View Full Version : We're officially at war

11-13-2014, 09:58 AM
Some of you have heard me bitch about my parents. I live with my parents so I can help cook and clean for them, because they are elderly, because they are infirm, and because I love them. But I have also told them that from midnight on Wednesday I don't want to be disturbed. I have days worth of food ready-prepared for them, all the laundry is done, the house is clean, there are no events on the calendar.

For three days I don't want to talk them. Or see them. Or field their stupid requests. No dog walks, no visits to my aunts, no 'going for coffee', no 'going for mail', no 'couple of minutes of help' of any kind. I've actually had strong words with them about this - I'm not doing anything unless it's an emergency. A real emergency.

So last night WoD releases. I'm trying to two-box and I'm bitching and grunting my way through all the attuned content (especially the keep) that is separating my two characters.

But I can see the light. Standard grinding is coming up.

I'm cranky, but there are clear skies ahead.

2:01 AM. My mom pokes her head into my room. "Peotr?" she asks, "can you come look at this? The oil stove has broken."

-- Peotr

P.S. 4:20 AM. I have completely disassembled that bitch. I think I know what is wrong (the pump works but the switch assembly won't turn it on, so we're only getting the drips of oil that keep the tray warm). I can't fix it. We'll have to call the repairman. I come back into the house and tell them what I've found, and head back to my room for an hour or so of WoW before I sleep. I'm taking my shoes off when my dad comes into my room. He never knocks, he just walks into my room like he owns the whole house, and I suppose he does. "Why don't we go down to the shed and fish out that portable propane heater we used during that outage a few years back? The bulk plant is closed, but they have propane at the Sunset Mart, so we could refill the tanks there."

P.P.S. 8:30 AM. I have slept two hours. My mom pokes her head in the room. "Can you come help vacuum? I just want to tidy up in case the repairman needs to come into the house."

11-13-2014, 12:57 PM
Bless it.

11-14-2014, 06:09 AM
LOL peotr.

11-14-2014, 06:44 AM
LOl and look now the servers are down !! I bet that just makes u happy :)

11-14-2014, 08:15 AM
Hang in there Peotr!

11-15-2014, 05:35 AM
You're my hero Peotr. I hope I'll be able to take care of my parents later on. My paralysis might be an issue then...

11-17-2014, 04:33 PM
I swore I would not do anything around the house from Thursday through Sunday. I was very firm. I was angry. I was threatening.

Wednesday night / Thursday: Oil heater broke. Disassembled it, helped put up a temporary propane heater, helped mom clean the house, helped the repair man bleed the lines, installed a new outdoor filter and then took apart the propane stove and returned it to the shed.

Friday: My aunt (85 years old) is having trouble with her knee swelling and decides she needs to go to the emergency room in Lewiston, 45 miles away (she doesn't like the doctors in Orofino). Mom is going with her, but is afraid she won't be strong enough to help her if something 'goes wrong'. Note: Honestly, her knee was the size of a cantalope. Lewiston admits her overnight.

Saturday: My cousins (sons and daughters from the aunt who is in the hospital) arrive in town. Thankfully, they are the ones who pick up my aunt in Lewiston and return her home. Mom goes grocery shopping (which means I go grocery shopping), and then I fix a dinner that is suitably large enough for everyone, in case the cousins stop by.

Sunday: I tell my parents to fuck off, I am not going to church, I am not fixing dinner, I am not doing ANYTHING, since they have refused to respect my request to be left alone for a few days. Mom calls me from church and tells me my sister's family is coming over after church to 'plan Thanksgiving' and 'watch football'.

Monday: I take the trash out. Dad informs me the battery in the Subaru is dead.

Total played on Chowphat Wednesday afternoon before expansion starts: 37 days, 19 hours
Total played on Chowphat as I write this: 38 days, 14 hours
Amount of time elapsed since the start of the expansions: 112 hours
Reasonable amount of playtime since the expansion started, setting aside 9 hours a day for sleep and human maintenance: 76 hours
Amount of time played since the start of expansion: 19 hours

11-18-2014, 03:41 PM
Hopefully this week will be calmer for you!

11-18-2014, 04:33 PM
You got more time in since the xpac hit then me and quite a few others. So let's remember that the glass is half full young padwon.

11-28-2014, 10:54 AM
There is still time till next Tuesday, ask me anytime to run something with you <3

02-20-2015, 06:40 AM
"Can you come help vacuum? I just want to tidy up in case the repairman needs to come into the house."

replace Cleaning lady with repairman and you have my mom. We should get these folks together for 'carpool' care~

02-24-2015, 08:44 AM