View Full Version : Worth returning?

08-28-2002, 02:40 AM
Money is getting to be a pain and the cons far outweigh the pros for me, most friends (cinder, saardiart, deadsouls) have gone dormant. Question is would it be worth it to come back, IE would there be a place for me here.

Khariste Dilandou:

30aaxp, LB, Group dmf, LB, 2266hpunbuffed, ft6, regen9, couple toys and clickies, thast the rough,


Currently slightly outdated, but close enough. Have a new zland heart in bag, couple new small things, buts thats the jest of it.

08-28-2002, 05:46 AM
just ebay and get ur money heh eq is gay why go back so u can do the same shit over and over??????????

08-28-2002, 09:13 AM
yeah! or just give accnt to a friend liek I did. Its worth it lol, I sit in my classes and see those tards who still play and I'm like oh god don't talk about eq.. but they do.. and its retarded cause the girls are always like jesus what nerds. Oh and it fux up ur grades.

08-28-2002, 09:22 AM
I hate talking about EQ in public... a friend of mine has an older brother that plays EQ, along with a few friends. And whenever we run into them at the bar or wherever, that's all they want to fucking talk about. It's especially annoying since they are all still level 30 or something, and are all like "wow tell us about NTov!"

It was funny as shit when I mentioned we (well you) had awakened the sleeper. One of them was like "don't you think that's an asshole thing to do?" I just about slapped him :/

08-28-2002, 02:58 PM
Talking about EQ in public is funny, I mostly do it at like 3am at IHOP, but every once in a bit someone is like, 'hey i got a lvl55 chanter on fennin' or something like that. Its funny.

08-28-2002, 03:02 PM
Some guy from school who used to play EQ on druzzil and knew I played stopped me a week ago at blockbuster, fucker wanted to know if I still played and could give him shit. I was too stunned for words, I just walked off and ignored him. And it worked!!!

08-28-2002, 03:07 PM
The guys I knew kept telling me to move to Saryn, where they played. I was like uh, you jackasses move, I am not losing two level 60 chars worth of equipment, and they couldn't understand why it was a big deal.

Two of em started characters on Druzzil over a weekend, so I hooked em up with a few K, they nearly shit their pants.

Oh, uh, Khariste, stay far far far away from EQ!

08-28-2002, 04:03 PM
'hey i got a lvl55 chanter on fennin'
he then he says 'yeah VT loot is sick.. like wow 50 AC monk legs!!'
and then all at once he can see us all try and hold back a 'rofl'
and he walks off :|

08-28-2002, 04:29 PM
NM, he did not appreciate me revealing that info so I edited my post. Oh and dont repost it heh, just leave em be. :)

08-28-2002, 04:31 PM
dont come back then

08-28-2002, 09:26 PM
Stay FAR away, unless you have the money you owe me...

On second thought.. it ain't worth it.. Just stay away.
