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08-01-2002, 01:18 PM

hope EQ is treating yall well


long deceased 60 monk

Dont get your panties in a wad if i forgot anyone my memory is blown from the wacky weed

08-01-2002, 01:24 PM
hey fag, tell youre brother to AIM me, name here is same as my AIM :)

08-01-2002, 01:28 PM
hey fag you mean kullaian cuz my brother played on xegony

08-01-2002, 01:33 PM
he played longer on druzzil ro, and yes kullaian aka stephen :)

08-01-2002, 01:36 PM
he isnt playing eq or daoc anymore i dont think and i dont believe he has aim and i really dont know his email so i guess i will tell him you want to talk to him ..... are you carn or his cousin ?



08-01-2002, 01:39 PM
sniff, I didn't get a hi in the first post =(

hi QB
hows things? ;)

unusual seeing your name around here, was a loong time I heard that name last :)


08-01-2002, 01:42 PM

No hi for me? :(

08-01-2002, 01:42 PM
i didnt say hello cuz i had no idea how many of you are hoss now ... things are good ive been screwing with linux and playing cstrike


08-01-2002, 01:44 PM

no excuse@#($*

08-01-2002, 01:46 PM
/agree Amb ;(

btw amb, log on already )%#)=%# stop playing tetris ¤="#


08-01-2002, 02:21 PM
Hi QB :D

08-01-2002, 03:50 PM
wtf thanks for not mentioning me quickbeem! :\

08-01-2002, 03:53 PM
He was a monk, probably fell down and hit his head one too many times, give him a break :P

08-01-2002, 05:27 PM
Hi Quickbeem!

and wtf, edit your post and say hi to everyone :(

08-01-2002, 06:17 PM
heya quick

08-01-2002, 09:20 PM
Hi Quickbeem... if you do talk to Kullaian. Tell him I said hi too.


08-02-2002, 09:09 AM
oh hi Quickbeem :D

They nerfed the cript keeper and made him a skeleton instead of a quickbeem :/ I still say DIE QUICKBEEM tho :D

08-02-2002, 10:59 AM
I wasn't going to respond until I saw the ninja-edit of my name in. :p j/k

HI QUICKBEEM! I remember being scared shitless going deep in DN with our little exp groups, they rocked!

Hope life is treating you well. :)

Kenju Weeple
08-02-2002, 10:12 PM
quickbeem :/ log on and join People of Weeple! we>hoss! or uhh~ so i like to belive ><

08-03-2002, 10:43 AM
Woot he remembered me and I didnt say nothing :) Hiyas QB

08-03-2002, 12:01 PM
no mentioning me i see, thanks alot!:(

08-05-2002, 12:20 AM
Hi QB you big sexy stud!

Cyber please!

08-05-2002, 07:08 AM
wtfak Eomer... see if I ever Cyber you again

08-05-2002, 12:09 PM
didnt mention me either wth =( hi QB :D

08-05-2002, 01:26 PM
Does he even know that character Stitz? I can't remember if you had Stitz back in CN.

08-05-2002, 01:41 PM
wasnt stitz aedails twink or some bs ?

08-05-2002, 02:38 PM
Stitz was that ghey DElf Senyan =(

08-05-2002, 02:59 PM
Titz my twink =D=D=D


08-05-2002, 09:43 PM
whoever that blah guy is, he must really like him!

08-08-2002, 08:20 AM
What up QB where the hell you been for the last year or so......CN broke up cause we didnt have any badass monks anymore and we reformed as Novus Invictus (http://www.novusinvictus.com). Stop by and say hi to us too noobie!

08-08-2002, 09:13 AM
I thought CN broke up cause Kuru lost his fucking mind :/

08-08-2002, 09:36 AM
Many guild leaders lost their minds on druzzil-ro( or they have come close to it), but then again some have lost it more then others:D

08-08-2002, 09:48 AM
LOL homer

08-08-2002, 10:24 AM
It's actually very appropriate that Kuru is apparently the name of some brain disease in monkeys, at least that's what he claimed.

08-08-2002, 11:38 AM
Kuru is a rare disease found in some New Guinea tribes. The disease spreads when they eat the brains of their dead in cannabalistic rituals. It's related to Mad Cow, and Kuru is more insane than the fucking disease, yes :|

I can just pull this stuff out of my ass!

08-08-2002, 12:22 PM
I quit cuz i was pissed off playing eq more then i was having fun .... My account is definitely( i quit paying on it then i lost the card it was billed too) gone which is sorta sad but in reality i wasted way to much of my life on eq and i never plan on playing another mmrpg cuz i definitely get hooked. I dont really miss the game i just miss the people :(

P.S. And yes kuru was a total asshole as were many other leader types in the guild, It was amazing how greedy the peeps were who were preaching about not being loot whores

08-08-2002, 12:45 PM
I would play another MMOG if any of my RL friends play them, but they don't. I have given up on MP games basically, because most people you run into on the internet are complete assholes, or freaks, and not a single friend of mine owns a computer better than a Pentium 150. I figure the only reason that I made it as far as I did in EQ is cause at a very early level I hooked up with a good crew of people. If it hadn't been for them, I doubt I would have made it past 50.

As far as Kuru goes, he was actually a pretty good guy when I first joined CN, he was pretty fair with loot, good at pulling etc etc. Burple was and still is wicked, same with Maker. But then Kuru went south (RL issues I think), Brunore got louder (remember when I managed to piss him off so bad he left the guild? that was great!), and things got ugly.

But this story has been rehashed so many times it's not interesting anymore!

I just wish I knew whatever happened to Alyku, Noryko, Constantine (you cybering madman you!), and a few of the other old school MD people :(.

Sows McBuff
08-09-2002, 07:54 AM
CN reformed as NI cos we didn't really have a leader, everyone went to play DAoC and we were left in the dark :|
well that's part of it, anyway. kuru blew up one day (imagine that) and it was one blow up too many. i heard later when he came back that he was much calmer after gettin a wummun...

08-09-2002, 09:46 AM
I still wish I had kept the post of Kuru blowing up at me on the message board after a PoG raid... it was the greatest post ever. It was actually kind of scary how far off the deep end he went.

08-09-2002, 11:59 AM
I soo remember that post Eomer. That is if you're talking about the one where Xuen got the BP & Gloves IN THE SAME NIGHT OMG !!!!!! OUTRAGE.... lol

08-09-2002, 12:03 PM
But Mitsy, he got the bracer too!


Of course, there were 3 other people who made that decision as well :)

08-09-2002, 01:23 PM

HAR HAR ewhoremer

where were yoiu canucks in stanley cup

08-09-2002, 02:23 PM
We were all tuckered out from winning the gold :/

But actually! If you look at the Detroit Red Wings, the majority of their major players are Canadian, Chelios included (he is originally from Montreal, I dunno why he sold out tho). Hull was also Canadian born and bred. I guess they do have a lot of pinko commies too, though.

08-10-2002, 01:04 PM
I don't post often, but I had to when I saw my old friend QB come out of hiding and say hi.

I have to agree about Kuru. He was a great guy, and leader in the beginning and even to our 1st forays into Tov. Something happened to him when we started trying to take CN to the next level. That's when those of us more hardcore players made our Exodus to join guilds with more drive and organization.

I have to say for a time CN really had a family like atmosphere before we started adding people daily.

/wave and /hug Amberel, Stitz, Lepra, Aedail, QB, Mitsy, Vegar, Xuen, Eomer, Zang, Rixi, Inizen, Zarxen, Fandyen, way to many to mention.

Special Hi to Tarissa ...One of the 2 rogues I looked up to as when I was growing up...Never figured I would have been giving you advice on poison making=).

This thread is getting all nostalgic =/ /sniff

Marauder Grabbit Allorth
60 Assassin
Township Rebellion

08-10-2002, 01:22 PM
Hi Grabbit, I miss you old friend. I remember when Vindication was forming( which I believe was roughly the time of CN's decline) meeting a good deal of people that came from CN such as Teutebod, Smalz, Grabbit, Kerplop, Rodny and many others

And then onto Hoss and meeting many more. Definately lots of good people came from CN aswell as seekers before they bit it.

08-10-2002, 01:53 PM
No idea how I could have forgotten to say hi to teut =(, I really miss that little guy. Rodny retired on Stormhammer and I have no idea if he checks any of the old boards. So many peope from different guilds I want to say hi to, but I don't want to hijack the thread. If I didn't mention you I don't love you any less!!

Are you currently active with Hoss Zarx?

Aedail I should probably send you a PM, but public recognition is never a bad thing. I'm very proud of you. Congrats on the officer title. You always impressed me with your knowledge, patience, and desire to help. I remember thinking you would make a really good officer if given the chance. I think I even told you that at one point. I remember one day we had a verbal sparring match about dozekar tactics when I was an officer in CN......I never told you, but you were right.. I miss our conversations...

It's good to see that many of the good people I had the pleasure to be guilded or just friends with found a good home with Hoss.

Despite whatever juvenile conflicts any of us have ever had I can't think of anyone I have anything against.

Don't let the thread die!!


08-10-2002, 02:08 PM
No I retired the mage, I figured I have seen/invested enough time in EQ. I had lots of good times in the the 3 guilds that I was in. Right now I am enjoying this opportunity that is real life, summer and friends.

I know lots of people are getting excited about SWG but personally speaking I can't see myself doing another game of this type it's just too much of a timesink heh.

But for those that are enjoying it and having fun, I wish them the best. Most of the old timers( or old friends) that still play are in Hoss. Yeah I am gonna miss playing with Teut and Dais and Phaera, but I still talk to them on the msg boards.

08-10-2002, 05:07 PM
Don't let the thread die!!
Guess I can start a flamewar if you want :p

08-10-2002, 06:00 PM
Khael is nothing but a dirty nasty swede :/

08-10-2002, 06:02 PM
I lub you too homer.

08-10-2002, 10:45 PM
Ok Grabbit dun mention me you wanker =( Hi! :D:D

08-10-2002, 11:18 PM
Sorry Lex =/. That's the bad thing about saying hi to old buddies. You can't name everyone =(.


08-11-2002, 12:19 PM
Hey Grabbit, always great to see old friends still around =).

Thanks for the kind words, I kinda miss the time back in CN as well, but at the same time I don't =). Hoss is a great guild, and I couldn't be more happy I took Amb's advice back then and tagged along to Hoss raids =).

I hope everything is going well over at Stormhammer :). Oh, and feel free to send me a tell ingame, almost forgot you could now with the new server-wide tell thingie :).

Us swedes in Hoss usually hang out in the druzzil.sweden channel if you want to pay a visit :).


08-11-2002, 12:37 PM
TR is doing very well as usual, but the GM/rotation drama still exists. I haven't really played in a while, but I stay on top of what's going on. I plan to return to full time before long. Things just keep coming up that have been preventing me from fully devoting myself to my guild duties.

I didn't think I would miss Druzzil as much as I do. It kinda feels like moving away from the neighborhood you grew up in.

Hehe, I remember when Amber left CN and I tried forever to talk her into coming back. We talked a lot back then and she happened to be one of our best clerics...haha now that I think of it, you guys have our 3 best clerics from the old CN team Amberel, Teut, and Jynere.

I took a quick look at Hoss's current roster, and there are so many faces I use to see in guild chat whether it was CN/Vindication..


08-11-2002, 02:13 PM
/rude Grabbit :D

08-11-2002, 04:27 PM
Eomer we all know you suck as a cleric, your better as a ass buddy =p

08-11-2002, 07:00 PM
I purposely left you off the list~

=P Eomer you were our best Freelance/contract cleric. How else could have we justified you having a guild tag as often as not...

I'm kidding...You were awesome, I wish Kuru would have listened to you more when it came to certain things.

Who else did we have?

There are 2-3 more that are on the tip of my tongue.

Hehe, I have more posts in 2 days than I have had in 6 months.


08-11-2002, 07:10 PM
And don't forget the rogue crew Grabbit, lilykor, Kaxmax and Rodny ! And hmm I might be missing someone. I wonder whatever happened to the other guys? I never got to know Kaxmax but I had seen him around, last with ML I believe. But then I don't know who is still playing or has left the game.

08-11-2002, 07:52 PM
Luxar was the other rogue.

And I admit that I sucked ass towards the end of my playing days as a cleric, simply cause I was bored as fuck and couldn't concentrate :).

And I only ever left CN twice before my permanent departure dammit! First time it was for like two days to just experience and get a few levels, no one even noticed. The time after that was for like a week, wasn't sure if I wanted to stick around in the guild or not, as I was getting fed up with a lot of shit. Then that whole PoG incident happened, and there was no going back :).

Other than Jynere or Alestair, I was one of the original clerics in CN that stuck around for awhile, Kuru recruited me when I was lev 45, back when Malla and CN were doing joint Fear/Hate/Naggy raids.

08-11-2002, 08:29 PM
I was being melodramatic Eomer =). I think you were the 1st cleric I grouped with after my guilding.

Ya Zarxen, That group of rogues was the 1st time I experienced the unique brotherhood rogues share. We have each gone our own ways, but I'll always remember them

Luxar --- Quit a short time after he left CN, the account ended up in one of his friends hands and then was later sold =/. Was an active member of IG last I knew.

Kaxmax --- Went to Mythic legion when CN's mass exodus happened. We remained good friends until I started Rohaises ring war before they were ready =/ ..shitty, but The Vindi/ML relationship was vile at best..even so Vindi didn't condone my actions and I got a pretty serious ass chewing. He's still active as far as I know.

Rodny --- Left CN several months before Lilk, Kax, Luxar, and I
He joined seekers, and then went on to Vindication after the split.
Moved to Stormhammer with most of Vindication. Retired there after several months of ownage.

Lilkylor --- Left with Kax, me, and Luxar. Freelanced for awhile, raided with Seekers, Vindi, before becoming serious about Hoss. He moved on to Daoc and I haven't spoken to him in months.

Myself --- Left CN due to lack of guild drive same day as the rest of the rogues. Soloed for awhile before joining Vindication and then moving to Stormhammer with them.

/sniff old times...


08-11-2002, 09:11 PM
Hey Grabbit, nice to hear from you, sorry about not answering your tells on irc, but im kinda perma afk on irc, and whenever i see your msg you are never on. Easier to get in touch with me in game :)

I kinda took a break from eq after they made me an officer in Vindi, and then i couldnt decide if it was worth moving over to SH as semi active, when everyone moved. I just ended up focusing a bit more on school and playing some quake2, getting my ass beat by ppl that was newbies last time i played "highend" q2 hehe.
I hope you are having a good time in TR, they seem like good ppl from the few times i have played on SH :)


08-12-2002, 11:35 AM
Hey Grabbit, been a long time. :)

Yeah we have quite a large amount of ex CN here in Hoss - including all of the swedes I believe. It makes me sad sometimes to think about how many old friends from CN I've lost touch with or who disappeared.

...oh and here's a quote I always think of when I think about CN


08-12-2002, 11:39 AM
Sorry Amber, it would either have to be




08-12-2002, 12:14 PM
Good to hear from you Grabbit!

I haven't heard anything from KFC or lilkylor in a LONG time....wonder what happened to those two....

I remember the Xuen incident and all the other warriors but one not caring that he got the loot. Was pretty fun the drama that followed hehe.

Its pretty amazing when you look back at old CN and then look at where all those people are today. If things had worked out, with CN's roster, we woulda been pretty badass.

Does Stitz still play?? We used to talk like everyday till I took my 3 month break this spring/summer.

08-12-2002, 01:03 PM
ROFL!! Amberel and Eomer, I vividly remember those words coming out of Kurus mouth....I still have screenshots of me dragging everyones corpses out from under Innys feet after that mishap.

Hey Zang =)

Lilk is playing Daoc, and no idea what Kfc is doing. I think Stitz still plays. Member of Hoss I if remember correctly.

Ya CN had the core talent to do great things, but you simply can't do it with 20-25 skilled hardcore players, and 30-35 casual gamers who are along for the ride to watch the show.

You still in NI Zang? how fairs things over tha way?


08-12-2002, 02:21 PM
After Vind broke/went to legends I went back to NI.....Then I moved and got married and shit and took 3 months off. Just got back to playing but where I live I can only get a 26.4 connection so I am not really a great tank for raids.

NI has really progressed we went from killing Gore 6th months ago to killing Creator. Seems like a pretty good bunch with alot of the old schoolers like Lylala and Alwyn etc etc

And ya ADD INNY was a classic hehe :)

08-12-2002, 03:05 PM
Alwyn=good for gating out on a group in Seb while playing Cumnyar, because the tank pulled *gasp* four!

08-12-2002, 05:33 PM
Sounds great Zang, the power curve slows down a lot once you can master a few of those fights. How close are you to downing the cursed cycle? do Aow or Tunare yet? Those 2 fights use put fear into the hearts of many, but have become almost trivial.

I remember when LoS zerged AoW in a joint guild effort of 120, with many dying enough times to come out at 59 when the smoke cleared. Crazy that we do em with low 40's and rarely have a death unless someone over aggroes or the MT is feeling frisky and decides to turn em on enrage ). Mudflation > all...was rough finding a warrior with 6k buffed hp then and now I think we have 2 that are bordering on 8k.

A lot of it has to do with guild composition though. Some battles are very very hard to win without the right number of each class.

It's a shame that SoL made it almost mandatory to have 60-70 man raids. I was much more comfortable at the 40-45 range.

Marauder Grabbit Allworth
60 Assassin
Township Rebellion

"The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war."

08-12-2002, 05:46 PM
Nod G the 30/40 people made for a good family atmosphere and less clustering in guild chat.

Who is all left from Vindi btw Grabbit? I know at the time Luclin came out a few just outright quit as they had problems with it, and in time more quit due to the timesinks and other issues.

I looked on the TR page but it looked too me mostly people from other servers and maybe about 10 or so people that I used to know.

08-12-2002, 07:48 PM
Some quit, some moved on and some kinda dissapered. Best I can remember these people from Vindi remain.

Shyft (Stabbie)
Fujigm (Came from Druzzil but wasn't in Vindi)

We've had several retire, and some go inactive.
Aandante - Retired
Rodny - Retired
Shik - retired
Hallinforth - retired
Reeves - Inactive
Darshan - Inactive
Fandyen - Moved back to Dro
Canthan - ???
Darkang - ???
Nanaki - ???
Nitsua - ???
Rogarr - ???
Smokida/windle ???
Sumoner - ???
Taurean - ???
Xzzit - inactive
Monsta - Moved back to Dro
Raza - ???
Sinar - Retired
Wyern - Retired
Leen/Leens - ???

I know I'm missing some names especially from those who moved back, retired, and are currently inactive.


08-12-2002, 08:04 PM
Hmm interesting. I think Ziani was from l'malla, she must have joined before the move.

Dhalamar and Dodga. I don't think I know these 2

I haven's seen Demii in so long=/.. I had known her since my toon was lvl 15

08-12-2002, 09:44 PM
I miss Demii too! :(

*tickles Zarx, then darts off*

08-13-2002, 12:00 AM
hmm, I dunno maybe we picked em up after we got to SH...for some reason I thought we had em on Dro..guess not.

TR had a revolving door in it's first month or so after SH opened before it evolved into the Machine of Ownage it is now...

I was completely confident Vindi would take hold of a completely new server. There were rumors of several other uber guilds coming over, but none did. Well some did in groups of 15-20. However, there were so many egos that arguments over leadership, tactics, and loot policies it soon destroyed any chance of them banding together to form any sort of workable opposition.
Was hard to find another group of 50 who had been working together as long as we had been =).

Leviathan is the only real guild that presents TR with any irritation, and they have only achieved the status they have as a result of the calender system where they get MANDATORY tries at mobs. HI uber mob training wheels! Without being spoonfed, Lev would have never gotten the opportunities to practice.

Calenders in theory are great, but in practice they suck beyond belief. Take 5 guilds on a server.....1 Dominates, 1 close behind, and 3 bordering on great things but never get any chance to learn tactics because Guild 1 dominates. Now add a calendar to the mix.

Guild 1 tears through it's round of mobs in 1 day, sits around doing nothing for days.
Guild 2 dies over and over to mobs until they finally learn it and then begin taking down mobs Guild 1 use to have alone
Guilds 3-5 are now taking thier chances at mobs they would have probably never seen. Eventually they will learn them just as everyone does given enough practice, unless they have monkeys at the keyboard.

It doesn't start out too bad, but after several months you end up having many guilds sharing the same high level content. The result? A lot very unhappy players that have nothing to do.

Eq is poorly designed in this aspect, and while it seems selfish to monopolize any level of content I have to disagree. EQ in it's own way is a competition. Just like pro sports. Professional football teams recruit the best players, pay the best salaries,
and strive to be the best at what they do. Do rivalries between teams get ugly sometimes? yep. Are long term grudges held between players? hell yes. Do fans consider it dirty or selfish when one team dominates the league by winning championship after championship? heh hardly.

The trophy goes to those who work the hardest, it doesn't matter if that's through training, teamwork, communication, or just having the best players on your team. If you want it all, you have to work for it.....once you claw your way to the top and hold your ground I don't find it fair to watch a ref handing my competition a step ladder.

EQ isn't just a game, it's a pastime, a hobby, and for some a lifestyle. You want to protect what you have worked to achieve.
Those of us in or ever been in an uber guild understand this to some degree. Some are more sympathetic than others, but the point is we take the game serious. Much more serious than your weekend casual gamer who have trouble understanding why we act the way we do... Why does afterlifes board say NO SPOILERS in huge red text....because they aren't going to help you crawl your way anywhere near the top to challenge them....if you do , great you did it on your own and deserve it.

This post has gotten waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay away from what it was intended to say so I'll end it now =)


08-13-2002, 12:18 AM
Actually Reeves is on D-Ro.. just saw him 2 nights ago.

08-13-2002, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Grabbit
Leviathan is the only real guild that presents TR with any irritation, and they have only achieved the status they have as a result of the calender system where they get MANDATORY tries at mobs. HI uber mob training wheels! Without being spoonfed, Lev would have never gotten the opportunities to practice.

Calenders in theory are great, but in practice they suck beyond belief. Take 5 guilds on a server.....1 Dominates, 1 close behind, and 3 bordering on great things but never get any chance to learn tactics because Guild 1 dominates. Now add a calendar to the mix.

Guild 1 tears through it's round of mobs in 1 day, sits around doing nothing for days.
Guild 2 dies over and over to mobs until they finally learn it and then begin taking down mobs Guild 1 use to have alone
Guilds 3-5 are now taking there chances at mobs they would have probably never seen. Eventually they will learn them just as everyone does given enough practice, unless they have monkeys at the keyboard.

It doesn't start out too bad, but after several months you end up having many guilds sharing the same high level content. The result? A lot very unhappy players that have nothing to do.


Well I think that is why the IGB that did exist here on Druzzil failed. It started off with 3 guilds( Hoss, seekers and ML) and ended up with 12 or more before it died.

Ironically enough, I don't hear of any of the high lvl guilds complaining that the server is FFA atm, where as before well you know.

08-13-2002, 01:03 AM
I'd imagine there is a lot more friction amongst the other guilds as we don't have a lot of people doing the stuff we do. If that were to be, I'm sure there'd be some nashing of teeth. Luclin + FFA = the end of EQ for a *lot* of people.

At least temporarily :)

08-13-2002, 03:25 AM
I think i saw Monsta on the AL roster now.
A female Iksar war lvl 60?? with the same name...

08-13-2002, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by Eomer
Sorry Amber, it would either have to be




lol.. that shit makes me laugh and i have no idea what it is about :|

Sows McBuff
08-13-2002, 04:48 AM
kuru down =/
aand LD =/

08-13-2002, 04:57 AM
Monsta in AL
Darkang is back on Dro

08-13-2002, 09:29 AM
We haven't done AoW yet but we have done Idol unslowed once....got him to about half if I remember. I am pretty sure we are capable of AoW, we just need our clerics to log on once in a while :P. Cursed Cycle we are trying to find it up :P We also tried AL the other night and got close to half before 2 clerics lagged causing the RT to die and those clerics to be summoned and smacked :P

Tarissa, Kuru had this idea that being close to a wall would cause gigantic trains. Kinda funny that most guilds now use the walls to their advatage :P

And hey Urgas how you been bro?

08-13-2002, 10:29 AM
Well, CN had this problem with sending mobs flying around from one place to another, as only about half the guild really understood how positioning worked (goes back to the half hardcore, half casual split within CN), and the guild had a WICKED crew of rogues who were basically useless half the time because of it. So /guild was generally filled with calls of WALL any time an uber mob was engaged :).

But my fave would have to be "think smart people", I don't know why. It was just great.

UNPLUG YOUR PHONE LINES was also good, although I think only a few people knew about that one. Wasn't said in guild often, but when Kuru started to go crazy every now and then, I would start getting tells from Idyian and Xuen telling me to unplug my phone, lol.

08-16-2002, 07:30 PM
Hey there QB! Been a long time since I've heard from you or actually logged onto EQ myself. I'm just at home in Massachusetts right now after finishing up summer classes at UT in Austin... I'm bored off my ass so I just thought I'd cruise around the old EQ boards.

Are you still in Houston? I hadn't been even once during the whole year I'd been down in Texas until about a month ago when me and my Lambda Chi bros went there for a big recruitment event... it was interesting. Why is it so friggin' dirty? Smog covers the whole damn place. Why are there so many fat people?? I've never seen so many people in need of a Richard Simmons workout tape in my life.

Some parts of the city seem nice though. I visited a bunch of friends from Belair, Sugarland and The Woodlands while I was there and those areas were cool.

I didn't see much to do downtown though. We went out to a club called Rehab, which was okay... until a bunch of gay guys started hitting on me and my friends and then the fun kinda ended. When we were leaving Rehab, I was pretty drunk and made an ass outta myself when I ran up to some chick who I thought was the Destiny's Child girl from Goldmember and asked for her autograph and stuff. She just kinda looked at me as if I were retarded or something... oh wait...

Anyway, good to see yer still around and umm... "nice" to see your... *cough*... lovely city.

- Citidal Weeple

08-16-2002, 08:27 PM
is that pic of QB practicing FD at work :D

08-17-2002, 10:06 AM
lol, forgot about that

08-18-2002, 09:26 AM
Pretty sure Canthan joined the relatively new "Knights of Winter's Past" guild formed by members from the original back on fennin that exists here on Druzzil. That or it's just a really freaky coincidence =o

Ziani did the ninja move to Stormhammer while still guilded with L`Malla, she was at a raid I think the night before then gone the next day.

Rodny is probably just inactive till they see what PoP is like, as far as I know the freaks still have EQ installed on their machine. The younger plays tribes 2 now and the older doesn't game much at all anymore.

08-29-2002, 06:03 AM
Holy Shit~!

08-29-2002, 06:40 AM
the leg :/

08-29-2002, 04:54 PM