View Full Version : Be carefull with the new UI....for now.

07-31-2002, 01:37 PM
http://pub35.ezboard.com/fmonklybusiness43508frm1.showMessage?topicID=30167 .topic

After reading through the link above I was thinking of Trevlen who was so upset last night about his missing stuff...this bug could have been affecting him in some way or another and if the GM's only realize it/confirm it, he may be able to get his stuff back.

Also, just a warning to everyone else...you may want to turn the new ui off until they work out this thing...it seems really nasty.

07-31-2002, 02:47 PM
Can't read EZBoard from work, but does this have anything to do with bags disappearing? BOTH Tarkum and I had a bag on our cursor, while right clicking a mod rod, we both had the bag seem to become a mod rod, with no charges.

Then I put that 'rod' back in the inventory slot, couldn't click on it. Tried to open it, nothing. Picked up ANOTHER mod rod and the bag/rod poofed.

I remember seeing, for a split second, something about dropping a no-drop item or something, but since I was right clicking, shouldn't matter.

Tarkum reported almost the exact same thing happened to him.

Weird, eh?


08-01-2002, 12:27 AM
You dont know the half of it
I lost all my AAXP first
then half of my inventory
on top of all that I got the mod rod bug also which took a few items

Everything got returned also after to days soo all is good.