors are very good, if you know what you're doing they make excellent tanks, they also make excellent DPS (specially once they're properly geared) and they have a truly monster debuff. You can solo even-level BAMs with ease too. The downside is that (for now) they can't queue as tanks and so many are bad that they have somewhat of a bad reputation, but that's fixable over time.
I'm currently leveling a warrior alt when I'm not running instances with the lancer.
A few things that weren't readily apparent to me on my first run:
1. If you can find any money, buy the good bandages in the specialty store. Also buy the good crystals in the specialty store.
2. For leveling, it's hard to go wrong with the mp regen and hp regen crystals. Just fill up with them.
3. Try to make friends with a lancer or five while you're leveling up. Trust me on this. You are going to need them to get groups easily at 60.
4. Alchemy is a must-have tradeskill. It's retard easy to get up, and you basically get huge quantities of almost-free HP potions *and* you should also be making scrolls for dungeon runs. Scroll of savagery / scroll of carving are amazing. If you gather stuff as you run around, this stuff is nearly free, and leveling it is basically automatic as you can just click go on a huge batch and go afk for a few minutes. DO IT.
5. Do you have a fancy gaming mouse? If not, leave your computer right now and go buy something...I don't care what, but you need lots of buttons on your mouse. I'm personally using a Razer Naga. Specially for the warrior, since you need to activate many different skills at the same time as you're aggressively moving around.
6. Definitely enchant stuff while leveling if it makes sense, but don't worry too much about it and don't spend the money on getting anything past +6 until you're 60, it's just not worth it.
Glad to hear you're liking it. I as well can't imagine myself playing any other style of MMO any longer, this is just too much fun. I'm reeeally hoping that the bad reviews / delay in launching battlegrounds don't kill the game, as if it dies I am going to have to learn Korean...
05-30-2012, 06:30 PM
Sorry, double posted
05-31-2012, 12:18 PM
I don't know where to enchant things, how to enchant things, or where to start alchemy. I've been gathering everything in sight since I started but I just have a huge collection of crap that I don't know what to do with right now.
05-31-2012, 03:41 PM
What level are you? You should have gotten a quest when you reached Velika that showed you how to do a craft (weaponsmithing in both of the classes I've played). The alchemy system is just like it and is done in one of the other buildings in the crafts area. Just play with it, it's pretty obvious how to do stuff in it.
As for enchanting, you'll get a quest that explains it at 25 but you can do it at any level. You need an enchantable item first, then you combine it in the enchant menu (press T) with another item of the same slot and tier, and alkahest (bought at vendor). If you fail, there are no consequences to the main item but you lose your other item and alkahest. If you succeed, you also lose the stuff but get a +1 to the item (which increases its base stats and every +3 you get an additional effect).
05-31-2012, 04:26 PM
I'm level 22 currently.
06-01-2012, 04:24 PM
Cool, which character are you focusing on? I got the warrior to almost 37 now, things go sooooo much faster the second time around once you have a good system and a few gold to spend on gear.
06-02-2012, 08:59 AM
BTW, if it's warrior you're focusing on, just wait until you hit 28. Traverse Cut and Blade Draw are unbelievable.
06-02-2012, 12:35 PM
If you guys are serious about dragon fall and plan to stick around I guess I could start a chat there once I finish leveling the warrior (probably anothe warrior). How is the server population? And any chance I can get a loan of, say, 1k gold :)
06-03-2012, 05:44 PM
Dragonfall is the highest pop pve server. Unfortunately, I don't even have 1k gold. =/
06-04-2012, 04:31 PM
You know, I just took a new lancer to 14 and fuck releveling. If and when they implement PVP-to-PVE transfers (it's in the works), if you guys are still very active I'll move a character over. Will have 60 warrior and lancer by then.
06-04-2012, 05:19 PM
Actually...what classes do you need? Perhaps something will be interesting enough for me to give it a shot. Hopefully something fast leveling. :)
06-05-2012, 09:52 AM
Another lancer wouldn't hurt. No one has a slayer main for some reason either.
06-05-2012, 03:34 PM
Sorry, no way I am leveling another lancer. Feel free to lobby for this to get implemented (in the works but no ETA) and I'll bring mine over:
I'll play a Slayer for now I guess. Sounds interesting and it should level fast enough. I will seriously split my time with VOT though, at least until my warrior is 60, so I probably won't level up too fast. Be warned: I might pester you guys every now and then to carry me through BAMs or a storyline instance. :) Don't worry, I only do that when there's a lot of BAM quest density in one area and whatnot.
06-05-2012, 04:17 PM
What are your char names btw?
06-05-2012, 11:09 PM
My archer is Arica.
06-07-2012, 11:08 AM
Added you. Man, slayers are crappy in the early levels. I know they get pretty insane DPS later on so leveling becomes fast but ATM they're far inferior to a warrior.
06-07-2012, 09:44 PM
Ok, once you hit the late teens and start getting some gear slayers go nuts. I just pull everything and AOE it. This is pretty fun. 22 so far.
06-08-2012, 12:16 PM
Sooo what time are you guys usually on? I've been up until past midnight EST the last couple days and haven't seen you.
06-08-2012, 09:04 PM
Ive been busy juggling work while raiding in wow with hoss tues-thurs 6:30-9:30 server and usually log for the night after. Fri-Monday is mostly work and Tera for me.
06-09-2012, 05:19 AM
Cool, thanks for the guild invite last night. Are your mains all in the 50s? I didn't see anybody at 60 last night but wasn't sure if they were alts or what. If 50s, and you have any questions about the level 60 content when you get there, feel free to ask. I might be able to save you from a few wipes and/or bad ways to spend your gold (I'm warning you now: you will hit 60 with several thousand gold and lose it all pretty much immediately then be poor for a while).
I'm not in a huge hurry to hit the level cap on the slayer, as I need to finish leveling my warrior in VOT too, but hopefully in a few weeks I'll be 60 too.
06-09-2012, 09:09 AM
Most of us are trying to stay around the same level so we can run instances together. No one is 60 yet. I am in no rush to hit 60 as im enjoying the game just fine and don't want to burn myself out.
06-14-2012, 03:53 PM
It escapes me right now why anybody would not play this it the character models? Is it that much of a turnoff to people? Folks, try this game. You will not regret it.
06-15-2012, 03:25 PM
What is the decided Server Name and Guild Name?
06-15-2012, 09:05 PM
Dragonfall / Phank
07-09-2012, 03:16 PM
Thinking about giving this game a shot, you guys still playing on Dragonfall? I'd probably be interested in leveling up a healer. I usually play a tank class but I'd like to play something different.
I've heard it is a little grindy, which I don't mind too much. The combat seems pretty engaging. The Diablo 3 Inferno kite-o-rama is getting a little boring, and I don't know if I could go back to WoW/Rift/SWTOR.
07-09-2012, 03:48 PM
We are. I'm currently not in Phank as I decided to join a guild with some people I leveled up with, but I'm always open to running with Hosslings or helping out. Just let me know. My characters are Marlon (60 Slayer) and Clive (29 Warrior). Feel free to friendlist me in game and I can hook you up with some gold and whatnot.
For healers, Priests easily have the better time leveling up. They're actually questing machines with very good short range/AOE DPS. They're also good healers in the end game. Mystics are very very good in the end game but suck to level up and not everybody trusts them in the end game either because they require more skill from the player. That said, DPS generally prefers to have a Mystic over a Priest because the damage output of the whole group at 60 is far better with the Mystic's crit rate buff. If you're going to solo and don't have infinite amounts of patience, though, go with a Priest. If you have a leveling partner, then either class is fine to level up.
As for it being grindy, I really don't get why people get that impression. I think they see 'korean' and make assumptions. It's NOT grindy except perhaps at the very end of the game when you're farming materials for T13 masterwork crafted items, but there's *no* content ATM that actually requires that gear, and you can easily opt out of it. Leveling is quick and easy, and gearing up at 60 is relatively quick and is completely feasible to do either by farming instances *or* saving gold and buying the gear off the market.
The only weak spot is something that I think is common in young MMOs: not a whole lot of 'content' ready for you at 60. There are three good instances, the Nexus, and you can always do dailies or go solo BAMs for extra excitement. Battlegrounds and more instances are coming soonish (TM). For me, personally, that's enough--I play for the social aspect and for the combat system.
07-13-2012, 02:54 PM
I picked this up a couple days ago and am enjoying it so far. I really like the combat mechanics, like someone mentioned earlier it would be hard to go back to the old-style of MMO's. After the story and voiced quests of SWToR the wall of text and kill xx of this mob style quests seem a little old school, but it is still fun. This should keep me plenty busy until Guild Wars 2 comes out in a few months.
Best Buy is having a one-day sale on Tera. Pick it up for $8! I wish I would have waited a couple days, heh heh!
Best Buy Tera Deal ( d%3D2750092%26st%3D2750092%26lp%3D1%26cp%3D1&ref=39&CJPID=227502&loc=01)
07-14-2012, 07:41 AM
There are also a bunch of different places you can get coupons for half off, including the collectors edition.
08-08-2012, 10:39 AM
Hey Valthonis or Amadis, I need the name of the GM for Vae Victis on Dragonfall, I saw that everyone from Phank moved over, but I need the GM info to do the /gapply thing.
Edit: NM, I found it through a little creative searching, GM of VV is Sarina
08-08-2012, 02:48 PM
so the guild has moved?
why not just create a Hoss?
08-08-2012, 05:10 PM
so the guild has moved?
why not just create a Hoss?
Because it isn't Hoss in that game/server. There are 2 or 3 people actively playing - they are playing with another group of people.
08-12-2012, 09:14 AM
We only had like 6 people log on lately, so a decision was made to move to VV so more people around to group with. After 2 days in the guild I left, they were a real bunch of self centered people. Lotta drama and stuff. I think some other people left as well, you will prolly have a cooldown to rejoin a guild but at the rate things are going (see: nothing at all) it gets kinda boring running the same two dungeons every 6 hours with an hour or 2 queue time (as dps, I think its near instant for heals and is instant for tanks). So I think I might be done... had a lot of fun but its an mmo so with no one around to play with it kinda gets boring.
08-14-2012, 11:56 AM
Yeah, I kind of felt the same way Valth. They seemed like nice enough folks in VV, but my 30-days of game play was up and I decided not to renew for now. I'm more looking forward to GW2 anyway, which is coming out very soon.
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