View Full Version : The End Days are here...
06-26-2002, 04:30 PM
...because it is 35C here right now, and that's just freakish. It's been above 30 for close to a week now... to put that in perspective, our warmest weather last year was 25C for 4 days. The record temp for this time of the year is 32C, we are way past that. I talked to people downtown who have said the temperature down there is approaching 40.
This may not seem hot to most of you guys, but Edmonton is relatively far north, and spends 6-8 months of the year with snow on the ground (at least we used to, not in the past 5 years).
Anyone who claims global warming isn't happening is so full of crap. Maybe it's just a cyclical thing, maybe it's humans, but whatever it is, it's a big fucking deal.
Thank god the humidity is 20%.
06-26-2002, 10:54 PM
wonder what home has been like if you guys are getting our normal summer temperatures =o
06-27-2002, 07:24 AM
ohio weather is the devil... 100F + in the summer time neg 10F in the winter ...
06-27-2002, 07:54 AM
Global Warming (
Sierra Club (
06-27-2002, 08:03 AM
I will let you know in a month when I got houseboating Amb :). I haven't really paid much attention to the weather in BC, all I know is that Alberta is fucked atm. Edmonton has had no rain since last July, yet Calgary has been getting drenched all spring. South of Calgary got about a foot of snow 10 days ago, and have been flooding ever since. Northern Alberta is on fire, more or less. It's just one big mess around here, with freakish weather.
We may not even have fireworks this weekend, as they can't take the risk of setting the river valley on fire :(.
06-27-2002, 08:05 AM
This weekend in Toronto it's supposed to stay at around 30 degrees, friday thruogh sunday. And this morning every garbage collector in the city went on strike. I'm glad I don't live there :D
06-27-2002, 08:06 AM
30 isn't unusual for Toronto tho!
06-27-2002, 08:26 AM
Gratz on Emp, but more importantly, right on about global warming. I am a pretty big George Bush fan, but the one issue this man gives me the most gas about is the environment as he caters to his fat cat oil buddies and basically fucks not only the world over, but future generations as well.
A problem with democracy is that our leaders are always elected for the short term fix, not the long term. Any candidate with a platform asking the country to make a collective economic sacrifice in order to improve the chances that future generations 100 years from now will have at seeing a snowy day, would get laughed into oblivion. Sad. Don't dare touch our economy today, even if it means butt slamming future generations in the process. The collective will of the people just don't see beyond their own, self-centered egocentric nose. "The evidence is unfounded" Bush and his oil chums say. Heh, even if the evidence were real, and tattooed on his forehead, he would still probably denounce it.
The options are there. Our tax dollars could be put to use by subsidizing fuel cell technology, and this could be done VERY easily. The bigges drawback with fuel cell technology at this time is the limited distance the vehicles can travel before needing a recharge. Easy solution. Begin by subsidizing the introduction of the technology into urban transportation like taxi cabs and buses in New York and other big cities, building recharge stations all around the area. Urban cabs and buses never make trips longer than 60 miles anyway. Once the technology gets introduced into the economy in this way and is given the adequate subsidies and funding, as with any product, the technology will improve and prices will go down, and fuel cells will bleed that much faster into the mainstream.
But no, that would put Bush's fat cat, grease ball, Texas, oil tycoon butt slamming buddies out of the catbird seat.
Gotta love it.
Your long retired "friend",
06-27-2002, 09:38 AM
The last few weeks in my area have been awesome, plenty of 25-30 degree days. My tan is already well ahead of schedule :)
06-27-2002, 10:16 AM
$#@%$#@ College.. it was like hot for 4 days (duh) and I had to go to college... fortunally today is like normal... rainy =D
06-27-2002, 11:34 AM
It's going to be up to 37c here on monday...
06-27-2002, 01:47 PM
Hmm, did some reading, and the record we broke yesterday wasn't just hottest temp for that particular day. It was for hottest day, period. The old record was 31.7C, and it went up to 34.5C at the airport yesterday, which is outside the city. So downtown it was prolly closer to 38.
Records were broken in half a dozen different cities in Alberta yesterday, some of them by close to 10C.
Dont know what you guys are talking about, its pretty much 65-80 F year round here in San Diego ;)
Wow. Interesting these records are broken by an entire streak of days id say for sure.
The hottest day i can ever actually remember was sept 12 of 2000, when it reached 117 F where i live. I remember walking out side and thinking omfg! Luckily i had some mister things on the back porch i could chill out under and drink some beer. Then i remember going back inside and we killed CT that night (old CT hehe grats hyth on croa =p) and then some D2.. weird how that day stands out so vivid still for some reason.
06-27-2002, 05:41 PM
Funny you should bring this up. Im in Arizona and 12 years ago today. Our hottest day ever in Phoenix was 122F. In a city about an hour west of here, Lake Havasue(MTV has spring break there sometimes) was 124F. Unlike Rika I cant remember any of it. I think my brain melted! Average humidty is like 10. Only about 112F here today. Our normal for july is 116-118F. And in all this heat one of our favorite things to do is going floating down a river in a "tube" for 4 hours getting really drunk!!. Ah !! Refreshing...
Mitsy the Desert Rat
06-27-2002, 06:09 PM
It's just freakish here for it to be much above 85 for any length of time. Hard for some of you to grasp, as 100+ is normal for you, but if it gets much over 75 most people around here start complaining about the heat, lol.
06-27-2002, 06:32 PM
One of the hottest days I remember was back in August 1980.
First week of two-a-days/full pads football practice, tempature hit 112-degrees then it rained.
Growing up in Austin, Texas meant you could see a months worth of 100-110+ (not including the heat index) days during the summer, especially in August. Doesn't "seem" like it gets that hot anymore as I rarely hear of the temperature staying past 100 for very long anymore (lot more 95-99's). It's almost as if the temperatures are switching now..../shrug
06-27-2002, 07:07 PM
heh sissy's try wearing 3/4inch thick neoprine suits in a refinery in july in houston texas. where you work for 10 minutes then forced to take a break, upon taking off the suit, you look as though you were in a rain storm. Btw south texas on the coast=Hot Temp+Insane humidity.... Btw im on the opposite side of the fence, put me in 50 weather and im wearing 3 pairs of socks and enough clothing to clothe a 3rd world country.
06-27-2002, 11:54 PM
I am not complaining about the heat, it's something you get accustomed to. It's just freaky how big of a swing there has been over the past few years here. 3 out of the past 6 Christmas' there hasn't been any snow on the ground. Growing up it was 50/50 to have snow on Halloween... let alone Thanksgiving (which is a month earlier here, early harvest and all).
And if we want to get into a cocksize argument about whose weather is more extreme, then fine! You should try walking a block or two when it is -45F outside.
I have only heard it happen once, but sometimes if you spit, and it has enough hang time, you can hear it crackle as it freezes before it hits the ground. Has to be super quiet though.
06-28-2002, 07:59 AM
Heat is of the debil..
In the midwest here-abouts, we get neg 10 in the winter, high 90s - mid 100s in the summer with a lot of humidity.
And we LIKE it. Doomit.
San Diego pansys.
But Houston is just nuts.
Remember, you can always put more clothes ON (when it's cold) but there's only so much you can take OFF.
Sows McBuff
06-28-2002, 08:02 AM
you wear clothes? i lib in iowa, we can't afford clothes =/
06-28-2002, 10:39 AM
I used to work for Sam's Club pushing carts 3-4 years ago (16 or 17 at the time) We had the Hottest heat wave in like 30+ years it was about 95-105F for june - the end of AuG .. Talk about hot every day. It was hell I had to work 8 hours a day in 100 F heat I thought I was going to die everyday, but we had alot of fun, More fun than most of you guys can think of :p
-Zagzal aka Pimpzarellie
06-28-2002, 03:42 PM
It has been warm enough for Sirensa to sunbathe here...
Warm weather is A-O-K with me for reasons like that, but otherwise I tend to melt in the heat.
Hrm, it's always just about perfect here in Cali. Wierd eh? It's all about where ya live in the state though, northern has nice weather, southern is ok, don't live anywhere near san francisco or oakland though. It's only got one real temperature range, 50-80 and muggy as shit. It was like that year round when I was there, absolutely horrid.
07-01-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Tilea
This weekend in Toronto it's supposed to stay at around 30 degrees, friday thruogh sunday. And this morning every garbage collector in the city went on strike. I'm glad I don't live there :D
Well, I *do* live here, and 1) it was WAY fucking hotter than 30. Hell, it was 30 at 9am. Hell, it's midnight and it's 30, and that's not factoring in the humidity.
And let's talk about that humidity shall we? Right now, midnight EST, with humidity, it's 40C. 104F.
It peaked this afternoon at 35C, factor in the humidity, 45C, which is is 113F. That's pretty hot, and with humidity, pretty thick. Remember, chew when you breathe.
And 2) (bet you were wondering where the 2) was) The garbage strike isn't too bad yet, it's noticeable visually around public garbage cans which are overflowing, but the smell is barely noticeable unless you're right next to it. I went through a garbage strike, in the exact same weather conditions, a few years ago back in Ottawa (Hull), and when they finally did get back to work, the seepage coming out from the trucks made the roads as slick as the oil spray in the original Spy Hunter video game, and smelled pretty much how you'd imagine broiled rancid meat would smell.
We'll see how it is a week from now.
07-02-2002, 02:38 AM
Heat? Yes.. I turn it on in the winter time for about a week.
Snow? You all lie. This frozen water on the ground thing is all a myth.
I do not understand these things you speak of.. Isn't it 73 degrees with a light breeze everywhere?? The weatherman did say we were in for a scorcher tomorrow here in San Diego.. 74 degrees.. but when you add in the heat index.. it'll be almost 75.
07-02-2002, 03:11 AM
I love snow and sun alike. I don't think there's anything better than living in a part of the world that has the best of summer and the best of winter - wouldn't trade it up for anything. Course there are those years when it seems like there'll never be any real snow, just water-blended-dirty-crap that never stays. That kinda sucks :p
Sommaren är kort, det mesta regnar bort...
edit: wtf can't typo my ledin quotes :(
07-02-2002, 09:41 AM
I agree with you Khael, I like having both, although I wish winter was a little shorter here (which it has been the past 5 or so years).
The reason why I started this post is cause weather has just gotten outright freaky here, and I was curious if anyone else has noticed. Around half a dozen cities separated by as much as 600 miles all broke heat records in a single day here, that's just strange.
07-02-2002, 09:57 AM
It has been a strangely warm summer here too, now that you mention it, though they seem to come every 4th year or so. I think this one was scheduled for :)
07-02-2002, 10:59 AM
in my town its hot casue the sun is out sopmetimes and when it gets hot my lips dry out so i need chapstick but thats good cause i liek to eat it hehe.. someone change my title it sux k
07-02-2002, 03:22 PM
AahahaHAHAhA, that title is pure ownage.
07-03-2002, 02:56 AM
It's so appropriate though~
07-03-2002, 08:53 AM
I read in the paper this morning that the garbage is piling up in Toronto and the stench in some areas is unbarable :(
Yesterday in Burlington was WAY too frigging HOT! I didn't have my car so I decided to take a half hour walk during lunch. BIG mistake... I haven't felt humidity like that in ages... humidity so bad that it makes you start to sweat and makes it hard to breathe. I stopped at a variety store to get a drink and by teh time I drank 1/3rd of it, the rest was already luke warm. The only good thing is that I think it made me sweat off the rest of my cold...
07-03-2002, 09:02 AM
lol, yea apparently Toronto is seriously stinking the place up. It's as warm there as it was here, but you suckers have serious humidity, whereas here I don't think it ever got above like 30%.
well what do your expect, I mean Toronto is in a third world country :p
07-09-2002, 11:05 PM
*Warning* The Ice Age a few hundred years ;)
Strangely enough its a theory in some circles that the earth is in a cold spell and the global warming is what is keeping an Ice Age from happening.
07-10-2002, 11:55 PM
So when that cold spell ends we're all gonna fry? I'm feeling much better now.
07-11-2002, 06:48 PM
Actually i believe that global warming is a pre-cursor to an Ice age. As the world temperature rises, this causes the ice in the polar regions to break up, the ocean's tides causes the icebergs to travel to warmer climates thereby melting and increasing the levels of water in the ocean to rise, eventually if there is enough ice that melts this could cause a shift in the earth's crust thereby changing the current climates that we are used to, causing the water to freeze and since the level of water in the oceans has increased there is more water to freeze.
07-11-2002, 10:35 PM
So, someone needs to speed up the space-living-research-thingies :o
07-11-2002, 10:38 PM
Gain that didn't make much sense :/
Was 36C here today, that's just too GD hot. For me anyway. Like I said before, we broke a high temp record for that particular day by a few degrees, but 37C is our all time high, and it's not even the warmest part of the summer yet.
07-11-2002, 11:13 PM
Gain, I'd have to agree with Eomer there...what you said was very perplexing, especially near the end of the statement! :D
07-11-2002, 11:58 PM
What he means is basically:
Warmth melts ice. Ice turns to water. Water brings up the sea levels. More water means colder weather. Once weather goes cold again, the polar ice caps will increase at great speed, creating an ice age.
Am I wrong?
07-12-2002, 12:39 AM
Well...partially, I suppose, except for the fact that the heat is melting the polar ice caps in the first place, is it not? *shrug*
07-12-2002, 01:29 AM
what i meant was that if enough ice melts off the polar ice caps that could cause the earths crust to shift, after all the crust is sitting above a layer of liquid. With the shift of the Earth's crust 2 things can/will occur......
1: The shift could change Earth's axis, thereby changing the rotational path that the Earth travels around the sun. Due to the wobble effect this can move the Earth further away from the Sun.
2: The shift in the Earth's crust will cause a change in the land mass that is closest to the equator, thereby altering the current weather patterns.
If there is enough of a movement in the Earth's crust, say 30 degrees towards the north pole, the size of the Arctic Circle will increase due to the added land mass, and since there is more water in the Ocean's the size of the Ice cap will increase in size.
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