View Full Version : cleric / shaman read pls

06-03-2002, 06:07 AM
i am making cleric/shaman port stone, these stone give shm/cleric unlimited ablity to PORT back to their home city. it one of best cleric / shaman item available.

one of big problem of cleric is they need to bind near zone they hunting for rez purpose, this make it hard to bank.

with port stone, cleric can bind in ME, SD, Seb, and still be able to bank, learn tradeskill, buy pdot, food, do trade, manastone back fm, anytime they want. as a wiz, i really envy this ability.

it really hard to explain, those who bought the stone from me, their reaction usually is wow, omg, this is mad etc, and price is very reasonable.

send me Gvivi a tell in game if you are interested pls. or email to gvivieq@hotmail.com, i am on 8-11pm est usually. if you on different time zone, ask u friend send me tell. stone will be delivered same day in most cases.

ps: if you feel this is out of place, move to trade forum pls, but i don't know if anyone read trade forum :(

<a href=http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=193192> Gvivi - retired from battleground veteran sorcerer</a>
Maker of quality products, satisfying all you pottery and tinker need.

06-03-2002, 07:36 AM
:D :D :D

06-03-2002, 08:06 AM
zappo, don't get excited, and try to fool me, i know u true color.

halfling are worst customers in this planet. rogue by definition is thief, but halfling, my friend, they r true devil. they look so sweet, talk sweet too, and seem to be most innocent people in whole norrath with their little twist.

now, of halfling i had deal with, jixi told me he is totally broke, but can give me 20 wedding cake in exchange, (yike, i bought into it) skuttle told me he is even more broke than jixi, (i bought into that too), zappo told me, well, he sux, he did not even tell me he is broke.

now, i understand cleric often r poor because they got blackmailed on spending so much money on pdot. but all lvl 60 halfling who play 12 hour a day are all out of money?

i need to start study conspiracy theory, and take a closer look into this race, they r definitely sneaker than rogue, hum, for stater, they look like hobbit.

06-03-2002, 08:26 AM
zappo is pure rog
ill post pic when i get home :\

06-03-2002, 12:03 PM
Gvivi Woot can i got one for Free PLease i dont have Loot Qaediin will not give on the LOOT..

06-03-2002, 12:11 PM
Well, there was no price listed so give me a free one too!

..and this is the wrong forum to try to sell things.

06-03-2002, 12:21 PM
someone told me in business, nothing is free sendain, i have used majority of my pottery material for ex l`malla shaman cleric and their famous twinks come out of nowhere that i never heard of.

on days like today, we learn how important good balance sheet is. even thru i just started learning how to do business, i can sense u r trying to rip me off, as an high elf ex ex l`malla, what shame!

but send me a tell anyway, had not talked to u in ages, send me an email if u want :)

(low low prices means everything will end with 99, ie, 1.99, 19.99, 199.99, 19999.99)

06-04-2002, 08:39 AM
gvivi i am selling my body for 499999.99