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Buazag Bonesteel
10-06-2002, 06:12 PM
Personally I think crunchy owns =o

10-06-2002, 08:09 PM
Crunchy is a whole nother league of flavor ass kick.

10-06-2002, 11:05 PM
cruunchy ofcourse!


10-07-2002, 12:39 AM
mmmmm, *crunchy* peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches w/ potato chips :D :D Extra crunchy!

10-07-2002, 08:48 AM
Creamy is cleary the superior peanuty spread:cool:

10-07-2002, 09:07 AM
i voted cruunchy

10-07-2002, 03:08 PM
crunchy all the way

10-07-2002, 03:16 PM
Damn thing won't let me vote.

Crunchy all the way.


10-07-2002, 04:15 PM
Cheese, Crunchy peanut butter and marmite sandwhiches ARE TEH FOOD OF THE FAT MMMMM I LUB! :D

10-07-2002, 07:33 PM
I voted for tofu but crunchy > creamy. I would also like to add that real pb > that fake processed stuff.

10-07-2002, 10:43 PM
Crunchy...doesnt stick to the roof of your mouth, although sometimes the little pieces of peanut get stuck in my pubes >< what a dillema


Buazag Bonesteel
10-08-2002, 06:12 AM
Crunchy making a runaway =D

10-08-2002, 06:44 AM
Creamy > Crunchy, that is all.

10-08-2002, 08:23 AM
Uhh creamy is for saps.... crunchy rules

10-08-2002, 10:06 AM
If creamy is for saps why does Tilea like crunchy?

10-08-2002, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Vestax
Cheese, Crunchy peanut butter and marmite sandwhiches ARE TEH FOOD OF THE FAT MMMMM I LUB! :D
Anyone else think "eeww" at this sandwich?

10-08-2002, 10:38 AM
I was thinking along those lines Siren

10-08-2002, 10:46 AM
I'm afraid to even ask what marmite is...

BTW creamy peanut butter is best! mmm peanut butter and honey sandwiches yum! ;) Crunchy peanut butter is too gritty for my taste.

10-08-2002, 11:00 AM
I agree, creamy > all.

Try putting crunchy peanut butter on warm toast. It just don't work right.

10-08-2002, 11:06 AM
Oh my God peanut butter and honey! I used to have those all the time as a kid. That and peanut butter and bananna! I don't know what marmite is but it sounds pretty gross, like vegemite.

oh, and FU Vid. :p

10-08-2002, 01:54 PM
Peanut butter just sucks overall, bleh :/

Although peanut butter flavored stuff is good!

Buazag Bonesteel
10-08-2002, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Eomer
Peanut butter just sucks overall, bleh :/

Although peanut butter flavored stuff is good!

Another paradox for Vini to work on?

10-08-2002, 03:15 PM
I'm not touching that one! :p

But if I had to guess I would assume that it's not the peanut butter flavor that bothers Eomer since he likes things that taste like peanut butter, one can only assume he doesn't like the texture.

10-08-2002, 04:54 PM
Yea, more or less. And I don't really have a sweet tooth anymore. If I want a sandwich, I want meat and mustard and cheese and lettuce. I don't want it loaded with jam, peanut butter, or whatever other sugar-filled things you can put on bread.

I like peanut butter cookies for example, especially if they have real nuts in them. And Quaker Harvest Crunch granola bars with peanut butter are also damn good. But I couldn't just sit there and eat a peanut-butter and honey sandwich. However that is an excellent way to disguise the taste of mushrooms!

10-08-2002, 07:46 PM
I voted plastic. :o

10-08-2002, 07:59 PM
I voted for the Crunchy, creamy sticks to the roof of my mouth :/

10-08-2002, 08:31 PM
That was uncalled for tilea. Please be like Siren and worship me.

10-08-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Vidmer
That was uncalled for tilea. Please be like Siren and worship me.
