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06-05-2002, 09:38 PM
And other Canadians outta the country! Here are some links to the stuff going down with the gov't atm, read up!






Of course that's just some of the stuff... it's all pretty interesting if you are even mildly concerned about the government. Tomorrow there is the very extremely totally not likely at all possibility that the government could possibly come down, if enough liberals decide to either abstain from voting or vote no to a bill being put through tomorrow. No idea if that has ever happened before in a majority government, but regardless it would be pretty significant.

My personal favorite though, is our former defense minister awarding an untendered contract to his ex-girlfriend (I think she is 20 years younger too!) to write a 14 page report on environmental hazards to soldiers for $35,000. Her claims that she was being attacked because she is "an attractive woman having a relationship with an older man" is classic as well.

Also, the PM's comments that it was A-okay that millions of dollars are missing or were improperly spent, as long as Quebec wasn't trying to secede again, were both funny and depressing at the same time.

06-05-2002, 09:46 PM
The Liberal goverment is fucked. Here in BC people are allready moving to the states or anywhere that is non-liberal goverment. In the next month myself and 1000's of health care workers are going to be laid of due to mass privatization and selling of health care.

06-05-2002, 10:40 PM

Am I the only one going "Sorry, what?" after reading that? :D

06-06-2002, 06:23 AM
Prolly Khael!

And Zarxen, the stuff going on in BC is neccessary. It sucks if you worked for the gov't, but let's face it, BC's socialist policies were killing its economy. It simply wasn't working. Alberta went through this ten years ago, everyone hated Klein for a few years because of all the cutbacks, but now he can basically just snooze through an election and get voted back in, because the economy is on fire here.

06-06-2002, 06:38 AM
Someone play that leaf country's anthem so I can boo it

06-06-2002, 07:19 AM
Oh Canada,
our home and native land..


06-06-2002, 08:41 AM
The defense minister got fired for that, too. You know you're a REAL screw up when you get fired from the government..

06-06-2002, 12:02 PM
Wow, thanks Eomer. I've been keeping fairly up to date on BC politics still, but haven't been keeping up national politics. I can't believe Chretien did that!

The Liberal goverment is fucked. Here in BC people are allready moving to the states or anywhere that is non-liberal goverment.

The saddest thing is.. what other party can we possibly put in? The NDP goverment are the one's who made our economy such a mess in the first place - and every time they've ever gotten voted in they did the same thing. Eomer's right in that we need some major changes (although I don't think that anyone in the current liberal goverment has half the intelligence or common sense of Klein). I'm just highly skeptical that our current Liberal goverment has any clue on how to go about making those changes in a sensible manner. Ahh well.. perhaps next election we'll see a Green Party goverment! (yes I'm joking =p)

06-06-2002, 01:02 PM
Actually, Klein never really had much of a plan, he just kind of hacked and slashed the shit outta everything randomly, and he lucked out with oil and natural gas shooting up in the early 90's. It's really amusing actually, the gov't has no long term plans, last year they were handing out billions in new spending to everyone, tax breaks, you name it, cause the province was so filthy rich, but then Sept. 11 happened and they yanked 90% of the new funding. They just kind of go from one year to the next.

That said, I hope Klein moves to national politics, as he may possibly be the only person capable of fully uniting the right into one party again, otherwise we are stuck with the Liberals for damn near ever.

But seriously Zarx, would you rather go back to Glen Clark or his cronies? The man is on trial atm! The sad thing is though, people in BC won't have the patience to give the gov't more than a few years to turn things around, which will take a miracle. Without that miracle, next election the NDP (commies) will promise new spending and development programs etc etc, get voted in, toss billions around like it's going out of style, be popular, and run the province further into debt. 10 years ago Alberta went through the same thing, and now EVERYONE is moving here from across the country. Vacancy rate on apartments in Edmonton and Calgary has been at or below 1% for over two years now.

06-06-2002, 01:11 PM
With everything going on atm in this province in relation to health care, the disabled, the elderly it has made a large portion of people in BC very dubious to the liberal government atm. Yes the NDP really messed up the budget, they are not necessarily the answer either, but the NDP didn't open up binded contracts like the liberal government did. Gordon Campbell reached into binding hospital contracts and had written a new contract(called bill 29) which is why the Hospital Empoyees Union is suing the goverment atm.


It's as if I came to you for a morgage and I have a contract for x amount of years and decide at such a time I am just going to rip it up and rewrite it without your consent, which is exactly what the liberals did with our contracts which were not due and which is why alot of people in BC no longer trust the liberal Government.

06-06-2002, 03:05 PM
I inherently hate unions and the massive power they wield, so if anything that news sort of makes me happy in a way. I don't have a problem with unions per say, but I do have a problem with massive ones that have so much clout they can bring a society essentially to its knees.

The teachers here went on strike province wide two months before students were to write their diplomas, demanding a 20% raise. They put themselves and their pay raise ahead of the lives of all the grade 12's in the province. Had Klein not forced them back to work, they would have essentially but tens of thousands of people's lives on hold for a year, with the way university registration works.

If companies can't have monopolies (which I whole heartedly agree with), why should unions essentially be allowed to have a monopoly on labor?

Now, I agree that it really sucks when people go back on a promise, but if that promise was made in unfair circumstances (as is often the case with union contracts), my sympathy lessens. I have heard enough horror stories from relatives and friends who work in union shops/factories/companies and experienced them firsthand, to thoroughly despise them. It just makes me glad that Alberta is bringing in legislation to restrict some of their more disgusting practices in the construction industry, like salting, MERF, and several other things.

06-06-2002, 03:41 PM
Gee am I the only one from ontario? do I HAVE to write something about how the PC party has dicked around way over here? ><

<edit>I will you know, I'm just not good at off the top of my head posts! Hell, I'm not good with posts at all! :p</edit>

06-06-2002, 09:26 PM
Cutbacks is one thing, but when it effects the quality of health care and provisions for the elderly and disabled then the province starts to react in a big way. Yes the costs in health care are expensive, however the way he went about it with Hospital closures and bed closures making it painstaking for people that need surgergy and have to fly out of their hometown to Downtown Vancouver is making for alot of angry people. Also we were told that he would not tamper with hospital contracts which obviously we were lied to about.

Of note in todays news he has stated that his next target is the cost of housing( of which anyone who lives in Vancouver would realize is ridiculously expensive) I wonder why he didn't start there and other areas, instead of putting putting medicare at such a risk as it is atm.

06-07-2002, 12:31 AM
I`m sooo glad im dumb and dont understand a single word of any of the posts. :cool:

06-07-2002, 08:30 AM
Glad I'm not alone Vestax :D

06-07-2002, 10:33 AM
I'm glad I'm not Canadian :o:o