View Full Version : EQ instant messaging? Haha

11-05-2002, 06:59 AM
So VI is gonna put some sort of instant messaging system into EQ. Neat, I guess. Oh wait there's a catch, it isn't free! You'll need to subscribe to it unless you're a legends player. This seems like something best saved for April 1st if you ask me. With that Microsoft patch thing that allows Alt-Tab in EQ now, why would you even need this anyways?

"If you like EQIM, after the trial period has passed you can subscribe to the service for a nominal fee and continue using EQIM. The subscription fee will be announced soon. EverQuest Legends subscribers will get EQIM at no charge!"

11-05-2002, 07:29 AM
Seriously, there is no one left at VI with any integrity, or at least the balls to stand up to the bean counters and say no. This thing is another money grab, it's disgusting. It probably took a programmer and an artist about a day to make the fucking thing, and it costs them nothing to run. It's a joke.