View Full Version : Longest you played

10-10-2002, 12:12 PM
I have done 50 hours st8

2 pizzas and 5 bathroom breaks

Just wondeing to see how hard core people really are :)

10-10-2002, 12:17 PM
heh in 59 when i was 2 yellow away i didnt sleep :p
i got 1 yellow in the ledge, went killed trak came back got the 2nd one
after i dinged i went to WW to camp myga or some thing...
then i killed velk.... went out to eat... went to sleep and woke up 4 hours later :\
yeah it was about 40 hours before i took that 4h nap :|
(did i tell you i came down with mono from lack of sleep not so long after?)

10-10-2002, 12:37 PM
My longest EQ session was 24 hours straight, during my first Fear raid in the guild Casters of Exile. I remember being the only 49+ Cleric there, so I absolutely couldn't leave, lol. I actually had to work the following morning and called in sick. I must have rezzed the same 30 people 50 times after wipeouts. I was just hoping for a Girdle of the Diligent to drop...and one did right after I logged; the Cleric that came up to replace me got to loot it.

Oh man, that raid was brutal...I'm sure the old CoE'rs remember that raid. I think Montaro, Amuel, Orrlaar, Famor, and Nesuril were there.

10-10-2002, 01:13 PM
The longest I've ever spent awake was 41 hours, but that was on a halloween weekend, drinking and partying, not playing EQ! ;)

Buazag Bonesteel
10-10-2002, 01:47 PM
Camping Ragefire for Peppa's epic was the longest I stayed up playing eq...bout 60 hours all told. Brutal but fun as hell heh.

10-10-2002, 02:26 PM
Peppa is the pinnacle of pwnsauce.

10-10-2002, 02:26 PM
Probably about 22 hours for Sylvia's epic. Parked the necro in SolB at his spawn and waited. Keep in mind this was when we still had rotations. Though shortly after it was gone.

10-10-2002, 02:30 PM
Longest playing EQ straight was 33 hours.... got 47-50 in one stretch. (was up for 53 hours total that stretch)
Longest staying up was 71 hours... at the cabin over the weekend

10-10-2002, 02:31 PM
I stayed up ~44 hours and got all of my shards for VT key, but other than that, I've stayed up partying at one of my friend's houses, after prom, who's parent happened to be gone all week for about 60 some odd hours with little naps or when I passed out! :D

10-10-2002, 02:33 PM
This was a long time ago. However i got thru 59 in 5 days. Hit 60 the same day rhedd did (of course i hit it before him). Which gives me a lot of bragging rights because that ugly dorf was created a year to a year and half before felh was even born^_^. btw in those 5 days i managed to also go out to dinner w/ the family

lo hoss, sexu sach vegu jon greg

10-10-2002, 02:59 PM
Camping the AC in oot for jboots. I was there for 46 hours straight, i went through right under 3 full levels pulling seafuries, man i was never as tired as i was that camp. I had my wife(geneal,druid) come get me cause i bound there in case i died, i said just sec let me kill one more(just killed a seafury PH), waited and waited and waited i said hell with it, port away/she was almost down to the spell to be done and AC spawned:p. I was so freaking happy i went to camp shadow men in south Karana, was zoning into RM and went LD(this was before the 30 minute no rent items was in the game), so back to south karana. Zoned into Rathe and went LD again, back to SK. Made it to RM and camped Hasten and waited 6 more hours for him to spawn. 3 pots of coffee and being fed at the comp :D was memorable and i promised wife i would never do that stupid shit again.

10-10-2002, 03:19 PM
I think the most I have ever played EQ straight is like 20 hours!

I get tired of sitting still that long. No point to anyways. And bed rules!

However, unlike most of you, I have never actually fallen asleep in game either!

10-10-2002, 04:16 PM
I think longest i played at one stretch was around 40 hours... was grinding my way through 59 at raptors in TD. managed to hit 60 the night before luclin came out heh

10-10-2002, 04:32 PM
Longest for me was about 20'ish hours when the original Klerik and I were camping Jboots...

And we got em and did the jboot dance all the way back to the DE town, not to mention i missed work the next day.


Widespreadd Panic
10-10-2002, 04:38 PM
My longest was like 26 hours on drelzna for the orinal j boot camp back when i was xax

10-10-2002, 05:14 PM
I would never fall asleep in game siren =p

longest i did was I think 24 hours

Felh! You cheated= \ you had famor to tank for jOO

hehe i remember that though.. you dinged 60 then like 2 hours later I did

10-10-2002, 08:41 PM
ROFL - I remember seeing Famor dual boxed by felh - that man didn't just cheat he rewrote the rules ... rofl - he lived in sebilis - jesus, never thought he ever logged...

10-10-2002, 09:40 PM
3 days straight. no sleep what-so-ever

10-10-2002, 09:50 PM
This one time, back in band camp.......

10-10-2002, 11:34 PM

I get tired of sitting still that long. No point to anyways. And bed rules!
huhu siren bed rules with ZAPPO!!
but dont take my word for it :\

10-11-2002, 12:06 AM
lvl 59 - ~3 days w/o sleepish

10-11-2002, 12:13 AM
i wonder how you did that :\
maybe you found some inactive cleric and afew rogs :|

10-11-2002, 06:27 AM
The longest I played was with Felh getting him through 59 (edit: no I didn't play all the way through his level, he dual boxed Famor when I didn't play), but Jon (Drakky) and I had some insane 40+ hour journeys that we probably did once every 2-3 weeks.

I fell asleep a lot on raids, but those are so much different then doing other stuff in EQ, (at least for me) because most raids were boring except for about 5-8 minutes of fighting the boss, or my trademark places to fall asleep at - Chardok, Plane of Air, those zones were incredibly boring all together. I can name at least 5 times I fell asleep in Chardok, I remember 2 of those times waking up early in the morning standing naked at seb. Also the time that got me into the most trouble was when I fell asleep in VP. :D

I played way too much, because I didn't fall asleep that often. Maybe once a month from what I can remember.

My longest EQ session was 24 hours straight, during my first Fear raid in the guild Casters of Exile. I remember being the only 49+ Cleric there, so I absolutely couldn't leave, lol. I actually had to work the following morning and called in sick. I must have rezzed the same 30 people 50 times after wipeouts. I was just hoping for a Girdle of the Diligent to drop...and one did right after I logged; the Cleric that came up to replace me got to loot it.

Oh man, that raid was brutal...I'm sure the old CoE'rs remember that raid. I think Montaro, Amuel, Orrlaar, Famor, and Nesuril were there.

Sorry Rolist, but we decked you out in Hate shortly after. ^^

10-11-2002, 06:48 AM
Uh, never fallen asleep while playing EQ, and I am not sure how anyone could, but hey!

As far as longest session, like maybe 16 hours or something when I was camping ragefire, but I can't maintain interest in anything for that long. Hell when I was camping ragefire I just had to take a break and go watch hockey!

10-11-2002, 07:00 AM
It's easy to fall asleep playing EQ! A couple times I did.. after getting up at 7am for first class, going to work right after, and then the gym after that. Get home at 8pm, eat and then make it just in time for whatever raid. Then the raid gets deayed by an hour or more and that time sitting there waiting is the perfect opportunity for a long day to catch up with you, then "zzzzzzz".

10-11-2002, 09:15 AM
lol eisai I remember that day That was the first time I met you I think. I also think that was the fist time I was at the ledge cause you showed me all the pulls

I never fell asleep while playing I was to scared of dieing :b

I remember one time I was camping something. I went up stairs to get another dew to finish my dew pyrmid and boy did that couch look good to sit on. 9 hours later dead and alot of lost exp.

10-11-2002, 11:17 AM
Damn I miss those good ol' days...

** btw that was Gerguk (Orrlaar)

10-11-2002, 12:02 PM
Drakky i forgot your war3 name =\

im rhedd =\

message me Im on alot =\

going to seattle this weekend though for a Niners/Seahawks game =\

ps. Drakky sux

10-11-2002, 12:18 PM
eisai helped me get to 60 ~ and that sorta helped her too

10-11-2002, 12:43 PM
oh and when i came back some one told me my password was given out to afew people with out me knowing. and one guy made about 5000 corpses in WL as zappo (under that dumb white dragon)
but! elfvis exp'ed me to 59 for the most part from what i am told

10-11-2002, 03:08 PM
I'm "urgunagetraped" faker! I own you =\ 80%+ ratio =\

Loniel Bonewalker
10-11-2002, 08:56 PM
yea Rolist that night in fear was one hell of a night though I remember recieving quite a few rezzes that night

10-12-2002, 07:59 AM
Probably close to 40 hours straight once, 30ish were spent at the Pained Soul camp. Ever killed something to almost half life, then go LD and come back to find out you poofed the corpse? ^_^ How about twice in one sitting =o

I dozed off on a couple raids, but I think VP was the best. I had a rez box on my screen for like 6 hours, woke up and clicked in, then ran to zone. That is the gheyest raid zone pre-luclin, by far.

10-12-2002, 11:34 AM
Yeah Zappo, I played with Elfvis alot in the few months before he quit and when I'd log in he would always have you boxed in kael or somewhere else. I kept thinking jeez maybe I should give him my info and get 60 the easy way :D


10-12-2002, 11:51 AM
they only got me threw 58
i was told later one guy (not eilfvis) got me into honed so he could get an epic as his main or some thing
and he also power traded all my resist gear
wow i was the town bike :\

10-14-2002, 01:49 AM
I did 59 in 50 hours solid on ledge. I was every thing in that group. I must admit I fell to my death once from "resting my eyes". Dont u hate num lock when u are real tired.

10-14-2002, 09:15 AM
dude, my penis is like half the size of yours.

Amuel Daemon
10-14-2002, 09:55 AM
CoE owned PoF. Shindar was an unstoppable temple pulling machine!

10-14-2002, 10:08 AM

Yeah, Shindar died during EVERY pull one time in either Hate or Fear...damn fizzles on FD!

Kattoo Tacit
10-14-2002, 11:17 AM
38 hours strait for clerics epic.
36 hours strait in sebilis to finish lvl 59 for Kattoo.
32 hours strait duel boxing Enchanter/Pally for a big AA run.

>20 and <30 several other times. No excuses for why.