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08-03-2001, 01:13 AM
I spoke with Indecisive tonight about what there plans are. Was a level headed conversation and i thought went pretty well. I logged some of the conversation and asked if he didnt mind me quoting him on a few things. so here we go. ive edited out all my l33t strats and exploits to protect the innocent.

You told Indecisive, 'but why? why would u want a FFA? it doesnt make sense'
[Thu Aug 02 23:47:19 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'We don't want to FFA.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:08:36 2001] You told Indecisive, 'get on rotation and I gaurantee u that there is plenty to do and plenty to kill'
[Fri Aug 03 00:08:56 2001] You told Indecisive, 'i see it every day'

[Fri Aug 03 00:09:06 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'sec, bathroom'
1:01 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'I never said we were going FFA.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:11:13 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'I just doubt we will reenter that rotation.'

hes talking about ragefire at this point

[Fri Aug 03 00:11:58 2001] You told Indecisive, 'and what will be the drawbacks when u break rage spawn'
[Fri Aug 03 00:12:16 2001] You told Indecisive, 'that guild wont honor any of your rotations...and then utter FFA'

[Fri Aug 03 00:12:38 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'What would be so wrong with FFA?'
[Fri Aug 03 00:13:00 2001] You told Indecisive, 'have u played on a FFA server?'
[Fri Aug 03 00:13:07 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'We used to be FFA.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:13:23 2001] You told Indecisive, 'not to the extent that it would be now'
[Fri Aug 03 00:13:30 2001] You told Indecisive, 'sure ffa with just ML was easy'

not bashing ML..just saying a FFA with one guild isnt bad

[Fri Aug 03 00:13:41 2001] Thanatoz saved.
[Fri Aug 03 00:13:48 2001] You told Indecisive, 'now there are mltiple guilds that would challenge you'
[Fri Aug 03 00:14:00 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'It isn't about us.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:14:13 2001] You told Indecisive, 'it is tho'
[Fri Aug 03 00:14:38 2001] You told Indecisive, 'your in charge of seekers now...you decide the fate of your guild on this server'
[Fri Aug 03 00:14:58 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'I'm not in charge. (='
[Fri Aug 03 00:15:13 2001] You told Indecisive, 'well cinder claims he isnt...so who is:)'
[Fri Aug 03 00:15:21 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'Must be a mystery.. (='
[Fri Aug 03 00:15:24 2001] You told Indecisive, 'lmao'
[Fri Aug 03 00:15:30 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'We will decide our fate.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:15:48 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'And I am telling you, it won't be taking turns with every swinging dick who walks through the door.'
Fri Aug 03 00:23:34 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'Maybe. Look at it this way.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:23:52 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'Vindi and Hoss kill Lend, Sont, Zlan and Klan, and Yel right?'
[Fri Aug 03 00:24:09 2001] You told Indecisive, 'yes they do'
[Fri Aug 03 00:24:15 2001] Thanatoz saved.
[Fri Aug 03 00:24:16 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'sec, gonna be zoning'
[Fri Aug 03 00:25:43 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'Thats 5 ST keys right there. 3 of which no other guild can touch.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:26:27 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'Now, why are we being so nice following the rotation when they could provide the same gesture and say "hey, ya know what, there are a lot of guys that need keys, why don't we let them have zlan and klan?"'
[Fri Aug 03 00:26:47 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'They won't, because they know the effect of other guilds have the same DPS as them,.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:27:13 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'They have complete freedom in N-ToV, yet they still bog everyone else down by staying on the rotation for EVERYTHING.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:27:30 2001] You told Indecisive, 'ok now that is a valid issue'
[Fri Aug 03 00:27:43 2001] You told Indecisive, 'and it should be brought up'
[Fri Aug 03 00:29:08 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'Try bringing that up some time.'
[Fri Aug 03 00:29:13 2001] Indecisive tells you, 'See how they like it.'

Lots of issues with this. Also he claims that if Hoss showed up for rage they woulda backed away. But rage was up for over 15hours and if he was not killed that it woulda gone to a total of 30+ hours before he went down. And thats almost another rage spawn in that time frame.

Basically there not willing to wait 10months before entering ST. I see there view point on this.

However I dont believe in FFA and im 100% pro rotation. It comes down to compromises if this is gonna get worked out.

08-03-2001, 01:42 AM
As for rage being up for 15 hours... what time of the day did they kill him?

I checked around midnight the night before they took him out, and he wasn't up. I was told he was killed in the morning hours, so no clue where he's getting 15 hours.

If you talk to him further Thanatoz, ask him to just get access to the forum here to discuss stuff. I don't see why someone having access here forces them to abide by any rules or what not, this is a place to figure things out so we don't have headache's.

As for why the bigger guilds still kill Klandicar, we want more ST keys. Why we kill Zlandicar: ST key + good loot drops. The remaining 3 ST key dragons have still only been killed a few times and are far from being common kills (Sontalak sucks :p).

As for staying in the rotation for everything -- there is no rotation for Velketor, he drops some good stuff now. Hoss is not currently, and has never been in the Dain rotation (however, that may change soon :p). Who kills Woushi? Who kills Telk, Gozz? Vindicator (8 hour spawn!) is up daily. Nobody kills Innoruuk.

Hoss was recently put into a rotation for Trak - sure, we needed a few more teeth. We'll probably be dropping out of that soon.

Mobs are killed for a reason. When we outgrow the need for items that the mob drops, we will usually pull ourselves out of killing that mob (that doesn't mean we won't want to squeeze in for a kill every now and again though for kicks).

08-03-2001, 11:11 AM
Edit: Sirensa says they are willing to rotate, which is very good news.

08-03-2001, 12:10 PM
Easier to ask forgiveness than permission?


08-06-2001, 05:13 AM
We'll play like good little boys and girls. As for the /anon thing. I have nfc..

No qualms.

08-06-2001, 03:20 PM
Also for the record Hoss and Vindi only team up for ST atm, Lend/Sont/Yel/NToV are killed by each individule guild.

08-06-2001, 03:24 PM
Uh huh..

08-06-2001, 04:54 PM
We did used to team up for Lend/Sont but will not be doing that in the future. ST is where we team up.