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05-15-2002, 04:14 PM
Well, Qwest went and did it to me. Ordered my DSL 2 weeks ago, stayed on top of it, checked every couple days to make certain my ISP had record of the DSL line and that all was prepped. DSL was due tomorrow. I called in today for one last check. ISP told me that the line was turned up. Wow! A day early.

Then came the "But..."

"Sir, they set up your line as a DMT DSL and your router will only handle 'Capped.'"

Oh joy. So I call Qwest and get told there is nothing that can be done about it. They don't do capped anymore (nevermind the fact that I had it 2.5 weeks ago). So I bitch and ask for management. 30 minutes later a manager comes on the line and tells me that in circumstances like this there is no problem in returning the line to "capped" status. I start to jump for joy.

Along comes another "But..."

"It will take us until end of day tomorrow (which is my original due date on the order) to finish this, sir."

Okay, I can live with that. Didn't want to, wanted my DSL tonight, but hey that's not too bad.
So I agree to it, give the manager my contact number and finish the call, get back to work.

*Ring Ring*.

"Hi this is Greg."

"Sir, this is *manager's name withheld* at Qwest. I'm sorry"

But... There it is again. Damn that word.

"I have to put this back through as a separate order."

"Which takes 10 business days?"

"Well, I can expedite it to 5 but that's the minimum..."

At this point I am thinking quite a few choice words but I hold my temper (this is amazing for me, must be getting old). So instead I say the following.

"Please tell your superiors that this is dreadful customer service. Not you, you have been trying. Just the general situation. And it is really bad when you consider that over the past 20 months or so your stock has dropped from $63.00 a share to $5.50 or so yesterday. It's unacceptable and I am being pushed more and more toward AT&T Digital phone service and cable modem. After all they did just walk through the neighborhood last week taking a poll on how many wanted their service."

"Yes, sir."


/em pounds head on desk until it all goes away.

05-16-2002, 09:22 AM
YAY Qwest! They suck. Of course I am sorry to tell you Bram, but the customer service you are getting from them is "great" for Qwest standards! *snicker*

Well hope the 5 days hold true and you're up and running soon :)

05-16-2002, 09:37 AM
Bummer to hear it, but I will have to use your absence to
get my smithing to 250 and laugh at you mercilessly.

Yeah, right. Like I have 10 million leather paddings in the


05-16-2002, 12:40 PM
Wait, you can get cable and you're not doing it? Dump DSL now! DSL is eeeeeevil! After months of DSL frustration (they NEVER got my service working) I called AT&T and my cable was up and running by Friday.

05-16-2002, 01:33 PM
Heh. Already maxed fine plate on Bram, Gryfalia. Valr is at 233. I won't reveal what the cultural human smith is at yet ;>

Sirensa, yeah I am just waiting them out.

Obudan--AT&T cable modem is capped at 640k (despite their claims of 1.5mbit). In addition, the upstream is capped at 128k. Add to this the fact that cable modem degrades depending on the load while my DSL doesn't (my ISP sees to it that only a small number of individuals are on each DSL circuit they run). With my DSL I end up with 640k down, 256 k up, and an incredibly stable connection with no fluctuations in speed. The only connection issues for EQ tend to be in zones like Kael and I think that is my computer's fault. It tries gallantly but it is just a PIII 600. ;>

The only problem I have had with either my US West or Qwest DSL is in getting it installed. The first time it took 3 weeks. The second time it took 4. Now this time it was up after 2 weeks but they are adding another week because they can't pull their collective heads out of each other's nether orifices.

So as much as I hate their customer service, I would prefer to have the DSL. I have, however, placed them on notice. Cable modem is available and if they keep this up, I _will_ do something about it ;>


05-17-2002, 07:16 AM
Bram just doesn't want to come back cause he's afraid I'll punt him again

05-17-2002, 07:31 AM
Is anyone missing this guy? :o

05-17-2002, 08:02 AM
Ouch... I'm hurt, Exxile. Truly hurt. I thought I meant something to ya. Uncle Rhedd, forget to heal this guy, willya? ;>


05-17-2002, 08:18 AM
Rhedd doesn't have to be ASKED to forget to heal someone, he forgets naturally ;)

Course... most dorfs are like that. It's quite vile.

05-17-2002, 08:33 AM



05-17-2002, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Obudan
Wait, you can get cable and you're not doing it? Dump DSL now! DSL is eeeeeevil! After months of DSL frustration (they NEVER got my service working) I called AT&T and my cable was up and running by Friday.


^^ I gave up on DSL long time ago, and cable is faster and sometimes cheaper anyway (if your cable company owns a local internet company)... Well good luck with all that ish :rolleyes:

05-17-2002, 08:57 AM
Sirensa still lusting after my body are you?

05-17-2002, 10:45 AM
Doh.. AT&T here is 1.5/384 with no degradation due to load.

05-17-2002, 11:34 AM
Rhedd let me die at Upper Dogs once cause he was watching TV :(

05-17-2002, 03:14 PM

My brother claims that all the activity lights are blinking on my DSL router.


He says that he can get out to Netscape's home page.


It can't be real. They're just playing with my mind. I know they didn't get it done five days before the due date. I just know it.


05-17-2002, 03:28 PM

Clearly your brother is a vile dorf like you!


05-17-2002, 03:34 PM
Would you believe that he is even dorfier than I am? Shorter too ;>

I keep trying to turn him to the dark side. After all I have a warrior he can play. But he keeps playing Starcraft and Diablo II.

Course when I start my Neverwinter Nights server I am sure he'll be all over that.