View Full Version : More Music

07-08-2002, 10:18 AM
This is opposite of other thread. Is there any music or bands that make you angry when you hear them?

For me..

Alanis Morisette

I can't stand either of them, Alanis being the worst and I must vent.


omg i hate Alanis Morisette!!!:mad:

07-08-2002, 10:52 AM
Isn't it ironic, don't you think. a little too ironic, i really do think..


07-08-2002, 11:59 AM
Celine Dion
thats about the only thing i cant stand earing :/

07-08-2002, 12:31 PM
Basically any country music, although there are some acts that I can stand. Randy Travis is one. Most of it is just so fucking derivative and repetitive, it's all the same shit. And I FUCKING HATE TWANGY SLIDE GUITAR, YOU ARE RUINING A PERFECTLY GOOD INSTRUMENT.

Rap also bugs the fuck out of me, for some of the same reasons as country. And it's all so fucking stupid, bragging about their bitches and big screen TV's, it's really unfortunate that so many people for some reason buy into this garbage. Rap videos are even worse. Any asshole who can rent a few Mercedes, a mansion, get some fake money printed, and find some big breasted women can make himself a top notch rap video. It also helps to have fur coats, apparently.

And yea, I hate Creed. Musically I don't mind them. Lyrically I want to kill Scott Stapp, preachy bastard. And their videos drive me absolutely insane. With Scott looking into the camera wistfully, closing his eyes full of pain and clenching his fist, it's just total garbage. And it's also incredibly convenient how the guitarist always finds something to put one of his feet up on, so he can really get down and "thrash". It's a shame, because some of their music is halfway decent.

I also cannot stand Incubus' new music/style/gayness. I haven't seen a band sellout quite that bad, ever. I mean fuck, listen to Fungus Amongus or Enjoy Incubus, then listen to Morning View or whatever that shit is called. And I don't buy some excuse like they are maturing, or wanted to take their music in new directions. They decided it was time to sell records. I mean, look at Brandon, before he was a skinny little scruffy guy with massive dread locks and a big beard. Now he is all pretty and shit. I guess I get pissed cause they used to make damn fine music.

07-08-2002, 01:14 PM
hahahaha Eomer I so agree. Except there are some amazing slide guitar players--I'm not a country fan but there is some bluegrass that just blows me away.

Neil Young makes my ears bleed--someone please make him stop. Oh yeah and Ronnie James Dio gives me nightmares, I swear he is the troll under the bridge from the story about little billy goat gruff.

07-08-2002, 02:06 PM
1.Neil Young - for his slam on the south in one of his shitty songs.

2.Metallica- For all the Napster BS, and Larrs Ulrich's constant whining. Metali-cash. You want real rock and roll? Listen to AC/DC then. Metallica is weak.

3. Barbara Streisand - elitist bitch.

4. Eminem - trash. Look for a suicide, drug overdose, fatal shooting, high profile criminal case, etc sometime in the not to distant future from this guy.

5. Brittney Spears/NSYNC/Backstreet Boys/98 degrees/Pink/Christina Aguilerra/and all the other uber pop crap out there now. Its junk, and its an insult to people who like music. Its crap music being powered by a 900 ton marketing juggernaut. Dont like it.

6. Courtney Love -shes gross. Not to mention tryin to cash in on the whole Nirvana thing. Money grubber.

Thats all that comes to mind at the moment.

07-08-2002, 02:27 PM
I would say that any music that has artists who are insincere or simply playing a part piss me off. My ex girlfriends cousin was like howie durough or something from the backstreet boys, so i got a little bit of exposure to something there i didn't like. there's having talent (being able to sing and let's face it *hired* to be in a band) or there is having talent, and being able to write.

i don't have any problems with people who don't write per se, just the ones who take it so far as to posture they're something they are not...

07-08-2002, 06:07 PM
I know Vin, I like slide guitar myself, I just meant that country music slide guitar is horrific :/.

And actually, Eminem is more or less the only rap I DO like. I think he is actually pretty damn talented, and every now and then one of his songs has a really really good observation or statement. Check out Sing For the Moment, it's to the tune of Dream On.

Oh, that reminds me, I hate anything by Aerosmith in the past 15 years, except for Get A Grip.

07-08-2002, 08:37 PM

07-08-2002, 08:52 PM
Hi, I'm Eminem. When my popularity began to increase I played the hardass role of a typical rapper. I rapped about women being lesser beings (hos & bitches), how hard it was growing up, and how much I hate "fags." Some of those issues are controversial and I suddenly found myself in the spotlight of the media. Teenagers loved me! My songs were funny and great inspiritaion for white-trash rednecks all over America. Rednecks hate fags, and so do I! Fucking gay faggots! Gay fags are definately queers! Anyway... I had an opportunity to perform at an awards ceremony. That's when the lightbulb went off! Why not do something even more controversial so my career doesnt get flushed down the toilet! Hey, if I have the media's attention, I'll sell more records!! So I performed with a bisexual man. Thats right, a bisexual man. Wow, I'm a big fucking hypocrit with lots of money. Yay yay, I win. I am a fucking idiot.

Moby, in an interview after the award ceremony, responds to Enimen's actions.

"What do you think about Enimen's performance with Elton John at the show?"

Moby - "Its really hypocritical of him to sell records with hate music is in it, then perform with the target of his hatred. I dont understand, oh well."

Oh? What's this? Moby talking shit on me? Well fuck him, that bald-headed faggot! Even though his point is valid, on my next LP I WILL TRASH HIS ASS ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE. That's right! His career will go poof!

---Guess what wigger? Moby has been around long before you even you started rapping and he'll still be around when YOU ARE GONE. Why? Because his music is real! Not the computer-generated, producer-enhanced, around-the-block fluff bullshit you declare as "Just being me!"

07-08-2002, 09:21 PM
<shrug> He knows exactly what he is doing, and does it well. You can't take him seriously, hell, I think that's the last thing he wants anyone else doing.

I guess he is an aquired taste.

07-08-2002, 10:40 PM
So you support hate crimes? You support the spreading of hate? You support someone who influences the adolescent masses with lyrics like "kill all the faggots"? Wow Eomer.

07-08-2002, 11:01 PM
Of course Guntak. "it's an aquired taste" duh!

07-08-2002, 11:08 PM
Another good example of selling out is Sugar Ray, ever check out their first CD. Wouldn't recognize em now. Now they are terrible.

07-08-2002, 11:13 PM
fuck it.

07-09-2002, 05:38 AM
i HATE! All happy hardcore, Classical slow shit etc etc. Oh and those cheesey yank versions of 1990 hard house / trance ch00ns........ and yes Germans do em too! I HATE EM!

07-09-2002, 07:24 AM
Because I enjoy Eminem I support hate against gays? Good logic.

I am not gonna get into a big argument over something totally fucking stupid like this. Don't take him seriously, he doesn't take himself seriously.

Fuck, I liked Janie's got a Gun, I guess that I must also support abused kids who shoot their parents. I also like that "Take the Money and Run" song, whoever did it and whatever it's called. I must support breaking into someone's house and killing them for money, then making a run for the border. I also like Tweeter and the Monkey Man, I guess I like cop killers and drug dealers too eh?

And yea Dharrk, Sugar Ray did sell out. Lemonade and Brownies is like nu-metal, and so was Floored (more or less), but Fly off Floored got big, so they then sold out mucho hardcore.

07-09-2002, 07:40 AM
I'll stick to classical...


Last night, before crashing, I decided to play Inna Gadda Da Vida and turn on the visualization effects on my mp3 player.

I sat and stared at the screen and just zoned out for 17 minutes.

Think there's anything out there today that you could do that to? (without LSD) Out of all the bands/artists that I've heard mentioned in this thread, Moby is the only one I have ANY interest in hearing, jsut because I want to know what all the fuss is about. (never heard any of his stuff, or if I did, I didn't know it was him)

Eminem? Vanilla Ice of the 21st century

Creed? Decent stuff, but WAAAAY too preachy for me. Enough with the angst already.

Rap? Oh please... 50 plat to anyone who can tell me the difference between JayZ, Usher, Redman, Method Man, Old Dirty Bastard, Dr Dre, Snoop Hot Diggity Dog, DMX, and any of the other "Rap Artists" out there. Sample a track, spew some trite rhyming lyrics about "bitches and ho's" and sit back while teenagers and 20-somethings call you an "artist" and fork over their parent's cash. Puh-leeeze I will give some props to Dr. Dre for using some CLASSIC funk songs in his samples...

Country? Well, aside from the songs that make me laugh (David Allan Coe anyone?) and the fact that there are some HOTTIES in that scene, it doesn't really do anything for me.

I've listened to some of the newer "rock" acts out there, (System of a Down, Godsmack, Static X) and aside from a song or two that is kinda catchy, it's a pale imitation of some of the classics.

I'll take Black Sabbath (with Ozzy), Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, and the 1980's version of Metallica over any of those guys.

As for Metallica now?

This is what I have to say about them now... (http://heavymetal.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers.tripod.com%2 F%7Egravyboat%2FmeTallica%2FmeTallica.html)


07-09-2002, 07:57 AM
Wow. EQ nerds that hate rap. Amazing! (yes if you play EQ to any high level, you are a nerd of some degree. And yes I am a bigger nerd than you)

I listen to some rap, so its another reason to hate me! Personaly I find rap to be fucking hilarious. I'm that guy in the beginning of office space.

07-09-2002, 07:58 AM
You're Michael Bolton?

Now talk about crappy music...


07-09-2002, 08:05 AM
Michael Bolton rocks (office space guy not the other one)

Office Space is the best movie ever made btw!

07-09-2002, 08:14 AM
Rather than pick any bands themselves that piss me off.. these are just a collection of things that piss me off.

Lip Synching.. So.. I'm watching this Britney Spears concert on HBO the other night, cause she's fun to watch with the mute button on.. Pathetic display of non-singing.. Didn't ANYONE learn anything from Milli Vanilli? Oh that's right.. the current pop culture fans aren't old enough to know who that is..

I'd have to say I'm really disgusted with much of the 'new' punk-labeled stuff. I'm not a punk fan in any way shape or form.. but Joey Ramone must be turning in his (relatively new) grave with this shit:

Sum 41
Unwritten Law (I KNOW these guys.. they SUCKED in San Diego.. They SUCK now)

Blink 182 falls into this category, but with an asterisk.. I hate that they get labeled a 'punk' band, but I just can't hate their stuff. It's funny. It's seriously smart assed. Used to record at the same studio as them (DML Studios in Escondido, CA) and they're attitude and sense of humor is just way to funny. Just don't label it something it's not.

07-09-2002, 08:31 AM
You people make me laugh my ass off with your rap comments and comparing bands now to older ones.

07-09-2002, 09:46 AM
I can tell you the difference Grimthorn but I wont here. I listen to all kinds of music. As for Usher though he isnt rap. He sings R&B and has an beautiful voice. Is an amazing dancer as well. Did I mention he is hot yet?

Anyways I find it funny that you all hate rap so much. Its just a different lifestyle and a different type of music. The problem is you dont listen to it enough to seperate the good from the bad. Just like with rock or metal some of it is crap some of it is great. But to laugh at them because they talk about "bitches and ho's" is as silly as the same rap lover laughing at your metal heads biting off snake heads. Or mutalating their body on stage, or biting off dove heads at record contract signings =)

Both sides have really stupid things they both do. On one side you have rap where they portray hardcore lives they never had. On the other you have your metal where they find like to beat the hell out of anything and destroy as much as they can. When is the last time you heard of a rap group destroying a hotel room because they had an inspiration?

As for eminem. He just wants to get paid anyway possible.


P.S. I never understood the idea of selling out! Isn't that the whole point to sell records? I'm sure some of you will argue "it's about the music man"! But come on if thats the case give it away for free.

07-09-2002, 10:11 AM
Good points Mitsy. I hate all misogynistic rap and don't feel any need to listen to it. I do, however, like some stuff by Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Ice T and Dr. Dre.

07-09-2002, 10:15 AM
Gotta say HATE Michael Bolton (duh, the musician)

Not only does he have bad hair - but he is a complete ass.

During my college days I worked at a pop/top 40 radio station and they had him as a guest for one of their charity events.. a softball game. He demanded that his dugout be completely covered with signs/paper/whatever so that no one would be able to *see* him. He refused to sign any autographs and refused to take any pictures with his so-called fan base. It was a fucking charity event FFS. I am surprised anyone bothered to show up at all.

And his team lost the softball game. :D

07-09-2002, 10:17 AM
Guess what wigger? Moby has been around long before you even you started rapping and he'll still be around when YOU ARE GONE. Why? Because his music is real!

Good point. Moby is pretty cool IMO. I like his honesty. Some industry critics were giving him flack about "selling out" his music for advertisements a few years back....and his reply was "no one was buying my music at the time, the music industry types werent interested so I had to make a buck somehow, you know eat, sleep with a roof over my head, etc". Nice honesty. And whats funny is after all the Moby music being used in those commercials his stuff reallty took off. You could argue it was quite a marketing move as well? Anyways I like him. He doesnt seem to full of BS, he's honest, authentic, and he has a nice sound to his music.

Todays rap music is junk IMO. I grew up in a period when "rap" music actually had content, real musical talent, and not just some trash lyrics and well used samples to rest its laurels on. I mean rap artists like EPMD, De La Soul, Public Enemy, Eric B. and Rakim, etc. Rap was actually about musical and lyrical skill. Nowadays stuff is just a bunch of crap about my "niggas, gangstas, and hos", with the same ol' samples and other crap. Its so corporate its not even funny.

07-09-2002, 10:56 AM
I mean rap artists like EPMD, De La Soul, Public Enemy, Eric B. and Rakim, etc. Rap was actually about musical and lyrical skill
Well I would agree... however I find the lyrical comment funny when I think back to De La Soul "its just me, myself and I" hehe. Damn now that's stuck in my head. Gotta add Eazy-E to the list though and I have to admit I still listen to Ice-T every now and then as well.

07-09-2002, 11:43 AM
I listen to anything but Country music, couldnt stand it years ago and cant stand it now. I like the sounds of animals on recordings but thats just me:D. It mellows my inner beast. I like listening to hip hop and rap because i grew up with it. Pop music i like some of it also. You kind of have to "sell" out if you want to make a living thats just how it is.

07-09-2002, 12:45 PM
its all an opinion there is no fact

07-09-2002, 05:06 PM
/cheer guntak!

07-09-2002, 05:50 PM
Well I think nerds around the world can agree: country music is played when you die and go to hell.

07-09-2002, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Mitsy
P.S. I never understood the idea of selling out! Isn't that the whole point to sell records? I'm sure some of you will argue "it's about the music man"! But come on if thats the case give it away for free.


Oops, just trolling through and had to post ;D

07-09-2002, 09:19 PM
after that it would most definately have to be Blink 182, followed by Linkin Park, Nickel Back, POD...fuck, must I go on?

Rap....hmm I dont judge rap because I dont listen to it, I see nothing wrong with rap music, dont think its intelligent to call it talentless either...as long as something is real and people are really listening to it because they want to I dont really have a problem with it, dont really know how to explain what im saying but you get the point! lol

now I do HATE HATE HATE those fuck nuts at my school who listen to rap so they can fit in with the fashion statement that MTV portrays...cant fucking stand that shit. Same exact thing applies to other fuck nuts who listen to rock music too because its popular and because MTV portrays it as being cool, bands like Sum 41 SHOULD FUCKING DIE AND THEN LICK MY NUT SACK....HEHE THANKS

07-09-2002, 09:20 PM
:) Thumbs up.

07-15-2002, 02:11 AM
Hah, Limp Bizkit doesn't do it for me, can't stand their music for the most part. The only song I honestly dug was Counterfit off their 3 dollar bill ya'll album. Country is a bit of an enigma I'd have to say. They have a TON of amazingly talented singers, who pick the most assanine topics to sing about. Garth Brooks however preachy he gets on some of his songs is an extremely talented musician, and his live show is fucking amazing. I dig some snoop dogg, some eminem (songs such as "The Way I am") but not enough to consider myself a fan of the genre. I can't stand the majority of commercial rap that's out there now though, largely because of what deadsouls mentioned. It's not music for the sake of music, it's music for the sake of an image.

Creed annoys me, as does most pop-music such as Britney or the boy bands. I don't enjoy the sound for the most part, and Creed kind of offends my relative lack of religious sensibilities. People just don't seem to feel their music as much as they did a decade ago. Kid Rock is another artist I just can't get into, something about the rap/rock style that is a turn off to me.

Oh yeah, and put bluntly, the type of music you listen to doesn't define the type of person you are. That always pisses me off to no end. If you listen to a lot of rap, that doesn't make you a ganster. Same as listening to a lot of techno/house music doesn't make you a raver. /shrug Just an opinion ;)

07-15-2002, 10:26 AM
So.. I'm watching this Britney Spears concert on HBO the other night, cause she's fun to watch with the mute button on

I watch so many movies and shows like that.. Hell last night I did that to Jossie and the Pussycats

But I love music I like almost all, but like misty said I feel the same way that most of you guys feel about rap when it comes to Marylon Manson, Ozzy, Metallica,Queen ect..(exept for Bohamdi Rhapsody ::spelling?:::) I don't lilke all the heavy metal. Its just noise and I don't like people talking about the devil and such.

Not every rapper talks about "bitches, hoes, money, ect.. THere are some artists that talk about good things. example

Mos def (played on a broadway musical)
Krs-One (yes he is still around)
Talib kweli
Tupac (yes he talked about alot of "bitchs hoes, drugs" ect. he also talked about alot of postive things that inspired people to do good things.
DO I really need to name the 100's of Gospel rappers who preach and teach the youth to do good things in the community and preatch the name of God?

I can name more but I am to lazy and Grim I can name the diffrence between all of them.

The problems with rap music is.. "Bitches , hoes ect that stuff sells and people are trying to make a some moeny. Most of the stuff is commercial but there is some good stuff on people's Cd's.

But like people said its just a diffrece of oppinions.

07-15-2002, 12:10 PM
I hate rappers that preach the gospel and spread the word of god.

As far as rap goes, its all about the cursing, i just cant get enough of it. The more cursing the better it is.. Dayton Family is really good about maximizing the shooting, cursing, drug dealing, killing FBI members etc.

I highly recommend it.

07-15-2002, 01:48 PM
Since when the fuck is Queen heavy metal? :D

07-15-2002, 01:58 PM
20 years ago!

And Nickelback deserves credit I think, just saw them Saturday night at a thingie called Stage 13 up here, in a small town called Camrose. It was an all weekend music festival type thing, and Nickelback is from another smaller town about 20 minutes away from there (or something like that). They put on a pretty damn good show, they sound pretty damn good, although his voice seemed a bit strained at times (Finger Eleven's singer was incredible, never missed a note or a scream). While I don't think their music isn't anything new, innovative, or different, I don't think that it is any more forumulaic than a lot of bands out there that people rant and rave about how great they are.

Personally, I guess I am neutral on them. I don't love them, but I don't mind seeing them live. In a way, I almost feel bad for them, since they are so incredibly overplayed on the radio. Any band that I hear that much I get sick of sooner or later. But it's not like they have any choice in the matter.

07-15-2002, 02:07 PM
Never really was big into rap but my friends got some old eminem tracks that are completely terrible / opposite of what he is now, not even near the same, he was trying to pull off grunge rock / rap sounded like more PoD except for the fact eminem can't sing which is why he's trying to be a rapper now.

07-16-2002, 01:15 PM
I'll enjoy (at varying levels) anything that isn't rap or country. Although I don't really enjoy anything Pop, either (currently). I can't think of one band that started in the last 10 years that I listen to voluntarily.

Edit: Oh, and most techno gives me a splitting headache too, for the same reason that many rap songs do. Here's the litmus test. If you're in the apartment above me, listening to an album, and for the next 60 minutes, if all I can hear below you is "BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM... *pause for next track* BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM... etc" on the beat, on every beat, then I won't listen to it.

07-16-2002, 01:19 PM
Same with me lola, I like alot of stuff all kinds of rock from progressive too Jazz rock to Punk. At the drive in is great stuff, noticed that Rika likes em too. I think I have a mix of almost everything in my CD collection except rap and country. I do have Rage against the machine though and other stuff.

07-16-2002, 01:36 PM
my music range is very broad. My mp3 list is scary

07-16-2002, 01:40 PM
At the drive-in is my favorite band hands down. Good live show, but unfortunalty they are split up into two different bands now. The Mars Volta, and Sparta.

07-16-2002, 01:46 PM
Yeah they are excellent Rika, that CD they put out last year is just excellent. I had it going in the background to eq or when I went to friends. split up bleh.

07-16-2002, 05:37 PM
Have you listened to The Strokes? Great album...

07-16-2002, 09:18 PM
I've heard a lot of the new shit from all these 'The' bands...The Hives, The Strokes, The White Stripes, etc. I can't stand to listen to any of it. Like...I think it's The White Stripes that has like...a drummer and guitarist? Their music sounds like complete and utter shit to me. :eek:

07-16-2002, 10:13 PM
The new 'The' bands suck... white stripes and hives sound like 70s eurotrash. You cant say all the 'The' bands suck though... for example...

The Deftones
The Clash
The Prodigy
The Crystal Method
The Backstreet Boys... erm nm

07-16-2002, 10:32 PM
Yeah that's what I meant. The new 'The' bands. There are several 'The' bands out there that own...especially The Deftones...that's some classic shit right there, man.

07-16-2002, 10:56 PM
Yea, I agree, I really don't like that new sound that everyone seems to be playing. Not really sure how to describe it, but I don't like it! Just sounds like recycled music from the 70's. Hell, the people in the bands look like recycled people from the 70's.

07-16-2002, 11:48 PM
I agree with you 100%, Eomer! It's all shit!

07-17-2002, 07:37 AM
Well, I don't feel that strongly! :)

I just don't care for it, and am confused as to why so many people in the music press are shitting their pants over it.

07-17-2002, 08:27 AM
Bah, whatever ><