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06-21-2002, 12:52 AM
I know *some* of you have taken some screenshots of me saying stupid shit - so I'm calling you all out now - POST IT. =P

Should be good for some laughs tomorrow (today), whatever.

06-21-2002, 01:02 AM
why so bored Andy? hehehehe

wait... why so bored Qutte? o.0

06-21-2002, 01:47 AM
Not a screenshot really.. but here's my favorite for this month.. :D

[Wed Jun 13 18:17:26 2002] GUILD MOTD: Andaas - Cursed/Emperor - Oh yeah, lets all pay attention and stop doing stupid shit

Now.. to set the stage :D Klerik (Andaas cleric alt) is my cleric in group for Vyzh'dra the Cursed (nasty AE dot)

[Wed Jun 12 19:26:41 2002] Trazz tells the group, 'yur gonna die!~'
[Wed Jun 12 19:26:42 2002] You say, 'yeah.. I'm not getting healed now'
[Wed Jun 13 19:26:42 2002] You died.
[Wed Jun 12 19:26:59 2002] Klerik tells the group, 'looked away, lol'
[Wed Jun 12 19:27:03 2002] Klerik tells the group, 'consent me Elid'

06-21-2002, 03:30 AM
One thing that I have learned about Andaas/Klerik is that he is all about death, and usualy to himself. But he brings death with him and I have found out that if I stay clear away from Andaas death will avoid me and stick with him and the Mob that he is foolish enuff to pull.

06-21-2002, 09:47 PM
Got like 80 screenshots of diff people saying funny stuff so not gonna post them - just gonna make you trust me instead! :p


These were during cursed...

Vidmer tells the group, 'hrmm gonna equip my highest damage weapon and take off all my disease gear'

Lepra tells the guild, 'Kurbi, you didn't even go through my rune =|'

Trazz tells the guild, 'Xuen you hit like a sissy'


Funny thing I noticed while we were fighting creator:

You say, 'k whatever ;p'
Xerkizh the Creator says ''


Drakky tells the guild, 'im gonna start singing in guildchat soon'

at least he gave warning :/


I think we need a new forum: Drakky's Newbie Center...

Drakky tells the guild, 'im responding to newbie tells today'
Drakky tells the guild, 'usually i tell them to fuck off'
Drakky tells the guild, 'so this newbie sends me a tell and hes like'
Drakky tells the guild, 'are friends good?'
Drakky tells the guild, 'im like ya... they are good but you can have friends and still suck at the game'
Drakky tells the guild, 'and hes like true'
Drakky tells the guild, 'then hes like wanna make a new friend?'

Drakky tells the guild, 'ROFL I just told this newbie to shut up and he said k'

Drakky tells the guild, 'can i FUCKING PORT THIS NEWBIE TO WC? FFUCK NEWBIES'
Drakky tells the guild, 'fucking barbarian wiz thats me'

Drakky tells the guild, 'FUCKING NEWBIES WONT LEAVE ME ALONE :('

Drakky tells the guild, 'asdf.'
Drakky tells the guild, 'o boy do i ever hate people :|!'
Drakky tells the guild, 'BYE'


The almighty "clerics hating their guild"-screenshots (aka amberel hating us all):

Sylvia tells the guild, 'sigh. I hate my guild : ('

Amberel tells the guild, 'I hate my guild'

Amberel tells the guild, 'I hate you all!!'

Amberel tells the guild, 'I hate my guild =\'

(and yes, they were all different instances :p)

Also thought I had one of Zappo saying it, and someone else that I can't remember, but I musta missed taking the SS of them :(




Turtull is no longer enraged.


Mintin tells the guild, 'Ok, the frigging red little imp inside my alarm clock is FIRED! =|'


There are 172 players in Kael Drakkal.


Vido tells the guild, 'how come no one ever tries to molest me?'
Sylvia tells the guild, 'Because Vidmer doesnt want to shar? and everyone knows halflings are dirty : /'
Vido tells the guild, 'jsut because im a minion of bertoxxulous doesnt mean my hump toy is dirty =/'
Storme tells the guild, 'no, it means it's diseeased'


Icetooth says Cannot open file IT63^636^1^15^0^0^0^0^0^0^0^-1^0^0^0^0^0^0^1 ...

(kept going for like a page but I don't feel like typing it!)


This is while we were clearing fear real fast to get to CT:

Vidmer tells the guild, 'I swear hoss is like the scooby crew, we run around in every random direction but still beat the bad guys'
Cazic Thule shouts 'Denizens of Fear, your master commands you to come forth to his aid!!'
Cazic Thule shouts 'Denizens of Fear, your master commands you to come forth to his aid!!'
Andaas tells the guild, 'now who aggro'd?'


Nesuril tells the guild, 'Zappo asked a girl to a prom and in the Hotel after, he found out it was a man?'
Zappo tells the guild, 'he was cute'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'Was it the penixx that gave it away Zappo?'


Arcius tells the guild, 'did vegar go afk in ass or something?'


We were locking the wizards up to TL us back while fighting the prae's of Sseru, and well...:

Nuuk tells the guild, 'And wtf this guard runs up to Burnem and goes "Hi burnem how are you?" WTF'
Nuuk tells the guild, 'he didnt even hail it'
Burnem tells the guild, 'I think he want a TL to bind /cry'


Drakky tells the guild, 'darkenz tells you thought i heard your name sposedly has best ac/hp on this server but your equipment doesnt seem all that impressive'
Drakky tells the guild, 'darkenz tells you must be someone else'


Lestax has challenged you to duel to the death!
Lestax tells the group, 'LEMM HIT U'
Lestax tells the group, 'LEMME HIT YA'
Lestax tells the group, 'LEMME HIT U'
Lestax tells the group, 'LEMME FUCKING HIT U!'

I ended up accepting duel and stood around for 10 minutes looking at him, but he couldn't hit me. No screens of that though :(


Prepping for Tunare and cleaning up PoG...

Lola tells the guild, 'Single black panther, ISO guild to dispell. Enjoys wooded planes, Tunarean dirty talk, and blue diamonds.'


AEing droga and Vestax runs off to con the one mob in there that's on Chardok faction. He's been kos forever like, and checked every now and then to see if he got out of it...

Vestax tells the group, 'WOOT! INDEF'
Vestax tells the group, 'fuck at last heh'
Selenajra tells the group, 'check invis...'
Vestax tells the group, 'no comment'


Somewhere in Ssra..

Nesuril tells the guild, 'Who LFG? I am making a group of highly trained special force recruits, dedicated to overthrowing Cobra, an evil terrorist organization determined to rule the world.'


Andriana tells the guild, 'Americens can drive? I thought they all just shot each other with firearms, and burnt down their cities.'
Parak tells the guild, 'no that's texas andri'


Vidmer says, 'i need 2 people whore are lfg, we have zappo, that should be enough of an incentive'
Selenajra says, 'whore lfg? where?'

later that evening,

Drakky tells the guild, 'someone have room for me?'
Drakky tells the guild, 'i dont wanna group with zappo though'


When you wished you were a rogue...

Selenajra says, 'open sesame'
Andriana says, 'Shazam.'
Andriana says, 'Go web go'
Lonskils says, 'booga booga'
Selenajdra says, 'gfd it'
Stitz says, 'ok everyone sit down and close your eyes 5sec'

Scary thing is that it opened after stitz said that :p


Drakky tells the guild, 'FUCK YOU ZAPPO AND YOUR HOTKEY OK? :D'


Just keeled IV and he dropped some crap common spells noone needs...

Nuuk tells the guild, 'crap spells'
Lonskils tells the guild, '8('
Exxile tells the guild, 'wth nuuk try to sound excited atleast =\'
Nuuk tells the guild, 'Ok WOW Crap SPELLS COOL'


Stomp plonking for rampage on IV...

Stompetta tells the guild, 'Sure, watch my Aedail impersonation'
Aedail tells the guild, '!'
Drakky tells the guild, 'dont spread your legs stomp'
Vidmer tells the guild, 'that was unnecessary imagery...'
Drakky tells the guild, 'what, i thought that would be the aedail impersonation'


Just had a wipe somewhere... (zappo on apa atm, zappo camped

Exxile tells the guild, 'Target still here'
Aparatus tells the guild, 'ok target can hurt zappo bad'
Exxile tells the guild, 'hrmm depoped'
Inizen tells the guild, 'whys mopatpats corpse vibrating =P'
Burnem tells the guild, 'its funny lol'
Exxile tells the guild, 'I thought that was just me =P'
Burnem tells the guild, 'same exxile'
Burnem tells the guild, 'they killed him so bad, he still twitching'


Aedail tells the guild, 'omg I found your gnome Syl, how much will you pay for head?'


Conversation regarding the pictures Vestax have of him/his room... to be more specific, a certain item in his room...

Lylala tells hotness:2, 'Lets not go there again...'
Vestax tells hotness:2, 'FU lyl = ('
Vinen tells hotness:2, 'then WTF is it~'
Vestax tells hotness:2, 'ITS A lava lamp thingy!'
Drakky tells hotness:2, 'no vestax ;|'
Lylala tells hotness:2, 'Sure!'
Vinen tells hotness:2, 'Giant Dildo~'
Vestax tells hotness:2, 'happy?'


Eomer says, 'so like the mail man coming to my door screwed me :/'
Eomer says, 'uh wait, that sounds bad'


Drakky tells the guild, 'its ok if jyn lets me die!'
Amberel tells the guild, 'o_O'
Jynere tells the guild, 'omg everyone write that down'


Nesuril tells the guild, 'Some newbie comes up and inspects me and says: magic plz'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'He says: more magic plz'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'he says: ok'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'can sell me a weapon?'
(missing screenshot - think that it's nes telling the noob he has a missle for sale)
Nesuril tells the guild, 'He says: want prey of the missle ..oh, he means price.'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'He has 345 copper'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'Think I should sell my missle for that?'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'he wants my missle for free'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'haha. I told this guy I'd sell my missle for 350 copper'


Drakky tells the guild, 'owned when i said lvl 20 war lookin for a duel and this 27 druid comes up to me and /duels me'
Drakky tells the guild, 'hit him once he starts running, as hes running he sends me the tell "YOU FUCKING CUNT YOU ARENT LVL 20!!!"'


Vestax just got a mace that procs a detaunt.. so he gets aggro, and decides to try it out... (I was playing atreid at the time)

Vestax tells the group, 'MY MACE AINT PROCING'
You begin to cast a spell.
Vestax experiences a quickening.
Teutebod tells the group, 'CH Vestax'
Vestax tells the group, 'PRoc!'
Vestax tells the group, 'YAY'
a Tae Ew protector says, 'You will not evade me Vestax!'
Vestax makes a rude gesture at a Tae Ew protector


Missing alot of this conversation :( Hope someone can back it up with their own ss' :D
* = how i recall it, no screenshot to back it up..

*Nesuril tells the guild, 'Zappo will be here soon'
*Nesuril tells the guild, 'I can hear thunking and slapping sounds through the wall' (or something like that)
*Zappo tells the guild, 'hi all, sorry I'm late'
(can't remember, there was a referance to the 'thunking' sound and stuff, and then something about clothes...)
Zappo tells the guild, 'yeah i stole her brothers pants and one of her chick belts :|'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'Now you guys know I am not lying =o'
Vidmer tells the guild, 'whats the stats on the belt?'
Xuen tells the guild, 'Zappo was like humphumphump*looksatwatch*humphumphump! K, done, gotta goto a raid, bye'
Zappo tells the guild, 'uber +cha'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'now you know what the slapping sounds were'


Some more door-humping in ssra... We're all "pushing" the door to open it!

Lola says, 'All your fat?'
Sazar says, 'Kick it for 92 Parak.'
Nesuril yells for help from behind you and to the right
Widespreadd says, 'need to get exx up here i'm pickless tonight'
Parak says, 'you know what's gonna happen'
Nesuril says, 'JUST A LITTLE HARDER'
Parak says, 'is ws is gonna open the door adn we're gonna aggro the 2 ig's =P'

(earlier door, same night)

Nuuk says, 'OPEN SESAME'
Trazz says, 'ummm... Hokis pokis?'
Andaas tells the guild, 'we forget a rogue? =P'
Nuuk says, 'OPEN SESAME Please?'
Nuuk says, 'FU open up stupid door'


And finally, the Andaas-things I could find :)

Andaas tells the guild, 'motd updated'
GUILD MOTD: Andaas - Xerkizh dead, Arch Lich dead, Blood dead, Hoss dead - YAY!

Andaas tells the guild, 'omg - I'M NOT DRINKING YET'
Andaas tells the guild, 'AFK'

Andaas tells the guild, 'we should all petition for Verant to change the Creator fight - I think it would be just as challenging if they just spawned a bag of loot on his platform every 7 days.'

Tarissa tells the guild, 'well, one time in ssraa i asked where andy was, and he said deep in the ass area =\'

Andaas tells the guild, 'I watch buffy'

Hrm that turned into alot :p

06-22-2002, 12:12 PM
"Missing alot of this conversation Hope someone can back it up with their own ss'
* = how i recall it, no screenshot to back it up..

*Nesuril tells the guild, 'Zappo will be here soon'
*Nesuril tells the guild, 'I can hear thunking and slapping sounds through the wall' (or something like that)
*Zappo tells the guild, 'hi all, sorry I'm late'
(can't remember, there was a referance to the 'thunking' sound and stuff, and then something about clothes...)
Zappo tells the guild, 'yeah i stole her brothers pants and one of her chick belts :|'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'Now you guys know I am not lying =o'
Vidmer tells the guild, 'whats the stats on the belt?'
Xuen tells the guild, 'Zappo was like humphumphump*looksatwatch*humphumphump! K, done, gotta goto a raid, bye'
Zappo tells the guild, 'uber +cha'
Nesuril tells the guild, 'now you know what the slapping sounds were' "

The chicks like hamster or some thing pissed ALL over me : (

also http://www.hossguild.com/forums/showthread.php3?s=&postid=40234#post40234


06-22-2002, 02:44 PM
Hey guys..Nexten here at zappo's..can't seem to get my internet up tonight so i figured i'd post this at his house.Some of the messages didn't come out as clearly as i'd hoped

06-22-2002, 02:45 PM
the second half

06-25-2002, 04:51 AM
See! these people aint saints!

06-25-2002, 08:26 AM
Once again my name appears nowhere on the list of slanderous quotes, a true rose among the thorns!

06-25-2002, 08:32 AM
Mine doesn't either Tilea. This must mean im perfect too =oo

06-25-2002, 08:40 AM
Rhedd, my ego is starting to grow again, can you come back to EQ and keep me humble? Otherwise I might wind up just like you!


06-25-2002, 04:03 PM
He cant kick your butt if he said to post them! doooo eeet~

06-25-2002, 05:39 PM

06-25-2002, 05:53 PM
yah WTF look at those wannabe monks kurbi and trazz

06-26-2002, 07:22 AM
That's what you get for not passwording your channel!

06-26-2002, 07:52 AM

Thanks Arcius :D

06-26-2002, 03:17 PM
And some more!

06-26-2002, 04:09 PM
Not an Andaas quote.. but amusing anyway..

06-27-2002, 07:01 AM
The funniest question I was ever asked was from a random tell from I think.. a level 20 druid or something.

Druid tells you, "Do you get kicked out of Hoss is you lose level 60?"

Hehe, that was so cute.

07-01-2002, 12:21 PM

07-01-2002, 01:36 PM
I'm holding ransom on Vestax for a particular screenshot, but I might just post it if he doesn't cash up!

07-01-2002, 01:38 PM
do it!!!

07-02-2002, 01:25 AM
Khael :p ........!!!!!!!!!

oh and i lub zappo.

07-02-2002, 01:26 AM

07-02-2002, 02:06 AM
I was feeling mean... :p


At this point I'm like, WTF that's something Vest would say... so then the explanation comes...


So now I'm like "woot, nice SS!", and watch the guy beg for mercy!



07-02-2002, 02:21 AM
Nuuk was desperate to get a Maiden Eye shard for his VT key, so he made me an offer i couldn't refuse =\....

07-02-2002, 06:23 AM
omg vestax i stole that quote and you posted it :\

07-02-2002, 06:57 AM
Erm.... uuhhhhhhh im in trouble :eek:

My Execuse was..... errr...... i got you 2 bubs of exp tho aby!

07-02-2002, 10:02 AM
zappo i miss u :(

07-02-2002, 11:01 AM
Nuuk wtf =p

07-02-2002, 11:19 AM
*smacks Vest silly*

07-02-2002, 11:38 AM
pickle :|

07-02-2002, 12:33 PM
McPickle me up before you gogo~!

07-02-2002, 12:54 PM
........ perhaps its best if i don't say anything. hehe

07-02-2002, 02:27 PM
lol thats some funny shiznit

07-02-2002, 02:37 PM
Its ok AMB, what you didnt see was who he chose!!

Sendain, I'd watch your back man :) Kallaill wants you!!

07-02-2002, 02:43 PM

07-02-2002, 02:55 PM
I don't think you have anything to worry about Amberel, Kallaill obviously has a thing for High Elf men..

Don't let that Bear Head fool you....:eek:

07-03-2002, 12:28 AM
this means war my frnd WAR..... :eek:

07-03-2002, 12:34 AM
When mounts go wild, tonight on FOX.....

07-03-2002, 01:04 AM
What does Hoss do when were bored you ask? ......

07-10-2002, 10:21 PM
Bwahaha Karen :D

07-23-2002, 03:47 PM
Payback is sooo sweet :D

07-24-2002, 01:49 AM
Rofl Lmao....Damn Van..didn't know u were freaky like that.......:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

07-24-2002, 02:14 AM
/makes fun of vanuiil

07-24-2002, 02:09 PM
Maybe I should stop stalking Vanuiil now....next up, Dharrk!

12-29-2002, 11:33 AM
Thread alive! omgz

12-30-2002, 06:11 PM
Lewd tells ahoy,

12-30-2002, 09:21 PM

12-30-2002, 09:26 PM
vestax always stealing my thunder..that was my screenshot =\

12-31-2002, 09:00 AM
To explain, was trying to give some arrows to Cruunch but he wasn't responding so..

You tell your party, 'is Cruunch on someone else aslo?'
[Mon Dec 30 21:59:33 2002] You have cancelled the trade.
[Mon Dec 30 21:59:38 2002] Lonskils tells the group, 'thats a personal question ^^'

And I thought this was funny:

12-31-2002, 04:48 PM
Is there more to posting a image than just attaching it? Can never get this to work =|

12-31-2002, 04:54 PM

12-31-2002, 05:08 PM
Ya thats what Ive tried to use several times, never shows the image =|

12-31-2002, 05:08 PM
Fucking potheads =/

12-31-2002, 05:28 PM
this one was cut off b/c umm its umm its odd

12-31-2002, 05:30 PM

12-31-2002, 05:32 PM
if any one gets to be in the middle of fighting the mob before mini aten, and the server crashes you will know this:

01-01-2003, 08:02 AM

01-01-2003, 08:33 AM

Jawny is a good cleric.

01-01-2003, 09:06 AM
Nexten LOL