View Full Version : WANTED: AoW Dead. Reward Payable Upon Confirmation.

08-22-2002, 10:14 AM
OK.. so I had an idea.. to put up a reward for killing the AoW. I know there are a few guilds lately with their eyes on him.. so maybe this will be a little more incentive to give it a go.

1st guild to kill AoW (other than Hoss.. since we can kill him already) wins the prize.

Maximum 70 people in the raid. Do it right.. or not at all. As a reference.. Hoss (my guild) last killed AoW with 47.

Joint raids with multiple guilds is fine.. but still.. no more than 70 people.

Now.. as for the prize.. I'll put up 20,000pp of my own money. Obviously this isn't much incentive.. but perhaps others out there would like to add to it to spice up the competition. Realistically.. this could get to be a nice chunk of change for the guild banks of whoever finally drops him.

If you want to contribute to the bounty on his orange head.. just send me a tell in game, or message me here.

200,000pp on or before Sept 22
80,000pp on or before Dec 15

08-22-2002, 10:24 AM
And I'm giving away a Shiny Brass Shield for killing the Emperor!

Sorry Elid... I couldn't resist poking at least a little fun. I keep saying "too silly!" to myself.

08-22-2002, 11:30 AM
I'm not knocking this by any means but why would you want other guilds to advance? Bored or being the only guild on the server that can kill most things?


08-22-2002, 11:37 AM
Personally I think they should do it "in guild" but that's just me :). I think it looks better when you have AOW killed by guild x without the outside help.

On another note I would have thought the AOW would have been dead by now no? I mean I have been gone from the game for 4 months or so and noone else has killed it yet? /boggle:rolleyes:

08-22-2002, 11:39 AM
Closest anyone has gotten since is VE at 68% ( I think they should have given up at 69 :D )

08-22-2002, 12:33 PM
I proposed the idea cause I thought it might be fun.

08-22-2002, 01:39 PM
I put up 60k. Yes that is right 60,000 plat to the guild that can kill him by december of 2002. December 15th of 2002 and i will pay said guild 60,000 plat. The guild must not exceed 70 and be on this server of druzzil ro.

08-22-2002, 01:51 PM
Wow, that';s a lot of money.... so like if I deguild and help these guys, to share in the reward money, would Hoss let me back in after? :D

08-22-2002, 03:57 PM
Let's make this really interesting, I'll go ahead and pony up 100,000 plat from the guild vault to this little endeavor.

So the current bounty on the AoW's head is 180,000 plat. :)

However, there is a deadline for the 100k bonus, and it will only be up for grabs until September 22, 2002. Yes, 30 days to get the job done.

08-22-2002, 04:04 PM
You guys are weird.

Siame new newbie ranger only guild will complete this task !

08-22-2002, 04:09 PM
I was gonna plevel Siame to 60 though. :(

08-22-2002, 04:23 PM
I will add two washers and a large can of opened peanuts to that reward.

As if that were not enough incentive...how bout this: I have two (yes TWO) pictures of Rhedd wearing boxers and a tu-tu.

First guild to kill aow with 70 or less gets the prize!


08-22-2002, 04:25 PM
Those pictures are registered trade marks damnit

08-22-2002, 04:29 PM
this thread hurts my brain!

08-22-2002, 05:01 PM
Please send me PM's for the strat
(i only take 45% tax)

08-22-2002, 05:07 PM
ill add 20k if killed by deadline stated by andaas~

08-22-2002, 05:18 PM
I will add nothing because it won't happen. :)

08-22-2002, 09:10 PM
Hot sexor for the GL of the successful guild.

And a picture of me naked.

08-22-2002, 10:07 PM
i have le_answer ... joint raid hoss / league of people: 47 hoss, 3 LOP. It wouldnt technically be a hoss raid because, well, they're only partly participating. Divvy up the money half and half of course, and away you go.

Just think about it, if you're one of the people offering the money it's a GREAT deal cause, well, you'll only have to pay HALF of it, since the other half goes back to YOU !! That's right, for a limited time only, save 50% AND manage to distribute the wealth a little more evenly ^^

am i smrt or waht~

Kenju Weeple
08-22-2002, 11:59 PM
What kind of proof is required for prize claiming? can i edit some pictures showing that People of Weeple sucessfully killed him and get the 200k all for myself?! it could be like the killing of the speeper, but with the 1 man guild.

Luucas Maximus
08-23-2002, 06:46 AM
Maximum 70 people in the raid. Do it right.. or not at all. As a reference.. Hoss (my guild) last killed AoW with 47.

Push it down to 50. Do it right.. or not at all.

08-23-2002, 07:35 AM
Where do you guys get this kind of money to burn?? :| I've been trying to save up enough money for blue diamonds to get Nes to make stuff for my mage for like... 5 months now and I've managed to get around 700 plat in the bank... a little less actually.

08-23-2002, 08:29 AM
Rutabaga Paradox led a successful AOW raid last night.. I saw it all.

They did a bind rush and zerged him to death, and it took 5 hours, but he dropped.


08-23-2002, 08:58 AM
DRUZZIL RO FIRST! Rutabaga Paradox fist guild in EQ to successfully bind rush AoW... from Zone In!!! :p

lol, sorry couldn't resist.

veenu blue
08-23-2002, 09:25 AM
Elidroth, very fun idea. I love people that try to form a stronger community.

I hope a bunch of guilds join together. I have never been a big fan of people fighting against each other. Other guilds on the server are not the enemy. If we thought more like that we would be a force to recken with. Imagine, all the cool high end characters working together. Not the jerk high enders!

Ok, rant off. Once again, well done for having fun!


08-23-2002, 10:52 AM
Someone stop me before I "go off" on NI on the D-Ro boards...

Apparently some of their members are "offended" that "Big Bad Hoss" is paying a bounty for a high level mob.


I'm TRYING to find a guild to cheer for, not make fun of. I'd like to celebrate someone else's victory. I loved it when T'V killed Vindicator for the first time. I could understand the sense of accomplishment they felt, and I was happy for them.

Jeezus, it ain't like we HATE folks for accomplishing things in EQ.

I'm done ranting...

-Grimthorn OUT

08-23-2002, 01:42 PM
I think some are thinking of it as a PR scheme to make yourselves look better in order to make up for some things done in the past.


08-23-2002, 01:46 PM
No, Hoss wants you to hate them! They killed your speeper damnit, hate them! :D

08-23-2002, 01:46 PM
That presumption rests on the assumption that anyone gave a shit in the first place =)

08-23-2002, 01:50 PM
I hear ya Grim but it's really only 1.5 persons from NI. I have alot of friends in all the major guilds now. NI have some fine folk in general. As always there will be 1 or 2 ignorant people =|

08-23-2002, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Luucas Maximus

Push it down to 50. Do it right.. or not at all.

Funny how people who have not even killed AoW are telling us how to do it the "right way"

Personally I feel that this money is just going to stir up an otherwise neutral druzzil ro. NI, ML, VE, Hoss, etc are all making their accomplishments. VE is the only guild to really be taking an active shot at AoW, while NI, ML and Hoss do most of Ssra. I doubt that NI or ML will all of a sudden start competing with us on AoW for money. Money or not, VE will kill AoW very soon.

08-23-2002, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Tilea
Where do you guys get this kind of money to burn?? :| I've been trying to save up enough money for blue diamonds to get Nes to make stuff for my mage for like... 5 months now and I've managed to get around 700 plat in the bank... a little less actually.

Elidroth is a ninja loot whore thats how ;)

btw, I soloed AoW last nite, pay up foo :D

08-23-2002, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Zobb
btw, I soloed AoW last nite, pay up foo :D

Hmmm.. Interesting.. I've heard of people giving special names to their johnson before.. but AoW is a new one..

And sorry.. soloing 'yourself' just isn't what I meant..

08-23-2002, 02:30 PM
I read the fine print, there wasnt any! You owe me just for the loopholes. Just be glad Im not providing the pictures as proof :p

08-23-2002, 05:26 PM
The fine print is so small it doesn't show. It basically comes down to:

"All your base are belong to us."

08-24-2002, 12:08 AM
LoL you guys are too mean =\
Ducati Apollo (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Ducati_Apollo)

08-24-2002, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Aerothas
I think some are thinking of it as a PR scheme to make yourselves look better in order to make up for some things done in the past./shrug

OK.. I'll bite.. What things?

Oh.. and does anyone think we really care if people don't like us?

08-24-2002, 08:26 AM
You bastards killed froggy once 200k is really a small price for that

08-24-2002, 08:58 AM
Too late..

Saedalphabet Soup moved the D-Ro post into the flame forum, and I went off on Sunhillow.

Poor dumb bastards can't leave well enough alone.

Fuck em, if anyone kills him, they know where to find us.


08-24-2002, 11:47 AM
Omg!! Too much drama in our lives! Get to crackin, girls!

08-26-2002, 02:36 AM
Well.. Hoss killed the AoW tonight.. and NO.. I refused to pay the reward to my own guildies.. though they did try and offered much sex0rs with Nettle (but then.. who HASN'T had Nettle?).

So the offer is still out there..

08-26-2002, 04:57 AM
Man, the whole reason Aed and I scheduled that was for T H E B I G P A Y O U T.

Now I feel robbed. And used. Like Nettle.

It's fair enough I guess =\

08-26-2002, 09:40 AM
WHAt Eli WTF i dont get 200k Damn

08-26-2002, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Elidroth

OK.. I'll bite.. What things?

Let's see...I'll name a couple things that have for sure happened.

1.) One of your druids training Velk to zone repeatedly.

2.) Leapfrogging other guilds to Dozer.

Oh.. and does anyone think we really care if people don't like us?

No...does anyone think other D-Ro guilds really care if you don't like them?

08-26-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Aerothas

Let's see...I'll name a couple things that have for sure happened.

1.) One of your druids training Velk to zone repeatedly.

2.) Leapfrogging other guilds to Dozer.

No...does anyone think other D-Ro guilds really care if you don't like them?

First I have heard of either, if a druid had been known to train Velk to zone I am sure it would have surfaced on Druzzil-ro in some flame fest of some sort.

Anytime I went to Hot with Hoss they never leapfrogged any guild that I had seen or had known of.

08-26-2002, 12:24 PM
Leap frogging = doing doze while another guild was considering maybe thinking about doing Doze at some point in the future sometime after they were done raiding HoT or something.

BTW, what is the Druzzil-ro msg board address? I don't have it anymore :/

And nice work Hoss PR Department Chief Elidroth, your brilliant scheme has the entire server duped into thinking we are wonderful people, when in fact all we want is to eat your babies.

08-26-2002, 12:26 PM

Btw how does a druid repeatedly train Velk to zone? Is that even possible?

08-26-2002, 12:38 PM
heh..leapfrogging to Dozekar? How in the hell can you even possibly do that? He's in the SECOND room into the halls of testing. It takes literally 10 seconds to run to his area from zone in.. hehe.

Claiming that guild a used coh to leapfrog passed Aaryonar to the back 5 is one thing (still wouldn't be leapfrogging though), but Dozekar? What, did you guys have your groups prepping passed Zemm's door, and Hoss came by, ran down into the pit 10 feet in front of you and proceeded to pull Doze? :| Lol sorry but that seems either badly fabricated or insanely exagerated.

I thought it was funny when people accused this whole thing of being uor way to patronize other guilds... but saying we're doing it as a PR stunt, and Elidroth as our local spin doctor? Hehe maybe you need to take some time away from the game my friend, you've completely lost your ability to notice FUN.

Maybe next time we should just sponsor a naked Gnome race, so people won't question our motives due to jealousy, or 2 year old grudges based on a video game, or whatever. Sheesh :p

Edit for Eomer: http://pub112.ezboard.com/fdruzzilro86846generaldiscussion

08-26-2002, 01:04 PM
Maybe next time we should just sponsor a naked Gnome race, so people won't question our motives due to jealousy, or 2 year old grudges based on a video game, or whatever. Sheesh

Then we will be acused of keeping them from raiding and killing aow because they have to participate at out gnome race :/

08-26-2002, 01:21 PM
oh well, good point :( Destined to be the scourge of the server then!

08-26-2002, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Aerothas

Let's see...I'll name a couple things that have for sure happened.

1.) One of your druids training Velk to zone repeatedly.

2.) Leapfrogging other guilds to Dozer.

I dunno about Druids training Velk to zone.. but Druids are evil little creatures that have no soul.. so you're probably right.. Or not..

Leapfrogging to Dozekar? How the hell do you even do this? Doz is literally behind the 2nd door in the east wing. Unless of course you mean we went and killed Doz while another guild was at the zone-in. If that's leapfrogging.. then ok.. we're guilty.

Oh.. btw.. I'm in the Nexus right now.. but I'm planning on killing Aary next week.. so if you kill him on Wed.. I'm reporting you for leapfrogging me..


08-26-2002, 02:29 PM
Elidroth owes me a 100k horsey!


(Oh yeah, and whiners suck)


08-26-2002, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Elidroth

Oh.. btw.. I'm in the Nexus right now.. but I'm planning on killing Aary next week.. so if you kill him on Wed.. I'm reporting you for leapfrogging me..


You're a funny one! How about you go back and read my post and not misinterpret it. A druid of yours DID in fact train velk, not once, but TWICE when we were OTMing to him, killing his guards at the time. I don't think I remember his name, but if you really want me to I will get a log of it.

I was merely trying to answer the question of "What has Hoss done wrong in the past?" Hrrmm Elidroth, you're getting kinda mad about something that NEVER happened, eh?

08-26-2002, 03:05 PM
No I suppose he isn't Aerothas, he is just angry with the insolence of today's youth, kinda like the rest of us. Let me put in terms you might understand--Knowing that you may one day be the work force of tomorrow is a scary, scary thought.

08-26-2002, 03:06 PM
They stole my panties and I have the screenshot and logs to prove it. I will post them if you beg me otherwise just take my word for it

08-26-2002, 03:09 PM
I doubt Andaas or Sazar would be training Velk around. Produce some evidence, otherwise wah wah waaaaaahhh.

08-26-2002, 03:20 PM
Lexoon, my yearly salary would dwarf yours, so lets not talk about work forces, kk? :(

And about the logs, no problem. Let's see if I can find someone who has them.

08-26-2002, 03:41 PM
Wow, a cock size argument about who makes more money, how exciting!

To participate in arguments here from now on, you have to supply a statement of earnings as well as a declaration of net worth :(.

Can I count my collection of finnish midget porn as priceless in my statement?

08-26-2002, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Aerothas

Let's see...I'll name a couple things that have for sure happened.

1.) One of your druids training Velk to zone repeatedly.

2.) Leapfrogging other guilds to Dozer.

AHAHA - only training I remember are those (not so) rare moments when out of the blue Andaas says, " FUCK"

Next thing you know a dragon or something is inc =\

I can honestly say NO ONE has trained me more - made me die- more then Andaas hands down.

08-26-2002, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Eomer
I doubt Andaas or Sazar would be training Velk around. Produce some evidence, otherwise wah wah waaaaaahhh.
Logs and screenshots can be faked, so there really isn't a point to them. You know this, so I'm curious why you even bother asking for them.

The incident Aerothas refers to is one where I personally observed Nexten (who had a HOSS tag at the time, which was approximately a month ago) running out from behind the throne area of Velketor. Velk had been training around for about half an hour beforehand, which was what prompted me to place a couple toons in key places watching for this. I also noted that /assist placed Velketor aggro on Nexten. When I sent a tell to Nexten, informing him that I had petitioned the matter, he immediately logged. At the same time, the trains stopped. While this is not conclusive evidence that he was responsible for the trains that had been occurring, it did seem fairly damning.

I emailed two HOSS officers about the issue, reporting only what I saw and no more, and never heard a response. It never was posted to Dro because there is no point to it - HOSS officers knew about it (or the email never arrived) and had taken whatever action they felt was necessary.

Whether HOSS choses to believe Aerothas' claim or my account of events or not is up to y'all. I don't really care one way or the other, I just figured I'd provide the details since the issue was brought up here.

08-26-2002, 04:09 PM
I didn't ask specifically for screenshots or logs, just evidence. And yea I know they can be faked. I just have a hard time believing that any of Hoss' few druids would be training anyone intentionally. Maybe Nexten was just playing around or something. Who knows.

I am sure that every guild has members that from time to time screw up or do something not so nice, I just don't see why it's neccessary to paint an entire guild as being so evil and horrible, over one little incident, that could or could not have been intentional.

And the whole blow up on the Dro boards (I just read them today) is downright comical. Why do people so openly show their horrible hundred year old green-eyed envy (that was a Killerwhaletank reference to you canuckians in the know!)?

I mean hell, I don't see how anyone on the server could be annoyed with Hoss at this time. They have been off in a zone that no one else has access to, minding their own business and not killing everything else around that they could be killing. You guys have it pretty fucking good compared to virtually all the other servers.

08-26-2002, 11:31 PM
Nexten (as well as others) knows how to train velk to zone, and its sorta obvious he (or whoever was on him) did that time (unless the whole story is made up heh), but like eomer said, judging a guild by one person or action is stupid, that should be common sense to anyone by now..

08-27-2002, 02:01 AM
Heh you people are so silly.

There isn't a guild with more than a dozen people that doesn't have several "this guild is a bunch of assholes because X did Y to Z once" stories about it. My god, you've all been playing EQ how long and you still bitch about being trained? I learned back in mid-1999 that if you don't want to be trained, get off the fucking tracks. I don't give a fuck anymore if you train me.

Stones, glass house, etc. Cause I know someone in your guild at one time did somthing stupid to piss someone off.

08-27-2002, 02:07 AM
Exactly. This stuff gets old. I usually laugh when I get trained and see how far I can get before I die. Assuming it wasn't intentional. If it was... I res and find someplace else to XP. *shrug*

08-27-2002, 03:07 AM
I trained some guy by accident in seb (I'm told, I never actually saw it) and pulled his barkeep when he had called disco about 15 mins earlier (bartender dropped seb scale mantle or whatever that shitty thing is, I think it rotted in the end). Well, he comes up to us at gang and sits for a few secs, then goes, "is that what hoss has become, another GAP?". Earlier I saw him shouting about someone training him, so I assumed it was about that. He wouldn't explain or talk to me after that.

The world is sure filled with alot of weird people.

08-27-2002, 03:15 AM
Oh, and leapfrogging doze would be going past the guild that just cleared the 2 wurms and pats and are sitting in pit prepping to jump doze before them.

I seriously doubt that has ever happened. What probably happened was, as Elid suggested, we beat some other guild to the punch. When they were still gathering to get the wurms killed/sitting at zone we went down and cleared the way to doze.

That's not leapfrogging, that's beating them to it.

08-27-2002, 05:42 AM
I agree Eomer. How would one person reflect the ENTIRE guild. I never understood that. Example Perriak trained me in Seb juggs area with Trakanon, NOW all of VE are a bunch of asses and i hate them and WILL NEVER c3 or group with them for that transgression:D. Logical thinking left this thread.

08-27-2002, 06:15 AM
VE, you guys have gone downhill lately.
If you're lucky, you can get Vorath to come back and represent you guys in public, at least he doesn't make an ass of himself.

"Waaaaah! Hoss trained me in Velks" is about like saying "Waaaah I took 15 steps off a 10 step wide ledge and fell down!"

If bitching about a train in VL is the best you've got, we oughta be nominated for friggin' sainthood.

Oh yeah... Doze.

Just because you're in the same ZONE, and a mob that you're looking to kill gets whacked before you're ready. (and I speak from experience, you guys take HOURS to prep for a mob) then it ain't leapfrogging.

Look at the bright side, it's whiners like you that are causing people like me to consider retirement. The whiners shall inherit Norrath, but only after the rest of us are done with it.


08-27-2002, 07:09 AM
if you never been trained, or never trained someone yourself. your a complete noob, someone has done training or been trained once in his or her eq life time.

its part of the eq experience. bite your tounge and get over it.

cause really, if u think about it. training to velk to zone.....

lol thats fucking funny shit, if i was sitting at ZI and i see that big bastard storm by me. i would be laughing my fucking ass off.

:D :D

08-27-2002, 07:22 AM
Ha... leapfroggin VE to Doze, thats a lark. Almost as funny as our leapfroggin ML to AoW's. I'd love someone to explain to me exactly how one leapfrogs to Doze. Since it is an under 20 person encounter that takes all of clearing the 2 guardian wurms to set up for...

God I love tools..... Oh thats right 35 VE were buffing up for an hour at the ToV zone in getting ready to rush Doze and 18 of us just walked and popped the wurms and killed doze while VE was getting their last buff set up.....

Oh the inhumanity !

08-27-2002, 07:30 AM
Hey, that's sweet! Nexten trying to show Dro how much Hoss druids own by soloing/kiting Velk! Stop whining and cheer him on why don't ya!


P.S. I'm currently at work but will be kiting Velk later so if you kill him, I'm reporting you for leapfrogging. =|

08-27-2002, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Qaediin
I agree Eomer. How would one person reflect the ENTIRE guild. I never understood that. Example Perriak trained me in Seb juggs area with Trakanon, NOW all of VE are a bunch of asses and i hate them and WILL NEVER c3 or group with them for that transgression:D. Logical thinking left this thread.
Qaediin, if you believe a member of VE has intentionally trained you please let me know the details and I'll look into it, VE doesn't condone or accept such behavior. While I'm available both in-game via tells and via email, email is the best way to get a hold of me - my email account is linked with my account on this board.

Take care,

08-27-2002, 09:51 AM
I am just confused as to why Aerothas made the post that he did. This post was originally Elidroth's idea and somehow it turned into "we are trying to cover up for past actions". Most of the people here are not aware( until now) of Nexten's actions. And many have expressed their views regarding the Dozekar situation.

08-27-2002, 10:20 AM
Hey I know.. I'm gonna go register on the VE boards so I can kick and scream about how you stole my orc pawn when I was level 5!! OH OH and how you wouldn't sow me back when I was still one level away from having sow of my own! OH OH OH and like the time you guys trained those mobs on my cousins best friends uncles former roommate! RAWR!!!!

08-27-2002, 10:27 AM
I agree Sabinn. I would laugh my ass off to see Velk at the ent. Hell, I'd smack him a few times for the hell of it.

Nice pull (if you did) Nexten. /salute

It's all in good fun, I'm sure... just to see if it can be done. Hell, I ran the AoW all the way to Wakening zone, just because I wanted to see if it could be done.

08-27-2002, 10:39 AM
"It's your dime. We won't lose."

ROFL.. that still gives me a good chuckle..

08-27-2002, 10:44 AM
ok i was there when we "leapfrogged" VE to doze, here is what happened. one of druids said in GC that doze is up, he also mentioned that druid from VE also there tracking. ok so we take 2 groups and go to tov, when we had about 15 people and everyone buffed rdy to kill wurms, VE had 5 people at zone.

just as we about to pull first wurm, we all see Grazel(sp) dragging kos mage corpse past door!!?? ok everyone in shock , but we proceed to pull and kill wurms which of course killed poor rezzed mage. then 14 of us go and kill doze while VE bitched that they saw doze first and we trained their mage. But fun doesnt stop here, after doze we started pulling to nameds, when all was cleared for first named this same monk Grazel or whatever went and pulled named which made even zyklan mad and he got tl out along with few others, VE then wiped out to that pull and again accused us of training, so we all left.

moral of the story, VE in general has great folks and it sucks to see them suffer from actions of few people, Grazel tried to beat us to doze by dragging kos mage when we killing wurms ( its sounds so stupid i cant even find words for it), so they tried to "leapfrog" us TWICE that day, one on doze one on nameds, yet you dont see anyone from us complaining.

08-27-2002, 11:58 AM
You know..

I'm actually just amazed there hasn't been any whining from people about us killing the AoW the other night. I was SURE I'd hear the cries of "Oh sure.. deny us the chance to win your reward by killing the AoW yourself" or some such nonsense..

Oh wait.. nm.. I forgot.. you don't want my reward, and you'll kill him when you want to..

08-27-2002, 12:06 PM
I think Elid just slapped the GP of Dro with a glove. Any takers?


08-27-2002, 12:13 PM
Le gantelet a été jeté vers le bas

08-27-2002, 02:22 PM
Lyubm got solo xp on a wurm in HOT once when we were trying to kill 2 off at once with 5 people, I would like to let hoss know what a KSing chooman he is =/

08-27-2002, 02:39 PM
"NI, ML, VE, Hoss, etc are all making their accomplishments. VE is the only guild to really be taking an active shot at AoW, while NI, ML and Hoss do most of Ssra."----Dintharr

Since when does ocasionally defeating Creator, 1 and some times defeating the 2nd of the cursed cycle mean youre doing "most of ssra"? unless you actually count the 2 group rhags /shrug

08-27-2002, 02:47 PM

08-27-2002, 04:59 PM
Enki, i was J/K about perriak training me. Hence the word EXAMPLE!. I would NOT hold it against a whole guild IF perriak trained me, i would think hes a momo but deserves the benefit of the doubt before i yelled, bitched at him on any board and labeled his Guild a bunch of clueless twits because MR. Numbnuts pulled Trak to Juggs. I dont care what some INDIVIDUAL did, that only has a small reflection on any guild as a whole. Everyone that plays this game has had some transgression from someone training/yelling at them for something stupid they have done(myself included). Forgive/forget/move on. P.S i Powerleveled Perriak to 60, didnt think he did it himself did ya
:D ;)

08-27-2002, 09:19 PM
.. Dont even press Elid , Mintin, Lepra and I about VE and their notorious Lodi KS crew (btw are they still bound at lodi or have they moved on by now?) ... frankly, I have no respect for quite a few in VE and if they crash and burn frequently I will shed no tear . . . I only wish I had been present to embarass them at Doze ... Just don't get me started on VE ... I've been a model OGRE up to this point...

Monk grazel (sp?) was it Gazel former hoss ebay toon or a different dolt?

- Card
Certified AoW cheerleader on any VE AoW attempt...

08-27-2002, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Zarxen
I am just confused as to why Aerothas made the post that he did. This post was originally Elidroth's idea and somehow it turned into "we are trying to cover up for past actions". Most of the people here are not aware( until now) of Nexten's actions. And many have expressed their views regarding the Dozekar situation.

I was responding to a question, not making accusations. I was simply giving examples of events reported in the past. Do your reading.

08-27-2002, 09:37 PM
I have a belly button.

08-27-2002, 09:39 PM
No You do not Dharrk

08-27-2002, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Aerothas
I think some are thinking of it as a PR scheme to make yourselves look better in order to make up for some things done in the past.


I did my reading, and I don't think anyone is trying to cover anything up or make a pr scheme. So try again.

08-27-2002, 09:41 PM
You wanted to know why people were getting pissed, so I gave you an example. Next?

08-27-2002, 09:43 PM
I trained Sebelis once with 12 frogs and killed 3 people =\

08-27-2002, 09:44 PM
Who's pissed? I don't see anyone else coming here and making a fuss but you heh.

08-27-2002, 09:48 PM
I haven't made a fuss, I've attempted you help you in finding out why people were getting upset. But instead, I get treated to a flame war, how fun. I'll remember to halt from all future attempts to educate ya'll on why people on Dro get mad at you for no reason. =/

08-27-2002, 10:02 PM
Wait.. your telling us why people on Druzzil get mad at us... for no reason? I think that is what Zarxen is trying to point out to you....

The no reason part.

08-27-2002, 10:08 PM
No no...I'm posting why some of Dro is mad because it was brought up in the first place.

08-27-2002, 10:15 PM
You didnt even mention the speeper =/

08-27-2002, 10:19 PM
That's what I thought would have originally come up Rika. Anyway I am not trying to give you a hard time Aerothas. I just disagree with your original post.

08-27-2002, 10:48 PM
i get mad at hossfor the same reason most people do, cause i'm jelous. Damn u hoss rangers, Fack u. fucking ass crap shit damn piss. why can't i have VT/vulak loot. thats it i quit.

08-27-2002, 10:49 PM
It's Y'ALL not ya'll....don't use it if you can't get it right. OMG how annoying.

And the ONLY reason anyone from Hoss is even bothering to respond to these pre-school accusations (I know I know examples /vomit) is because they are bored. Otherwise they could really careless....so enjoy it while it lasts.

08-27-2002, 10:53 PM
Whoa FOrty!

Got a sixer of Shiner earlier =p

reminded me of ya

08-27-2002, 10:56 PM
Shiner, sniff sniff /cry, I'll be home on Friday so save me some.

08-27-2002, 11:27 PM
I think the important question that noone asked is how many people I supposedly killed with that Velk train?!?!?!?

Erm I mean when I was kiting him like Sazar said. I just couldn't seem to get snare to stick =\

08-27-2002, 11:35 PM
Ahh, young druid, it is not the number of deaths but the style in which they died that true counts.

08-27-2002, 11:36 PM
Rhedd, you asshole =\

08-28-2002, 01:06 AM
Nah Cardinal, there's 2. Grazel has been in VE since I first saw him, Gazel (I think that's the guy that screwed with y'all on the legs) was an old Seekers monk. Definitely different people tho!

08-28-2002, 02:24 AM
Oh, haha, don't tell me it was that time they tried to steal the nameds. Sheesh, I remember that, I was there :p We gave fair warning to their monk too, saying that we were pulling wurms in just a minute and that perhaps he should move to a safer spot until they're dead. He ignored us of course, and then accused us of training when their mage died from AE. Then VE leapfrogs US on the nameds after doze is dead, and wipes out on them! Talk about poetic justice. :p

Hell, this post is getting more fun every day that passes! :D

08-28-2002, 05:50 AM
Sometimes ... you just need to think..............

Example: I went LD in the kael. Came back at see inv giants so proceeded to run my ass out as far as I could before I died. Low and behold L`malla is there killing statue or trying aow - can't remember which. I train 3 giants on them (came around a corner and agro got spread before I could back pedal). So, needless to say it got ugly =\

Did I train them? Yes, definetly.

Were some of them upset? I have no doubt. Did one person send me a tell going wtf, etc? Nope. I like to think that those that knew me (in L`malla) said trust me he didn't do that on purpose.

Before you jump to a conclusion - there is a really easy thing you can do...


08-28-2002, 06:40 AM
This post is fun to read, yal'l.

08-28-2002, 06:51 AM
yall' are saying crazy stuff

08-28-2002, 06:55 AM
'yall, this be some dope shit, down with the izzo to the izzay, shizzle me nizzle or something

08-28-2002, 07:33 AM
PL'ing innit!

08-28-2002, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Aerothas
I haven't made a fuss, I've attempted you help you in finding out why people were getting upset. But instead, I get treated to a flame war, how fun. I'll remember to halt from all future attempts to educate ya'll on why people on Dro get mad at you for no reason. =/

Jealousy is a bitch. =(


P.S. Green only looks good on dr00ds!

08-28-2002, 09:18 AM
hahha if it was anyone training velk to zone in it was me haha. I'd always start a castle train if there were no spots open.. and I needed a group! UDogs would always get wiped out and a few people would get mad and leave... leaving convenient openinings for me to xp in! Once I got Beldreg and Velks experiment to zone at same time woot I think someone killed them tho i don't remember.

08-28-2002, 09:28 AM
OMG OMG *pulls hair out and passes out in a violent spasm*

08-28-2002, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Forty
It's Y'ALL not ya'll....don't use it if you can't get it right. OMG how annoying.

And the ONLY reason anyone from Hoss is even bothering to respond to these pre-school accusations (I know I know examples /vomit) is because they are bored. Otherwise they could really careless....so enjoy it while it lasts.

It's could NOT care less....don't use it if you can't get it right. OMG how annoying. ;)

08-28-2002, 10:48 AM
Hi Tryss! :D

08-28-2002, 10:51 AM
Hi Nwinn!

Hoss being nice to you and Lexi? They eat asslings and punt gnomes, yakn'ow...or is it dorfs?

08-28-2002, 11:26 AM
We lub the Gnomies, so Lexi is safe. Halflings however don't enjoy the same level of protection. Ask Zappo for details.

08-28-2002, 11:28 AM
Yea we paint him and make him wear garbage bag diapers and shit

08-28-2002, 02:58 PM
And little flags atop plastic rods on their heads. Lets not forget the flags.

08-28-2002, 04:47 PM
Forty can I get a hug? :|

08-29-2002, 12:51 AM
So much anger.......

Can any of you Hoss peeps post a picture of what VT looks like on the inside, or maybe give web address of a site that has screen shots?


08-29-2002, 01:22 AM
Here's what was posted a couple of weeks ago when we killed Aten Ha Ra the final boss of VT.


Andriana Duskrose
08-29-2002, 09:43 AM
Turn off your monitor, or set your Gamma to 0, and you'll have what VT looks like. It is scary! I'd ask Grimthorn to hold me, but he's a marine, and will kick my ass.

08-29-2002, 09:54 AM
Lol Andri

08-29-2002, 09:55 AM
why is this 7 pages long :|

08-29-2002, 05:15 PM
ATTENTION: i was kidding when i said i PLd Perriak to level 60. I thought it would be taken as a joke since i added a :D ;) at the end, but apparently not. I was informed a few minutes ago that perriak( who i have "known" for three years almost) was offended by me adding his name to use as an example and that i PLd him. If you actually believe i PLd perriak to 60 you are a momo(this to the ten year old immature moron who informed perriak i used his name like i was "trashing" it.)

08-30-2002, 10:21 AM
You know, I never have quite figured out why it is that some people think it is so vile to cheer on those not in thier own guild and I for one am totally impressed with Eldiroth's creativity for inspiring others to shoot for higher goals! /cheer Eldiroth =)

Speaking as someone from a guild that has grown and blossomed into a family that I am very proud of, we are teetering on the edge of doing some very big mobs / zones (at least they are to us) and it is very encouraging when there are those out there who have accomplished the big stuff and then want to see others be successful too.

Now there are those who would argue that if you inspire others to be successful that you create more competition for yourself...well while this may be somewhat true...the effects of your actions generally bring about results that far outweigh a little healthy competition...guild alliances may be formed, friends gained, exchange of information that eases a mobs defeat, etc... So in essence I would say to those who think competition is a bad thing...be Proud that you were the FIRST to be successful, and be PROUDER still that you can and do lead others to follow your success.

Many thanks and kudos to Eldiroth and HOSS for your effort to raise the cap and keep up the good work guys =)

For those of you still out there looking to flame, you would have MUCH more fun playing this game if you learned to drop yer grudges, ask before assuming, and accept things in the spirit they are intended rather than seeking a dark and evil ulterior motive...

Bard of Hearts
Crystal Oracle

08-30-2002, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Erinonz
For those of you still out there looking to flame, you would have MUCH more fun playing this game if you learned to drop yer grudges, ask before assuming, and accept things in the spirit they are intended rather than seeking a dark and evil ulterior motive...

Bard of Hearts
Crystal Oracle



08-30-2002, 11:13 AM
Speaking from my point of view, I think it would be stressful just getting to the point where VE would be in major competition with hoss.

I think the idea of actually getting to the point where Hoss would have serious competition is kinda unlikely also since Hoss is pretty far ahead of most guilds in strategy, equipment and overall skilled players.

For me, killing new things is what drives me to play. When you look at other guilds like they are competition for farming a particular mob, things get ugly fast. The offer of the cash is a nice gesture, but I personally would be going after AoW, HP, AL, THO, Grieg etc etc just for the glory of the kill (and of course the nice items, which are important for making the next steps).

08-30-2002, 11:14 AM
BTW.. The thread on D-Ro will stay up until someone collects... I have no plat to contribute, but I'd like to do something to help the effort.

I hear VE is getting close, but I don't know who else is trying it.


08-30-2002, 06:22 PM
I keep seeing stuff about competing with Hoss and hearing it from various members of various guilds, and it makes me chuckle. =\

It's hard to compete with Hoss when I'd say most of the better players on the server don't really want to compete with them, they want to join them. That and luclin killed a majority of EQ off, competition will be pretty much nil till the game dies imo, unless PoP has moss snakes dropping VT style loot or something. The impressive thing about Hoss killing that Aten chick in VT isn't that they pulled off a server first or that they had so many well armed members or the dedication, it's that they sat through the key camps, the shard farming and the bane collecting just to go through what is considered by many to be a retardedly designed and boring zone. That is what impresses me about it, because I simply can't see no matter what the stuff drops spending that much time doing stuff I'd rather not in a game.

Not a jab or a retort or anything, it's just that unless you can seriously see yourself doing the camps intentionally and spending the hours and hours of boring camping, then competing with Hoss or any of the other "uber" guilds on the various servers is a joke. Luclin didn't really seperate the men from the boys, as it were, it just seperated the people who have different ideas about what a game should be from each other. Which accomplishes the same thing kinda, just in a seriously round-about way.

08-30-2002, 10:09 PM
I dont see any other guilds on Dro entering VT personally, not because other guilds wont eventually have the skill to bring down Emp etc, but because the dedication/required investment of time just wont be there in light of PoP and the new content/mobs that will bring.

Lamaiel Gatekeeper
60 Wizzie

08-30-2002, 10:37 PM
Of course if PoP doesnt suck dick as well as Luclin does!

08-30-2002, 11:30 PM
Not saying this in ANY condescending way. I dont see another guild on D Ro taking emperor for a LONG time. He is still Extremely hard mob to take down. Getting his room key isnt bad at all, dropping emperor is another. Have to have a tight crew of people that continuously play together to know each others play style and reactions to certain situations that might pop up etc etc. Emperor> Aten Ra. IMO

08-30-2002, 11:32 PM
Emperor is hardest mob in Luclin as far as im concerned. and no, not because of the camps :p

08-31-2002, 02:07 AM
Hah, take away the key camps and all that and I would personally guarantee that Emp would have guilds waiting to kill him every spawn. Simply because he would have more exposure, better strats would be developed (we all know that there is always more than one way to kill a given mob, and once the way is perfected it becomes a clockwork kill for every guild that can do it) and simple trial and error would eventually win through. The only way it wouldn't be that way is if Hoss pretended they were Vindi and killed it regardless of whether they needed it or not but simply to keep other guilds from learning how to kill it.

And believe it or not, this isn't an uninformed decision, over the 8 months or so I was a rep on the IGB and the dozens of conversations with various officers in Vindi, I am 100% certain this would be the reaction. With Vindication no longer a part of Druzzil Ro, this type of behaviour wouldn't happen, which is why I would say without doubt that the key quest is what keeps Emp from being killed routinely by guilds other than Hoss. I have heard quite a few things about "so and so mob is unkillable by anyone but us" relating to quite a few npcs in everquest, from the current uber guild at the time each npc was in contention. Seekers, Hoss, Vindication.. and every instance it has been proven wrong.

Now, if the fight is not about strategy (which can always be overcome with trial and error.. hell that's how people learn to kill it in the first place) but about the gear level of the people engaged in the fight, then I will without hesitation say that nobody but Hoss will ever kill emp, due to the fact that they have always been quite ahead of everyone else in the average level of equipment for their members. With the best equipped members of several guilds joining them, it will remain that way for a long time. For the more-uber-than-thou set, someone will always find a way to "gimp" an encounter or a zone, that's just how EQ works.

Hah, believe it or not this isn't a flame, I just remember hearing and reading similar arguements about Vyemm in NToV, about how only the uberest of uber would ever kill him. Fast forward to pre-root Vyemm, and I think there was 4 guilds on Druzzil that were whacking him every week, and about as many on every server where mobs weren't killed only to keep others from attempting it. No NPC is unkillable unless it's a gear thing. Of course if Emp requires 5 warriors with boc/hategiver or similar combos and rogues with primal+bane weapons and 6khp buffed monks or what have you then there isn't a question it would remain unkilled even if the key quest wasn't in place except by Hoss. But if it's a mere strategy thing, then just about everyone has a solid shot unless there's a sploit/"trick" that all the uberguilds are using or something equally ridiculous.

Jfc I type a lot of shit when I'm drunk. =/

I have the utmost respect for Q-ball as a chanter and as a player, but I will have to respectfully disagree with the assumption that the key quest doesn't play a major part in why Hoss is the only guild to kill emp as of yet.

08-31-2002, 02:51 AM
Im not sure if the key quest plays that much of a part. A small role yes, but not the major one. AL despawns a lot, he requires 1 key and hes easier then emp. Equipment is definately what sets Hoss far ahead of any guild on the server. And I supose ambition in some cases.. Hoss made more attempts at harder mobs when they were moving up then VE/ML/NI have.

08-31-2002, 03:08 AM
You seem to exactly share my point of view before I had fought the Emperor, Rezz. I thought it was the key camps that was the hard part, Emperor isn't really hard, how can he be hard when the key camps are that tedious?

Well, that's wrong, that's very wrong. Emperor *is* the hardest mob in the game, and I think the guilds that do have the capability of killing him go through the key camps, the guilds that doesn't have the capability of killing him doesn't. If the key camps were removed I doubt we'd see a difference at all, maybe he'd die on a few more servers, but noway in hell he'd die on Dro anytime soon.

It took us what, 15+ tries to get the strategy down for Emperor?

A few swedish friends on Saryrn are in an american guild there, they are working on Emperor, they asked for advice, which I gave them, hell, I gave away most of the Emperor fight to them. What happened? they died. They had over 70 people, 16 clerics, had the tactics pretty much handed to them, they still died. Emperor is NOT a walk in the park.

You still not convinced?


08-31-2002, 03:28 AM
Well Rez, its an uninformed conclusion because you've never participated in the fight.

Or maybe I missed the part where AOW was constantly killed on our server. Or maybe those guilds just haven't figured out the key quest...

08-31-2002, 07:24 AM
I said he would NOT be killed for awhile, not that he would NEVER be killed. Emperor is hands down the toughest encounter i have ever done to date. I do agree in a very small part if people had access to him without need for a key he would die sooner than a long time(i would guesstimate about 6-8 months from now). The key quest is NOT hard at all. A guild could key 60 plus people in less than 6 weeks, i would say a month if they grinded away at it. Disclaimer: that is not a put down of any other guild what-so-ever. Emperor >>>>Aten Ra Ha>>>>>AoW. I would say Arch lich is harder than Aten Ra Ha:). Hi Rezz, hope everything is going good for ya man:)

08-31-2002, 11:42 AM
Never done Emp myself, so I can't even comment on that particular fight really. But a similar fight, the High Priest is available at any time, should anyone want to kill him. He hasn't been killed on the server yet by anyone but Hoss, and they killed him what six months ago? (I was actually there for that one!)

I am not saying that no other guild on Dro will ever be able to do it. But generally the other guilds on Dro (with the exception of Vind, and to a lesser extent ML and for awhile Malla) required the power increases from the next expansion to finish the hardest content of the previous one. I am sure that after PoP is out for a month or two and the other guilds have levelled up, equipped themselves with some of the lower end loot and gotten the new AAXP, that most of the mobs in Ssra will fall in short order.

And saying "oh well they have the best equipment" like it somehow takes away from the accomplishment is fucking stupid. How did they come across that equipment in the first place? By killing the shit that drops it, generally way the hell before anyone else was even considering it. I can almost guarantee that by the time a guild like VE or ML or NI give Emporer a shot (if they ever do, depending on PoP there may not be any point to doing any Luclin content), they will have better equipment than Hoss did when they first attempted him. And that goes back to generally needing an extra expansion's worth of equipment/power increases.

08-31-2002, 11:49 AM
Well.. unlike the other members of my guild who've posted here.. I don't think the Emperor will ever be killed by another guild on Druzzil Ro.

Emperor Sseaeshza is HANDS DOWN the hardest fight in EQ right now. No weapon upgrade is suddenly going to make him easier. It's NOT about DPS when you die with Emp at 96% health (something we certainly did enough of..). The only way you kill the Emperor is by repeatedly going at him.. Over and over.. getting your coffins and summoning out until you refine your own strategy. No other guild has even seen the Blood of Ssraeshza yet.

I mean damn.. we're almost a YEAR into Luclin and no other guild has come close to killing the AoW (the toughest mob in Velious), and he's a PUSS compared to the Emperor.

Have fun.. :)

08-31-2002, 01:24 PM
I honestly think that was Luclin's biggest mistake. Making the high end content so hard to get to it ended up breaking a lot of guilds that pushed for it. It is a pretty big accomplishment just to say you've gotten into and cleared VT. There is a ton of work behind it. It's a type of work I hope they never ask for again, if they're smart.

08-31-2002, 01:42 PM
i wouldnt have minded some pretty tough mobs, because new challenges is what makes the game fun.

However the key camps were (still are) retarded as hell. I wouldnt have had a problem with a super hard key quest either if it was get 1 key/guild and not get a key for each member of that guild.

like make a key piece drop of every boss encounter in an expansion , and all combined make a key that opens up a new zone for the whole guild (not just 1 person per key) or something like that..

08-31-2002, 02:14 PM
/agree, I think rezz's whole point was shot down by the AoW comment :p

lets see...Emp fight is 3X longer than AoW about id say, his DPS is higher (including rampage/4k DD HT your tank has to live through once a minute) and.... u have to control 8 guards of his. If aow isnt downed yet, how would guilds be lining up to kill Emp? We have killed aow twice in the past 2 months, not like were keeping guilds from killing him...

08-31-2002, 03:06 PM
You leaped us on Doze wait - we asked you to come kill him cause he beat the ever living shit out of us after all the clerics went OOM - damn that regen he has....Nevermind - sorry - Hoss Stolt My Epic.

08-31-2002, 05:54 PM
AoW = press A. Emperor is the 1st fight where EVERYONE has to pay close close attention to what is happening. And you have to keep it up for 40 minutes. I tried running 2 characters and almost impossible(Andaas did 2 clerics at once, how I don't know /bowdown). I agree with Eomer try HP and you get some idea of how it works. You lose 12 people to Crowd Control alone. And god forbid you should lag or go LD.


08-31-2002, 06:09 PM
I could be wrong, but wasn't AoW killed after luclin release for the first time by Hoss? I'm almost 100% sure of it, because Hoss, Vindi, ML and L`Malla were all still doing the NToV thing at the time. I'm not sure about Tunare, but I think that was after Luclin was released as well. With Hoss killing aten before PoP, I think this is the first expansion that Druzzil has cleared before the next expansion ever.. unless you guys intend on doing the acrylia ring shit in the back. And as uninformed as I may be about Emp fight, not having personally participated in it, you said so yourself about Trial and error being the way to win. Like I said, given enough time with emp up, a few guilds would have went through the same 15+ losses and eventually figured out how to do it, because believe it or not spoilers and shit eventually make it up. I just think that the same misconception about every other "big" mob has been made. Hell, if memory serves me when the IGB was active I think the officers of both Hoss and Vindication made a point of saying how impossible Vyemm would be for either ML or L`Malla at the time (old hostilities, rather not bring em up but for the sake of arguement lets just assume there was an igb at one point)

I just really think you guys are underestimating the skill apparent in other guilds, hell look at your own roster, there's a fair amount of members who weren't in the original Hoss. And while I really think ML is being underestimated again, I haven't played in awhile and i haven't seen the current state of the guild. I definitely remember them being underestimated a few times in the past, with Ventaani and Vulak sticking out in my mind. But, as I said, I haven't seen their current state, so I really can't comment on their ability to take AoW or whatever. Has NI and VE stepped up at all?

Granted, and this just goes back to my original point, all the guilds but Hoss might suck now (not saying they do, hence the "might") and the only reason I can see for that would be the tedious ass Rings and key quests that Luclin was chock full of, because I know for a fact that definitely contributed to my quitting the game. Nobody quits a game because a mob is too burly for them and they lose once, they quit because the game isn't fun. If Luclin lacked all the annoying key quests and rings, I stand by my arguement that content would have been cleared and Emp would have died several times by several guilds.

08-31-2002, 06:36 PM
LoS and FoH I believe were the only guilds to kill AoW prior to Luclin's release, and if memory serves FoH did it the exact night before Luclin hit shelves. So yea we did it after Luclin.

However, no one else has yet done him, and he has basically been open for an ass kicking for the past six months.

Not saying that no one will ever kill Emp on this server, I think it may eventually be done. But I have my doubts that it will happen even in the next six months.

Like I said, no one has even killed AoW, let alone much stuff in Ssra. HP doesn't even come close to the Emp, and yet no one is even close to killing him. And both HP and AoW are accessible mobs that are up most of the time.

The assertion that Emp hasn't been significantly challenged by anyone simply cause of key quests is silly, I think. Why bother with Emp when most guilds still have nearly TWO expansions of content to master prior to him?

08-31-2002, 07:16 PM
AoW not dying is actually kinda wierd to me, to be honest. The only guild trying him other than Hoss back when Hoss was first killing was L`Malla, and on a bad pull we got him to 70 with 50ish people. This was prior to L`Malla collapsing of course. I know NI wasn't too far behind and ML was questionably ahead at the time. Kinda odd that it hasn't been killed, I will fully admit that sounds a bit dumb. Not saying that L`Malla would have triumphed or some shit where other's have failed, just strikes me as odd that so many guilds lost that much power. And there is a definite difference between AoW, Arch Lich and Emp. AoW is a loot mob, he doesn't open up any zones. AL doesn't either, but Emp provides the key to enter VT. In Velious, the ST key dragons were killed repeatedly and were among the first things to die in that expansion, the last being the loot mobs in NToV. In Kunark, Trak was the first big mob to die and also the only for a long time while people worked on VP key quests. It was only later that the Royals in chardok were downed.

My point is that people want to see shit first, collect shit later. I can say from experience that we would have ignored AoW for the most part (in l`malla) if Emp was a walk up and fight mob, simply because he was the gateway to what people at the time (luclin's release and the following months) believed was a candy zone for all the retarded timesinks in luclin. But, given the fact that there was timesinks to kill a mob, followed by timesinks to enter VT, I personally couldn't say I would be willing to expend that much time, and I am 100% sure that the majority of my guildmates at the time weren't willing to expend the 6 weeks to gear up for Emp and however long it took to get the shard pieces afterwards just to enter VT. That's where I base my conclusion off of, because at the time there was pretty decent competition for the spawns in Luclin and Velious. Had Emp been a walk up and kill mob at the time, I believe Hoss would have killed it much earlier in the expansion, followed by the other high end guilds at the time shortly afterwards. But like I said in the first paragraph, something must have seriously happened to the power bases of several guilds for AoW to have not died already, since he was being actively tried at the expansion's release. And the only possible conclusion (for me) is that people quit the game, and that assumption is based on the fact that a lot of people just didn't want to play a game that became joblike for long periods of time. Or at the very least was becoming very boring. Hope this was a little more clear ><

Oh, and on the last point, the 4 more powerful guilds at the time were all exactly equal in terms of what had died, except Hoss had done the ST culmination event (but that doesn't really count in terms of power, it could have been cleared months earlier by a couple different guilds, including hoss. The igb was preventing it to a degree) So there wasn't really 2 full expansions to clear for the top end, it just seems since luclin's release that the top end has kinda devolved down to one guild, which ironically has a rather sizable chunk of members who came from at least 2 of the other 3 guilds. My point is, in the original enviroment that was around when Luclin was released.. sans Key and ring events, Emp would have died much earlier in the expansion (at least 6 weeks according to q-ball's estimate) and by multiple guilds. I will fully admit after some consideration that the power might not be there anymore if the keys and rings were magically taken away, but originally it was those keys and rings that killed a good deal of the competition.

*edit* woops, fergot to add that Vindi was actively trying AoW as well at the time near Luclin release~ sry =o

08-31-2002, 07:45 PM
HAHAH, I think the only reason I just typed all that shit out was because I miss the old days of having arguements with Eomer in MD guildchat and ending my side with "Canada sucks." And Eomer ending his with "You smell like Broccoli."

I don't think anyone ever won an arguement, but it was comical for the rest of the guild to hear us joking and using retarded examples. Ignore the post above, and just hug the next person you see. /hug Qaediin

08-31-2002, 08:38 PM
Welp AoW dead to ML, believe it was over 70 tho. Grats to them :)

08-31-2002, 08:47 PM
Awesome, grats ML =),

Sabinn Treesmoker
08-31-2002, 09:32 PM
thanks man =)

09-01-2002, 06:48 AM
Congrats ML. :)

09-01-2002, 07:45 AM
Hell of an acomplishment, grats ML!

09-01-2002, 10:30 AM

09-01-2002, 10:31 AM
You suck Rezz :/

And did we write in an ML clause in the whole bounty of cash thing?

09-01-2002, 10:48 AM
they gota do it now w/ zero deaths and afew fights with under 5 deaths
wait nm, im not the one paying them. sucks sucks to be elidroth

09-01-2002, 11:33 AM
Gratz ML! Go to D-Ro for the "Happy Dance" that I promised Tanzen if you guys pulled it off.


Buazag Bonesteel
09-01-2002, 08:08 PM
Grats guys =)

Alderian Stormguard
09-02-2002, 12:01 AM
Just wanted to address a couple of things Rezz mentioned.

First off, this is just my take on things. But the reason why a second guild killing AoW was delayed comes down to the following:
1. L`Malla and Vindication disbanded.
2. Mythic Legion has gone through a large turnover of folks so a lot of new folks to break in and teach how to Raid.
3. Imperial Guards were on the brink of being a big guild when they broke in half.
4. Novus Invictus working their way through Velious just like L`Malla did but 6 months behind.

So that's why there haven't been any guilds other than Hoss capable of killing AoW (up until now, congrats ML.)

As for Emporer, the timesinks are indeed the key. (pun intended.) Up till Luclin a Guild like L`Malla could be half powergamers and half relaxed players and do just fine. But for Emporer/VT the entire guild has to be fully committed like Hoss is. I'd say that is a large part of ML's turnover. Partly folks retireing but also folks leaving to find a more wholely dedicated guild either in Hoss or on Ledgends.

Just a thought.

Hrmm, if I gotta hug someone guess it better be...../hug Lucci

09-02-2002, 12:02 PM
This is very true Alder, I'd say the 70% of Vindication that left for Stormhammer sought only a true hardcore enviroment, and to achieve the top of the food chain in game content.

When people are paying 40 a month they play like you nevah seen, but then again Stormhammer has its own downsides.

09-02-2002, 12:27 PM
40 bucks a month is way too much. For what? GM events or some special booby prizes or to be put on a calender rotation? umm moronic. VI should have charged 20 a month, tops $25 bucks a month.

09-02-2002, 01:08 PM
That would be nearly $60.00 Canadian every month for me:rolleyes: . I mean bejebus, I could probably purchase a new game every month for that money and this game is 3 years old:eek:

But that aside too each their own, I just think it's a crime that Verant needs to charge that much money to give people what is supposed to be better service.

09-03-2002, 07:44 AM
BTW there were 68 at the kill.

09-03-2002, 09:41 AM
Grats ML great job =)

and Kaneis as far 68 at this point it doesnt matter after hearing 5 different numbers from 5 different ML people Im not sure if anyone knows... it seems to be between 68 to 78~

09-03-2002, 10:03 AM
they got killed last night :|

09-03-2002, 10:07 AM
kaneis has been brainwashed:( :D

09-03-2002, 10:51 AM
Grats ML.

Luucas Maximus
09-03-2002, 11:50 AM
Grats ML :)

Just thought i would quote something that made me chuckle from Alderans post.

4. Novus Invictus working their way through Velious just like L`Malla did but 6 months behind.

Hehe.. this is correct, 6 months ago :)

09-04-2002, 08:17 AM
Funny, Eisai, I don't recall seeing you or anyone else that's posting numbers at the AoW raid so how is that contradicting people?

09-04-2002, 11:59 AM
There was more than 70 people at AoW kaneis. This was verified by people in zone and twinks in zone. If there was substantial confliction of the number i would have paid that night:)

09-04-2002, 12:56 PM
Your own people have said that there were in the area of 70 permanent ML there, and then half a dozen or so "guilded for comm", which means they were also engaging him. Sounds to me like 70+, jackass. (I just really wanted to throw "jackass" in, please forgive me)

09-04-2002, 01:30 PM
I honestly don't give 2 shits if people get paid or not or how many people were there. Money certainly wouldn't be going in my bank. Hell, if anything, the boast was what we needed to get us moving to kill him. So please don't take my post as me pointing fingers or saying anyone backed out on paying or whatever. That's not the case.

I was just answering Eisai's post.

09-04-2002, 02:08 PM
Quit being so defensive ranger:p. I was just saying that you were the only one that brought up being less than 70, so i addressed it back. I am glad some other guild killed AoW, makes d ro a tad more exciting. Plus you guys stepped up and took it to task/challenge to kill his ass. Grats you chucklehead:D

09-04-2002, 02:20 PM
Wise ass chanter. /cough

Now VoG mah! ;)

09-06-2002, 05:21 AM

09-07-2002, 06:51 AM
Qaediin Where's my PL??????
And my earring???


10-16-2007, 06:20 AM
After 5 years I will finally confess..It was leet haxxors that i used to bring velk solo to zone in....Nexten>monks

10-17-2007, 08:32 AM

10-17-2007, 08:43 AM
Rofl @ this thread!

10-17-2007, 08:48 AM
I can't believe I recieved an email because I subscribed to this thread like 5 years ago!

I was in Valiant Elite on Druzzil Ro way back in the day. Played from the beginning and then retired in 2004.

Now I'm wasting away in a so/so guild on the Boulderfist server in WoW, where more than half of the damn kids I end up playing with are like "what is EQ"


Commodus Aurelius
65 Shadowknight of Valiant Elite
Druzzil Ro

10-17-2007, 09:19 AM
I hear ya. I've come back to EQ twice and it's not the same..Almost impossible to get groups. I had to 3box a 75 warrior/72 cleric/70 shammy just to xp. I almost died laughing when i came across thread this week. I was pulling velk to zone in cause (insert newbie001) said i couldn't. Didn't know VE was attempting him until i got the hate message from whoever it was, and i didn't log..i just put him on /ignore :p

10-17-2007, 01:06 PM
Our server is dead =(

10-17-2007, 01:12 PM
come play wow tool

10-17-2007, 02:09 PM
yes tul...come to the darkside

10-17-2007, 10:00 PM
You know you can solo AOW now :) (Even clerics)

10-18-2007, 04:44 AM
I've heard of people soloing AoW but never seen it. I can 2box vindicator...but i suck

10-18-2007, 06:45 AM
You know you can solo AOW now :) (Even clerics)

Even a ranger!?

10-18-2007, 10:52 PM
I started playing eqemu now and am having fun, honestly. That projecteq link got me reminiscing, and I wound up on an emu server with about 50 population at peak hours. It's mostly solo content (and 1-group raids). The concept of not having to coordinate ~40 people, and assuming at least 5 of them will be complete morons or just too distracted to be useful, is fascinating to me.

10-20-2007, 04:21 AM
You know you can solo AOW now :) (Even clerics)



10-22-2007, 08:57 AM
LOL.. I just read through this entire thread..

So amusing... especially now that I'm working on EQ

10-22-2007, 12:36 PM
LOL.. I just read through this entire thread..

So amusing... especially now that I'm working on EQ

how's that whole thing working out? heh.

10-22-2007, 02:17 PM
It's great!

I'm really enjoying it actually. For a 9 year old game, it's still going strong.. unless of course San Diego burns to the ground tonight.

10-22-2007, 02:36 PM
Fuck you Hoss, you hollier than thou elitists fucks :mad:

I want my two dollars!

10-22-2007, 03:29 PM
It's great!

I'm really enjoying it actually. For a 9 year old game, it's still going strong.. unless of course San Diego burns to the ground tonight.


I'm glad to hear EQ is doing well. I think we should head back to it as a guild~


10-22-2007, 03:37 PM
would you even log on for that?

10-22-2007, 06:01 PM
would you even log on for that?

Can't say it isn't a choice, but the other side of the coin is work for me atm. It hasn't slowed down like I had anticipated.

Growing is job stability, but shesh, I'm worn. Lons it's ok to say you miss me ;)
