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View Full Version : hehe vind loves you hoss

08-12-2001, 06:34 PM
hears my post on druzzilro board

Pull the swords out of your back from vind hehe~~

Thats gotta hurt~~

Author Comment
Posts: 1
(8/12/01 6:00:14 pm)
Reply Vindication is ebil
Hehe well this is some pretty funny shit~ Pretty much all the hoserheads and assmunches and whores left Cinder and Seekers who had given them everything they had includeing ST keys but now there acting just like the old Seekers used to. Ubar and Ciner and Cock-etry have all agreed to use hoss as long as they can until they don't need them anymore which is now I guess. Vind and Hoss were on Aary and Vind says Hoss is a buncha pussies cuz they kept q'ing out at the end of battles instead of fighting to the end and also say that there a falling guild anyway, and there gonna keep pretending to be nice to there faces but they are gonna lock them out of tov north as much as possibe~ Vind says that hoss is just a bunch of users and sploiters and were laughing about lasombthelarge the vi person over at Hoss who feeds them all there strats along with the old xzott gm. (xzott gave hoss a bunch of gm printouts.) Vind thinks hoss is going downhill and is laughing cuz hoss has to try and get level 50 clerics to join hehe should have seen guildchat on that lol~. Vind says no one will get in there way and there going to keep all the rest of the guilds out of tov norht as much as possible until luclin. Hehe look at this post from ubar it pretty much tells how they work~

Ubar Newbie Member # 9 posted August 10, 2001 04:46 PM We will have to do Yelinak wensday, before tormax most likely, because ML will most likely fail tuesday and ill be damned if im giving them two days in a row to try Yelinak. Also since Andaas only requested Tues / Wensday for ntov, we should be in there thursday, fuk the other shit no reason to give hoss more time then they asked for for ntov. No offense but Ntov > Tormax. There is ZERO reason to give them more time to learn the area / pulls then they asked, we best be in there thursday. They wont be able to kill / learn all the dragon pulls in a two day period of time so lets be there so we dont give them more time please. [ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: Ubar ] Posts: 57 | From: | Registered: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged

so you can see ubar is pretty much of a tool hehe and that is just the nice stuff he says on the board. In private he talks about fuck hoss fuck andass they suck and there pussies and lets get rid of them and not let them leech anymore. There so paranoid in Vind because they think everyone wants there strats and listens to them~ Well there right about listening to them because I am in Vind hehe just to keep getting phat loot~~~ I think its pretty funny to be a good player in there guild and fuck them the way they fuck everyone else on the server. btw all guilds you should know that vind talks privatly about training and doing sneak things on any guild who tries to get into tov north or st. (But they mostly hate hoss i'll post some funny private room converstations and some screenshots of there guildchat to make you all laugh.) thx info~~~

08-12-2001, 07:03 PM
please, there is no need to bring this non-sense to our boards.
even if the post is true, its private and you should respect it because these posts are on a private board and not to be meant to be shown to anyone else than other the members.

no need to start a flame war / guild war.

08-12-2001, 07:37 PM
Well i lub flaming since
#1 usually its funny
#2 am in a "i am sych a bitch mood"
#3 who needs a reason anyway !

So thx for your comment anonymous poster #2712 am sure lots of peeps here will enjoy it and take it as it should (ie read it and laugh)
Well thats about all your post deserves 2lines (more than i post on the powerlvl thread tho)
Well now lets speak a lil about you so ur a member of vindi u get loot and u spit on ur officers and guildmate... So nice of ya.
Trying to settle a guildwar ? what for afterall ur getting the loot and as long as the simple minded from hoss dont know the truth u get more loot no ?
Maybe you didnt figure it out so sorry no more phat loot for ya
Speak about Hoss/Vindi yeah lets do it...
Well i seen both guilds in action both guilds have great players
On a skill point of view well....
Id say this : Vindi is a very offensive guild lots of dps and such
Hoss is the best defensive guild i saw
Now the trick is both of them can do stuff now with theyr status but no offense on theyr own htey have no hope for vulak
Y ? because vulak cant be tanked that long by hoss and vindi would lose so fast theryr dps that it would be so useless
Hoss are pussies for /qing in ntov ? well there is something in this game called faction hit but u might not have heard about it at lvl2
I dont know many + cov guilds that really go in ntov for loot for as long as hoss (thx faction work)
Lets finish with the attitude of both guilds
Well both have very nice peeps or at least peeps who been nice to me (Hi aul vini,meiers,siren,andy,ely, boyen furbi,ranoog, and so on ....) yay lots of nice peeps who i spoke a lot with (maybe too much)
Their attitude well vindi seemed to be more satisfied by simple things (killing CT for example) and not realize the raid actually sucked a lot
Always seen some whiner_001 go in gc in hoss : "waaah we sucked" on a sucky raid
Well i guess i said all i wanted to say never bring a bored chanter without anyone to kill in pvp on a flame post again kk thx ~

PS : sachu sexu ^^
PS2 : Wubblies > bears
PS3 : dont feel if ur not in the you have been nice to me list cus i know i forgot tons of peeps but am not here to say who i like

08-12-2001, 08:48 PM
Lemme guess anon guy = Windle, bwahahahahaha. * falls off chair laughing *

08-12-2001, 08:52 PM
boyen ~
u gonna luach a real flame by calling names out :/
oh well...comes just when it needed to come

Btw gratzorz for ur bob ownage (even if i thought waright would win ;0)

No go train at pvp u bish !

08-12-2001, 09:52 PM
More like some noob that hacked our board. Its no secret that Hoss/Vindi have worked together in the past with the sole purpous of benifiting each indivudule guild not necessarily to help each other. Luckly we do tend to get along fairly well when doing so.

If you truly are in Vindi, grats on staying in a guild you dont like just for loot... in a DKP system you did earn what ya got so its all good. Your putting forth the effort for the loot so were using you as much as your using us.

08-12-2001, 09:54 PM
Constant blocks of text confuse me :/

08-12-2001, 10:01 PM
lol.. be a shame if that bs ramble was true, don't think anyone could read that retarded sentence structure interluded with HEHE's :(

08-12-2001, 10:03 PM
I probably shouldnt even bother to reply to this post, considering it was made on private boards and was intended to remain private but wth ill defend my actions against an anon lamer and flamer.

First off, damn right im gonna look out for my guilds interests. Am I fair when I talk to Andaas about interguild relations? Yes I am, ask him, we have our spats but are always fair to each other when we talk and our nice. But if they ask for two days, I do not plan on giving them more than two days (I wasnt even involved in this agreement tho). Do I want to share? Not really, no guild does, they wish they could have the server to themselves, but I do share and I play nice and I am fair about it. Ask anyone whom I deal with for inter guild relations bullshit, I dont ask for special treatment and I treat others with respect. Think what you want, and feel free to flame me for looking out for the interests of my guild.

Secondly, IE ML and Yelinak, (grats btw I havent talked to leaf ingame since you killed) as I stated in my post I thought ML would be up post patch, given there track record previous to last nights killing of him it would point to them failing (no offense intended based on past record) and then being up post patch again. Am I angry they killed? Nope. I wasnt angry they killed, I generally am a nice guy unless you piss me off. (For tips on pissing me off see above anon flaming posting jackass).

Also, contrary to the belief of the anon poster, me and andaas get along quite well. I have many friends in HoSS so no I do not hate them but yes I do look out for my guilds interests. I ask Andaas to delete this post but if he doesnt its his call, I will not be responding to it again so feel free to continue to be a lamer irl and hack our boards (ya you are a lamer if you spend your days hacking an EQ msg board, so go get a life dipshit) but whatever. My friends in HoSS know who they are and they will remain my friends no matter how bad you try to make me look. So in closing, kindly fuck off.

08-12-2001, 10:07 PM
What a fuggin moron......

Hello...Hoss/Vindication have a working relationship which benefits both sides. We teamed up and still team up on certain things which either

a) one guild cant do solo
b) makes more sense to do together for efficency

You'll notice that as soon as hoss/vindi were able to do Lendi the Keeper solo...they started doing it solo. It's a working relationship where each side comes out on top....

As far as Ubars post....I personally saw nothing wrong with it. He did not flame Hoss at all. He did not rip on anyone. He told us what we (vindication) needed to be doing. Some people had suggested doing other mobs at certain times, and all Ubar did was tell us where our priorities need to be and what we need to be killing.

A partnership takes two people or entitys and puts them together in order to accomplish things either more efficently then they would solo, or which can't be done solo.

Get it yet? We teamed up on ST mobs, and ST and its worked out remarkably well for both guilds.

". There so paranoid in Vind because they think everyone wants there strats and listens to them~"

Well ....um...have you read your post? It's not paranoia when it comes true. You did just post a private post from the Vindication Board on the Hoss board..........

Anyways....I'm not sure what you had intended to accomplish with this. Explain what you think this would accomplish? Do you not think theres flames about Vindication on Hoss` private board and Flames about Hoss on Vindications private board? Do you think EVERYONE in Hoss likes Vindication and vice versa? Uh duh of course not. We get along, and work well together and if this post was to try and upset that relationship....I have a feeling your sorely mistaken.


08-12-2001, 10:24 PM
Hi Shastal. Um...who're you? :rolleyes:

08-12-2001, 10:35 PM
Dear Anon Poster,

Thanks for the news flash but your info is old news to us.

However, if you do have any news of a steamier sort, I would be most curious to hear it ;P

I appreciate your looking out for us, but the GM's in our back pocket and our legion of level 50 clerics will cover our backs from knife wounds in the future.

It really is too bad when assholes go out of their way to ruin friendships that have already ended.

Get a fucking clue.

08-12-2001, 11:21 PM
Ubar Newbie Member # 9 posted August 10, 2001 04:46 PM We will have to do Yelinak wensday, before tormax most likely, because ML will most likely fail tuesday and ill be damned if im giving them two days in a row to try Yelinak. Also since Andaas only requested Tues / Wensday for ntov, we should be in there thursday, fuk the other shit no reason to give hoss more time then they asked for for ntov. No offense but Ntov > Tormax. There is ZERO reason to give them more time to learn the area / pulls then they asked, we best be in there thursday. They wont be able to kill / learn all the dragon pulls in a two day period of time so lets be there so we dont give them more time please. [ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: Ubar ] Posts: 57 | From: | Registered: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged

Well, I've already talked to Vind about Hoss being in Ntov beyond Wednesday of next week (I was out of town for 3 days, and forgot to mention it before I left). Guess what? They worked it out with us. Imagine that, Hoss and Vindication still get along together.

In reading Ubar's post, it honestly is nothing different than I would post for our guild given a similar situation. The working relationship that Hoss and Vindication has always been for the sole purpose of strengthening one's own guild. Hoss has always been looking out for ourselves, only on 1 occasion did we make a compromise when it came to loot that was due Hoss (in that case, we had nobody available who needed said items, and traded in our loot rotation with Vindication for those items and/or traded other loot items).

We have our disagreements still, but I would hardly say that things aren't civil between the two guilds. There is a greater pressure on both guilds now, especially given the fact that most of the mobs we are interested in killing aren't alive more than 24 hours now - that pressure will cause some arguments, but nothing that can't be solved.

As for the friendship already being ended, well, I have quite a few friends in Vindication still, and there are those that I don't care for as well. I wouldn't say that Hoss/Vindication ever had an extremely close friendship -- everything both guilds did was for the personal gain of the individual guild. The time of our doing joint raids has come to an end already, barring Sleeper's. Both of us are capable of doing Sleeper's on our own as well too, but in all honesty, Sleeper's is boring as hell, and its just faster/easier to do it with both guilds to get it over with as quickly and painlessly as possible.

08-13-2001, 12:44 AM
Basically exactly what Andaas said. You have to realize that yes, this working relationship we've had has been for the mutual benefit for both Hoss and Vindi. Neither guild "used" the other.

We cooperated on certain mobs to achieve a common goal, ST. We may continue to cooperate on certain mobs down the road if it is in the best interest of both guilds. Hoss looks out for itself. Vindication looks out for itself, and when we come across a situation where it is best for BOTH guilds to team up for something, we do it. When its no longer beneficial for BOTH sides, then we stop. It's not a hard concept really ;)

Trying to start a flame war between Hoss and Vindication on a public board just wont happen. You'll get yourself flamed...but thats about it.

08-13-2001, 01:04 AM
Plz dont touch me their sir.

08-13-2001, 01:32 AM


08-13-2001, 01:45 AM
This server is pretty messed up.

As one of the old surviving members of Seekers, all I have to say is it's pretty clear things haven't changed much at the top and the level to which some of you go is just shocking.

The amount of stories, things i've witnessed first hand, and been told since playing this game just makes me laugh and shake my head.


08-13-2001, 02:46 AM
This server is mild. Like bad salsa.

08-13-2001, 03:57 AM
Stroking the cock is key. Do not lose sight of the goal. Stroke the cock.

08-13-2001, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by Tarissa
This server is mild. Like bad salsa.

Or Vader's guacamole.

08-13-2001, 06:25 AM
Do NOT mock the guacamole.

On-topic comment:

Just remember, it's all about the loot. I'm sure there are plenty of people reading this that play hours every day with many people they just can't stand.

Just so they can get items.

Lronius de la Mancha
08-13-2001, 02:41 PM
roflmao our first flamarific thread.

I lub Hoss and Vindi, I get equal opportunity sex0r from both sides^^

As long as there are halflings and d0rfs people will be civil =) You can't flame stuff as cute and cuddly as us... unless you're an ogre or troll who is hungry =(

And... Vaders Guacamole < Store bought Guac

/me runs for the hills

08-13-2001, 03:59 PM
Yeah I play with Lola.

Slippy Surefoot

08-13-2001, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Lronius de la Mancha
roflmao our first flamarific thread.

I lub Hoss and Vindi, I get equal opportunity sex0r from both sides^^

As long as there are halflings and d0rfs people will be civil =) You can't flame stuff as cute and cuddly as us... unless you're an ogre or troll who is hungry =(

Lrod is my Halfling jesus. Hey sexy.

Lronius de la Mancha
08-13-2001, 04:18 PM

A halfling Jesus.. that would be quite the funny site =)

08-13-2001, 05:10 PM
Meiers what am I?

08-13-2001, 05:31 PM
With a face like yours... as sexy as I!

08-13-2001, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Meier

Lrod is my Halfling jesus. Hey sexy.

Lrod, that would be ridiculous.


Lronius de la Mancha
08-13-2001, 07:22 PM

I just wet myself very badly Now THAT's entertainment.

Tarissa gets 2 thumbs up!

08-14-2001, 03:43 AM
That was beauteful Tari, just beauteful.

rice man
08-14-2001, 03:56 AM
that pic scares me =(

1000 (http://www.toyota-wiki.com/wiki/Subaru_1000)

08-14-2001, 11:50 AM
omfg tariss

youre gonna go to hell for that one

hahaha lmfao

08-14-2001, 02:47 PM
nice tarissa =p

08-14-2001, 04:16 PM

OMG Tari that owns


08-18-2001, 11:27 AM
The Dark elf population has grown to large in your absence please come back and destroy them all !

08-18-2001, 11:48 PM
...... lol