View Full Version : Hi again!! (still alive!)

03-27-2012, 04:47 PM
Hey Guys!

Life goes on, just as strangely as it did before. I've been living on the farm for a few months, and life on the farm is kinda laid back (ol' country boy, there's nothin' that he can't axe... Mom and Dad, and maybe the cats... Thank God I'm a country boy, 'cause there's miles and miles of places out here where you can bury the bodys.) I am so fucking sick of living on the Camas Prairie, especially when I'm paying $45 a month for cable internet in Orofino and another $15 a month for a SW:TOR account which I can't cancel, because I'm on the farm and THERE'S NO INTERNET.

A few updates from the last time we spoke:

1. I bought and assembled the new computer, and it is luverly. 8G of RAM, AMD 6950 video card, and my brother sprang the extra dough for an Intel 2500K, a kindness for which I am still blowing him nightly. I have no internet, but I have been playing the shit out of the copy of Civilization V I bought. Having a real computer makes me feel human.

2. I returned the ass-munching Droid phone I the family got me, may Motorola be infested with the fleas of 10,000,000 camels. It could barely get single-point cell service at the farm and tethering to my computer was impossible. It would disconnect every 2 minutes, and it dropped so many packets that downloading a 200k file could take more than an hour and use up 4M of my mobile internet allotment. To load a web page I had to turn off all images and objects. The shitty cell service was probably not the fault of the phone, it was a nice phone, but far from perfect. It was not $60.00 a month nice. And Motorola is shitty-ass-shitty about updating their Android distributions, if a new version of the Android OS comes out Motorola wants you to buy a new phone. Fuck you, Motorola, I can see why you're struggling to find a market.

3. A wolf came to the house and ate one (or two) of the feral cats that hang around the farm. My dad had a hard time with this. Not because he loves cats, he hates cats almost as much as he hates wolves, he couldn't decide if he was angry, pleased, or just amused. If a coyote had eaten the cats he would have been pleased. If the coyotes had given us an advance notice he would have staked out as many cats as he could catch. Coyotes know their place, and they add a certain ambience to country living. The reason dad doesn't like the wolves is because they're Canadian wolves, introduced by the Fish and Game to control the deer population, and the reason they had to introduce Canadian wolves is because we KILLED all the American wolves that originally lived here, and the reason we killed all the American wolves is because they were ASSHOLES (unlike the coyotes, who know their place.) So dad's been conflicted, we got rid of a few cats but we owe the favor to the wolves.

We also had a moose pillage the yard, which would have been cool to see but I was in Spokane at the time. My mom and my sisters were doing their spring planning for flowers and they ordered a few hundred dollars worth of bulbs. They also forced my brother-in-law and I to build a redneck hothouse, a flimsy creature made of clear plastic and gardening stakes. And a moose saw that and said, "Motherfuckin' midnight snack, bitches!" and thanks to him when April comes around I don't have to worry about helping them plant tulips. We're living on a farm, for fucks sake, it's not like we need to fill in our spare time with recreational planting.

4. And the reason I was in Spokane is ... I was IN THE HOSPITAL! =D YAY! It's a good feeling to know that, once again, springtime means a stay in the hospital. Bedsores, shitty food, snoring neighbors, catheters, not being able to take a crap in privacy, I love all that shit. A trip to the hospital in springtime has been my schedule for years, but for the last 18 months or so my health has, oddly, been above average (it coincides with the time I stopped playing WoW, stopped drinking soda, started walking daily, and stopped ordering pizza every other night, but I don't think there's any linkage there.)

The problem started with my heart, which often has an irregular or uncontrolled rate because my MS causes dysautonomia (look it up.) And I was having trouble one night, walking through the house and pounding my fist into my chest trying to get my heart to start a normal beat again, and occasionally fainting, and telling everyone, "No, I'm fine, my heart is just acting up" (it really doesn't feel painful or life-threatening, my best description would be that it feels like a ball of highly-caffeinated worms are wrestling inside your chest.) And finally my parents had had enough and decided to take me to the emergency room in Orofino (which is farther away than the emergency room in Lewiston, and the hospital is Lewiston is much, much bigger and much, much nicer, but they decided Orofino was the place to go, and I didn't veto because I was too busy trying to take a shower and change clothes while pounding on my chest.)

Everyone in the hospital in Orofino decided that 'the event' was very serious, they didn't even offer me a room but instead booked me on a LifeFlight to Spokane, but there weren't any flights available so they decided to send me by ambulance.


$18,000.00 for a joyous three hours in an ambulance (good thing I got my computer built before this happened.) I would complain more about the ridiculous cost of a three hour ambulance ride but somewhere outside of Colfax my lips started turning numb. "Hey, my lips are numb..." And then the nurse and the EMT had their headphones on and were talking to someone while reeling tape off my vitals monitor, and then the EMT starts shaving my chest (really!) and gluing these huge pieces of tinfoil to my front and back, and the nurse gives me an injection in my IV and says, "Ok, you're going to get really sleepy," and thats all I remember until we were closer to Spokane. They blasted me twice. =D

I felt much better when I woke up, the worms were gone and I was feeling quite spry. I offered to climb out of the ambulance rather than have them hoist my bed out the back door, but they turned that down; one of the attendants blew his sack trying to lower me to the ground.

I went into atrial-fibrillation-something while I was in the hospital, and they decided to blast me again, which was REALLY disappointing, because I asked the doctor to film it with my sister's camera, but they wouldn't do it. That would have rocked.

A little tired, gonna rest again, will probably be on later tonight. If anyone sees Widespread, tell him I'm looking for him.

-- Peotr (Normal Guy)

Widespreadd Panic
03-27-2012, 05:17 PM

03-27-2012, 06:32 PM
Hope things are getting better man, hang in there!

03-28-2012, 09:37 AM
Rest up Peotr, hope you feel better soon!

03-28-2012, 12:38 PM
Peotr! I hope you feel better very soon and can return to your wonderful prairie farm with asshole coyotes, feral cats, and hooligan moose.

03-28-2012, 01:46 PM
Get better Peotr!

03-28-2012, 06:02 PM
Peotr, send me your info for SWTOR and I'll log you in and unsub you and anything else you need dropped.

03-28-2012, 06:16 PM
Get Well Soon Peotr! <3

03-29-2012, 12:15 PM

Like the others I hope you're feeling better Peotr.

04-03-2012, 05:35 AM
Hey peotr Take more mg !!!

04-06-2012, 08:12 PM
Any sheep or velcro.gloves on that ranch?