View Full Version : Former IGB representatives...
11-21-2002, 06:26 PM
Wyvern posted an interesting idea here yesterday, saying that it would be fun to drudge up our old forums for all to see and laugh at.
I personally think it would be something fun to look back upon (and I have already), but I think it is only fair to ask the permission of all involved how they would feel about these things being opened up for public viewing.
Please drop me a response on these boards via PM or email at and let me know if you have any specific objections.
11-22-2002, 02:14 AM
I only had minor representation, so my opinion doesn't matter much - but at any case, I'm fine with it.
Edit: oh, and I had only access to IGB while it was still on seekers board - not while it was here :p
11-22-2002, 08:30 AM
I was on it on the old seekers board, there was a few funny fights. I get the impression things got alot nastier when it came here. Mind you there was also alot more guilds on it, hence more fighting flaming etc.
as i said in my PM, doooo it. Open it up so we can all laugh ;)
11-22-2002, 02:08 PM
it was bad, and it got so many posts that I stopped checking it cause I couldn't keep up with it. The rotation was ridiculously huge, like 30 mobs :o This was before the FFA thing too, and looks like it got worse afterwards
11-22-2002, 03:26 PM
Here's a sneak peek at the old rotation list..
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down. Also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in. I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated.
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
<table border="0" width="97%" align="top" valign="top">
<td valign="top">
Hoss (P2-12/28)
NI (F1-12/28)
Vind (P3-12/29)
L`Malla (12/29)
NK (1/2)
Honed (added 1/3)
VE (12/20)
GAP (12/22)
ML (P1-12/26)
IG (12/27)
IG (12/23)
L`Malla (T-GAP)
Honed (added 1/3)
TR (added 10/26)
NI (11/4)
GAP (T-L`Malla 12/27)
Vindi (11/13)
NK (added 11/17)
TV (added 11/19)
DSO (added 11/21)
VE (11/30)
Ragefire - Nagafen Due 1/3
ML (12/24)
TV (12/30)
GAP (1/1)
DSO (Added 11/5)
Hoss (11/7)
VE (11/10)
NI (11/12)
SoS (added 11/14)
L`Malla (11/15)
NK (added 11/17)
Vind (11/18)
CDO (added 11/21)
Seekers (11/23)
Honed (added 11/27)
IG (12/1)
TR (12/22)
Hoss (12/21)
L`Malla (12/26)
NI (Added 12/26)
Vind (12/28)
ML (1/3)
Hoss (11/15)
IG (F2-11/21)
L`Malla (RP-12/17)
Vind (11/29)
NI (P1-12/17)
ML (12/29)
Vind (12/28)
IG (F2-1/3)
ML (P3-12/26)
Hoss (12/27)
<td valign="top">
L`Malla (P1-1/3)
Hoss (P3?-1/3?)
NI (added 1/4)
Vindication (12/28)
IG (1/2)
ML (P1-12/24)
Hoss (P1-1/1)
Vind (1/1)
L`Malla (12/17)
Hoss (12/26)
IG (12/28)
VE (added 1/2)
NI (1/3)
Vind (12/21)
Vindi (12/28)
Hoss (P2-1/3)
L'Malla (P1-1/4)
ML (12/26)
Hoss (P1-12/29)
NI (P1-12/30)
ML (12/30)
Vind (11/29)
L`Malla (12/17)
ML (1/2)
Vindication (T-Hoss 12/17)
L`Malla (12/30)
Hoss (T-Vind P1-12/30)
ML (P2-12/28)
Vind (12/28)
L`Malla (P1-1/4)
ST Warders
ML (1/3)
L`Malla (12/21)
Vind (12/26)
Hoss (12/28)
Hoss (12/15-12/19)
L`Malla (T-Vind 1/3-?)
ML (12/26-12/30)
Vind (T-L`Malla 12/20-12/24)
Vind (11/26)
ML (12/1)
<hr width="97%">
Current Rotations:
Trak = VE {GAP}
Sev = TR {NI}
Ragefire = DSO {Hoss}
CT = Hoss {L`Malla}
Dain = Hoss {Vind}
Tormax = ML {Hoss}
Statue = Vind {IG}
Doze = Vind {Hoss}
Lend = ML {Vind}
Zlan = Hoss {IG}
Klan = Vind {L`Malla}
Sontalak = Vind {L`Malla}
Yelinak = ML {Vind}
ST = L`Malla {Vind}
N ToV = L`Malla {Hoss}
VRP = Hoss (Vind)
<hr width="97%">
Rotation Changes.
12/2 Added VRP to the rotations.
12/19 Removed IG from CT rotation per request.
12/26 Added NI to CT rotation.
1/2 Added VE to the Dozekar rotation.
1/3 Added Honed to the Trak and Sev rotations.
1/3 Removed Hoss from Yelinak rotation per request.
1/4 Added NI to Statue rotation.
11-23-2002, 09:24 AM
What about Orc2? :confused:
11-23-2002, 09:46 AM
11-24-2002, 12:01 PM
LOL open 'em up, I could use a good laugh. Course most of us didn't find much of it funny at the time, but I'm sure it'll be side-splitting now, LOL.
What the hell, open em up. May as well open up that thing that was started after all the FFA crap as well, the non-igb/igb forums! They had some pretty good moments in em too. I think I even defended Hoss once, after I called andaas a two-faced assclown or something.
Go for it, let the comedy begin anew hah.
11-26-2002, 08:29 PM
11-26-2002, 08:54 PM
Oh the memories of owning Ventani...
11-26-2002, 10:01 PM
I still laugh when I see VRP, so much greed lol.
Yeah, I don't think it was even used, before it came into play all guild's had vulak kills and there was no more need for it.
11-27-2002, 08:06 AM
funny how much controversy the whole Kerafym thing caused, hehe. And the whole FFA thing too. FFA was the best thing that ever happened to this server and it's the guilds who woke up the sleeper that should be thanked for the new improved zone. :D
11-27-2002, 09:40 PM
hahaha, that owned
"Class act guys. Thanks for giving the server the big fuck you.
Selfish asses."
Too bad I couldn't laugh right into Selices face that day:)
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