View Full Version : Rotation Schedule - 7/30 to 7/31
07-30-2001, 08:33 AM
Hoss took out trak on 7/28 I believe.
Also, head's up - Klandicar is up now.
Dlgoth Riknueth
07-30-2001, 10:36 AM
Will pop him tonight, thanks for the heads up.
07-30-2001, 01:03 PM
Just noticed the rotation order for Sev and was wondering how that was decided.
ML has been the only guild killing Sev on a regular basis, hence any rotation would begin with us. On our last kill we entered into an agreement to rotate him with L'Malla which would make the rotation as follows:
Sev: ML(7/27), L'Malla(new to rotation)
Since this rotational agreement happened prior to the one posted above I am assuming that L'Malla would get there turn then the rotation would begin again as follows:
Sev: ML (7/27) (beginning of rotation), L'Malla(whenever they get him), everyone else in whatever order you people decide.
This is how the IGB has worked previous to this point and how I expect it to continue working.
--The Unconscious
Edit: ML took out Ragefire today (7/30)
07-30-2001, 02:33 PM
I'll put ML at the beginning with thier 7/27 kill date - but I'm not going to shuffle IG and L`Malla cause I'm sure IG has already seen that they were up for it
I did this rotation just the same as Trak's - a random listing of names - no one has to "prove" themselves on either of these - it isn't like the other mobs
*rant deleted cause I think I'm just cranky today*
Dlgoth Riknueth
07-30-2001, 02:48 PM
Well I have a slight problem with it as ML kinda bumrushed us on the last Sev spawn, which is why we discussed the rotation.
07-30-2001, 04:01 PM
So IG has next Sev correct? Just making sure because hes due to spawn.
Dlgoth Riknueth
07-30-2001, 05:19 PM
Last I checked he was about a 7 day spawn after a death, and ML got him on friday if I recall.
Dlgoth Riknueth
07-30-2001, 05:32 PM
Kland Dead (7/30)
07-30-2001, 06:24 PM
You mention in this thread that "ML has been the only guild killing Sev on a regular basis". I recall you stating the opposite of this on the previous IGB forum, stating the ML hasn't killed Severilous very much lately and you didn't know who was killing him.
Considering there was no rotation, and you have contradicted your response regarding ML's status with Sev, and the fact that all guilds have been looking to kill Sev (and just not finding him). I think that your basis for ML getting the seed position on the rotation to be completely unfounded.
This is and has been a FFA mob. Just because ML has found him up more often than others doesn't give you rights to get the next one.
This is just my opinion, take it for what its worth.
07-30-2001, 09:08 PM
IG is up next for Sev - yes
07-30-2001, 11:41 PM
Please add Hoss into the Yelinak rotation.
Also, Vindication wants into a rotation on Tormax, so please schedule them for Tormax after our next attempt, since they will be entering the rotation as a new participant. Hoss killed Tormax tonight, July 30.
Issue of Tormax / Yelinak resolved between myself and Andaas in irc this evening. So Ciner, Ini, Sirensa dont overreact please :eek:
07-31-2001, 12:38 AM
Why am I getting tells that ML isnt going to honor the sev rotation?
One minute your telling me that you havent killed sev in weeks then your claiming your killing him on a regular basis. So what is it?
07-31-2001, 05:25 AM
I said we hadn't killed him in a while since he hadn't spawned. We've gotten the last 3 that we knew about, that however had quite some time involved, at the time the question was asked we hadn't killed him in over 10 days.
The mob in question was FFA until the last Sev in question (much as Yelinak was) on which we entered into rotation with L'Malla (the same way ML entered into rotation with Vindication for Yelinak), they are up for the next sev. Everyone else is up on rotation after them, after a new rotation begins (/em points to the Yelinak rotation as the precedence).
I don't appreciate the rules on the IGB changing at people's whims or when it suits them. The rules are going to be applied to this rotation just as if it were any other. IG is NOT up for the next Sev, if it comes down to it ML will kill it and have a L'Malla rep there to loot it.
--The Unconscious
07-31-2001, 06:43 AM
You are a more recent rep than most of us here - you come in wanting to set all these new rules and generally making trouble out of a relatively peaceful situation.
As I stated before - the Sev rotation was set up EXACTLY like the Trak one was as it is not a Mob that anyone has to prove themselves for - but simply a mob that everyone seems to want at this time.
ML going FFA will only hurt themselves in the long run and ruin the rapport with the IGB.
L`Malla is still high on the rotation list - I only put IG first cause they had posted on the previous IGB as wanting the next one where L`Malla had not.
Lots more I can add here but it would only be useless - either follow the rotations set down or face any consequences by skipping rotation.
You know Coven isn't capable of doing a damn thing against you - but there are other guilds here who can.
07-31-2001, 07:24 AM
I don't want FFA.
I want consistant rules.
The IGB was never peaceful or friendly, if we could all be reasonable and friendly, we wouldn't need an IGB.
If we were reasonable, peaceful and friendly, after Vindication killed Yelinak twice, ML would be up next on rotation (we had been trying).
I don't care if the rules are nice or friendly, I want them to be consistent.
I want them to stop changing every time it's convenient for the involved parties.
I don't care if the rules are fair, as long as they're equally unfair to everyone.
Yelinak set a precedence and I expect it to be followed for every new rotation here on out.
--The Unconscious
07-31-2001, 07:50 AM
In my opinion Yelinak ONLY set a precidance for mobs that not everyone is known to be able to kill. Mobs like Trak, Sev etc should not fall under that condition simply becuase everyone can kill them and they are only being added to rotation to ease tensions amongst the guilds. And as far as sev goes, several weeks ago it was brought up to consider making it a rotated mob. Those posts are lost because of the moving of the IGB however. I agree that new mobs that not everyone is known to be able to kill should follow the way Yelinak worked however, older mobs that everyone can already kill and are known to kill being added to the rotation should not.
07-31-2001, 07:52 AM
If we had the old IGB to look back on - you would see that nothing is changed.
When a mob that many can do is decided to set up a rotation for - we just plug in the whole list of names in a random order
This happened for:
CT (the first time)
Inny (who has since been dropped)
When a mob that only a few can do starts getting a longer list it starts with the ones who have proven - and then others are added as they request a spot
This happened for
and the other newer ones
How do I know this?
Trak does NOT qualify for list #2 just because ML has a member perma-camped in the zone. No guild can get away with killing a mob in this game without at least someone from another guild. not only finding out that it was killed, but what it dropped. Our count on the number of times ML has killed Sev in a row is 6 I think. (I'm not one of the ones who keeps track of those).
Months ago 5 guilds were floating around the idea of a posted rotation schedule - so I made one. I kept it up, updating everyday until I took a little "break" in which time Quintall took over for me. So don't get on my back about the rules changing.
YOU are the one who made a big Rule making post your first day here that started causing conflicts.
Oh yeah, I'm hot about this. I've worked too damn hard for this schedule to see ANYONE screw it up. I know EXACTLY what the rules are for it - cause I've been implementing them since it started with some discussion from everyone with reguard to what happens if a guild fails a certain number of times in a row, skips rotation,etc.
Ask Ale - I consider this schedule to be my "baby". I started it - I update it - I work with it EVERY DAY. I even gave up my duties as an officer and as the Guild Fund person to concentrate solely on making these schedules work for everyone. I make SURE that every Coven member knows how important this schedule is to me and how it would be a BIG mistake for them to try to go around any postings on the IGB by ANY other guild - reguardless of whether we are on good terms with them or not.
I don't HAVE to like you - I don't even have to ever group with you. What I do have to do is keep these rotations going as smoothly as possible. I take it as a personal offence when people screw with it.
Dlgoth Riknueth
07-31-2001, 08:01 AM
"L`Malla is still high on the rotation list - I only put IG first cause they had posted on the previous IGB as wanting the next one where L`Malla had not. "
So I should start hooping and hollering everytime I want something? Thought we didn't work that way ;)
On a side note, we've killed Sev three times...ever ;) 1 scale :( Talk about luck heh.
07-31-2001, 08:05 AM
I agree with the above arguments, Sev should be in a different class. I also can now agree with the rotation above now that a distinction has been made.
The problem is that the rules for the rotation are all in someone's head and not in print.
I would ask again, as I did when I first came here to know what the rules are. Apparently the rules do exist, but no one is willing to tell me what they are except in bits and pieces. A full disclosure of the rules would go far in preventing these sorts of misunderstandings in the future.
You must look at this from my perspective.
I come in try to figure out what the rules are, people tell me I'm trying to overly complicate things. The only over complications so far have erupted when I was not aware of how things are supposed to work. From my point of view they change at the whim of the person in charge of the schedule.
What are the rules, in detail? I would very much like to know.
--The Unconscious
07-31-2001, 08:37 AM
posted guidelines in a separate thread in case we want to make it "sticky"
I'm sorry for going off on you, Leafweir - but I feel very strongly about the schedule and don't want to see us all go back to the "rushing" for spawn like we did before.
07-31-2001, 09:17 AM
So why is ML so concerned with Sev and where the hell L`malla is placed? Youve been farming Sev for months. Admit it or not, its your guild I see camping him 24/7. Ive been watching for 2 months now. Why? because Im a warrior and thats what we do.
For ML to whine and complain about rules and why L`Malla is placed on the rotation after IG is just BS. Your the ones who left IG out of the Trak rotation when it was first made. Did you see me throwing a fit about "rules" ? When we were added we were put last. And I can gaurantee you that IG killing Trak means 10x more to us than it does to any guild on this board. We aint farmin trak teeth out of necessity.
So the rotoation has been set I suggest you adhere to it like everyone else.
Now get your druid out of EJ or whatever else twink u have there today. Thanks
07-31-2001, 09:24 AM
I am concerned about the rotation and where people are placed because it's my job to be concerned as MLs IGB rep. As for the twink in EJ, she'll sit there for as long as she damned well pleases. As to the rotation, we will be adhering to it as stated above. *I* had nothing to do with the Trak rotation, to suggest *I* left anyone out is beyond ridiculous. If the Trak teeth mean so little to IG, give us your teeth and you can have all our BPs since they mean so little to us.
--The Unconscious
07-31-2001, 09:38 AM
By placing one of your twinks in EJ when its not your rotation is wrong. You dont see any other guild camping Sev. Why does ML have to be stubborn on this issue. I would think ML wouldnt want a twink camped out in EJ. All it will do is create speculation and tension.
But hey feel free to throw your wieght around when you need to. After all IG is the little guy on the playground and ML is the new bully on the block.
07-31-2001, 09:57 AM
I think you'd find me more agreeable if you had asked nicely rather than made demands of me, I don't respond well to them. I am however perfectly willing to be reasonable, respectful, and polite to people who are willing to deal with me in similar fashion.
Suggesting that ML is being a bully doesn't earn you any points with me either. My goals, and the goals of ML, are to preserve order here, chaos and infighting does nothing but cause stress. I would prefer this be a friendly reasonable discussion, I am however also prepared to deal with a discussion that is not.
I will be requesting that the druid in question remove herself from the zone as a gesture of good will.
--The Unconscious
07-31-2001, 10:07 AM
I'm going to gingerly step out here..
One of the benefits of the IGB, from a younger guilds view, is to give us a chance to even take a shot at mobs like Trakanon, Sev, etc.
For those guilds w/40 level 60's and multiple dragon killings under their belts, I'm sure sharing loot and chances may seem tedious, but respecting the arrangements made between the collective members makes the whole server a better place.
Blambil Dragunslayer
Officer, Valiant Elite
07-31-2001, 10:13 AM
I aint here to earn points with you. And I dont care if you respect me or my guild. You will however adhere to the rotation that is placed. By you claiming u will kill sev and let a Lmalla rep loot it was infact being a bully.
"My goals, and the goals of ML, are to preserve order here, chaos and infighting does nothing but cause stress."
You started this whole damn thing by flexing your strength in the first place. We dont need a server police, If Dlgoth feels cheated out of a rotation then Im quite positive he can fight his own battle.
Dlgoth Riknueth
07-31-2001, 11:00 AM
Kumbaya, my lord....Kumbaya.
07-31-2001, 11:50 AM
I keep trying to think of a suitable way to respond to Thanatoz, but the only words that suitably describe how I feel are, "Thana, go fuck yourself". I however can't say that because it's inflammatory, disrespectful and counter-productive to the discussion. So I have to say something more like "This matter is closed, I have no further responses, the rotation as stated above is acceptable." when I mean "Thana, go fuck yourself".
Thana - This matter is closed, I have no further responses, the rotation as stated above is acceptable.
--The Unconscious
07-31-2001, 12:16 PM
now thats funny :) I mean god damn! You do stand-up right?
Im so glad we all were able to please the mighty ML on this matter. Next time remind me to send over a hooker and Ill have her blow you to sweeten the deal.
How many points do I have with you now motherfucker?
I can feel the love in the house, can anyone else?:eek:
Dlgoth Riknueth
07-31-2001, 12:47 PM
I love you, Ubar :D
07-31-2001, 02:43 PM
We'd like to be added to Doz rotation..
So, should appear.
Doz: Hoss, Vindi
Regarding the Tormax rotation, we posted before the kill so would like to be up next. =\
If the rule is(which im not totally clear on)a guild gets two rotations before another joins, then Yel rotation should appear...
Either way, but currently it dosnt make sense so would like things balanced.
07-31-2001, 02:53 PM
this is really hard to explain but it isn't 2 rotations - it is one full one, like this
Current Rotation (2-day spawn example)
Mob1 - Vindi( 7/4), ML (7/2)
on 7/5 Hoss requested to be added, they immediately go into the rotation BEFORE the guild currently up next making it
Mob1 - Vindi( 7/4), Hoss (joined - 7/5), ML (7/2)
Hoss has to wait one full rotation instead of being immediatley up next
so the following rotation would be like this:
Mob1 - Vindi( 7/8), Hoss (joined - 7/10), ML (7/6)
where ML is still next as if Hoss hadn't joined - then Vindi, then Hoss and now everyone is fully rotated
Tormax - assuming that Tormax hasn't been killed again since the posted date - Vindi is still first for next followed by the ML, and Hoss who joined before next kill.
as for Yel - I don't know any dates so I am totally lost with who is up next or anything
07-31-2001, 03:40 PM
I think the Tormax/Yelinak stuff has again been dealt with between Ubar and I. Tormax was killed last night however (for information regarding to the rotation schedule if need be).
07-31-2001, 03:55 PM
We worked it out so it shall be...
Vindi/ML/Hoss on Yel
Vindi/Hoss on Tormax
Thats pure rotation.. IE: name of guild equals a shot to kill
So if ya could change accordingly would appreciate.
Dlgoth Riknueth
08-01-2001, 01:37 PM
Can we start a new thread for the rotation, seeing as it's the first of the month.
I notice on the list as it is, Hoss killing CT and Vind kililng Dain are both not represented (and happened with in the last two days), not to mention the thread has become quite cluttered.
EDIT: Apparently I'm blind, because there was one started already, still not quite up to date, but it's there.
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