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View Full Version : What's in a Name?

08-10-2001, 09:35 PM
I've posted about this before, but since more and more new people have been viewing our boards, I figured I'd start it up again. Answer the following questions:

1. What's your character(s') name(s)?
2. How do you pronounce that?
3. Does it have an origin, and if so, what?

I'll start.
1. What's your character(s') name(s)? Phaera, Lynette
2. How do you pronounce that? F-air-rah, Lyn-ette
3. Does it have an origin, and if so, what? I was just tired of playing my original enchanter, and after talking to my dear friend Scrith, was convinced to create a paladin. However, I wanted to be unique, and so I chose a Erudite. I didnt even know Erudites could be paladins until Phaera was created. :) Lynette was just created to fullfill my solo'ing needs. :rolleyes: Now she's worthless.

Lronius de la Mancha
08-10-2001, 10:33 PM
1. What's your character(s') name(s)? Lronius de la Mancha

2. How do you pronounce that? EL-Ro-Ni-Us

3. Does it have an origin, and if so, what? Back in the day of Quake1 before a match I would change my name sometimes to goof off. One time when changing my name back I typed my name a bit too fast, so my name was LRod Insane... I played like that for a few matches on accident, and it became my nickname of my nickname. (odd huh?). When I was making Lronius I figured I'd do a name play on LRod and Erroneus... and came up with Lronius. de la Mancha came from my love of Don Quixote books, the man of la Mancha. So back in the day when we had to petition for a GM (Good ol Solist) to come give us our last name (/surname wouldn't be implimented for another 4 months), I asked for de la Mancha, at first he said I couldn't have spaces, but I pointed out 10 other people I had seen with spaces in their last names, and was then given it. Thats my story.

08-11-2001, 05:40 AM
1. See name above picture

2. If you can't pronounce it, learn english

3. Dictionary (arn't I creative?) My old handles sucked

08-11-2001, 10:25 AM
1. Trevlen(Woodelf Druid)
Modrid(Barbarian Warrior)

2. Trev-lin
Mo(long o)-drid

3. Modrid was my first char. His name derives from King Arthur. IF you remember the story, King Arthur had a bastard son from his sister. His name? Modrid. He killed King Arthur
Trevlen is a name i got from James Bond believe it or not. 007's arch enemy Trevlen. I liked the name so i used it and thought it would be cool for a druid. SOrry i aint very original but i like the names:)


08-11-2001, 10:57 AM

2) errrr.....
Mae hey likki
wubbleh :)

3)Mae was the fruit of 2 server rejection on froggy or Fortuna then i used some random french method (must be some book or summit)

Wubblehs is the name given to peeps in my q3f clan and wubblehs > bears also

08-11-2001, 04:25 PM
Myztlee Hrumlizz
Mostly Harmless
(same can be said for Mowzlee's name too)

Way, WAY back in the day, we're talking 1986, while I was in my 1st year of university, we had a very primitive form of IRC that was part of the intranet of Queen's University (Kingston, not New York). A bunch of us would chat online using a client we had all worked on to develop.

I was a rabid Douglas Adams fan (still am, may he rest in peace, cry) at the time, and So Long and Thanks For All The Fish was about 4 months from release. I just liked Mostly Harmless as a nick, started using it, and that was that. Besides, Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged was already taken.

Brunen Em'Ayche
BROOnen, with Em'Ayche being how you'd say MH out loud. MH of course from Mostly Harmless. Thanks to Ermac for that. Bru - Broo for short.

Brunen was actually a typo, it should have been Brunnen, as in Brunnen G, from the Lexx series, but I didn't realize how it was spelled until around level 6 and by then I didn't want to start over (remember, this was back in the first few weeks of release, when people actually used, let alone paid for, patchwork armor).

08-11-2001, 10:01 PM
1. Kallaill

2. Kahl- ale

3. Had the game random choose a name similar to this and i changed it around a little because I thought Kallaill sounded better. Later in the games a RL friend told me that the name i had chosen was superman's real name. =D

08-12-2001, 06:20 AM
1. Succubbus female DE necro, succubbus is the female demon that drains the life from her victims, especially men, seemed to fit

2. sasori-druid, sasori is japanese for scorpion, husband picked that name.

3. genka-cleric, genka is japanese for health

4. vyper-iksar monk, well gucci was already taken :)

08-12-2001, 06:24 AM

Pronounced "Pee-Yahht"

I was in eq p3-p4 beta, but i actually didn't play, i just had a half elf who sat around in qeynos and fished all day, i don't think i even made level 2. So when the real game came out i decided to make a gnome, and sat at the character make screen for about an hour trying to think of a good name.. eventually i just made pyat up and.. boom~ gnome.


08-13-2001, 08:38 AM
Phantasym= well duh =P

BTW wasn't King Arthurs bastard son Mordrid?

08-13-2001, 08:46 AM
1. Deidden (Dee-Ed-Den) Proudfoot: Halfling Cleric. Originally my p4 EQ character was called Odoe Proudfoot (I wanted Odo but EQ names required at least 4 letters - !~@#~#$^). After beta I really didn't like my name and decided to change it, so after 15 or so minutes looking at random names, I found Deidden and saw it as a perfect match for the surname of Proudfoot (Odo Proudfoot came from Tolkien if anyone is wondering).

08-13-2001, 10:54 AM
1. Twing/Twong

2. uh, Twong/Twing??? ;)

3. Lots have already heard this but its a funny story so ill repeat it =). One spring break we were at Lake Havasu out and about partying at different campsites and stuff (imgaine that from me).
Well we mjet a bunch of girls and i decided to make up a name and a story and see if they would buy it.

My other friends went with their normal boring names, but i went with Twong, the foreign exchange student from Korea. Not only that, but i had told them i'd only been in the states for 6 months, and what did they think of my english (keep in mind i have no accent whatsoever, full socal boy).

Well not only did they buy it, but i got major compliment about my english and how well i well i picked up the language.

Well, one would think that that woulda been enough, but the capper was this. Later that night, from across a campsite i heard some girls shouting, "LOOK ITS TWONG!!!" hahaha that owned i partied with them more that night and my bros were pissed that they didnt remeber a single one of their names, only my made up one.

Thats it, kinda funny, but certainly memorable.


08-13-2001, 11:16 AM

Fiz (plop plop, fiz fiz) b (long a) ain

Yeah yeah, stfu. I know he's a character in Dragonlance. But I never read the fooking book! When i made Fiz, it was by complete accident.

I had started a monk (with pregenerated name) and was sitting outside Qeynos when i saw two names that would be cool combined. Fizzlethorp and McBain. So I thought to myself, gee wiz, Fiz-bain would be a cool name. Thus Fizbain was born. To this day, no matter where I am, people ask the same question: You read Dragonlance?

Now that I've got the name, I'm almost intrigued enough to read the books.


08-13-2001, 12:08 PM
Why so anti alka-seltzer, Fizzy?

Vinilaa: pronunciation should be obvious. While vanilla is my favorite flavor, the truth of the matter is, the name was server generated.

At the time Vin was created I was also playing a barb warrior (my first char) named Tatania (from Titania Queen of the Faeries in a Midsummer Night's Dream). I soon decided a warrior was just too boring for me and deleted Tatania.

Antiopa: Pronounced Ante Opa. Another name for Hippolyta (Queen of the Amazons) and also a kind of butterfly Nymphalis antiopa. Hippolyta also makes an appearance in a Midsummer Night's Dream.

What can I say, I like Shakespeare.


08-13-2001, 12:20 PM
1) Elkay
Pronounced, "LK"

2) VI wouldnt let me use 'LK' so I spelled it.

3) Means nothing to anyone living. To the dead who understand it's meaning, they're dead so fuck em.

08-13-2001, 02:12 PM
1. Hippos
2. Hip Hop Anonymous
3. In Age of Empires I joined a clan called Burning. Your name had to be Burning_AnimalName, so at first I chose CaMeL like Joe Camel (The Shit). Well after my rating started sucking, I made it Burning_HiPPo and used that until I made it GDL_HiPPo, GDL was a Rainbow Six clan. Eventually I heard people like Wyvern, Twong, 3 others saying EQ was the shit so I started a character on Brell, not knowing that they were on Fennin.

My first character's name was Inko after Red_Inko (Also the shit) who played Age of Empires. After I lost my corpse in the blood pool in Crushbone, not knowing how to swim until like level 20, I moved to Fennin and named my character Hippo, who was a wood elf ranger. Soon, I found rangers sucked more than a 3 doller sigon crack whore and made a druid just because I wanted to cast spells and stuff, and named him Hippos.

The last name, well Wyvern came up with that. I wanted it to be Needs`Money.

That is what is in my name.

05-24-2002, 10:48 AM
..Bump; I cant believe I finally found this thread again.

05-24-2002, 11:19 AM
1) Dharrk
2) Dark
3) I think I was playing Perfect Dark when I created this character and it fit with the whole shadowknight thing.

05-24-2002, 11:51 AM
1. Zobb
2. Zawb
3. Back at launch my main was a Pally (/shudders). I played with Elidroth's old main, Kanf and another RL friend of ours. Kanf PL'ed like a dorf out of hell and left the rest of us in his trail. So we all created Troll so we could play together. We decided we would RP the trolls and everyone had to have a name that started with Z. Kanf created his first and called it Zott so I made mine Zobb, Elidroths was Zoog (you should call him that now ;) ).
I took a year off and when I came back decided my SK was the most fun I had so I made him my main.

05-24-2002, 12:20 PM
1. Selenajra

2. Cell-uh-naw-jra (the j is pronouced, a sorta "d/j/g" sound)

3. picked it out of the swirling chaos of insanity that is my mind.

05-24-2002, 01:19 PM
Zappo 60 cleiric
Zaphoe 60 war

Zappo: Zap-dead-sexy
Zaphoe: Zap-when-ever-you-are-ready

05-24-2002, 01:51 PM
2.Papa Bup
3.Cause ...I cant remember anymore ROFL!

Sorry for always calling you "Zorgon" at the pub, Zorgon. =/

05-24-2002, 01:56 PM
1) Burnem
2) Burn Um
3) chose this name as sort of a role playing thing for the diety solusek ro

05-24-2002, 02:00 PM
1a/ Eomer Redmoon

1b/ Oobah Plootah

2a/ E-O-mer

2b/ mmm cock

3a/ Cause I have no creativity whatsoever, and Eomer was the first obscure LOTR names that went past the filter. Had I known the game was going to suck me in like it did, I would have given the name more thought. The last name is cause when I dinged 20, I looked up in EK and the moon was red, so there you go.

3b/ Ask Xuen!

05-24-2002, 02:05 PM
1) Zorgon

2) Zor-gon

3) comes from Zorgon the Space God, mightiest of all gods

Doomit poppa, I'm known as Disco in the pubs!

05-24-2002, 03:29 PM
I think burnem really chose that name cause burnem = menrub

05-24-2002, 04:15 PM
1) Jalynfane Pazador

2) Juh-linn-fane Paz-a-door

3) First name was chosen from R. A. Salvatores Dark Elf trilogy. I know, I know, I laugh at all the drizzt's too. Anyway, Jalynfein was the name of the hermitic dark elf wizzie that had spider legs for a face. Pazador means "Father of Peace" in some language, I cannot remember which. Sounds cheesy but oh well.

The first incarnation of Jalynfane was built really wrong and so he got deleted when I got a connection I could play for longer than 15 minutes before getting booted. That was 1 month pre-kunark when I started the first time, I really did not like it. I had put everything into DEX and AGI on the advice of some others so I could not carry anything and had no wisdom. Now I am a pastie power to be reckoned with.. ;)

Jalynfane Pazador
Guildleader of Diablerie

05-25-2002, 09:16 AM
1) Lilcix

2) lil-cix

3)This character started off as a mule for my 55 druid named 'Cixo'
Never thought id get to 60 =/ So like alot of people, I gave my mule a name that is similiar to my main , though it was and is extremly gay. Ive petitioned for a name change plenty of times, no luck =(

05-25-2002, 09:42 AM
CIXO! wow. As have been Poppa for so long, it never ceases to amaze me, our community in EQ. It's a beautiful thing!

05-26-2002, 03:36 AM
1. Psidan

2. P - Si - Dan

3. I chose this name because i like greek mythology, and Psiodan is the god of the water, ocean, whatever. I just took out the o cause it looks better.

05-26-2002, 03:56 AM
im waiting for selenajra's :)

05-26-2002, 06:28 AM
Selenajra posted his btw :)

1. Khael
2. Khael (kinda like Kael only with a KH-sound instead of K.)
3. Just sat pushing random button and changed it some.

edit: oh, and FU verant for putting a zone named after me in the game :(

05-26-2002, 09:22 AM

1) Grimthorn Redbeard

2) Greem-torn Rehdbeerd (Dorfs, use a "French sounding" pronunciation for their names, ask Banegrivm)

3) Just made it up, the surname comes from a fascination with pirates. Ya gotta love guys who wave swords and scream "Aaarrrrgh" all day while firing cannons into other boats.


05-26-2002, 10:06 AM
Juh kei is

/sigh most people think its Jack ass /cry

Devorated by the name of my old Irish grandpappy~

05-26-2002, 10:52 AM
Serendib Xenosoul
Dark Elf Necromancer, heir to Eklorin Razorleaf.

My first char not many people know was a halfling druid, Eklorin Razorleaf. Just a name I thought up in hobbit style that sounded cool.

Serendib is pronounce as it's spelled. Sear - en - dib.
Xenosoul - Zee - no - sole.

I couldnt think of a name for my necro that I was going to create so, as most people can probably guess I pulled out some MTG cards and started looking through them. UnholyStrength was my Diablo 1 character, and Serendib was chosen from Serendib Efreet or Djinn or whatever it was in MTG.

Xenosoul comes from the root "soul" which I think is the being or the person that my character was based around, and Xeno in the dictionary means foreign, or stranger. So foreign person or traveller or something along those lines. I thought it fit in with the necro sterotype. My original name was going to be Xenophage - which is a classification of bacteria that sweep in and devour cells and then move on again. It didnt fit well with Serendib so I chose soul instead.

05-27-2002, 02:06 AM
Actually, it's both Serendib Djinn and Efreet. The Djinn was the 5/6 flyer that ate a land each turn, the efreet was the 3/4 flyer for 3 that smacked you for one each turn. Kinda fitting for a necro, but they are blue..

Anyway, just for giggles..


Gri - fal - e - uh
(short i) (not Fall) (the letter e) (uh...)

Created the name back in high school while playing starcraft
with a friend. Needed a cool ship name and remember the Gyrfalcon, a member of the kite family that lived in the arctic. I like flying and birds and cold, but it was hard to pronounce, so made a few changes and Gryfalia is was. Have used it non-stop for everything since, hmm, 1986 or so. Irc, email addresses, quake, you name it.. As the only person on the planet who uses it, if you see it, it's been me..;-) Hell, even my plate is Gryf 99,


05-27-2002, 10:59 AM
1. Rezz
2. Rezz
3. Trent Reznor is god, and because some fewl already had a char named Reznor I just went with Rezz. I also really enjoy being asked if I'm a cleric 3+ times a day ^_~

05-27-2002, 02:02 PM
1) Ubar
2) U-bar
3) Ubar means king of kings in a certain book, and well we all know I was one cocky sob, so i took the name. I was afterall king of the enchanters in my hayday! ;P Hah I wish I was at least :)

05-27-2002, 02:31 PM
Well I've had two names now, due to some bug in the game I had an 's' added to my name and went through many days of frustration because of it. My name was my name after all.


Lon skills

pretty easy Im sure

05-28-2002, 02:34 AM
Valterra and Hunterr Dethdealer

(Val-tara) (Hun-ter) (Death-dealer)

Valterra was a combination of my old old druids first name and origional surname (Valley Terrasong, who later became Valley Gyrrl)

Hunterr is named after my 11 month old daughter Hunter Ranell

Dethdealer is from the old Deathdealer Cycle books. Valterra is a Dark Elf warrior so I thought Dethdealer was a fitting name, it also worked well for my rogue.

Veteran Hunterr Dethdealer
Assassin of Halas

Baroness Valterra Dethdealer
Warlord of Innoruuk

05-28-2002, 03:46 AM
Zerixia was one of the names i picked out of my head when i created her. there was 2 others as well. Rossilina, Stacilia =p thinking back to it. as for the last name Phaseshifter i chose that one over my original last name (blackenrose which my BF gave me) Phaseshifter i chose cause it meant freedom from him and a new phase in the game for me.

Zerixia Phaseshifter.

btw. came i have dancing stars already, i'm to lazy to Powerlevel posts for them:mad: :confused: :o

05-29-2002, 04:20 PM
Yeah I'm sure it had nothing to do with that old GM rixi! :rolleyes:

Ap - ar - at - us (pretty simple?)

Well I created it because a friend of mine (darshan) told me to create a mage for coh purposes only :o So the word apparatus came to mind! And it wasn't all that bad playing a mage :)

Yes I know its Apparatus.

05-29-2002, 05:20 PM
1. Forty Acres
2. umm, Forty.
3. Local nickname for the University of Texas at Austin. In 1883 the state set aside 40-acres of land to be used for the creation of the University.

Hook 'em


05-29-2002, 06:17 PM

Do you go to UT? I'm gonna be a sophomore there this fall... well, this summer since I'm taking Session II courses.

Oh... and my name... right... <cough>

Citidal (Sit-ih-dull) I think I was writing a paper on architecture at the time I made my char., and liked the sound of the word "citadel"... so I messed with the spelling and pronunciation a bit and got my name.

BTW: Hi to Eomer, Xuen, Amberel, Jynere, Khael, Aedail, etc. etc. (all the old Coven Nex crew). Been a while since I've logged on, but hope yer all doin ok. :)

- Citidal

05-29-2002, 08:19 PM
This caught my eye as I love words, and currently work on MTG for WotC R&D.

Serendib: /'ser-&n-"dib, -"dip/
also spelled Serendip , Arabic Sarandib name for the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). The name, Arabic in origin, was recorded in use at least as early as AD 361 and for a time gained considerable currency in the West. It is best known to speakers of English through the word serendipity, invented in the 18th century by the English man of letters Horace Walpole on the inspiration of a Persian fairy tale, “Three Princes of Serendip", who wandered freely and were forever "making discoveries by accidents and sagacity of things they were not in quest of."

-mostly from Encyclopedia Britanica online

05-29-2002, 09:01 PM
Am not sure which Citidal you are, so I dunno if I should slap the shit out of you or hug you :/

05-29-2002, 09:10 PM
:confused:!?!?!?!?!? WHY SO SLAPPY EOMER !?!?!?!?!?:confused:

I'm the drood from oooooooooold CN, remember jes? JES!?!? :mad: :p

- Citidal

05-29-2002, 09:49 PM
Riccee "Rice Man" Oenaj

Rice - E Ownyourmotherfuckingass

Austin > Jay, 3 out of 4 people_in_the_know agree.


05-29-2002, 09:51 PM
50 posts...


05-30-2002, 07:07 AM
I was under the impression there was two Citidal's playing while you were in CN, hell I believe it was someone with the username Citidal who said that on a msg board somewhere. Cause one Citidal was an ass :mad:, hacked Mitsy's druid or something like that, something to do with them having the same char name *shrug*

05-30-2002, 07:52 AM
Ooooooooooooh, (sorry to hijack the thread guys, this will be my last off-topic post) no dude, whoever told ya that is misinformed. I quit EQ way back in August, and made the mistake of handing over the account to my RL little bro, who played Cit (unguilded) until maybe October at the latest. From what some of the peeps I keep in contact with have told me, he was a friggin' ass in-game and made a bad name for me, to say the least.

I think I know what you're talking about in terms of Mitsy's drood though, and as far as I know, that was Fudorm who hijacked her account (along with Jynere's if I'm not mistaken). But anyway, I wouldn't do that to Mitsymonk (Hi! btw :)). Sorry for the case of mistaken-identity there. I am the one-and-only crude, loud-mouthed and abnoxious Citidal from Coven Nex though (hell, you had to put up with me from level 30 until I quit... lol)

BTW: While we're on the subject... Xuen, how do you pronounce your name?

- Citidal

05-30-2002, 12:06 PM
I always looked at Xuens name and thought "Zuin" might be wrong :|

05-30-2002, 12:59 PM
Yeah, I always thought "Zuin" or "Zoon".

Other weirdly-pronounced names...

Saeadebe (Say-Deeb? Say-a-Deeb-ay? Sy-deeb?)
Dlgoth (Dull-goth? Dal-goth? Del-goth? D-L-goth?)
Hkwilson (H-K-will-son? Hik-will-son?)
Hythloth (Hith-loath? High-th-lawth?)
Phaera (Fair-ah? Fire-ah?)
Kaedaase (K-eye-days? K-eye-daisy? K-eye-days-ay?)
Eisai (Eyes-eye? Eye-say? Eye-E-say?) *By the way, are you Hoshi? His last name was "Eisai" for awhile and I noticed at one point your last name was "Hoshi".*
Lucci (Loose-E? Looch-E? Luh-chee?)
Teutebod (Toot-eh-bod? Tee-uh-tebod? Toot-E-bod?)

... okay, maybe they really are hard to pronounce or maybe I'm retarded. Probably the latter but whatevah~

- Citidal

05-31-2002, 07:04 AM


When i started i didn't know anything about the game so i just picked a troll and sk and put points into random stuff and hit the button =)

05-31-2002, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by zagzal
When i started i didn't know anything about the game so i just picked a troll and sk and put points into random stuff and hit the button =)

That's the way to go. :)

05-31-2002, 08:51 AM
its Zoo - In, recognize *(&@(#$*&($*

05-31-2002, 09:04 AM
I really hope everyone can pronounce my names= \


uh ya


uh ya

05-31-2002, 09:25 AM
That's Rhe as in the pronounciation of ree in reed, and the dd is pronounced duhduh right?


Got it. How you doin Reeduhduh? :cool:

05-31-2002, 09:29 AM

Ima come and find you and beat you and make you play eq again =\

05-31-2002, 10:09 AM
Rhedd liek pink bunniez jes~?*

- Citidal

05-31-2002, 12:53 PM
Randomly picking stats isn't the way to go :(. Eomer has 9 invested in CHA and like 7 in str. Something like that anyway.

05-31-2002, 09:09 PM
Since we're on the subject and alot of people have commented on my name in-game, here goes...

1a. Sourcelery Soulphire
b. Mijj Itt
c. Ssisster Ssledge

2a. Sour (as in 'not sweet') celery (as in stalks) Soul-fire
b. Midget
c. fairly self explanatory, just remove the lisp

3a. Well, I wanted to name my first character Rhubarb, a name that I'd used for other games/things. However, those bastards working the name filter decided it wouldn't be a good EQ name... SOOOOOOOOOO.... I figured if I couldn't use the name Rhubarb, I'd use a name that described rhubarb, sour celery. When I picked the surname, I honestly had never heard of the paladin weapon. I was looking for something that would be special and memorable, blah blah blah (remember, this was my first character, so these things seemed MUCH more important back then).

b. After deleting my first warrior, Benzo Zabutcher (dorf), I decided to start over with an ogre because in my mind I didn't really play Benzo very well... only specced in one weapon skill, put all 25 points into stamina, etc. Well at the time, I was regularly trolling websites for several uber guilds from other servers, and one of my favorites to visit was Triton's. Back then, the person doing the updates was Gyantt, who I think was a halfling or dwarf. So basically I took the misspelling and irony of the name and reversed it. Ok, my dirty little secret is out =(

c. When Kunark first came out, I created an iksar monk which I ended up deleting after a few days. Well, after playing the monk for a while, I realized that I had accidentally chosen a female iksar instead of a male, but I liked the face-paint look. So a couple months later I decided to re-create the monk and this time, knowing it was female, I picked the name Ssisster. When it came time to pick a surname, well.... I'm a child of the 70s... We are family.... 'nuff said.

Ok... um... I think that's all my secrets. Satisfied? :mad:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

05-31-2002, 10:52 PM
This is a hard one..........



Er named after my own decks Vestax PDX-d3s... "vestax.com"

Second name Ves`fat? ... means my t00nz is fat!

06-01-2002, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Rhedd

Ima come and find you and beat you and make you play eq again =\

Ok Reeduhduh. Gotta find me first though. :|

06-01-2002, 03:17 AM
10 charisma.. that stupid green highlight is misleading! I was like "uh, ok, everything else is like 70, but only 60 charisma?!?! I gotta fix that! it's green!"

At least I got good prices when I was buyin patterns to sew my first suit of tattered ^_^

06-01-2002, 12:04 PM
Seems simple enough by my name..


Tuh - Riss - uh

with emphasis on Riss

06-01-2002, 06:50 PM

i thought it was tAr-Is-A dOv-shad-OW

now i have have say TuhRISSah :(

Buazag Bonesteel
06-01-2002, 06:53 PM
Holy Crap!!

Anee is Batgirl :eek:

06-01-2002, 07:28 PM
Its Serendib

not Serendip, Serendibity, or Serendipity
or Semendip (ala Neuanus)

06-02-2002, 05:48 AM
Yeah Seren but the word is correct as either Serendib or Serendip used interchangably :p

Taegan D`Mistress
06-04-2002, 12:07 AM
1. What's your character(s') name(s)? Taegan D`Mistress

2. How do you pronounce that? TAY-gen (like Megan with a T)

3. Does it have an origin, and if so, what? Dunno, its my real life name... still dont know what it means :D

06-04-2002, 03:28 AM
I looked it up. It means slut.

Taegan D`Mistress
06-04-2002, 01:16 PM
aww someones bitter about something .....

06-04-2002, 03:35 PM
Randomly choosing stats is teh win!!!!!11

If that's what you did, a winar its yuo!!!!!111115%%55%%6^

06-06-2002, 02:17 AM
This looks fun ^_^_^_^

1. What's your character(s') name(s)?
Devoius (Wizonastick) Mischief (stupid gms lol/snarl)

Qutte (pie) Raincaller -married a ranger !

2. How do you pronounce that?
Well my name isnt what alot think, so :)
Dev- ohs

Cutie Pie

3. Does it have an origin, and if so, what?

I like to belive in the theory of Devolution not the band ^_^_^ and I made my first wizard on my dad's acount named "devous"

Qutte Pie is Uh.. something I looked at the keybored and prayed something showed up. ^_^

06-11-2002, 11:45 AM
1. What's your character(s') name(s)?
A- Belegir

2. How do you pronounce that?
A- "Bella-gear". However I have also heard it pronounced something like "ass-hole" from time to time? However I assure you the former is the proper pronunciation.

3. 3. Does it have an origin, and if so, what?
A- Yes it does. One of my favorite characters from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarilian was the sindar elf named Beleg Cuthalion. My first surname was Cuthalion but I got tired of always explaining what it meant, so I changed it. I felt cheesy about fully ripping a name off so I added the -ir to the end of it to make it somewhat original.

Buazag Bonesteel
06-11-2002, 08:27 PM
2. How do you pronounce that?
A- "Bella-gear". However I have also heard it pronounced something like "ass-hole" from time to time?


Kenju Weeple
06-16-2002, 05:58 AM
1. What's your character(s') name(s)?
Kenju Weeple
Sedaited Weeple
2. How do you pronounce that?
Weeple=people with a w or weeeepull if you can't think that guud.
3. Does it have an origin, and if so, what?

When i first got EQ, it sat around in a box for a few days then the person who told me to get the game(eulien) was over one day when another rl friend was there(naota) and we ended up making the char named Kenju somehow or another, Kenju being the name that Naota always used. figured he'd never play the game so i never remade the charecter, even tho i had 110wis and 112int.. didn't feel like remaking it cuz i was already lvl 12 when i found out wis was worthless and figured it was to late to start over. after i got 60 he got the game and is stuckeds without it.NO MY NAME IS NOT KEN AND I"M NOT JEWISH. AND NO KENYU IS NOT MY TWINK.

Sedaited... Most Weeple are a weebit off, so made sedaited cuz i'm not all "I LIEK NEKKID MENS" "ILIEK POOPY SQUISHY THRU MY TEETHIES" like the other fuckups. i'm mo like farking stabbed with a tranquilizer dart about 12 times.. possibly more.
then GM wouldn't let me make my surname Weeple(they blocked in the filter after about 15 people had it already)so me and fudorm came up with things i should try to make it resemble that would pass the filter. came up with coklikahs because GM's are cock suckers who don't like Weeple, with the exception of Telieson. Eventually got a GM to change cuz i was like "umm, i don't like my sure name" "what is it now?" "Coklikahs" no questions asked, they changed it. which was the plan.

oh~ surname is weeple cuz liek everyone from conyers/rockdale/syphilus county put Weeple as their surname(i wus number 4!) and a few people not from where we live lieked it and gang ho'ed our surname, then there was also the lozers who none of us knew that made their surnames weeple, they got their deal of harassment and quickly changed it. beyond that, if you want to know the meaning of Weeple, go play with yourself. it'll be a better use of your time.

06-16-2002, 10:17 AM
Eliyahu Pantokrator 60th High Priest
(eh-lee-YA-hoo) (Pan-TOH-kra-tor)

Eliyahu is the Hebrew for Elijah and also God (fitting for a High Priest). Pantokrator is the Greek word meaning All-Powerful. Thus my name means All Powerful God. :D

Wutno 60th Assassin

Tried to do Wuthi (what-hi) but a friend did it a few hours before me. I never planned on using him for anything but a diversion from hitting 60 on Eli but rogues are so freaking easy I had him to 50 with epic in 4 days /played. So, after getting Eli to 60 I promptly got Wutno 60 and split accounts so I can 2-box them both.


06-17-2002, 06:54 AM
If I listed all my characters here this post would be way too long.


What's your character's name:

Storme, Emme, Ryde, Carre, Nevar (Those are the ones I'm playing most at the moment.)

How do you pronounce the names:

Storme: Ess oh Ess plz (or altnernately Ceethree)
Emme: Tee-El plz
Ryde: Ess oh Eee plz
Carre: wheresmydamnheal
Nevar: Neh-varh

06-17-2002, 07:04 AM
LOL Storme (C3 me please!) :p