View Full Version : Single player games

07-12-2002, 01:26 PM
What would you recommed (has to fall under the following guildlines):

A) no internet connection (so no patches has to run as is out of the box)
B) released within the last 10 months
C) large amount of content (high playtime)

The ones that come to my mind are: Morrowwind, NWN, WC3, Dungeon Seige, Wizardy8.

sooo, what would you recommend of those, or others you know of?

07-12-2002, 01:36 PM
I really enjoy( enjoyed even) Dungeon Siege and Warcraft 3. I have heard lots of good things about NWN and some good things about Morrowind.

Jedi Outcaste is also excellent if you like the first person shooter genre? And I think it's definately one of the best ever, for a Star Wars game.

07-12-2002, 01:46 PM
I really enjoyed Wizardry 8 but you have to be a big fan of party based, first person viewed rpg's.
Morrowind is a solid game if a bit tedious because you can level so easily. This can be remedied with mods but as can be summised from the thread starters post they have no connection to the internet.
Dungeon Siege is another good game but unfortunately I found it to be a little short for my liking.
Freedom Force is a great game, if you liked the x-com series or jagged alliance I think you will like this game. It has the best aspects of those two blended with more rpg stylings and comic book superheroes:).
Medal of Honor: Allied (something forgot full name =x) was also a very fun game to play through til the end. The third campaign which lands you at normandy in a battle scene reminiscent of "Saving Private Ryan's opening scene" is well worth the price of the game alone. One disclaimer though:) : if you do buy this don't get to frustrated in sniper town hehe its worth getting past.
One oldy but goody worth checking out if you never have is Deus Ex. This is truly a classic game and one that does not get old:).

I hope you find what you are looking for Selenajra.
Happy Gaming,
Rease Stormwrath

07-12-2002, 02:24 PM
You don't actually say Fantasy, so Civilization 3. (or 2)

Oh yes, Civ. Yum..


07-12-2002, 03:04 PM
Real Time Strategy: WarCraft 3
First Person Shooter: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Role Playing Game: Morrowind
Console: Tetris or Super Dodge Ball both on 8 bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)!

07-12-2002, 03:09 PM
Halo is also a great game for the console

Hunter the Reckoning is not bad either.

I saw a bit of Medal of Honor and at some point I wouldn't mind getting into it. Even the PS2 Frontline looked not bad.

07-12-2002, 04:34 PM
Medal of Honor: Frontline (PS2) is really fun. Plenty of reply value too, I didn't even mind starting over after a failed mission. Allied Assault (PC) is also nice. Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast is another good FPS.

Super Dodgeball for NES owns :D

07-12-2002, 04:35 PM
Heroes of might and magic IV

07-12-2002, 04:43 PM
Medal of honor: frontline for the ps2 was good but the control sucked ass, otherwise a good game.

07-12-2002, 05:03 PM
Or one of the things I used to do...


Nothing like a good book to occupy the down time.


07-12-2002, 05:36 PM
This is a really tough call as like every game needs a patch as soon as you buy it unless you get lucky and get an already patched version.

Wizardry 8 rocks though. DS is well... a fun diversion. Morrowind is just like they described it. Huge game, but not exactly as well balanced as I would have liked. And a bit slow, but a lot of content there.

07-12-2002, 08:08 PM
I agree with Fiz...books own. If I can find a good series of books, I'm usually not able stop reading until I can't keep my eyes open or something forces me to stop. I found that a really interesting set of books is The Redwall series. A good thing about that series is that there are like 15 or 16 books, and the author is still publishing. :D

07-12-2002, 08:36 PM
I forget who, but either the Russians or the Japanese (or both) were incredibly overpowered in Super Dodgeball. Their skill bars were all the way up, with the best other team going about halfway up. Other than that the game is great

07-13-2002, 07:53 AM
Wizardy 8 - gud
Morrowwind - bad, read Tari's post for more info ^^
NWN - Never played
WC3 - gud, but single player? too easy
Dungeon Seige - just like Diablo I, if you liked that, check into it I didn't play it much because so I can't tell you too much about it, it just didn't keep my attention

07-13-2002, 09:01 AM
biggest problem imo with morrowind is the complete and total lack of difficulty for melee classes to beat the game. If you don't mind playing with the editor a tad (doesn't take too long, it's actually pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it) you can make it a bit more challenging without a net connection. The varying plot paths sadly tie into a single linear story, but there's enough variation to keep ya occupied. Oh yeah, the level system does kinda make ya go "um, kay" but you can make it more difficult on yourself pretty easily. Just pick races that have no proficiency in the major/minor skills when you make a char, and stay away from melee if you want challenge. If you do go melee I reccomend flipping the little "auto-best attack" switch or whatever in the game options to off, otherwise it goes from ridiculously easy to knights of the round on sephiroth easy.

If ya got a console, can't go wrong with final fantasy 10 on the ps2, and I've heard a lot of good things about Eternal Darkness for the gamecube (unsure wether or not it's out though) ED is a resident evil type game but it's all medieval, and it's got a unique way of increasing difficulty if you choose a violent path to beat the game.

otherwise, of all the games you mentioned, I'd say Morrowind and wizardy8 are the best bets without a connection, wc3 is basically meant for online play, same with nwn and dungeon siege (as famor said) is glorified diablo /shrug whatever your into I guess~

07-13-2002, 02:18 PM
FF10 = Lose
It was all graphics.~~ Gameplay sucked. I miss Final Fantasy 4 / 5 / 6 Quality Games

7 sucked 8 sucked 9 was decent

FF 1 was awsome for its time.

FF 2/3 never really played. Started them but never really got into much ~.

/shurg I guess I just judge RPG's much differntly then other people as they are really olny type of game I play.

Even thought it was released I few years ago I would really recomment

Yes game I have ever played its for PS1

07-14-2002, 05:46 AM
pfft, the only problem with ff8 was the magic system, the game was actually tiered in difficulty according to how powerful (levelwise) your chars were, made for a more even challenge. And I didn't list old ps/snes games based on the games listed by selen~

FF1 was all innovative, but it was far from an awesome game, even at the time. It garnered a huge support because it was obscenely difficult at parts, making completing it a matter of pride. I've never been a big fan of games where instant death is pretty much unresistable no matter what level or skill you are, how well you prepare or how well you know the game. For it's time it was nice, but looking back, Dragon Warrior 2 was by far it's superior (roughly the same time on the release chart, I think it might actually have been predated by DW2) The completely random aspect of some battles near the end was a bit of a turn off, because repeating a long, hard fought path to the "end guy" becomes a ton less fun if said bad guy gets preemptive strike and kills your entire party in one round. If you had one turn, he would have died, but with the way the spells worked in Final Fantasy, rub all had a good chance of killing everyone if it was cast on round 1. ff2 and 3 in america were godly, 3 is by far my favorite rpg of all time for all systems. 7 was good, I honestly think they could have done without the retardedly overpowered knights of the round, I got it by mistake on my game (I was breeding chocobos when it was first released just to check it out, got kotr while wandering on disc 2) and ended up getting kinda bored of the game, it would have been far more fun if the spell wasn't in there. 8 I already covered, 9 was good.. kinda, it was way way too easy and linear to a fault almost, 10 I've given my support for already. 11 looks interesting, I just wish the stupid american site would finish construction, it was tedious as hell to translate parts of the japanese site =\

07-14-2002, 08:59 AM
"FF 2/3 never really played. Started them but never really got into much ~."

These were the BEST games in the genre without any doubt.

edit: meant us/euro versions of them that is - in jap they were named FFV and FFVI I believe.

07-14-2002, 09:34 AM
/agree 100% with Khael. :)

Rydia and Terra own!

07-14-2002, 10:55 AM
FF2 is still the best console rpg imo

07-14-2002, 01:18 PM
What was the name of the character who could Jump on the back of the monsters and learn their skills? He was always my favorite character in that game...but I think I have to agree that FF3 was by far the best FF game of the entire series...I started and played 3/4 of the way through 9 and 10 and haven't finished them because I lost interest...

07-14-2002, 02:26 PM
Kain ;)

07-14-2002, 08:53 PM
Noo, that was the dragoon...I'm talking about the wild guy who you found on the plains of whatever...he could learn the skills of the monsters you fought.

07-14-2002, 10:29 PM

07-14-2002, 10:53 PM
Mr. Thou

07-15-2002, 10:46 AM
yeah gau :|

07-15-2002, 12:01 PM
bah both Terra and Celes > Gau. =D

but seriously, great game for the psx was Xenogears, lots of reading though, but a good story by the end. Takes a while to play it I found.

<Miang ;)

07-15-2002, 12:03 PM
grand theft Auto 3 is pretty fun but if you are a gamer I am pretty sure you can beat it in about 2 weeks.. but i hear grand GTA4 is going be hard as hell and fun

07-15-2002, 02:09 PM
Kain owned all, his jump attack was obscene :)

A good game that hasn't been mentioned here is Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Resistance. There are several patches out there that fix a few bugs and add some vehicles and single missions, but overall the game is totally fine without them if need be. Excellent tactical shooter, probably the best I have played. And allowing the use of tanks, helis, jeeps, etc etc etc really added a lot of variation to the game, although my personal preference in the game is infantry missions.

07-15-2002, 02:13 PM
Lufia 2 and the fortess of doom owns me, that game the best side quests in any game by far.

07-15-2002, 02:31 PM
Secret of Mana was ownage...that game was very addictive and simple to play. The circular menu choices that popped up above your characters head that also paused game play while you chose them made it very easy to do exactly what you wanted to during combat. Also, the way you charged your special attacks was cool too...and youd could select between your special attacks which charged at different rates and had different dmg and effects.

The story line was good too imo, nice graphics, good music...was for SNES...I'd still play it today if I owned the game or the system still.

07-15-2002, 08:48 PM
Bah, FF7 was good, best villian I ever seen in FF series is Sephiroth. FF10 was all graphics but fun to play even if the ending blew. I played 1-10 and I enjoyed 3,7,and 10 the most.

07-15-2002, 10:37 PM
hehe yeah secret of mana was alot of fun, I actually rented Legend of mana, so kinda feeling all nostalgic, going to have to pull out the old cart and hope the battery is still good. ^^

07-16-2002, 04:50 AM
That new grand theft auto game ownz........ and erm Grand turismo too!

Only single player games i played for more then 5 mins before getting bored with em :rolleyes:

07-16-2002, 12:21 PM
Seiken Densetsu 3 :D

07-16-2002, 12:41 PM
I didn't like Grand Turismo...at all. I turn it on and I'm thinking, "This is gonna own." Ten minutes later I'm like, "What the fuck..." :mad:

07-16-2002, 01:31 PM
dude, that 100 floor dungeon in lufia 2 was incredible, took forever and a day to get down there and no save spots on the way down.

I found an old snes cartridge in some stuff I was unpacking, Secret of Evermore. Seems like it's an americanized version of Secret of Mana, squaresoft and all but missing the japanese influence for the most part. Kinda cool, no magic but a system called Alchemy that is pretty close, instead of mana or spell points you got ingredients that you mix to cast your effects.

SaGa Frontier was an interesting game, not the best but worth checking out. The sequel however, was not good =\

Phantasy Star and Shining Force were the reason I bought a Genesis, those games kicked ass for their time and are still pretty fun now.

07-16-2002, 01:38 PM
Best games on Snes was Legend of Zelda and SUper Metroid. Those were my fav games. Both took me forever and a day to beat. I never got 100% on Super metroid tho =/ I couldn't find the last missle pack =/

07-16-2002, 01:38 PM
Golbez tells you, 'I am the own'

07-16-2002, 01:43 PM
Speaking of Zelda wtf is nintendo doing with the new Zelda for the gamecube I mean the graphics like wtf:


Just knowing the gamecube can do so much more and they make these cheesy cartoon graphics. /bleh

07-16-2002, 01:47 PM
A number of games are going this route (Robotech is another), this whole cell shading or whatever its called. It looks like garbage in screen shots, I agree.

BUT! A lot of summaries that I read on E3, everyone who mentioned Zelda said that the graphics are completely phenomenal when actually seen in action. I guess we shall see. Personally, from the screenshots, I don't like the graphics either, but who knows how good they will end up.

07-16-2002, 03:00 PM
The graphics for Gamecube Zelda are actually quite nice when you see them in action (have a few clips from the game saved somewhere on PC). As to the original poster, I would have to say go with Neverwinter Nights if you want a good amount of gameplay and nice story. Sticks perfectly to the 3rd edition AD&D rules. I only give you one warning when playing it, especially since you can't patch due to lack of net connection.... Make backup saves often =) I am sure the people here who have played can all agree how damned annoying a severe script error is (hi all NPCs agro!).

Morrowind.... all I can really say is, after having played so much EQ, it was just plain dull. I think that is what killed it for me, but alot of people think it is a great game. Has probably the longest possible gameplay of any game I have seen in the last few years. If I had to choose, I would go NWN.

Oh, and by the way. FF3/6j is the best Final Fantasy to date, closely rivaled by FF2/4j. Thank god they remade those for playstation, because my SNES won't even turn on anymore =)

Svolthoh Lathundel - long dead shaman

07-16-2002, 05:25 PM

Zelda and Robotech both look amazing. The screen shots cannot get across how good these games really look.

Zelda looks like a playable/moving saturday morning cartoon. You will change whatever opinion you have when you see it in person and play it.

Robotech looks like the animated movies and illustrated books.

I for one Love this new look on certain games. I never thought a Anime or cartoon look could be brought to life so well.. These 2 games do it..

"Just my opinion, I could be wrong"

07-16-2002, 08:13 PM
Nethack, ADOM, Angband

07-17-2002, 06:42 AM
/sigh does this mean I will have to by a game cube? lol... Did Metroid ever come out for game cube yet?

A fun game that I play every night on PS2 is Guantlet Legends. Its just like the arcade. Its fun if you play with someone. But it won't be fun if you can play it 8-9 hours a day b/c you will beat the game in about 3-5 days tops. I play a few boards every night. ITs a pretty fun game tho

07-17-2002, 10:40 AM
The new Metroid is coming out for the gamecube in about 2 months or something like that, and it looks very impressive. Gamecube is only $149.00 US and it's a good little system.

07-17-2002, 10:56 AM
Do you think Game cube will die like sega?

07-17-2002, 11:29 AM
/shrug. I have a x-box and a gamecube. Currently I am actively playing more gamecube games then x-box games. Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness and Rogue Squadron are currently on my gamecube playlist. And there is a few gamecube titles that I rent for when friends come over for multi. I enjoy both systems however.

07-17-2002, 02:23 PM
New Metroid - brought to you by the people who made Turok. :P