View Full Version : If you could...

04-22-2002, 01:34 AM
Change SoL - What would those changes be?

For me -

I wish to have a BP a rogue could wear. Fungi (I feel) is the best bp in the game for my class. So, even if they added another with +100 hp +100sta +20 to all resists I would still be wearing my fungi. Resists seem pointless because its all dragon resists. So regen > all. Thanks to the 30+ min fights now it seems

Regen - Class based regen items for my class that stacked - Off all melee we are the one class that has no ability in healing ourselves besides warriors. Warriors will always be number one priority for all heals (as it should be) so regen is my best friend in this game.

Weapons ofcourse =D though rangers have a right to bitch more then us (except when it comes to Tunare - FU Aedail for doing double my damage!).

Ssra - for gods sake fix the FPS in this zone and redo the migation factor for mobs because as it is you have made Rogues nerfed more then any other melee class.....Jebus, never thought the day would come when I thought rogue damage was insufficient. Its sure nice hitting above 120 (minimum backstab) once in awhile - VI think you could make it so we could?

I would have liked to see AC and Resists mean something finally...

Ring of X... Wow, this was nice for awhile......Wth happened?

Poison - I was hoping they would just remove it from game :). When it actually did something good - you were stuck 5 hours farming components that would be used up in one night - Yes, its fun farming this stuff and having down time while your guild was out exp'ing or whatever . YAY, it didn't even stack too. Honestly, I'm glad only shamens and chanters can slow stuff now. We never should have been able to if they couldn't...but it is broken anyway and doesn't last for a set duration like its supposed to because it checks every tick.

Sneak/hide - Still worthless since everything see's inv where we raid so helping guild CR for us is not feasible.

AAexp - I think they over powered us with Purge poison and Poison mastery. /Sigh. How about a faster refresh rate on backstab or something guys? I mean we can't do anything else in this game anymore but deal damage so give us the ability to do more. Our class is offensively based and ... Going to stop before too many synapses fire.....

Quests - God aweful timesinks that aren't even fun and are required to kill X mob. Wow, we get exp doing it though ,,i,, Hi Mott....

Keys - Like we needed more of these to carry around...or to take months getting.

Tradeskills - How about the ability to make no drop items that benefit your class or something. Yes - I want uber stuff too. Uber by definition means if another guildmate gets awarded it. I can send a tell to Andaas going FU I deserved it. =D

Anyway - This is based on my class ofcourse and other general complaints... Anyone else fearing Planes of Power?

What would you like?

04-22-2002, 04:56 AM
I agree with you exxile. i have little fun in luclin. was killing mobs in COM today and was thinking... damn its nice to bs for over 400 at LEAST once per fight. :(


PS ssra sucks for rogues .. nuke it.:mad:

04-22-2002, 07:02 AM
Remove every RoF event other than burrower

04-22-2002, 07:56 AM
no DTing mobs
camps made easyer for keys or no keys
a kookie kinda wacked out quest to bring back the sleeper in his tomb- i love waking him
BP's that have more than 100hp for melee

04-22-2002, 08:00 AM
I'd like to make every encounter in Luclin more balanced, there shouldn't be an encounter where a Wizard outdamages a melee tenfold.

There shouldn't be an encounter where the melee outdamages a Wizard tenfold.

An encounter where a Wizard does the double damage of a Rogue is ok, as long as there is also encounters where the Rogue can do double the damage of a Wizard. (achieving this should not be done by making a mob resist 90% of all spells, or make all melee's hit for 11 and 1 all the time, since it makes the class affected feel useless, which leads to unwillingness to play).

Revamp the loot tables in Ssra. Someone made a big booboo here, every single loot table in Ssra seem to have at least a few drops that's crap. Where has the NToV type mobs that whatever they dropped it would be something people would actually be happy to loot, and use? Think casters actually use a piercer that procs a dd/stun? Geez.. Should just remove everything, try put a number of weapons spread among the ubers for each class, and make sure each class gets about the same number of weapons to make it more equal. Put more armor pieces on the mobs, there is just too much weapons today in EQ, I myself is carrying around about 8 weapons and 4 bows all the time :P.

Make items more "unique", you've added the skill modifications thingies, now please use them for more stuff than just the high end rogue daggers with + to backstab. A +channeling item for hybrids would be AWESOME, I have a feeling casters would love items with + to defense, perhaps a few + to various melee skills for priests. Focus items is a great idea, but where are they? I have not seen a single one drop, more of them please! Would it be possible to put +150hp and +150 mana on items? If so, do so on the really really good items, to make them "stand out" more. Scimitar of the Mistwalker, Guice of the Deciever is two of the coolest items that has been in EQ, more of those odd and different, but cool items. More Ancient type spells please! Make spell lists wider with a broader selection, but make them drop like just normal items to make sure everyone doesn't have them, to further increase the "uniqueness" of each character.

Take a serious look at AA skills, some are just a joke. Rampage for warriors? Mass Group Buff for Paladins/Magicians/Rangers? Healing Adept/Gift for Rangers? Poison Master for Rogues? the list goes on, ALOT of these needs some reviewing.

Keys - Like we needed more of these to carry around...or to take months getting.

I like the idea of keys, but don't make the key into hours of camping rare dropping items.

I could go on for a long while, but these are probably the most important things. In general I kindof liked SoL, I like the changes that was made to the Ranger class, though the spells we got was pretty gay, all I was asking for was one little CR based DD spell, but instead we get a bunch of buffs :/. At least we got about the best class skills in the game, yay! :).


04-22-2002, 08:33 AM
Also would add a lot more armor drops to luclin ubers, most of it is weapons really (save Tunics and Helms)

04-22-2002, 08:54 AM
Ranger loot. Where is it? 1 worthless sword that procs a huge agro snare. If you have this sword - you're in a high end guild and everything you proc on is going to resist it anyways. Hi, huge agro with no positive effect! What jolt? Sorry almost all luclin mobs resist these now unless they have debuffs stacked on them out the wazoo.

AAXP. Why? We spent hundreds of boring hours getting to level 60 now we have to do it again? Thanks for the 'alternate form of character advancement" but please ditch all the time sinks.

Ranger loot? WHERE IS IT??? (yeah I wouldn't use it anyways but it's always nice to know it's there)

Halfling Rangers - remove them please

Running and emote animations - they suck, please make them not suck anymore :(

Horses - was there ever a point?

Beastlords - give them more of a unique identity rather than just a Shammy/Ranger hybrid. IE: their epics. Give them a totally unique spell line. Something like spells that let's them shape shift into oh say... beasts? Different beast forms augmenting their combat abilities in different ways depending on which form they choose. I don't play a bst but I think that idea is just spiffy.

Double Riposte for Rangers and Rogues..... ...............

Mass group buff for Rangers.... yay if I spend tons of time exping I can CoP the entire guild in one cast! RAWR!!!

04-22-2002, 10:59 AM
Out of all the classes who received Alternate XP, rangers definitely received one of the best with Archery Mastery and the endless quiver (second only to the speciailization increase and critical blast abilities for casters).

Rogues? Rogues do damage. At least we did until the mobs AC went through the Roof. Advanced Trap Negotiation anyone? :|

The ring events, sans burrower worm, are all just overtweaked but fataly flawed crap. Death touches are a cop-out to real challenge and strategy!

04-22-2002, 01:25 PM
If I could have Verant fix any ONE thing...

Put in a quest to bring back the Sleeper..

One time events in game SUCK.

04-22-2002, 01:38 PM
If I created Luclin, I would have put in 20x more monk / bst loot. Jfc guys, there just isn't enough.

Oh and mages should do twice as much damage as any other class (without using pets) and have a new spell that summons a machine to drop rods.

And no more fucking time sinks :(

04-22-2002, 01:39 PM
Luclin is 1 huge timesink. Where should I start?

RoF events
Key Camps
Aaexp that is mostly crappy (there are no arch abilities for clerics that are really worth a damn not to mention every other class)
Hiiiiigh ac mobs that have fights lasting 40 minutes...

The list could go on forever

All I have to say is if Planes of Power is as big of a time sink as Luclin, im leaving for good.

They need more velious expansions... yes They do sir!

04-22-2002, 03:06 PM
I just wish VI would stop swinging from one extreme to another with class balance. They can't seem to ever get it right. Before rangers sucked much ass and weren't really all that much good for anything. Now in situations where archery is effective, they suddenly become on of the top damage dealing classes, period. Rogues sucked hard, then were suddenly incredible powerful, and are now semi on their way to sucking again. Rogues only deal damage, period. That is their one attribute. And the are getting outdamaged by two other melee classes (monk and ranger) on a semi regular basis, with some other classes occasionally outdmging them as well (Paladins). Wizards used to suck, now they are basically what rogues were in Kunark, possibly even more ridiculous.

It's just silly that VI can never seem to find a balance with anything. I shiver to think how powerful mages, druids, and necros are going to be in about 8 months.

As far as Luclin, I want the features that were touted prior to it's release to work.

Umbra- VI claims this is in and working, but that is TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT. If it is working as intended, then they intended it to do fuck all. Go to Ssra and tell me that hidden geometry is actually being removed. Easiest way to tell is by playing with the clip plane. If Umbra was working as advertised prior to release, adjusting the clip plane should not have nearly as dramatic an impact upon frame rate as it does. Fine, it doesn't work? Then stop fucking saying it does, I don't appreciate being lied to.

UI - You guys really fucked the dog again here. It's nearly 5 months since release, and it is nowhere to be found. That's nearly half the developement time you originally had for Luclin. How did this target get missed so badly.

Bazaar - See above, and them being interrelated is irrelevant.

Beastlords - Publicly admitted as being incomplete at the Fan Faire. See above for comments.

I like EQ, I think that no game can touch it still in terms of depth, longevity, and creativity. But that doesn't excuse VI from falsely claiming features would be in the release of Luclin, when indeed they have not been included. There should be a public apology, at the very least for the botched release of this expansion pack. Nearly half of the new features that were originally planned were NOT in for release, or had placeholders (AA skills). There are still significant ones that we still are not benefitting from. The "state of the game" article does not count as an apology, it's half assed. There should be a public press release with a full apology, the state of Luclin at release, and today, is shameful for any game company. Even the fucking patcher had massive mem leaks, hogged resources, and frequently locked up.

04-22-2002, 05:43 PM
Id honestly like to see some of them weapons they think we would use be made rangeable, but then only 1/4th of them would be worth wearing...other then that id have to say more Hp/manna items that exceed 100. Oh and for them to implement stuff they promised ie. Ancient spells and Dropped focus items.

04-22-2002, 11:07 PM
HP fight tonight... out of 30 BS's that landed (prolly 80 attempts or so, not sure, have misses off), 27 were for min damage. Nice.

Out of 463 pierces 254 were for 1 or 12. Yay. Average pierce was 16.

04-23-2002, 12:16 AM
Luclin is nothing but a timesink .. for planes of power =|


04-23-2002, 03:33 PM
I agree with xxx, there really needs to be more items with regeneration effect. Caster fungal regrowth would rock for rods :D

04-23-2002, 04:42 PM
Actually, there shouldn't have been a Fungi tunic in the first place :)

04-23-2002, 06:24 PM
why not

04-23-2002, 06:35 PM
Its the most powerful bp in the game atm - it was released with Kunark - that right there makes it so, heh.

04-23-2002, 06:43 PM
So don't you think mobs like burrower or emp/HP should drop at least a regen item? Zlan heart is nice but it has no mana.

04-23-2002, 08:32 PM
Single most powerful breastplate in the game is still the Donals bp IMO

04-23-2002, 08:50 PM
The original version yes. Current is what it should have originally been I guess, although I think the cast time should be lowered now that you can't reuse it.

And Exxile's reasoning is correct. It is one of the best BP's in game for a lot of classes, and yet it was released in Kunark off a mob that can be farmed with a single group. The fungi tunic alone is probably responsible for 90% of the monk and rogue twinks running around now too!

Regen items are just a bad idea, if any one item has a large amount of regen. However the occasional item with a bit of stackable regen, along the lines of flowing thought, would be pretty cool and useful.

The problem with EQ now is that are so few ways to make new uber items better than those currently available. Ntov loot basically left no head room for anything to come after, and things like stats caps, skill caps, etc etc make most newer items minor upgrades at best for a lot of people.

What is needed is a totally new game, or a total Pwipe and re-itemization. Which do you think will be more popular? :)

BTW, check out eq.castersrealm.com

04-23-2002, 09:48 PM
Any fighting that lasts over 36 seconds makes fungi a better bp! Not counting downtime regen.

Yeah, the fungi tunic was one of VI's biggest mistakes.

04-24-2002, 09:52 AM
*hugs her Fungi Tunic*


04-24-2002, 10:13 AM
There aren't many items in the game that will never become outdated. Fungi tunic, Donals BP and Tolans BP are some of them though.

04-24-2002, 11:29 AM
btw the point of this thread is to up the fungi price!

04-24-2002, 12:11 PM
EQ needs more porn. I mean, what is up with all this kids stuff and G-rated talk? I wanna see some T & A, and I wanna see it quickstyle in EQ2, or whatever.

04-24-2002, 02:10 PM
Yea, we need items with % mods to erectile size please!

01-03-2003, 04:56 AM
bump, your wishes came true EXXILE

01-03-2003, 06:17 AM
hah, just wait until we hit the elemental planes where all the non-MT melees die from 2900 dmg rampages! can't wait! erm, nerf rangers!

01-03-2003, 06:25 AM
If you think I'm getting in range of that ae rampage...you've taken one too many bumps to the head!

01-03-2003, 08:26 AM
bump from SoL release!! so you're pop comments dont apply :D

01-03-2003, 08:51 AM
after dharrk bump

01-07-2003, 12:19 AM
Once you open the elemental planes, the number of regen items increases significantly. Aura of health, Aura of regeneration, Aura of bravery , Aura of valor etc are fairly common.

Max worn regen is capped at 30 though which is dissapointing =/.

As For my own personal desires of PoP? Well...

I'm not one of the folks who has class envy, I enjoy being a rogue greatly, I would however like to do a bit more damage to give us the edge we use to enjoy over the rest of melee. The lines these days are blurred.

We do damage and nothing more. The quickest, easiest way to fix the issue is to give rogues an aa that allows us to decrease the time between backstabs. Maybe by 1 second for 9 aa, or maybe 2 or 3 ranks for 1 second each. 3 seconds shaved from each backstab attempt may be a bit much, but 1 or 2 certainly isnt. For most rogues 40% of our damage comes from backstabs.

Aside from wanting to do a bit more damage, my only complaint is weapon selection. After Khal the next upgrade is Gold dagger from Sol ro, after that is Ifir from Fennin (not yet proven). There are 4 elemental planes and having explored all of them to varying degrees and not found any rogue usable pierces is discouraging.

Marauder Grabbit Allworth
65 Halfling Assassin
Township Rebellion

"The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war."

01-07-2003, 02:12 AM
Heh nothing in my post suggested rangers should be meleeing. Why else would I say to nerf em :P near rogue damage from 400 feet away which means no rampage. The last class we get when we wanna do 1 group overseer kills is rogue!

01-07-2003, 07:16 AM
I'd be happy with all the bosses in Luclin being unique encounters instead of the same old shit for 8 hours. And get a Lunar Fungi from Mini Aten Exx =\

01-08-2003, 12:17 PM
this is a luclin wishlist, at luclin release, bring your pop crap elsewhere :D its like a year old