View Full Version : Your personal favorite EQ moments
08-18-2002, 12:01 PM
1. Happiest?
2. Saddest?
3. Most Exciting?
4. Scariest?
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
6. Moment of failure?
7. Revenge?
8. Romance???
9. Betrayel?
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
Some of your favorites may be the same moment =)
Maruader Grabbit Allworth
60 Assassin
Township Rebellion
"The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war."
08-18-2002, 12:43 PM
1. Happiest?
Killing Emp Ssra. :)
2. Saddest?
Good friends like Zarxen, Khanriale, Sera, Elyria, Ubar, etc quitting. :(
3. Most Exciting?
Killing Emp again.
4. Scariest?
Lol...Running into PoF naked after my first trip there, for CR.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
I'm not sure about that one. I guess making so many friends over all this time.
6. Moment of failure?
Probably not using my best judgement with some situations in the past.
7. Revenge?
Can't think of any.
8. Romance???
..Not in EQ.
9. Betrayal?
Can't think of any either.
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
Any of the first times I've been in *most* zones. I think the Planes stuck out the most.
1. Hah, getting my epic. 9 months of effort and an intese battle with Lhranc with 30 people who were all there just to see me get it.
2. typing /guildremove Lorpse as my last officer-action
3. Fighting two wurms in tov with a cleric, a warrior, 2 shaman and myself. The single most intense battle of my EQ career.
4. Finding out my account had been hacked.
5. Looking at vulak's body (before it rotted!) and thinking "wow, we won" amazing feeling
6. Hah, spending dozens of hours xping to max out my tanking ability and not getting any heals when I was MT on THO, because "Sks can't tank"
7. getting disease cloud to stick on an obnoxious paladin I was dueling at 14, he got knocked unconscious and I kept him that way for like 5 minutes, thanks for training me several times and then petitioning me when I called him a jerk (yeah, rough language =\)
8. There are so many, I think the time with Xuen will be the most fondly remembered /swoon
9. Little gnome rogue named Xzzit. Fucking gnomes. Taught him a ton about raiding, looked after him and did everything I could so that he would do well and he bailed the first chance he got. The one time it hit home and I was just sick of the whole buisness.
10. Neriak when I first loaded the game. I thought "wow, now this is badass" right before I hailed my guildleader with the a button.
08-18-2002, 01:21 PM
1. Happiest? ... I got alot... But i think joining hoss.
2. Saddest?... Erm Now :(
3. Most Exciting? ...Soloing Lodi!!!!!!!!!!
4. Scariest? ... Yea its sad, but as my first char i got lost in lesser faydark and i thought i was gonna loose everything on my lvl 13 mage!
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment? .... Has too be emp... Soon as that ass bandit snake died i screamed louder then a london dyke fakeing an orgasm.
6. Moment of failure? I think when i left ni, I had alot of friends and by leaving i think i failed them.
7. Revenge?... Posting homo Screenshots of van!
8. Romance??? Huhuh! Damn i cybord so many chicks `n` Zappo`s i didnt have time for the married life... But one mebe..... They know who they are ;)
9. Betrayel? .... When i found out Aedail was cyborin some high elf and not me :p
10. Sense of wonder or awe? Eq was more then a game too me...... Jeez i had dreams sometimes about eq shit "freak?"... But i always wondered if others did and if others thought about it nearly 24/7?
Thats me! :D
08-18-2002, 02:37 PM
Happiest? When Aten dies.
Saddest? Whenever friends quit.
Most Exciting? My first Lady Nev fight =o
Scariest? When I was exploring Toxx and ran into Rungupp, lost my corpse :(
Moment of Greatest Achievement? Emp, after all those camps / wipeouts I was so happy to move on to more!
Moment of Failure? Never!
Revenge? Killing Rungupp 3 years later, bastard.
Romance? I'll never forget that time me and, no.
Betrayal? When I found out Eomer was cybering half the server, you said I was special :mad:
Sense of Awe or Wonder? Entering Blackburrow for the first time :D
08-18-2002, 03:04 PM
Happiest? When I got my epic, was pure happiness and also relief, I had been camping ragefire for an entire weekend, with Wyvern and Sirensa accusing me of stealing one.
Saddest? When I clicked delete on Eomer a few weeks back (surprise!)
Most exciting? My first serious raid, Nagafen about two years ago.
Scariest? My first trip to hate, the sounds and the graphics there are spooky as shit.
Moment of Greatest Achievement? Epic, again. 60 is close too.
Moment of failure? Can't really think of one that really jumps out at me.
Revenge? I guess it felt good to leave CN after all the shit that happened, because it started the snowball rolling. Within a few weeks the guild basically fell apart, and most of the hardcore original members had left (swedes, Xuen, Amb, Maker, rogue crew etc).
Romance? In all seriousness, never ever even once considered going after a chick in EQ, thank god :). (speaking of which, Rezz, what was that DE SK chick's *cough* name? :D
Betrayal? I guess I felt betrayed by Constantine way the hell back in MD, when we all found out he had been cybering half the fucking guild, and it all fell apart. Up until that point MD was actually making some good strides to being a viable guild in the future.
Sense of Awe or Wonder? Back in my first bout with EQ in August 99, when I first zoned into WK from Qeynos Hills. I already thought QH was a massive zone, and then all of the sudden I had this HUGE FUCKING ZONE laid out in front of me. It kinda shocked me that the world of EQ was really going to be that big.
08-18-2002, 07:00 PM
Happiest? nuttin to brag about
Saddest? finding out sleeper won't ever spawn
Most exciting? my frist vox raid
Scariest? im fearless long has i know there is a cleric in the zone to rezz me
Moment of Greatest Achievement?none
Moment of failure?lots of thos
Revenge? lots and lots of revenge when i took a enc out that was talking shit to me ahh takeing out a couple monk and killing a sk etc and i killed them all hahahahahaha
Romance? none
Betrayal? none
Sense of Awe or Wonder? frist started
1. Happiest?
When Jago gave me his SMR back in the day, and I got guilded into SoN.
2. Saddest?
Loosing friends when I quit / they did.
3. Most Exciting?
My first Nag raid, sure I was only the comp bitch, but it was exciting as hell.
4. Scariest?
Not sure, never really been scared in EQ.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
Hitting 50, Hitting 60, Pulling Fear, Hate, Ntov, Figuring out Ntov with DS for the first time on Dro, Being the only enchanter to pull so much, Working with other outstanding enchanters such as Boner, Ely, Storme, Hali, and especially TWONGER to accomplish so much, First 1 grp killing of the shroom king, first time seeing naggy vox trak die, Figuring out how to pull VP and being the main puller in VP as an Enchanter, Creating Vindication with Ciner Wyvern and crew and having the best summer of EQ I ever had right before quitting.
6. Moment of failure?
Me, fail? NEVER ;p, or when I did I made my grp go back again till we didnt fuck up ;o.
7. Revenge?
Uhhh none really.
8. Romance???
Not in EQ....
9. Betrayel?
Being used for information by people I trusted....
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
Seeing Lguk for the first time w/ Jago, Mutten, Cinder, Brithrax, and Zuel.
08-19-2002, 12:31 AM
all of this was 5 secs ago killing aten :|
Kenju Weeple
08-19-2002, 03:31 AM
1. Happiest?
/surname Weeple at lvl 20 ><
2. Saddest?
being only person in People of Weeple while having 8 people in channel weeple :( /rude Hoss
3. Most Exciting?
making ishboo pull fingers in pof bak in the day
4. Scariest?
Getting a real sound card and hearing footsteps in lguk when i first logged on. scared the bajeebahz out of me :(
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
finishing 7th shawl~
6. Moment of failure?
failing 6th shawl 4? 5? 6? times.
7. Revenge?
Killing zappo to plant HS keys(teach that fugger to sleep with my woman)
8. Romance???
Me and zaphoe getting married.
9. Betrayel?
Seeing Zappo Weeple next to my woman!
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
Getten /pwned trying to ae shadowed men with Fudorm while shouting "I am God" in wc. then comming back a year and half later and killing them all with just 1 gelids wondering how the hell we died the first time~
08-19-2002, 04:15 AM
1. Happiest?
none am not a happy fellow
2. Saddest?
leaving EQ 4 5 times
3. Most Exciting?
1st ntov raid maybe
4. Scariest?
That run in ww nude with drakky and barlo after a wipe in Hot
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
1st blue dozekar down
6. Moment of failure?
Every time i fell asleep on raids
7. Revenge?
8. Romance???
/wave shindar miss you m8
9. Betrayel?
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
08-19-2002, 04:24 AM
1. Happiest?
Getting my epic, i was really overwhelmed with emotion and so glad to not have to run around anymore....
2. Saddest?
errr been quiet a few but probably when dear friends have left the game...
3. Most Exciting?
i know it sounds silly but the most exciting times for me and which still are, is when a spawn youhave been camping for like ever pops, that feeling of OH MY GOD, and adrenaline running cant beat it imo =)
4. Scariest?
Seeing Inizen's erudite forehead when the new models came out, did think divorce
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
hmmmm, probably yet again doing my epic, but could change to coldain prayer shawl if i complete =p
6. Moment of failure?
Been quite a few but probably when im responsible for someones death, great sense of failure of letting them down =((
7. Revenge?
None that i know, have thought about it on some occasions but always to chicken to follow through heheh
8. Romance???
Has to be meeting Inizen, guess we are very lucky =)
9. Betrayel?
When i first started and i met this wizzy <not inizen> who i helped out and twinked gave all my money then dumped me when ileft for a week and sold all my stuff that hurt =(( and made me trust ppl less
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
EQ itself =)
08-19-2002, 07:41 AM
1. Happiest? I think this is a toss up between when Alc hit 60 and any time I can help a friend.
2. Saddest? Losing contact with friends. It's okay for them to quit the game, I miss them but I'm glad they are moving on in life. Losing contact with them though, that's sad.
3. Most Exciting? Recently after a wipeout in Vex Thal a few of us were rezzed to try to recover. Just a small handful of us were able to kill several things and control the spawn so the guild would recover.
4. Scariest? When I logged on my level 54 woodelf rogue and he was a level 1 human monk.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment? When a 5 member group of Forsaken Heroes and I killed Lucien the right way. Instead of hail/stunning him we wiped out the Freeport guards.
6. Moment of failure? Anytime I've done something dumb that caused people to die.
7. Revenge? Revenge is never what you think it will be. I try hard to not feel it is necessary.
8. Romance??? Ahhh lucky me. I met the greatest guy in the whole world in EQ and he liked me!!!
9. Betrayel? When I had something happen that showed me that most of the people you think of as friends in EQ are little more than aquaintences.
10. Sense of wonder or awe? The first time I saw the game. I was standing behind a friend who was running from a griffon in North Karana. I was awed at the fact that someone made this world and I could be in it!
Gah homer.. wtf, it was something with an S. I think I remember dying on the way to the wedding and having like half the upper level guild people rescuing me from Kithicor, damn wood elves. MD was the shit, y0. When me, tasa tyler and Alder left it kinda killed the guild. Half the officers leaving at once then all the shit that constantine was doing, plus that's when Rolist left again to join with IG or something. Hah, I think most of the people from MD ended up in CN afterwards, the little knot that left with me did the Norrath's Untouchables thing then quit =\
Rofl, remember Xiil or whatever his name was? God that cleric annoyed the hell out of me, and Con kept telling us to send him tells when he'd throw a fit to try and talk him back. I remember when you and yober were arguing or something in a pickup group and then you being all worried because you had pissed off some guy from a guild called Hoss, and how old they were supposed to be. Damn that brings back memories.
08-19-2002, 10:44 AM
Yea, that thing with Yober, Saltoria a necro twink with a Hoss tag was in the group. I booted him from MD :D, but then Con invited him back only to remove him a while later.
Did you ever find out the truth about that sexy DE SK? :D
08-19-2002, 11:38 AM
1. Happiest?
1.) Lots, but some might be: Kattoo giving me an fbss and helping me camp/get a PGT before that (ownage!), Hitting 60, Jago mq'ing the shattered emerald of corruption with me to finish my epic, MQ'ing another seoc with Xaneidolon to help him finish his epic.
1a.) Funniest : When IG killed Velketor the first time, Thanatoz's following comments about running around his neighborhood naked because he was so excited :p
2. Saddest?
2.) When I left IG.
3. Most Exciting?
3.) Probably killing Doz for the first time
4. Scariest?
4) Hands down, running through Burning Woods at level 30 to talk to Telin Darkforest to start my epic. The thundering crashes of the footsteps of Wurms and Giants that I couldn't see because of the trees had my heart going stuck in my throat. Knowing that if I died, I would lose my corpse for hours in those trees and have the longest CR of my life in the scariest zone to look forward to.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
5.) Greatest thus far...well, killing Aten Ha Ra.
6. Moment of failure?
6.) Not being able to do enough to help IG turn it around.
7. Revenge?
7.) Killing Kattoo in NRo because I "lagged" rofl. Thats for UGuk bish!
8. Romance???
8.) Not in EQ heh.
9. Betrayel?
9.) Having a so called "friend" twist my words by using private PM's and a Yahoo IM conversation.
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
10.) The first time I came over the hill and saw the entrance to Kaladim and the statue( and the music chiming in ). Wow!
08-19-2002, 12:10 PM
1. Happiest?
Quitting EQ.
2. Saddest?
When I started playing EQ.
3. Most Exciting?
There was that time that involved a group orgy with a halfling, a ranger, and a ogre.
4. Scariest?
See above.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
Crashing multiple zones using a exploit that I found.
6. Moment of failure?
When I couldn't climb the wall in freeport. Meh.
7. Revenge?
Is a dish best served cold.
8. Romance???
There were a few hot moments with a halfling and a ranger...
9. Betrayel?
When the halfling and the ranger eloped with each other.
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
The fact that people are still addicted to EQ.
08-19-2002, 12:21 PM
1. Happiest?
- When i got lvl60 together with Grabbit, finally killing emperor after all the deaths to him.
2. Saddest?
- Leaving CN prolly and about the time when the guild slowly broke up, finding out you could gimp the old vyemm by adjusting your network settings.
3. Most Exciting?
- Killing Klandicar in CN. Killing Yelinak. Getting old Vyemm down to 10% health with normal network settings. Killing Emperor. Getting AoW to 30% in Vindication, realized there we were actually able to kill him hehe. Breaking NToV for the first time on dro.
4. Scariest?
- Crossing kith by night as low lvl, first time in unrest basement maybe, hard to get scared in a computer game hehe
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
- See 3
6. Moment of failure?
- Server crashing when you are finally fighting a mob that you have worked on clearing to for a few weeks? When ppl dies in my group just because im not paying attention.
7. Revenge?
hehe, the few times when some fag decides to sit right on top of me in bazaar just because hes bigger, so ppl cant find me for trades. Got my revenge by logging on daisiee troll and sit on them for a little till they decide to move over :)
Denying to rez some porter type that has ignored me in the past.
8. Romance???
- When daisiee called me a slut?
9. Betrayel?
- None i can think of.
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
- Entering Vex Thall, the first day in VT was awsome, very nice textures. Watching TC solo a hill giant in commons.
08-19-2002, 01:57 PM
1. Happiest?
Powerleveling Zappo's wizard in Lguk and getting him killed many times!
2. Saddest?
Eomer stealing Necatus' sprinkler! >< (haha, so there!)
3. Most Exciting?
Convincing a random level 49 wizard to give me a quick port up to Hate, for the second time (a loathing lich put a quick end to the first trip, and had to use lizard blood potion #1) making a mad dash through to the book of souls, and grabbing it with a good dozen misc creatures on my tail ... hitting my final potion in time to see them rounding the corner. The first time I did he rage quest it was quite a bit less interesting, it involved alot of sitting and waiting. (the first time was for Exitilus, as opposed to Illegal, my second rogue)
4. Scariest?
Being late for a trak raid and having to sneak all the way to his lair through a fully respawned mess of creatures.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
Quitting EverQuest, for the second .. err .. third time!
6. Moment of failure?
Re-activating my account and playing EverQuest again, after having been clean for six months.
7. Revenge?
Besting Gambiit in everything. (tied to #9)
8. Romance?
I'm sorry, I played EverQuest at one point, I don't think I'll ever have to worry about this aspect of life. (okay, now the self-loathing has gone too far)
9. Betrayel?
Any situation I ever found myself in involving Gambiit.
10. Sense of wonder or awe?
The first time I entered Dragon Necropolis. (followed soon thereafter by a two-man 60 person CR in WW, urgh - hurrah for the well oiled machine that was Coven Nex - I lub you Kuru!)
(Exitilus Ebrius / Illegal Operation)
08-19-2002, 02:11 PM
1. Happiest? When I won my first Uber lootz (RBG) on a lucky roll. When I beat a 60 war in a duel at 53. Getting 60
2. Saddest? When I retired and never seen some of my old friends again =/.
3. Most Exciting? No clue, I did alot of dumb shit that was exciting to me. Duels are very Exciting.
4. Scariest? When I found out that I (like many others) was addictted to EQ.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment? Hit 60, Doing a lot of stuid shit and living.
6. Moment of failure? FD when I needed it.
7. Revenge? I got a few people killed who pissed me off. :)
8. Romance??? sorry I don't cyber =/
9. Betrayel? When alot of my friends joined ML when they knew I hated ML
10. Sense of wonder or awe? My first raid of OT at lvl 17 with Legion of Grobb. That zone was so cool, when I first saw that Golem it scared the shit out of me. First time seeing a Dragon. First time I saw shindar with a full set of HoT gear and epic. That blew me away.
08-19-2002, 03:41 PM
Pfft. I didn't steal Necatus' epic, not sure how or why it was deemed that he was next in line for king note after Alestair. And I never said a damn thing either, /guild immediately went crazy when it was discovered he was getting the note instead of me, I didn't need to do a damn thing :D. And his leaving the guild immediately after that, as well as sending me some not so friendly tells about it, more than justified why he wasn't given the note.
1. Happiest? Dinging 50, it was a long long time coming.
2. Saddest? having my everyday play partner tell me he was quiting
3. Most Exciting? Running through Sro and having AC pop in front of me with no one else in the zone.
4. Scariest? Dying with my first character in the bottom of Befallen at 14 the third week after launch. There were only a handful of characters that were higher level than us because of the connection problems. I thought for sure I was going to lose all my patchwork ;)
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment? Probably first dragon kill, sad isnt it?
6. Moment of failure? telling Cinder when we were both 19 (my first character) that I didnt want to join his guild cuz I was going to solo to 50 :P
7. Revenge? getting in a FD training war with a monk and winning
8. Romance??? Still waiting for cyber sex0r
9. Betrayel? Getting my wife to play EQ (so I could play more) and having her deny me sex cuz she "just logged on"
10. Sense of wonder or awe? the sheer size of the game and that despite all its faults its still the best mmorpg after all this time.
08-19-2002, 04:55 PM
Oh Eomer, I'm just messing with you, lol.
The issue is long dead and gone. In my position, having been best friends with Necatus for years I could do nothing but support his position .. and it's not like you were antagonistic about it or anything ..
So yeah, all better? ;p
(and, after all ... Illegal, my newer rogue, is even on the same account as Necatus)
(Exitilus Ebrius / Illegal Operation)
Rofl, yeah homer, brian was a fruitcake. Funny shit tho!
S... s... mutha, wtf was her name ><
08-19-2002, 06:35 PM
Yea man, I think that's the name. I just remember Con swearing me to secrecy about it, and me and Tylar would laugh our asses off constantly, fuck it was funny. Con was like "Rezz is really sensitive, if he found out he will probably be really heart broken."
I thought the whole situation was hysterical.
And I know yer messing with me Exit, just that Necatus sorta pissed me off with that whole incident :). I HATE having a guilt trip laid on me!
Zoott Landerr
08-19-2002, 07:29 PM
1. Happiest?
Have to be Getting Epic and Hitting 60!
2. Saddest?
Lmalla Breaking up, and Friends leaving Game.
oh yeah and my Wife "Zexxe" not playing EQ anymore because she dies trying to get from point (A) to point (B)
3. Most Exciting?
Doing turn in to get Epic.
4. Scariest?
Running from Zone in at Hate to sneek in and try to get Epic Book Piece in Hate. I died the first time and the second time I was so fooking scared I would die again.
5. Moment of Greatest accomplishment?
Getting to play a game that has Taught me so much about Poeple and learning how to Spell beter!
6. Moment of failure?
Spending to much time on EQ and not enugh time with Zexxe
7. Revenge?
Going back to Lguk and kicking the shit out of all of it!
8. Romance???
Nah, Get the real thing, its better :)
9. Betrayel?
When I relized EQ IS NOT REAL!
10. Sense of wonder or awe
Seeing ppl die and get back up to go and throw them selfs at mobs till one day they die! that my friends is what being a Champion! is all about!
08-20-2002, 08:54 AM
1. Happiest?
Starting Vindication and being successful, of course meeting and being with Kas =) (except for that one time a month when...nm) =o
2. Saddest?
Probably seeing all my old friends leave, esp. the whole legends thing.
3. Most Exciting?
That's tough...first Naggy kill was a real blast, our first Telk kill was a real rush (after failing in seekers with like 60 then trying in Vindi with like 28, that rocked!), Or back in Seekers our first Dain kill was funny as hell =P
4. Scariest?
Never really been scared in EQ =/ Half-Life is the only game I can remember that made me jump, hehe.
5. Moment of Greatest Accomplishment?
Getting 50, getting 60, joining Seekers around the same time as Ubie =P Any small raids with Ubar and bodhi and such, trying Klandicar with 13 at the beginning of velious was one of the best fun I had =P And of course starting Vindi with ubie kail and snoopy (ciner didn't join for a week!)
6. Moment of Failure?
Uh, I'm a wizard, only failure I can really have is when my evac left people behind =P And my wizchanter skills are uber more so than ubar =P rawr
7. Revenge?
Uh none, though I would've liked to taken revenge on Nigmo =o he played on druzzil for a long time as an SK...not sure if he's still plays something else, hehe. and Baramos back when he stole Zarxen's robe, that pissed me off =D
8. Romance?
A wonderful Woodie (pun intended...) named Kas, she pretty and sweet =)
9. Betrayel?
Can't think of any one instance that sticks out or anything, there was some messed up stuff back in seekers called "friends" that end up only using you...
10. Sense of Wonder or Awe?
First trip to Stone spider in Solb, Dang he was uber! Seeing one of the first SMR's on the server (, ooo ahhh, always thought it looked like a Bath Robe, a comfy one!
08-20-2002, 11:59 AM
Zoott spelling = the win
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