View Full Version : I'm a useless fuck.

03-17-2002, 03:22 PM
Agree or disagree? Thoughts on it? Sent to VI.

I'm a Druid. I'm a useless fuck.

I hope the title got your attention.

So here's my issue. Not only have you done nothing for Druids after theoretical application AND player opinion has been factored in, but you seem to think nothing is wrong. We SUCK! I've played a Druid up to 55, and as far as I know WE SUCK! We suck more than Monica Lewinksy on a Friday night. We're more useless than a sponge on a sinking ship. We get snare. Wow. Where the hell is that going to be used post 50 in a serious situation. Even if it does have practical use in the large raids, how much use does that add overall? By the way, I'm not crazy at this point, I'm still entirely calm as I post this, I use this profanity to emphasize my point. Nukes. Suck. That's all, they suck. Why pick a Druid over a Wizard? Heals. Suck. Why pick a Druid over a Cleric? Buffs. Suck. See last point, or even Shamen. DoTS. Suck. Shamen, nuff said. Wolf Form. Who the hell cares? Wow, I'm fluffy, can I get a group? No friggin way. Lemme take a quick jaunt to my spellbook. I think I've covered most of the useful skills. So let me ask something. Why are we useless? We're not even on par with someone, we suck all around. woohoo, we can port, great we can be the poor port whores at the end of the raid who take everyone back to wherever. It takes skill to play a Druid well you say, well no one gives a shit about skill. All they see is that you don't have the buffs that someone else has, or the nukes that the other guy has, or the heals of the cleric, or anything useful. You're out. That's NOT right. I sent an e-mail about how Druids are useless. Alan sent back an e-mail and asked what I wanted done about it. What the hell do you all think we want done about this? You think we want you to sit on your asses and laugh at us? I don't think so. How about giving us something unique? Something that'll make useful for chrissakes. I suggested Bane DoTs, but those'd go to Shamen and Necros right? So how about suicide pets? They deal large amounts of damage then die, that's all. Spell could be like Swarm of Wolves or similar. Starting at level 29, then one spell rank after each new wolf form. It'd do more damage than a mage pet, but have far less HP, so it'd be like a really fast DoT, but the mob could aggro on it and kill it after it dealt too much damage. How about the ability to summon spell casting pets? A pet that either nukes the mob, or that heals the tanks. How about the ability to supplement any other class? A druid gets clickable ability called Bind. It ties the Druid's power into that persons. A warrior would get the Druid's strength added ot his own. A wizard would get the Druid's intelligence added on. A cleric would get the Druid's wisdom added to his own. Also, the Druid adds certain powers to the person. Faster casting, less mana use, faster mana and hp regen, and longer spell duration. Thus, having along a large number of Druids to supplement the Wizards and Clerics would be really good, as well as a few to bind to the Warriors to provide extra hp and damage. Or both of the ideas stated, so that a Druid could provide large damage output, but he would have to be coupled with someone else to bring out his full potential. Or how about allowing Druids to increase in power for every Druid that is within a certain range? Thus adding to the raid stackability. One Druid on a raid nukes for 1000 damage lets say. Then two nuke for 1100, for a total of 2200. Three nuke for 1210 for a total of 3630. Etc etc. How about allowing Druids to turn sort of melee by making wolf form into a melee form the druid. There could be more powerful wolf forms like Fenris Form, that make the Druid melee really fast and hard, but prevent spellcasting. To balance against others though, it drains the Druids HP and mana till the druid leaves the combat wolf form. Leave the normal wolf forms there for travel and kiting and the like, but the melee forms could make the druid useful in raid situations. Druids turn to combat form and run in and fight till they're low hp, then back out and heal up, and heal others too, then jump back in and fight.

Of all the ideas, I favor the last one the most. Druids currently have no use. Making them melee of a sort would be exeedinly useful to druids and to the raids they participate on. The balance there is the skill required to use the spells properly. A druid who stays in a combat form too long dies from lack of hp.

On a less serious note, how about more weather control?

03-17-2002, 04:46 PM
...What's this have to do with us?


And if you dont like your class, play something else. :) I imagine Verant wont give much attention to an email with fuck fuck fuckity fuck.

03-17-2002, 05:12 PM
No one gives a rat's ass!

03-17-2002, 05:34 PM

03-17-2002, 05:39 PM

03-17-2002, 06:01 PM
parak > guntak :|

03-17-2002, 06:19 PM

03-17-2002, 08:04 PM
Parak =D

03-17-2002, 08:10 PM
Parak owned that drood :o

03-17-2002, 08:33 PM
Had to

03-17-2002, 08:43 PM
god i hate that sig
some guy who post at the afterlife page and some others uses that sucker

03-18-2002, 12:56 AM
I dunno, I think there were some very cogent points made.

*separating the post into paragraphs*

As soon as I can find it again...

*4 hours later*

Nah, screw it, Druids *ARE* nothing but port whores and lowbie power levellers. =P


03-18-2002, 08:59 AM
so Vile Grim =o

btw. I lub parak -=\

03-18-2002, 09:10 AM
Paragraphs are good!

03-18-2002, 09:16 AM
paragraphsaresoyesterdaynopunctuationnospacesandno paragraphsarethefutureslippy~

03-18-2002, 09:21 AM
Um... I'd like to buy a vowel?


03-18-2002, 02:53 PM
pfft... if I cared about being flamed why would I post something that verant is obviously not going to listen to? I'm flattered that you think I care, and that fact that I'm a useless fuck doesn't mean that.... well yes it does... yeah.. shit...

Less crack more sleep.

Less EQ more sleep.

Less GMs more fun..

Less George Bush, more brains.

Less Barry Boswick, more Eq.. what the fuck? Enough from my pie hole.


03-18-2002, 03:14 PM
It's also cool how you are spamming a bunch of guild boards with this. Did you know caster balancing is in the works (that means it's not finished btw) ?

A lot of classes have problems and they don't do that. Keep it on your druid rant boards please.

03-18-2002, 03:28 PM

Okay so what was the point? ;)

03-18-2002, 03:42 PM
The point of what, the original post?

Did anyone really manage to read more than a few lines into that mess? ;)

Btw, I love druids. I know you have problems and I know other classes have problems. You won't get any sympathy from spam though.

03-18-2002, 03:44 PM
All I will say is, if you think you are a worthless fuck, then thats what you are.

I play a druid, and I'm not a useless fuck.

03-18-2002, 03:48 PM
You sure andaas? =\


03-18-2002, 04:26 PM
He's not useless, he's just dead, Rhedd.

03-18-2002, 05:02 PM
Hoss druids are so uber :D

03-18-2002, 05:31 PM
Isn't Andaas a monk?

03-18-2002, 06:57 PM

03-18-2002, 08:10 PM
User error =\

03-18-2002, 10:31 PM
Andy made a good point :)

Andy with real fd would be scary :/