View Full Version : lilcix...

06-13-2002, 09:01 PM
hey chris sup mang, you will prollyh be back in cali by the time you read this, or maybe not, i dunno, anyway, i need your email mang, gonna miss you , smoking buddy : (..

As a tribute to my nig Lilcix, i shall be sexen up Miami and the Caribbean With this special hat of oenaj (/poke chris) , look forward to other future pics of me macking it hard in the bahamas ;D...

but here are some pics of me seshin it up in miami!

2 more days and im in the bahams brah, booze and island women, cannot wait!

(austin_vac1.jpg -- austin_vac6.jpg)

anyway mang, drop me a line at nitsua17x@hotmail.com

later ..

Ps: sorry bout this hawss, if he replies that he got it, or says that he read it or something, feel free to delete post, just that this was pretty much the only way i had of getting in touch, and im to lazy to do a priv message ..


06-14-2002, 12:45 AM
my poor poor hat =(( I'm going to miss you man =/ (to lazy to email )

vac_6 -- Lovely feet =O

..and for anybody else who is reading this, he really talks like this in real life!

06-14-2002, 12:49 PM
lies, i talk liek woah.

06-14-2002, 04:33 PM
you live in miami?

06-18-2002, 03:35 PM
I was in miami waiting for my cruise to start, anyway, the bahamas where r33t, got to swim with sting rays in the blue lagoon , and uh, bought some cool stuff at nassau market, (they had hand carved ganja pipes that would blow your mind), got back on the boat, next day was at sea and i set myself on fire by laying out on the deck listening ot the jamacan band play and drinking coronas and these special rum filled fruit drinks called Love Connections for 4 hours, woke up today and like, im burnt to a crisp, and a lil hungover, not bad tho.

I look out our state-room window and we are in fawken St. Thomas, one of the most beautiful places ive ever seen, so we go thru imigration, and get in a cab and take a sight seeing tour, was so awesome, went to the market there and got some more stuff, then got sleepy so came back to the ship, and went to sleep on the top deck (sun wasnt really out today, so no chance of being burnt), anyway, after several drinks and i decide to take a nap , after about 3 hours I woke up, and there is noone around like the whole deck short of maybe 5 people was cleared, I look down and for some unknown reason to me ive got the biggest fucking hardon ive ever produced, The LD was standing abroad today my friends, anyway, I sat up in an attempt to hide the monster i had let lose on the caribbean, and infront of me is this nice Latin family, im like turning red for 2 different reasons now , so i straighten in my chair up, attempt to tuck the one eyed monster down a bit, sit back,and slowly try to wake myself up, i noticed the wife is very very pretty and it looked like her and her husband where giggling at something (no doubt the little show i had just put on for them).

She seemed somewhat familiar but I couldnt put my finger on wether or not I had seen her on the cruise, or somewhere else, after all there are lots and lots of hot latin women on this cruise, then as i closed my eyes, she called out to her young daughter and it hit me like a ton of bricks, ...That voice, I KNOW that voice, I then thought back to whenever my mom would drive me to and from places before i got my Truck, the music she would listen to, that voice...but who was it??? I looked up again and was looking directly at gloria estefan , so i was like, wow heh, she looked at me, smiled, i smiled back, and uh, kinda waved, and it was cool, i then got up and went and told my mum/sis, both whom love her to death, and they all camd down and got pictues and talked to her for a while, very very very open and nice lady, very tiny to! she was pint sized, i was kind of shy since since i had just embarrased the hell out of myself, imgaine if you will the following... Stoner looking Guy in pool chair, laid back, several bottles of corona roling around under his seatr, his shirt open, exposing his oh so sexy hairy lobster colored chest, , hat over my eyes, with a huge fucking bone, seshy yes? :D

So to sum it up ,

I got bling bling-afied ms.cleo style in the bahamas, swam with the rays,

Got burndeded up at sea,

Saw st.thomas and fell in love, and last but not least

..thats right folks...

Gave Gloria Estefan the one eyed monster salute! :(

heh, anyway im gonna go check out the comedy special they are having tonight and then hit this night club they have called "The Chamber", this place is fucking amazing if any of you have a chance to take a cruise, I would highly recomend it, have never seen so many thongs in my entire life 0_0, and I still have 3 more stops to go! L8R~~

lilcix~~ email me you fag, nitsua17x@hotmail.com....


06-18-2002, 03:53 PM
60 posts, oh yush!

06-18-2002, 05:05 PM
how the hell you have 60 posts twice in a row? isn't it supposed to like, go up and shit.

06-18-2002, 05:11 PM
When it does, all previous posts are changed retro-actively :)

06-19-2002, 08:36 PM
Your story doesnt add up. How could you be giving gloria estefan the one-eye'd salute?

You dickless bastard should of invited me asshole asshole asshole. Oh, the enraged anger of sexual frustration.

06-20-2002, 08:30 AM
and you sir should of given me your email address~ we are even now, tata~

teehee, i saw her again yesterday, at the formal dinner, she was sitting with the "Cap-e-tawn" at the main table, but anyway, we are in labadee now, and i go out, l8r negroz & sirz

06-25-2002, 05:10 AM
omfg...been a while that i last time tried to find some of my old friends on Druzz....

LILCIX ! hope you been good and remember the little half elf warrior Sevarin heh

Just checked your Magelo.. remember the day when you showed me your TM BP in ec ( feck i lost every duel against you there :p )

Well, Sev is retired on AB somewhere but i ll drop in from time to time on Druzz to look around for some friends...

You know whats up with Kenny? Aquaarius? hes still around? :)
( not sure now if he has been in Hoss or LīMalla sry heh )

Take care and hope you enjoy EQ again after you took ya break while ago,

Good luck to the rest of Hoss of course too ;)


56th Myrmidon

06-25-2002, 04:05 PM
Good to see you again man =D

Aquarrius/kenyu quit awhile ago..he ninja logs in to say hi every few months though =p

Come back from AB..its ghey~

druzzil ro > antonnious

06-26-2002, 07:25 AM
Saw ya online !

Hmm if i would start on druzz again than with a new char =P , will see heh

sad to hear that kenny left :( , if ya see him though say hi from me please

and also to : Dragg and Kylinea ( sp )l, Kyndig/Faulk, Rease!,Cinte,Urgas.. reached all others but if ya like do me a favour and spank Thornteq and Miro for me....never won a duel ;)

Do me favour man and ask Miro if he wants Birnbaum as surname :p hah ( dun ask, just do so! )

and something i really dunno ....whos Berry White? /boggle

Cya man, will drop in prob at the weekend again to say hi.
