View Full Version : Creative Nomad Player

08-16-2002, 04:00 PM
About two years ago I bought a 64 mb (32 internal, 32 smartdisk flash card) Nomad player, one of the original mp3 players. I loved it, the sound quality wasn't as good as a CD player, but it was nice and small, completely rechargeable, and easy to load music onto (although slow, as it used a printer port as its interface). I used it for jogging and other active things, cause obviously it doesn't skip.

I stopped using it last fall cause I didn't feel like running in the dead of winter, and haven't used it since. When I bought it I was using 98, I have since upgraded to XP. And joy of joys, the drivers and software that came with it don't work with XP, period. Basically, I now have a item that I bought for $150 CDN, that only plays the 6 Alien Ant Farm songs I loaded into it last fall (out of all the fucking music to have on it, why couldn't I have Tool or Led Zep or something).

Does anyone know of any places that have some user made programs that work with XP? Is there any hope for me? I have been talking with Creative, and they are essentially telling me too fucking bad for you.

My first letter to them:

"I have not attempted to use my Nomad player in the past six
months. When I originally purchased it, I was running my
computers on Windows 98. I recently upgraded to XP, and
decided to move some songs onto my player. I installed the
Nomad manager that came with the player on my computer,
chose to continue when Windows XP warned me about the
certification mumbo jumbo. But now when I start up the
Nomad manager, it is unable to connect to my player. It
says "Port Open Failure" and then goes to the information

Does the Nomad player not work with the Windows XP
operating system?"

Their reply:

"At this time we will not be releasing a Nomad Manager or drivers for Windows XP. For more information, you can check www.nomadworld.com or our news server at:


More information about the news server is available at:


I have heard that there might be software available that will allow the Nomad to work under XP, but it would not be supported by Creative. You might be able to find more information on the newsgroups.

Creative Labs Technical Support "

My slightly unhappy reply:

"So essentially I am being told that my Nomad player is
now useless, due to Creative's unwillingness to
support their products?

How would I go about seeking a refund, or exchange for
a product that does work?"

Their reply:


The only method for obtaining a refund is through the vendor (original place of purchase). We can only accept a returned unit if the product is possibly defective, in which case an RMA would be issued. The Creative Labs RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) facility's responsibility is to test and repair/replace defective products once our technical support agents have determined the product to be defective via troubleshooting steps.

For example, if you purchase a Black & Decker blender from Sears, you could not return the blender to Black & Decker if it did not meet your expectations, unless the blender was defective, and the situation would continue with Black & Decker's return procedures, etc.

If the product was purchased directly from the Creative Labs' Customer Service department and you are within their refund/return warranty period, you can contact them via telephone at (800) 998-1000. Ensure to have your order number(s) and product serial number(s) in hand.


Well, the place I bought it at went tits up about two weeks after I bought it, and even if they hadn't, I am sure they wouldn't take it back, and I wouldn't blame them. It's not their fault. But whatever. My latest reply:

"This is not a matter of the product not "meeting my
expectations". The product I purchased now no longer
has a large part of its functionality working, due to
Creative's unwillingness to release driver updates
for arguably the most popular and current operating

My Nomad player essentially is now the equivalent of
one hour of music that I cannot change, edit, or
otherwise modify. While I agree the hardware itself
is not defective, the software is.

I will surely keep this in mind the next time I
stumble and consider purchasing any Creative product."

08-17-2002, 08:52 PM
Creative has been historically known for poor legacy driver support. It can be both a smart and dumb business strategy, depending on stuff. But anyway, you have a few options, if you searched for XP drivers and didn't find any:

1. Are there drivers for 2k? Try those, though you might have to tinker with it a bit. Failing that, get rid of XP and just install 2k. XP sucks. Really.

2. If no drivers for 2k are available, make a separate partition 1 gig in size, and put 98 there, and dual boot. I'm not exactly sure of the best way to go about it, but you won't be able to install from within XP, and (iirc) booting from the cd won't work either. Third party programs like system commander will probably solve that.

3. Get a new player. Though I absolutely do not suggest buying one until there are players/firmwares with support for ogg vorbis, aac, mpc, or mp3pro. Ogg vorbis support should come really soon in firmwares from sonicblue and iriver, hopefully. So keep an eye out for that if you choose this option.

08-17-2002, 10:19 PM
My 3com network card won't run with Windows XP and there are no drivers for it in existance. =\

Its quite funny, Windows XP says would you like for Windows to search the internet for a compatible driver, which is impossible because the only way I could get on the internet would be a working network card.

08-18-2002, 01:32 AM
Well, I have a Creative Nomad II mp3 player, and i recently got a new computer for free (but thats a long story) and the comp came loaded w/ XP. So, since the old comp was trashed, i took what i could off the old hard drive by making it a slave in my buddy's comp...included in that was the creative playcenter software for the player...to my surprise i made the same discovery you did...that it didnt work...

So, i visited the creative website to search around for a new version of the playcenter, and after i found what seemed appropriate i downloaded that only to get the message that it couldnt patch my particular version up to the current. So, after calling the creative tech support, the techie figured out that you need to patch it in steps...so i downloaded an earlier version that was able to patch the one from the old comp (it was like 1.0 or similar) up to like 1.3, then from 1.3 to 2.x or whatever it is now...

However, since you have gone to all this trouble already, i'm going to assume you've tried to download whatever drivers or versions they have posted on their website...but i thought that maybe you had run into a similiar problem as I in trying to patch and given up to take another route...

If you havent given this a try, plz do, i wish i could be more specific but this was about 5-6 months ago, and i party a little too much at college to remember well =/

If that still doesnt fix your problem, i guess youre just SOL, cause corporations pretty much do whatever they feel like to the little guys =( Or if you like i would be happy to try to send you my version of the Playcenter, or even just the patch programs i used (if i still have them...)

Good luck,
Xabulaz Stormreaver
56 Ikkie monk

P.S. /wave Xuen and Amb =D

08-18-2002, 09:30 AM
My understanding from reading their web pages is that there are working (sort of) drivers for the newer Jukeboxes and II's, although they are apparently buggy.

I may look into dual booting my computer, otherwise there isn't much I can do. I am not gonna buy a new MP3 player for awhile, cause the good ones are so damn expensive, gonna wait for them to come down in price.

The only reason I bought the one I have is cause the store I was at fucked up, the price should have been $300CDN, but when I asked the register biscuit told me $150, so before he could reconsider I bought it.

08-18-2002, 12:15 PM
Did you check driverguide.com, a lot of times when people won't support their items someone gets mad and writes their own driver for it. They usually end up on driver guide.

aka Sexy Lexi da SUPER gnome!!!

08-18-2002, 01:40 PM

have you checked if those will work with XP? If not, try posting on their msg boards, might be of some help.

08-18-2002, 01:52 PM
Thanks, tried using a few search engines and I couldn't turn anything up.