View Full Version : *tap* *tap* *tap* this thing on?
03-25-2016, 12:51 PM
Hai! That is all...
03-27-2016, 08:33 PM
How do you do?
03-28-2016, 09:02 AM
Hai! That is all...
LAME!!!! and whats up
03-28-2016, 01:08 PM
Not much.. cursing yard work! playing the division, having the itch to build a new pc.
03-29-2016, 02:44 PM
Heya Kath!
03-29-2016, 03:20 PM
0/ how goes it kath!!
04-01-2016, 08:26 AM
@Zey what have you been up to?
@Elk you participating in that huge war in eve?
Any of you guys pick up any of the VR headsets? Entertaining the idea but want to try a it out first before I shell out the $$$, one more $ for good measure. The concept seems really neat and the reviews seem pretty positive. My thought is that everything that is currently out is pretty much basically elaborate tech demos and I don't see any kill apps for it yet. I have a buddy that purchased the rift and is waiting for it to get to him next month that I want to try out.
04-01-2016, 10:01 AM
Doing well, have pulled myself away from MMO's for a while to play through my library of unplayed games on the XBOne and Steam. Damn Humble Bundles filling up my collection with a few really good games and a bunch of old/weird ones, heh heh. And the Free With Gold games on the XBOne/360 are surprisingly good sometimes. Being a member of the "more games than time to play them" club makes it a slow process ;)
I'm excited for the new realm of VR, I think they are getting really close but the current iteration falls squarely into the high-end, early adopter range. I mean you need at least a $900-1K PC in addition to the $600 for the unit. Then with the limited supported titles, it just isn't worth it right now (for me at least). I've got the PC to run it, but still not worth it. I'm sure the tech is amazing and the reviews are promising, but there just isn't enough content for it yet. Sony has said that their PS4 headset will be around $400, that is getting a little closer to the right price for the tech I think. But the history of console peripherals is spotty at best. If the software support is there and the prices come down a little bit I think they will see a broader appeal. They really need to make them wireless also, being tethered and having to clear out an area so you don't trip over your furniture are still issues. It is still early in the life of the tech though, they have come a long way in the last few years!
It seems like technology that would be suited for an arcade instead of home right now. I'd rather go to one of those new chain (or local) bar/arcade places and plop down $5-10 to play it a few times than spend the $600 on it.
04-02-2016, 09:07 AM
.... I'm baaack ..... started yet a another pally, Psimon (in honor of my black rescue dog Simon...) .... finished leveling it to 100 just last week or so... game sure has changed in the years since I last seriously played . . . my daughter (now ending freshman year at college 2600 miles away) has evolved into a crazed Wow player with 8 or so lvl 100's, says it helps her keep sane with pressures of school and such... guess apples don't fall too far ..
As for me, still in sunny Arizona, working for a German company with typically teutonic senses (substitute arrogant, zenophobic, world dominating . . ). . . always hoping for a new job anywhere else. . .
Hope to tinker around in Wow between now and expansion and re-learn the game . . . presently prot/ret but prot seems a world different than years past . . . . still trying to re-create a new UI . . . and re-gear well enough to survive... any advice on either would always be appreciated ... hope to see ya all in game...
04-03-2016, 12:24 AM
04-04-2016, 08:15 AM
Hey Card!!
04-04-2016, 03:36 PM
Heyas Card.. Haven't touched WoW in forever and honestly haven't really felt the itch. I do miss playing with the guild and that would be the only draw for me to get back into WoW. The wife keeps me busy so I can't really have a set play schedule like I used to which kinda doesn't really work for MMO's :(
@Zey, I'm hoping to try out the rift this month, assuming my buddy gets his. Seems like they're having shortages and not able to meet pre-order demands.
04-06-2016, 12:53 PM
Kath, let me know what you think of the Oculus Rift if you get a chance to try it.
And Hey Card!!! Hope to see you around in WoW sometime!
04-11-2016, 07:51 AM
Hi Mys!
No desire to play MMOs at this time still. Just got a new puppy a couple of months ago so that takes up a lot of time. Kids are doing great. The twins are going to graduate next year, and my oldest is doing great at college. Life is good!
Has anyone seen my pants?
I'm wearing said pants this very moment, they're a bit worn though. So if you've got a new pair I'm in dire need.
04-15-2016, 09:57 PM
Been playing Black Desert lately. Its fun and mostly free!
04-25-2016, 02:01 PM
Been playing Black Desert lately. Its fun and mostly free!
The game looks pretty, but being an asian mmo makes me wary to it having played lineage and lineage 2. Both games were pretty but definitely a grind fest.
04-28-2016, 05:44 PM
Hi! Not playing anything (except this these things they make me play at work). Working on new and improved game AI to make all of your lives more miserable (it's getting to the point now where I have to make them dumber to make the player guys need to get better and participate in our play tests -- making NPCs blind and deaf isn't very fun). Last game was Rise of the Tomb Raider (I was lead AI, as usual).
04-30-2016, 10:30 PM
Where's my copy of Nascar Rumble?
05-03-2016, 10:56 AM
Hi! Not playing anything (except this these things they make me play at work). Working on new and improved game AI to make all of your lives more miserable (it's getting to the point now where I have to make them dumber to make the player guys need to get better and participate in our play tests -- making NPCs blind and deaf isn't very fun). Last game was Rise of the Tomb Raider (I was lead AI, as usual).
I'm always up for play tests! AI is always an interesting subject I'd always wanted to pick your brain on ;P
05-04-2016, 02:42 PM
Widespreadd Panic
02-24-2017, 05:20 PM
03-05-2017, 07:55 PM
03-19-2017, 01:30 AM
03-24-2017, 12:16 PM
So is Hoss still actively raiding these days? The forums are so dead..
03-25-2017, 01:01 PM
Yes we are...doing Heroic Nighthold atm, until the new zones come out in a month or so.
03-31-2017, 03:24 PM
Glad to hear it. If you are ever short on people, look me up. :encouragement:
03-31-2017, 07:29 PM
If folks wants to experience some nostalgia-
I'm playing on an EQ Emu server. Similar to p99. It's a very low pop server. Currently in Velious, day before Luckin. Pretty much have a run of the place. With no competition for spawns and such. We're killing Zlandicar for ST keys. Trying to break into ToV. 3 box allowed. Most of us do just that. obviously free to play. Titanium or Underfoot client is recommended. website is
Just wanted to toss this out there in anyone is longing for the good ol days.
04-15-2017, 10:25 AM
That Froststone emu went 3 box? That makes no sense when TAKP and p2002 are 3 box. I tried to get TAKP to go 2 box but was outvoted. We launched before those other two. Meanwhile there is plenty of demand for a 1 box server that goes beyond Velious.
I'm biased of course, but if you're going to play on a 3 box emu, then TAKP is the best place. NPC stats and game mechanics there are the most accurate of any emu and the client is era appropriate. Recently Secrets released an update to the client that unlocked the mouse cursor and prevented alt key sticking so any QOL benefits from using Titanium are negligible now.
04-19-2017, 11:39 AM
He has all the coding in for Luclin, just hasn't made it live yet. Yeah, this past summer he made it 3 box. Sitting in HoT now with my SK, Mage, and cleric farming skyshrine gear. Have a few ST Keys. Got master of the guard down with 5 toons. Working on Progenitor. Have Dagarn and Feshlak on farm status. Doesn't say much, I know, but not bad for low pop. Anyways, I'm enjoying it.
04-26-2017, 12:44 PM
It's impossible for him to have 'all of Luclin's code done' because it's sort of an endeavor that never ends. Accuracy can always improve. Content like the grimling war and inner Acrylia Caverns for example was rarely done and is no longer available on Live servers. Important details about these events are not found online either. TAKP has the unique advantage that the userbase played a server stuck in PoP for a decade so they are the best source for this information. (we also have showEQ collects/videos) Of course if he's running the revamped zones then this doesn't matter and you're not playing a real progression server.
It's frustrating spending thousands of hours on a project to get details right only to see so many users flock to servers who pull numbers out of their ass and nobody giving a damn that the mobs they kill on those servers are ez-mode versions. (buy hey, Titanium) Dagarn for example has a massive ATK-- much larger than the AoW even-- and TAKP is the only place that you'll face a Dagarn that will hit you as hard as he should. Most emus don't bother to even get the max hits correct, let alone parse ATKs. Even EQ Live is way less accurate than we are. Project EQ (EQEmu's default database) will eventually input much of my data however.
Stock EQEmu had so many terribly bad mechanics errors. Raid boss AoEs for example were using the same logic as any other random class spell which had delays added to the recast timers, resulting in breath weapons casting far less frequently than they should. This is still not fixed on EQEmu as far as I'm aware. The guys who pull EQEmu code with PEQ and put up a server locked at expansion X don't fix this stuff. TAKP has been fixing this stuff for 4 years.
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