View Full Version : A long, cool drink of blather

04-22-2002, 11:26 AM
Monday, and I hate work on Mondays. I decided I was going to find out why I hadn't seen Sirensa or Barlo online for weeks and months (this, because I hate work on Mondays, and anything to distract me from work on Mondays has great purpose).

Instead, I spent two hours lurking the Hoss message boards, reading an incredible amount of nothing. Utter shit. Blather. Things so pointless they wouldn't be funny if they weren't so pointless.

God, I loved it. So help me, I loved it.

Lord forgive me, my new guild is full of the kindest, sweetest people, but none of them understand me, understand l33t s@il0r talk, singing in guildchat... I say "yesh" and "pwnd" in guildchat, and no one understood what I said. I may start to cry.

It was sad, in a way, because it reminded me of the good old days (Sirensa, you biotch, whereever you are, you better still have that stupid red bathrobe because after two years I *STILL* can't go into Solusek Ro.)

Someone please remember me... LRon, you never gave me an address so I could send you those fishcakes. They are still in my freezer.

D'Umber / Wheet Wonderful

(GM) "I'm sorry, we can't change your name from Umber to D'Umber, because symbols are not allowed in first names."

(Umber) "Oh. Darn. I really like the name D'Umber."

(GM) "I see on my log here that you have requested a name change 5 times in the last year."

(Umber) "Really?"

(GM) "Yes. I consider that excessive."

(Umber) "Huh. 5 times?"

(GM) "Yes. I want to explain to you that Verant considers it a minor game violation to waste a server GM's time."

(Umber) "It's the alzheimers. Somedays it is really bad. Somedays I can't remember my own name. Somedays I think I'm still in elementary school, and I go and sit in the swings until I realize that I want sex."

(GM) "Alzheimers?"

(Umber) "And worms. Both from my fiance's cat. Very rare. Fortunately, she's a lawyer, so I am set for life."

(GM) "Huh?"

(Umber) "Who are you?"

04-23-2002, 08:19 AM
Hey Umber,

Long time no see...so who is holding the "clue gun" these days?

Tell Stephin hi for me next time you talk to him.


04-23-2002, 03:28 PM
Haha Umberliscious!!!

How have you been bud?
Hope everything is going well for you.

Slippy "Sloppy" Surefoot

04-24-2002, 01:16 PM

I'm on Veeshan server now... and THEY CHANGED MY NAME!!! so it is possible. If you get ahold of your worms and such and remember to ask again of course.. :D

Barlo is on an extended break from the game :( Vile Hobbit, I miss0r him. BUT ALAS - HALFLING TOES IN EQ NOW.

We are saved. Today's patch McWins.

04-24-2002, 02:00 PM
umberella =o

04-25-2002, 03:35 PM
Raedon! :: Just got an email from Steph[en][in] the other day, he is well, busy, working, coming to visit in May, methinks.

Slippy! :: HUZZAH! If I remember correctly, you were along for the first plundering of the Temple of Solusek Ro (ALL "Ooooh, the bathrobe is BEAUTIFUL! What are the stats?" SIRENSA "It is beautiful! The stats are shit, I just wanted one. ")

My fondest Slippy memory is the great pre-Kunark uber-pulls in SolB. Barlo, myself, Wormtongue (enchanter), Dolgath (cleric), and Nibble (mage) all huddled in the window room, with Slippy augering Solusek Kobolds on us like truckloads of Czech crowbars dropped from Skylab.

Slippy: "Bringing one. No ... bringing two."

Barlo: "Cool!"

Slippy: "Bringing three."

Barlo: "Cool!"

Wormtongue: " "

Me: "Full mana"

Dolgath: "Got a cramp. AFK, I gotta go take a crap."

Me: "Wait.."

Slippy: "Bringing four."

Barlo: "We can do it. Wormtongue, be ready to mez the extras." [Note: Although he hid it well, I always knew when Barlo was slightly concerned when he started to tell the people to do the obvious things.]

Oddly, although I can remember the before and after of these heroic pulls, I can never remember the actual fights. I have brief flashes of Wormtongue stuck on the ceiling, getting a pressure check on his water-tight seal, I can remember Barlo bouncing around a lot, I can remember seeing Dolgath sitting. The fights would always end with Nibble up near the zoneline, Nibble's pet dieing somewhere near the Fire Giants, and Barlo saying, "YEAH! FUCK YEAH! Wormtongue, we'll get you a rez as quick as Dolgath gets back."

Slippy: "Where was Dolgath?"


Dolgath: "Back. What movie should I watch next?"

Ah, those days when we were young.

SIRENSA :: AaaaaaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHA! How great to hear from you whatthefuckareyoudoingonVeeshanserveryouBIOTCH?Auu uuugh!


I remember the first time I was partied with SIRENSA! THE FIRST TIME! We were doing the Froglock King, and we got spawn during a pull and had to run, and I saved the parties life by snaring myself in the middle of the room only 10 minutes before Sirensa said that she ABSOLUTELY had to go to bed because she had to work the next day....

Dalkin: "We're going to have to do a CR for Umber."

Sirensa: "He did fucking what?"

Mercyon: "He snared himself."

Me: "Just fuck it, I'll eat the death. I don't give a fuck."

Sirensa: "He did fucking what?"

*sniff* Yes, those were great days.

Syana :: Just /hugs. =)

04-25-2002, 04:07 PM
LMAO Umber =D

The red robe of sexahness was so uber - and that was one of the most fun EQ days hehe. Slippy was always good for a vanity quest :D

Hehe I vaguely remember that froglok king incident.

04-25-2002, 04:23 PM
Syana and Sirensa wearing red robes together was the best!

04-25-2002, 04:56 PM
The nekkid Sirensa and Syana picture was the bestest =D


(will dig up off hard-drive at home hehe)

04-25-2002, 11:50 PM

04-26-2002, 07:57 AM
Heh, I still have the nekkid Sirensa/Syana pic. We were in the lava beetle room in SolB. Can't remember who else was there but that was the night we went and did Fire Giants with just 6 people (this was before Kunark came out).

That was by far one of my best nights in EQ. Torrid having himself chain summoned by giants. I think the zone enjoyed that night as well.

Retired Warder

04-26-2002, 12:28 PM
Nekkid Sirensa?


(it's only fair.. she got to see Grimmy in his underoos)

Buazag Bonesteel
04-27-2002, 09:20 PM
I'm on Veeshan server now... and THEY CHANGED MY NAME!!!

