View Full Version : VADER1 (Succession)
Ok, here's a quick rundown of the rules and regulations.
Player1: Vader
Player2: Vidmer
Player3: Arcius
Player4: (Open)
Player5: (Open)
I'll be generating a map and posting the settings here this evening, and will play the first 20 turns. After every move, I'll make notes about anything interesting that happened that turn. After my session is over, I'll save and post the session log and the savegame here, as well as a map of our Glorious Empire as it stands at the end of the session. (So people who are just observers or don't go next don't have to DL the full savegame)
Play continues in the order as above, with each person playing 10 turns, then pasting their log, savegame, and screenshot.
It is encouraged - almost required for the players to comment on what their co-rulers are doing on their turns. These games are an excellent learning experience as well as being fun.
Post where you think cities should go (with marked-up screenshots, if you like), who you think we should go to war with, what wonders you think we should build and where, etc. Also, include your goals - why are we researching Alphabet - is your goal MapMaking or the Great Library?
The final decision is the current ruler, but the discussion (argument) along the way is part of the fun.
If we don't get 1 or 2 more players by the time Arcius' turn is over, that's fine. We'll just continue as a 3-man dictatorship until someone wants to jump in.
- No reloading (duh), no exceptions. (Preserve random seed will be on anyway)
- No RoP (right of passage) abuse. (Example: Irrigating the mined lands around an enemy city producing a wonder). Likewise, no parking scouts on resources in enemy territory to deny roadbuilding to there.
- No Goto orders which would take longer than the duration of your session to complete.
- No automating settlers, with the exception of pollution cleanup when it appears.
- No governors. Check your happiness regularly! (This is a habit I need to get out of myself)
Map Settings: (All of this open for discussion until we start)
Tribe: Ottoman
Difficulty: Emperor
World Size: Tiny
Ocean Coverage: 60%
Land Form: Random
Climate: Random
Temperature: Random
Age: Random
Barbarians: Roaming
Culture Flipping: On
Culture Linked Starting Locations: Off
Respawn AI Players: On
Variant: I'll be doubling the "Distance Between Civs" so we get more even spacing between start locations.
12-03-2002, 01:41 PM
Emperor may be a little rough if we plan to cycle in people with varied experiences. Other then that I am looking forward to this experiment.
I don't have a good idea of what difficulty most people play on regularly... but my feeling is we should play on (average level) + 1.
12-03-2002, 02:03 PM
I have never even heard of the game but it does sound interesting.
12-03-2002, 02:20 PM
Emperor might be pretty difficult for the first game (but we can try). Just no diety please, I need more practice :\
Sazar - Sid Meier's Civilization was around about, hmm, 12 years ago? Civ3 is the most recent installation (whose expansion was just released). For more information:
The great Ottoman Empire lives!
Our starting location is mediocre - no bonus tiles in immediate view. There is freshwater however. I move the worker to the west to see if the water there is ocean or a lake, and discover wheat and a bonus grassland. Much better. The settler follows.
Istanbul founded on a plains square next to the larger lake. Warrior construction begins.
In anticipation of early conflict, we research Iron Working at 20%. (Building the treasury for anticipated tech purchasing)
The worker moves to improve the wheat.
Irrigation begins (hooray for the lake, though I'd rather it were a river)
Irrigation continues!
Irrigation completed, road building begins.
Road continues. Now we see why first move is 20 turns, heh.
Finished. Istanbul gorging on a 4 food square. Worker moves to improve the bonus grassland.
Istanbul grows, and we are, for the moment, #1 in population! It appears our fellow tribes are the English, the Vikings, and the Mongols
Mining begins on grassland.
Can you tell I am too used to governors? I let Istanbul fall into disorder even though I had the turn after growth to check happiness. Check hapiness. Check hapiness. Check hapiness. Check hapiness. Check hapiness.
Luxeries adjusted to 20% to make the content citizen happy, instead of creating an entertainer. The MP warrior will be done next turn.
The people are once again content, sigh.
Warrior complete, and goes out to explore (east), leaving Istanbul unprotected for another 4 turns (until next warrior is complete)
Worker finishes mine, starts on road.
It seems there are bodies of water in the shroud to the east and west. West I'm betting is ocean, so let's see what east is.
Culture expansion makes this unnecessary.
Ocean to the west, mountains and a lake to the east. Jungle to the south, forests to the north. Quite a mix.
Warrior continues east.
Road complete, work on 2nd bonus grassland starts. Warrior moves towards a goodie hut, and discovers the east coast. We seem to be near the north end of a peninsula.
Istanbul grows again, should have no problem pumping settlers out of it.
Goodie hut reveals (surprise surprise) barbarians.
2nd warrior complete, 3rd warrior begins, in anticipation of losing other scout. Settler will be next.
We defeat one of the barbarians with 1HP left, and promote to Vet, the other two are still on the loose. In hope of further scouting and better defensive ground, move east to the mountain.
Our warrior defeats the second barb with no loss in HP. The 3rd barb travels NW into the shroud. Our worker will have to be wary of it.
Our 3rd warrior is built, and moves south. Settler production begins. Sliders adjusted to 1/1.
There is much jungle and forest out there - I'm glad we're industrious.
Warriors continue scouting, and spot spices to the south, silks to the east and another not-so-goodie hut to the east.
Hut reveals 3 barbs again. Why do I move to these with a non-expansionistic civ?
The jungle to the south is heavy.
Our Vet warrior defends itself again, and is elite! There are now 3 barbies on the prowl. Their AI has definitely changed with PTW, they don't always kamikaze now.
Must keep an eye out for them, 3 total in the shroud to the east of Istanbul.
Ugh, governor lazyness strikes again, Istanbul was working the forest and not the 2nd bonus grassland. Switched.
Worker moves one square north to check out coast. Yay, tundra, and a tiny little archipegalo revealed.
Worker to the north improves bonus grassland that it's on in expectation of city nearby soon. Might as well, since he's already there.
12-03-2002, 05:11 PM
I prepare to take over for vader the feeble
Ok. The current map (most of it).
I noted with dots good locations for cities eventually. The jungle spot is necessary for the luxery, but very iffy otherwise (at least it has the fish to grow with).
There is some good terrain to the east as well, but I'm not sure where the first city should go. Try to build cities on hills/forests/jungles so we can clear some of that crap away.
The savegame.
Vidle <- Next up!
Arcius <- On deck
Oh, another thing. Feel free to post a turn-by-turn "critique" of what the previous player did. I know I'll try to rip Vidle to shreds if at all possible!
12-03-2002, 06:01 PM
3000 BC (1) - I recall the worker Vader had building a road to siberia and instruct him to build a road that will link the next city with the capital.
2950 BC (2) - Settler completed and sent to the western build location. I discover another not-so-goodie hut full of enraged people. Istanbul begins construction of another warrior.
2900 BC (3) - Eastern scout warrior survives attack from barbarians. Warrior based in Istanbul attacks wandering babrarian and is defeated. Istanbul is pillaged as a result.
2850 BC (4) - Vidleburg is founded west of the cap. It begins construction of a warrior.
2800 BC (5) - The scientific rate of 10% is no longer sufficient to produce science at any rate and must be raised to 20%.
2750 BC (6) - The road linking Istanbul and Vidleburg is complete. The worker moves south to build a road to the spice deposit. The Eastern scout rests for a bit licking its wounds.
2700 BC (7) - With the growth of Istanbul the science rate can once more be dropped to 10%.
2670 BC (8) - Istanbuls garrison is restored. It is decided to build a warrior escort for the next settler due to the high number of roaming barbs.
2630 BC (9) - Just scouting while things build.
2590 BC (10) - Continued scouting.
Arcius is up next with Vader on deck.
12-03-2002, 06:09 PM
Added a screen of world
12-03-2002, 06:35 PM
Shows the route which the settler was taking...yeah =\
12-03-2002, 06:39 PM
2590 BC (1) - It seems Vidle has found a barbarian camp to the south...shall we destroy it?
2550 BC (2) - Our warrior is victorious, the encampment is destroyed and we receive 25gp! (thanks to my superior leadership)
2510 BC (3) - The road to the spices is finished, a section of the palace added.
2470 BC (4) - Scouting
2390 BC (5) - More scouting, Vidlesburg finished a warrior for defense.
2350 BC (6) - A barbarian destroys the road to the spices, rebuilding next turn =\
2310 BC (7) - Barbarians wander.
2270 BC (8) - Istanbul completes its Settler, and moves toward the Green dot on Vader's map.
2230 BC (9) - The Settler continues to move toward the site of the new city, I notice the barbarians have a new camp in the square beside it.
2190 BC (10) - The southern warrior is a veteren, moving closer to the site of the new city I consider moving it to a slightly different location, but my time is up.
Vader <- Next up!
Vidle <- On deck
Ok, a few comments.
I'm glad I'm the only slacker that let Istanbul revolt, but we left the luxery slider at 10% at some times unnecessarily.
Barbarians are all over now, nothing we could do about it, but have to deal with them now.
Looks like we have an island all to ourselves. Good and bad. That'll change a few things... I'll do my move later tonight or tomorrow.
12-03-2002, 06:55 PM
This is a grat idea =).
I'm going to get the expansion tomorrow I think. I'll need to find the original game and practice a little, but am anxious to join in soon!
BTW Arcius I have a major bone to pick with your play by play.
2510 BC (3) - The road to the spices is finished, a section of the palace added.
WHICH section of the palace!!!
12-03-2002, 07:07 PM
I'm glad I'm the only slacker that let Istanbul revolt,
I did however let it get pillaged =p.
12-03-2002, 07:19 PM
You'll have to finish your next turn to find out!
Oh, also to avoid confusion when people do jump in (like Aal), when you post the savegame, make sure to do something like:
Player1 (is you)
Player2 <- Is up!
So we know what order we're going in for sure.
2150BC (1):
Exploration, settler moved closer to ultimate destination.
On second thought,
2110BC (2):
More exploration/settler moving.
2070BC (3):
Settler is attacked, defended successfully. Bursa founded, barbarian camp dispersed.
Road to spices re-built. Worker moves to mine grassland.
2030BC (4):
Bursa attacked, already weakened defender defeated, 82 gold plundered :|
Iron Working discovered, there is iron at the far south corner of the island.
Research set to get pottery in 4 turns, so that we can work towards literacy/mapmaking.
1990BC (5):
Warrior in Vidleslum complete. We need more workers! So building one. The warrior will go to escort the new settler.
Bursa is sadly undefended, and a barb approaches, I fear we're going to lose some more gold.
Southern explorer opens a hut and gets maps - revealing a coastline of the Mongols (?) to our west.
1950BC (6):
Settler complete. Send him south towards iron or east towards silk/cows? East. We don't need the iron immediately.
Worker begins road construction to Bursa.
1910BC (7):
Bursa ransacked again, 60 gold this time. Sucks. Parked Elite warrior where I think the settler/warrior should end up.
1870BC (8):
More jungles uncovered, bleh. We'll need tons of workers to deal with all this trash.
1830BC (9):
There must be a barb camp in the only unmapped region, 2 barbs appeared this turn heading towards Istanbul. Building spearman as 2nd unit for Istanbul defense.
I've just noticed one of the northern coast tiles is a wheat. Next city should definitely go in the aforementioned forest spot to the north of Istanbul. Eastern settler already on its way, so not turning back now.
Pottery in 1 turn, so turning science down to 20%. Still 1 turn.
1790BC (10):
Pottery discovered. Decide to do Ceremonial burial before Alphabet, as it's only 4 turns at 90%, and I love temples =p
southern warrior heading towards iron to keep an eye on it.
Dots where I like cities.
12-03-2002, 10:04 PM
1750 BC (1) - Just picking up where the game was left off, continued moving settler to spot and left most settings the same.
1725 BC (2) - Istanbul is attacked by barbs but the garrison was victorious.
1700 BC (3) - Worker moved to complete road to Bursa. Science dropped to 70% and ceremonial burial still complete in 1 year. Istanbul builds spearman and begins construction on a settler
1675 BC (4) - Ceremonial Buriel discovered. Writing is the new research goal with science set to 100% (9 turns).
1650 BC (5) - A barbarian approaches Vidleburg on the mountain as the worker is completed. I decide to not gamble as I did last time; I will hold the worker inside the gates until the barb impales himself on our defenses. Given the barenness of our continent I issue a grand edict to go forth and multiply. Vidleburg begins settler construction. A new town is founded in the east of the continent; in honor of the "fruitfullness" doctrine the people name the town Vidleton in my honor. I weep. It immediately begins worker construction.
1625 BC (6) - The barbarians have been repulsed from the gates of Vidleburg and my gambit pays off, I set off to erradicate the jungle.
1600 BC (7) - The road linking Bursa to the empire is complete. The worker heads south to link Vidleton. Our southern scout tempts fate and opens the goody-hut. His bravery is rewarded with the secrets of "the warrior code". The gods smile upon my reign.
1575 BC (8) - Not much happens.
1550 BC (9) - Istanbul builds a settler and departs for the northern build location. Istanbul continues settler production.
1525 BC (10) - My final year. I move the settler and his guard into position for the new town. I can only hope my successors do not anger the gods and spoil our favor.
Arcius Next, Vader on deck.
12-03-2002, 10:05 PM
updated world map.
12-04-2002, 07:36 AM
1500 BC (1) - A new city is founded, and the people call is Nagopolis after their great king! It begins producing a spearman. Science rates lowerered to 70%, Alaphabet in one turn.
1475 BC (2) - Research on Writing begins (my goal being literature) and with the research rates raised to 100% it will be complete in 13 turns.
1450 BC (3) - The southern warrior successfully defends himself and he moves to the barbarians' camp.
1425 BC (4) - A Barbarian horseman approaches Istanbul from the south (is this really an island, anyway? Warrior exploration soon). 25 gold taken from the Barbarians in the southern plains.
1400 BC (5) - Not much.
1375 BC (6) - Horseman decides Bursa is an easier target. Civil disorder in Vidleburg (they say the name of their city sucks).
1350 BC (7) - A Settler is built in Istanbul, it continues its production of Settlers. The horseman is defeated by our warrior. The settler moves toward the site of our new city.
1325 BC (8) - A barbarian decides to approach the working clearing jungle. Luckily, the jungle will be cleared in one turn.
1300 BC (9) - The barbarians must have a new camp to the north, a horseman and warrior approach Nagopolis.
1275 BC (10) - The road to Vidleton is complete, warrior (barely) defends Nagopolis successfully with another Barbarian en route. An empire's border is seen to the north by our worker, could this be the Zulu? Maybe I should have brought the settler to the iron =\
Vader -> next
Vidmer -> on deck
Note: Nagopolis is completing a spearman in 1 turn. Change it to Settler or something else if needed.
12-04-2002, 07:41 AM
Pre-turn (1275BC):
Hurried a Settler in Vidleburg, since it's way low on production and maxxed on growth currently.
Spearman complete in Nagopolis. Worker construction begun.
Vaderton (>Vidleton) is founded. The very gods applaud.
2 workers at Vidleton? They hurry a road at the cows, one of them will leave to build up a city with no workers. Typical special interest public works attention.
The warrior in the south moves north to escort the new settler. The settler, unfortunately, discovers a barb village. Vidleburg left undefended briefly to make sure our settler survives.
A barbarian defeated near Nagopolis. Warrior moves to scout north. Istanbul production changed to spearman so that we can scout to the south.
Barbarian camp near Vidleburg destroyed.
Road construction to connect Vaderton (>Vidleton) begins. The most luxurious silks in the land are there, ready to be make into sheets and boxers and underthings.
Barb horsemen approach from the north. Our warrior slays one of them, and discovers iron amidst the tundra! I rethink our settler's ultimate destination.
Nagopolis worker complete. Will reconstruct road and improve the area. Nagopolis now building temple (placeholder for library)
More barbarians escape from a hut near the iron in the north.
Literature research begins. 16 turns at 100%.
Exploration. Public works. there is more to the south and north than we expected. What a lot of land we have!
Another barbarian camp discovered. Settler from Istanbul goes south. Boy there's a lot of tundra up north.
Workers work. Not much else.
First contact, with the Mongols! They are far far ahead in techs. Nagopolis starts building FP in anticipation of switching to the great library. Embassies established.
We sell our world map to the Vikings for Mysticism, and purchase the wheel and world map from the mongols for our world map and 120 gold. Only buying the wheel to identify horses, will not purchase any more techs unless we fail to claim the great library.
Both enemy capitals are building the oracle, due to be complete in 10 turns or less, but neither have literature. Let us hope it stays that way.
The map releals another large continent with the other civs on it. Our current advantage is the space afforded to us - let us expand to it before they do! The AI has NO IRON within their cultural boundaries yet, but the english and vikings will have it soon.
It looks like early combat is not in the cards for us.
Barbarians at Nagopolis, worker pulled off land.
The mongols found a city on our continent in the middle of the tundra. It seems to have almost no value, so we shant worry for now.
12-04-2002, 05:53 PM
I must admit guys, just your play by play is fun to read =) I love strat games, but I would not have the time probably to play this one, and be at all good... well maybe, but would you even want me to?
One turn a day takes all of 15 minutes, so it's not a big time commitment. Anyone who has had some experience with civ is welcome to join.
Do I need PTW to participate or is it just saved single player games? I have Civ 3 but am poor haha ><
12-04-2002, 07:45 PM
The Vidle towns seem to be facing some disrespect from the other "leaders" and I use that term loosely. I will have to shore them up to withstand their ravages.
1000 BC (1) - our northern warrior scout (veteran mind you) is ambushed and slaughtered by a conscript barbarian. This clearly reflects the state of military preparedness my predicessor has left me. I reinstitute the "go forth and multiply doctrine and begin more settler construction. The land is vast and should be full of Vidlemans er Ottomans.
975 BC (2) - our southern scout is ambushed by barbarian horsemen and slain. Nagopolis is attacked by 2 barbarian warriors but ithe garrison is victorious. San Vidle is founded by the shore of the lake to the east and begins building a spearman.
950 BC (3) - Fort Vidle is constructed to the south and begins training a spearman.
925 BC (4) - Vidleton completes spearman and begins settler construction.
900 BC (5) - Barb appears south of vidleburg and the local worker is withdrawn.
875 BC (6) - The AI still lacks literature and we will have it soon.
850 BC (7) - Vidleburg defeats its barbarian harraser and the worker returns to jungle clearing. Istanbul completes a settler and begins moving north to settle on the iron.
825 BC (8) - The mongols complete the Oracle and begin on the great wall. San Vidle is pillaged before it can raise a garrison but minimal gold is lost.
800 BC (9) - a barbarian warrior and horseman appear north of vaderton (<Vidleton). I retreat the worker but i hope these barbarians pillage it nicely.
775 BC (10) - Vidleburg completes a settler which will head south. Once more I must entrust my successors to run my empire. Literature will greet my imediate heir, lets hope he doesn't squander such a breakthrough.
Arcius is next, with Vader on deck
12-04-2002, 07:46 PM
This game requires the expansion as we are playing one of the new civs.
12-04-2002, 07:47 PM
updated world map centered on the two newest cities.
Buazag Bonesteel
12-04-2002, 08:10 PM
I don't know who to root gut says go with the SK's Vidmer:rolleyes:
This is an extremely distressing trend in city names.
12-04-2002, 09:13 PM
Is that because it is a constant reminder of who is actually helping our civ win?
12-04-2002, 10:38 PM
775 BC (Pre-Turn) - Science rates changed to 80%, literature in 1 turn.
750 BC (1) - Construction of The Great Library begins in Nagopolis. Science set to 100%, Map Making in 9 turns. As I move the the north, I notice the Mongol settler about to build on the iron. I mutter a curse word.
730 BC (2) - Bursa defends against a barbarian attack. I curse at the Mongols more.
710 BC (3) - I notice that we are the only Civilization with Spices, and move toward the northern spices (we may be able to trade them later).
690 BC (4) - Units move around.
670 BC (5) - San Vidle and Vidlesburg are both undefended, with barbarian horsemen approaching.
650 BC (6) - Nag Town founded. Barbarians prowl. I curse our lack of originality in city names.
630 BC (7) - Nag<InsertSynonymHere> founded. Barbarians destroy the mine (and road) near Burma. Vidleton revolts (notice how only Vidmer's towns do this? =\
610 BC (8) - English are building the Great Lighthouse...uh, not much else.
590 BC (9) - Science rates lowered to 30%, +14 gold and Map Making next turn.
570 BC (10) - Map making finished, Science upped to 100% for Polytheism. Spearman in Istanbul finished and sent to San Vidle (and started production on Settler). My turn finished.
Vader -> Next
Vidle -> On Deck
12-04-2002, 10:42 PM
Our map.
Ok, I have a bone to pick with the placement of Nag Town.
Why there? Not placing it on a coast means no harbor, and thus no chance for decent growth, ever, given the surrounding tundra.
Plopping it down one square to the east (between the spices and iron) would've allowed a harbor, control of the spices, and once a culture building was built in Nag Town, iron control would be ours. We can't push those Ulaanbaatar borders back with culture in the current placement.
12-05-2002, 10:00 AM
Good point :|
Bursa revolts. we dispatch emergency elvis impersonators.
Science rate set to 60%, and research changed to Philosophy. Since all the AI has it, it's much cheaper (6 turns), and we'll want Republic rather than Monarchy with no war on the horizon.
Slider back up to 80% to get Philosophy in 4 turns.
San Vidle changed to worker, we need more workers!
Luxeries upped to 20% to maximize great library production. Too bad we don't have a temple there.
There was a worker fortified in Nagopolis??
Vikings begin the Great Library. Remember to keep an eye on them.
Worker fortified in Vaderton! Who was doing that =o
Fort Vidle attacked by Barbarians. Unfortunately, it is not burned to the ground.
Vidleton Settler complete, and heads north.
The Mongols found a city in the jungle! Darhan must be eliminated, it is... in our way.
Viking Scout in the north. We're going to need to expand our cultural barriers to shore up these holes.
Horsemen abound. We must be wary when travelling.
Jungle clearing galore. Barbarian camp dispersed. We establish an embassy in London.
Istanbul settler heads north to re-found Nag Town, that northern iron is much more important now.
The mongols complete the great wall, and begin the great library.
We found Sinop right after the Vikings found Stavanger.
Minor movements. Most cities building libraries or temples to increase our anemic culture.
Sending a spearman to Nagopolis for MP. Happiness there is requiring the 20% entertainment rating.
Re-completed road network increases luxery dispersal, and happiness. 0% entertainment.
Our glorious reign ends.
Increase cultural borders, put cultural pressure on tiny cities on our continent
Settle between iron and spices, get a library there ASAP
Settle to the south of San Vidle
Clear jungles, increase city sizes
research republic and switch, if appropriate.
12-05-2002, 06:38 PM
350 BC (1) - The scandanavians seek to extort us of our territory map and 22 gold. I give them what they want, a small price to pay for war on our terms. I believe archers are cheaper then settlers and libraries but the ancestors frown upon such action now. I force hurry the library in Vaderton; I never liked those people anyway.
330 BC (2) - Nagtown revolts, damn them. The wandering spearman heads home to quell the riots. Vaderton completes library and begins temple construction. The horseman barbarian in the south does not attack our spearman but moves into position to attack San Vidle, my troops fall back to cover this gap. Nag town is abandoned and reformed as Port Vidle.
310 BC (3) - Word of a massive barbarian uprising near San Vidle alarms me. Istanbul completes a Settler and Fort Vidle a worker; both begin spearman construction.
290 BC (4) - Fort Vidle worker begins iron road in the mountains. A hoard of barbarian horsemen enter view from the south.
270 BC (5) - 17 barbarian horsemen are in our territory. The women and children shudder at the thought of the approaching slaughter.
250 BC (6) - The first wave of barbarians has been repulsed. Vidleburgs garrison has been promoted to elite status but nearly dies. We brace for the second wave.
230 BC (7) - Istanbuls garrison falls leaving the city open to a good pillaging.
210 BC (8) - Istanbul is pillaged and ransacked. 8 more horseman mill around our defenseless capital.
190 BC (9) - Istanbul is ransacked a bunch but they only cart off some 30 gold. Port Vidle begins spice road. Fort Vidle completes the iron road, we await the harbor.
170 BC (10) - We survey the damage; and begin rebuilding. Casualties (3 spearmen, 1 settler 35 gold). I hand over controls to my sucessors to clean up this barbarian filth.
Arc is next
12-05-2002, 06:39 PM
A picture of the uprising.
12-05-2002, 07:34 PM
Thats all sorts of bad... I can't take over towns efficiently at all =D I just have to send in waves of dumb warriors =D
12-06-2002, 11:14 AM
150 BC (1) - The first thing I say to myself: WTF did Vidmer do! Next, I think about destroying these Mongols who are threatening me, but we have no military and I give Genghis what he wants. Next, I change the production in Fort Vidle to Library to secure the Iron.
130 BC (2) - England demands 19 gold and our territory map, I give in to the demands. Istanbul ransacked, 1 gp lost (we're down to 6 gold in the treasury).
110 BC (3) - The Mongols destroyed a Barbarian camp last turn and a new one shows up right next to Port Vidle.
90 BC (4) - Barbarian horde approachs undefended Istanbul, I consider rushing the spearman but don't.
70 BC (5) - Library complete in Vidleburg, spearman production commences. Road to spices destroyed.
50 BC (6) - Nagopolis and Vidleburg revolt, entertainers added to both cities. Spearman moves up to defend Istanbul.
30 BC (7) - Vaderton revolts, Luxaries raised to 10% (sigh). Science lowered to 50%, Rupublic in 2 turns. Worker starts building a road to connect Fort Vidle to Nag<InsertSynonymHere>.
10 BC (8) - Vidleton changes production to settler before we have enemy cities all over.
10 AD (9) - Bursa finishs Library, starts building Barracks. Republic complete. Begin research on Mathematics to work toward Construction. Leaving the revolution to the next leader.
30 AD (10) - Left Science at 50% to prevent furthur loss of gold, Mathematics in 5 turns.
Vader next, Vidle on deck.
Buazag Bonesteel
12-06-2002, 12:34 PM
Road to spices destroyed.
WTF?? The spice must flow!
12-06-2002, 01:04 PM
Put it in my mouf!!
Wow we jacked this thread Buaz
Don't delete us Vader :(((
Minor adjustments to luxery and worker assignment to maximize GL production.
I reduce research to 10% to bolster our treasury and in anticipation of getting many techs with GL. We don't need Mathematics for anything immediately. Bursa changed to worker production, we have a ton of forests and jungles to clear yet, Bursa stuck at size 4.
I contemplate revolting to republic... and decide to wait until we have completed the GL.
Dover appears in the plains in the south.
Hills near sinop mined when there's a grasslands unimproved? Strange!
Workers moved about.
Many road projects begun.
Bursa builds worker. Barracks begun, we could use more MP in many cities. Forest clearing begun.
Vikings building Sun Tsu. We're way behind in tech, we must get the GL. (although we could buy our way back up without too much trouble)
Clearing forest near Fort Vidle to get that library faster.
Vidleburg revolts over their city name.
There is a barb camp in the shroud west of Nag<ISH>.
Another barb camp discovered to the south of San Vidle. We hurry a temple in Vaderton at the cost of two brave souls.
Vaderton building barracks. Clearing a forest next to it to speed things up.
Settler complete. Sending it south of San Vidle - going to break up the barb camp there with the settler instead of risk the attack by the spearman.
AI offering us techs for cheap, waiting to see if we complete GL first. 9 turns to go. Buying techs from AI is cheaper than researching them for ourselves if we fail to get the GL. So don't research til we're in repub and can crank out the trade.
The mongols are annoyed with us, and they have roaded the northern iron. Our library will be done next turn, so it shall be ours soon if he does not attack our city.
Trondehim completes Great Library, argh. Time to start buying techs.
Poly purchased for 5GPT and 19G from Mongols - the GPT should prevent him from attacking us I guess. Be careful - if we attack him before the deal is up, big rep hit.
Monarchy purchased from the mongols (so that we can continue GL with hanging gardens) for 108G and 10GPT.
We switch to Gardens, will be complete in one turn.
Hanging Gardens complete. Luxeries to 0%.
Library rushed in Nag<ISH> at the cost of one person. Same in Sinop.
We revolt! Monarchy or Republic... it is up to my successor.
The map. Dots in the 2 places left that could use cities.
Vidle up next!
12-06-2002, 04:49 PM
230 AD (1) - It seems I have been left quite a mess to clean up. Our civilization is in Anarchy, our treasury is empty and we have a -15 gold per debt turn.
250 AD (2) - The empire is still racked by anarchy. Sinop and Nagish complete libraries; temple construction will begin when anarchy clears.
260 AD (3) - Anarchy persists; damn you Vader. Nothing really accomplished as roving bands of thugs keep good people hiding indoors.
270 AD (4) - Still stuck in anarchy. The mongols begin the Sisttine Chapel.
280 AD (5) - Finally the anarchy wanes and I am crowned King of the Vidleman er Ottoman Kingdom. Crippling debt however prevents us from spending more then 10% on science. Vidlegrad founded in the south.
290 AD (6) - The Vikings extort us for what little gold we have. Public works continue. I am tempted to note this as turn 2 thanks to Vader's anarchy fucking.
310 AD (7) - Istanbul completes temple and starts library. Bursa completes barracks and begins *Swordsman* construction. The Vikings have put little cities everywhere.
320 AD (8) - Public Works mostly.
330 AD (9) - Nagopolis completes a library and begins work on a barracks. Vidleburg completes settler and begins work on a harbor to link our southern cities.
340 AD (10) - Bah I let Vidleton revolt. I begin to ninja our settler south through Mongol territory. I retire to my country villa and leave the fate of the world in Arcius's hands.
12-06-2002, 04:50 PM
Updated world map centered on our newest city, Vidlegrad.
12-07-2002, 10:42 AM
350 AD (1) - Not much.
360 AD (2) - Vidleton finishes temple, work on barracks begins. Settler moves toward the forest on the peninsula north of Fort Vidle.
370 AD (3) - Istanbul completes Library, starts Barracks. Nagopolis finished Barracks, starts Swordsmen.
380 AD (4) - Fortifying the new Swordsman in Bursa.
390 AD (5) - England requests most of our gold and our territory map, I accept. I'm forced to lower the science rates to 10%.
400 AD (6) - Swordsman from Nagopolis moved to Vidleburg. A warrior from Nag<ISH> escorts the settler the rest of the way.
410 AD (7) - San Vidle completes temple, starts barracks. The million workers continue to hack away at the jungles.
420 AD (8) - We're back to +16 gpt, I guess the Mongols have no reason not to attack us now...note that they are the only other Civ without iron.
430 AD (9) - Another Swordsman and Barracks finished, moving this one north in preperation for war with the Mongols. We start research on Currency for Marketplaces. Raising Science to..30% I guess.
440 AD (10) - Settler in place to form a new city, swordsmen move toward border cities. Our army is growing quickly.
Vader's turn.
12-07-2002, 10:42 AM
Istanbul changed to Granary.
Vidleburg to Temple
Nagopolis to Temple
Istanbul to Spearman for extra happiness first.
Vader point founded.
Sending warriors that can be spared to barracks cities for refit and upgrade.
Vidleton begins swordsman production.
Vidleburg revolts. We upgrade one warrior (all we can afford at the moment)
Our northern "army" (3 swordsmen) is in place.
Vaderton suffers from crippling corruption. Courthouse begun.
We are 4 units above our support level, war shall begin soon!
Ta-Tu completes the Art of War.
Our offensive formations are complete. As soon as the southern group is in position, we attack.
Everyone begins constructing Leo's - we're far behind in tech.
We declare WAR on the Mongols!
We destroy Ulaanbataar. Our troops move on Darhan.
We lose 3 battles at Darhan. Arg.
New swordsmen going south.
Our swordsman defeats a warrior in the jungle. Estimated 2 spearmen defenders at Darhan.
Minor swordsman and worker movements. The other two mongol cities should fall fairly easily, and perhaps then we can extort some techs.
12-08-2002, 10:53 PM
560 AD (1) - Ahh the smell of warfare. Time to purge the Mongols from this land. Swordsman are built and moved to the frontiers, the goal is quick victory and peace on our terms before a counter attack can be mounted.
570 AD (2) - Sinop completes a spearman and begins work on a coutrhouse. Roving gangs of Vader's illegitimate children waste half of the cities productive capacity; time to get institutional on their asses.
580 AD (3) - I trade our surplus spice to the Vikings for a world map some gold and horseback riding. More importantly it turns the Vikings from raging barbarism to polite gentlemen for as long as the deal lasts. The map reveals much, this was a good purchase.
590 AD (4) - Troop positioning and not much more.
600 AD (5) - We begin our assualt on Darhan. The city falls at the cost of 2 swordsmen and is destroyed. A settler is begun in Vidleburg to take its place or to settle up north dependin on my successors whim. The captured worker begins to connect the souther colonies. Troops accumulate for a push on Tabriz.
610 AD (6) - Mongols complete Leo's and land a warrior near point Vader.
620 AD (7) - Vader point garrison is victorious and the city completes its temple. A spearman to bolster the guard is on tap.
630 AD (8) - Tabriz falls, and renamed! We negotiate peace with the Mongols and extract construction, updated world map and some gold from them. I scale down the military buildup somewhat for the time being.
640 AD (9) - The resistence in Vidlabad has been put to the swords.
650 AD (10) - 2 Settlers completed and spots await them! I was given an empire at war and weak, I leave an empire at peace and beloved. I also forgot to mention we entered the Feudal age as a result of the peace price. Hearing of their glorius leaders imminent departure the citizens of Istanbul engage in a work stopage.
12-08-2002, 10:55 PM
Our new Mongolian free continent. We are now second place on the world rankings, only 20 points or so behind the Vikings.
12-09-2002, 03:32 PM
660 AD (1) - Move swordsmen to border cities / new cities. Nagasaki is founded. Started researching Feudalism. San Vidle production changed to Aquaduct.
670 AD (2) - San Vidle production changed to Aquaduct, as we are already past our military limit.
680 AD (3) - Crippling corruption in Vidlegrad (of course, they must follow Vidle's example), it starts building a courthouse.
690 AD (4) - An English settler lands to the north of my settler, too bad I'm ready to build, uh...Denizli, yeah.
700 AD (5) - Courthouse in Vidleton complete, Aquaduct started.
710 AD (6) - Workers do stuff.
720 AD (7) - Science rates increaced to 40%, it was way too slow.
730 AD (8) - English Settler and Spearman move through our land, I think they'll declare war on us if we request them removed...
740 AD (9) - Marketplace in Istanbul finished, Catherdral started.
750 AD (10) - Nothing happens, I pass an empire at peace onto Vader blah blah blah.
Vader next!
12-09-2002, 03:34 PM
Science rates increaced to 40%, it was way too slow.
This is mostly because, while you are behind in techs, it is cheaper/faster to buy them from the AI.
I'm not sure how far behind we are now though.
Not going to have time to make my turn til tomorrow night at earliest. Friday afternoon most likely.
12-12-2002, 08:05 AM
It looks like Ragnorock! Anyone ever play that in beta? hehe
12-12-2002, 08:32 AM
does this mean I finally have to buy this friggin add-on? Patch makes playable ?
I must build Zenotopia and New Zenland !
I want in next game!
12-12-2002, 08:38 AM
Dibbs on next game too... so that will make a full 5 right?
12-12-2002, 08:54 AM
Yeah the patches make it playable in multi. I don't see any reason you guys couldnt get in on this game.
12-12-2002, 09:50 AM
.. well went out in the mall at lunch and got the add-on for a whoppin $19.99... only to now wonder if I can find my old Civ3 disc...
Oh, does playing this succession type game even require the multiplayer version?
I should be back in form in a day or two , if I can get into a succession type game I wanna go right before Vidle . . . . oh the plans....
- Zen ...
12-12-2002, 10:19 AM
We are playing as an x-pack civ in this succession game.
12-12-2002, 10:37 AM
Well Emperor >>> Strahd atm... I've only won two games so far, but haven't had much time to play =D Trying to just really familiarize myself, Lola had good suggestions tho so trying to follow up on that.
Science set to 10%. We purchase Feudalism for silks and 4GPT.
We sell Iron to Scandanavia for Theology, Chivalry, Theology, and 59G
We buy Invention from England for 13GPT and 145G
Vidleton begins Forbidden Palace.
I fear how far behind we are, our only course is war against the Mongols. Knight production shall begin soon.
Revolution! No reason for us to be in Monarchy presently. 5 turn Anarchy begins.
England DEMANDS spices. We decline. They fail to delcare war.
We sell them spices for 110 gold.
Vader elected Consul of the great Ottoman republic.
Science at 10%, Luxery at 0%.
Marketplaces begun, we will need the income badly if we want to catch up in tech more.
Warriors and swordsmen move to Istanbul for refit and upgrade whenever funds allow.
Worker sent north to connect that spices, which we can sell, near Denizli.
Isanbul changed back to Cathedral.
The AI has Navigation.
Swordsmen in capital for upgrade, if we choose to spend our funds on that.
Minor worker movements. When our marketplaces are complete I suggest rush-building the courthouses, we need to lower our horrid corruption.
12-13-2002, 04:17 PM
860 AD(1) - I take over from Vader the weakling, he has squandered precious turns transitioning us to a republic and left our nation ill suited for war. It is time to take someone down a peg, however I have been handcuffed by trade agreements so the actuall fighting shall fall to my successor. I begin preping the empire for war. Warriors and Swordsman are upgraded to M.Infantry.
870 AD(2) - Mongolia is the likely target, their souther islands are isolated and should be easy pickings. If we take the island we will control most of the oil producing terrain in the game which will allow us to dominate the late game.
880 AD (3) - San Vidle and Vidleton revolt over the change in government. If only my troops had police powers to quiet them!
890 AD (4) - Mongolia and the Vikings go to war with each other! The gods once again smile upon my reign. More military upgrades; we produce our first knight and provide him a special name: The Knight who says NI!
900 AD (5) - More military upgrades and public works. I award special names to the warriors that are upgraded and have been fairthful to the empire so long.
910 AD (6) - The Mongols complete Copernicus's observatory. I see no carnage from the Mongolian/Viking war just yet. I begin shuffling completed military units to fort Vidle where a galley will sail them across the channel to Mongol island. I test the waters of diplomacy, the vikings will give us education for an alliance vs the Mongols. This is a deal we should accept when our troops are in position!
920 AD (7) - The Vikings begin Smith's Trading company, we are very far behind on tech. The army continues south.
930 AD (8) - Public works and troop movement
940 AD (9) - The Knight is in place, the galley and MI are not however.
950 AD (10) - San Vidle completes its galley and it sails south. Nagopolis revolts, damn you republican government! All land troops are in position, we wait for the galley however.
Reminder to Arcius: When the troops are in place to attack, negotiate a deal with the vikings to attack them. We can get at least one tech from them for this for an action we were gonna do anyway!
12-13-2002, 09:41 PM
960 AD (1) - Silks traded to England for 6 gpt.
970 AD (2) - Galleys almost in place.
980 AD (3) - Istanbul revolts (damn you democratic governments)
990 AD (4) - Galleys ready to move in next turn.
1000 AD (5) - Hmm, the Mongols take the Viking town of Stavanger...I decide to wait to attack, our single spearman is an easy target for the 2 Mongol Longbowmen to the Northeast. Two Knights move toward Stavanger.
1010 AD (6) - Scandanavia and Mongolia sign a peace treaty, dammit. Oh well, let's attack...war declared and my knights attack Stavanger and capture it.
1020 AD (7) - The Mongol city of Dalandzadgad captured. 8 units have landed with 4 more units en route. One Vivaldian Templar causalty this turn (should I be upset, or celebrate?).
1030 AD (8) - Mongol city destroyed, I forget the name, who cares. Vidleburg will finish settler for a new town in 1 turn.
1040 AD (9) - My armies march forth to conquer more Mongol lands.
150 AD (10) - Settler is built in Vidleburg, Medieval Infantry approach Erdenet. And I leave the second half of the war in Vader's hands.
Vader next.
Wrong savegame Arcius =o
That's the same one as vidle posted!
12-14-2002, 07:15 AM
12-14-2002, 11:16 AM
Some slight changes to production in anticipation of Forbidden Palace in 4 turns.
We purchase Education for 380gp from the English to maximize extortion techs from Mongols.
I'm not sure where this settler should be going - to the southern island?
No casualties in taking Erdenet. It's in a horrible spot, so we start building a settler in anticipation of disbanding it. Same for Stavanger.
The mongols are not yet offering enough techs for peace. The war continues.
We take Choybarsan with one MedI casualty.
One of our (empty) Galleys is ambushed and destroyed. We strike back and sink the Mongol Galley.
We recieve Banking, Astronomy, Printing Press for Peace and 5GPT. We position troops to attack the English next!
We hoodwink the Vikings into giving us Democracy, Navigation, Music Theory, and Economics for Iron.
Due to Consul Vader's supreme diplomatic skills, we are virtually caught up in technology.
We begin construction of a wonder in Nagopolis, and Banks where we have marketplaces.
The Forbidden palace is complete. Our taxes increase by 20GPT.
Increased luxery rate to 10% and putting Elvises back to work. Changed one entertainer in Istanbul to a scientist, and science set to 0%. We are now making 64GPT. Will attempt to hold off on buying Gunpowder, since we are only 11 turns away.
5 turns until our deal with the english is over. Curses, we must wait until then to attack.
I change my mind in gunpowder. We purchase from the vikings for 30G and Spices.
The mongols have no saltpeter! Excellent. In 18 turns, we shall assault their capital.
We load up a caravel to attack Norwich in the north.
Minor movements.
Settler unloaded on the southern island to fill the gap.
WAR with the English! We attack Dover, and defeat two spearmen.
We sell spices and silks to the Mongols.
Ok, things to remember:
Let Erdenet and Stavanger stay size 1 and build the settler, so we can abandon them. They're deadweight.
Connect the saltpeter at Istanbul
Take Norwich, Dover, and Oxford
12-14-2002, 01:25 PM
Let Erdenet and Stavanger stay size 1 and build the settler, so we can abandon them. They're deadweight.
Vader has the utmost respect for ya'all's abilites...
Where is the Vidle I used to know that would rise in arms to this threatened opression of his free will?
He was protesting on IRC. Unfortunately our conversation about the game has spilled out onto there sometimes, and out of the public record.
12-14-2002, 02:59 PM
I take over from Vader the mad just in time. I will save these two cities from his concentration camps and forced relocation programs. These towns are viable under the republic and will only be moreso under Democracy! The cities rejoice and rename themselves Vidle's Mercy and FU Vader in my honor when they hear of their reprieve.
1160 AD (1) - Oxford falls to my armies and is renamed Vidlebay. Dover falls and is renamed Vidlenople.
1170 AD (2) - An English galley is spotted near Vidlenople. Norwich falls to my glorius army and is renamed North Vidleton. No easy English or Mongolian targets exist, scouting revelas english mainland defended my musketmen.
1180 AD (3) - We land some troops near Coventry.
1190 AD (4) - The Mongols complete Shakespeares theatre. We make peace with the english and Extract Chemistry from them. We begin the transition to democracy.
1200 AD (5) - The English enter the industrial era, they of course get these techs after I extort them. General anarchy.
1210 AD (6) - More anarchy. Some starvation occurs.
1220 AD (7) - More anarchy.
1230 AD (8) - We buy Physics from the Vikings
1240 AD (9) - an English Man O War appears in our waters.
1250 AD (10) - I am elected president of the new Ottoman Democracy. Our science rate remains at 0%, I shall let my successor chose our path.
12-14-2002, 03:09 PM
A map centered on the sight of action. Note the souther-most city that was slated for destruction.
This means war.
And no, not with the English.
12-17-2002, 07:10 PM
/tap arcius
I wonder which will finish first, my ToT game, or this... turn speed is about the same!
12-18-2002, 09:55 AM
I've been sick / not home, I'll take my turn today :|
12-18-2002, 02:10 PM
1250 AD (pre-turn) - Yeah, I'm finally taking my turn. Vidlebay starts a library to avoid a defection to the English (I'll rush it soon, I think). Science rates to 40%.
1255 AD (1) - Nothing
1260 AD (2) - I order the workers around.
1265 AD (2) - Nagopolis revolts =\
1270 AD (4) - Free Artistry bought for 12gp
1275 AD (5) - San Vidle revolts, I place entertainers in a couple other cities. Democracy =\
1280 (6) - The English complete JS Bach's Catherdral in London and the Mongols complete Newton's University in York. Changing wonder work to Magellan's Voyage....for now.
1290 AD (7) - The Vikings complete Magellan's Voyage, there are no wonders to build and no wonder-giving Techs that can be purchased. Nagopolis changes production to Cathedral.
1295 AD (8) - Nothing
1300 AD (9) - Metallurgy finished, starting Military Tradition for Sipahi (8 turns at 40% Science)
1305 AD (10) - Too many workers...I don't know what to do with them. I guess we can save them for joining captured cities. Ghengis wants Silks for 2 gpt, I decline but decide to trade it for 4 gpt and 8 gp.
Vader next.
The reign of the Tyrant Vader has begun!
The first order of business... some ethnic cleansing. Starvation occurs in Vidle's Mercy (now Vidle's End), Vidlenople (now Vidle's Sorrow), and FU Vader (now Vidle's Lament)
Our saltpeter near Istanbul is still not connected. We could have traded it for cash and techs we need!
We sell Silks and Iron to Rag for Gravity, Magnetism, and some cash. Our scientific nature gives us nationalism.
We trade Spices and Nationalism for Military Tradition. Too bad we wasted turns putting science into it =/
England has Steam Power, but will not yet trade for it. We begin researching Medicine.
We upgrade some knights and transports. Sipahi time!
Vidle's end packs up their tents and hits the road.
I believe London shall be our next target.
Getting a peek at the AI mainland, I see cavalry and rifelemen. Perhaps invading is not such a wise choice.
I hurry libraries on our second island to fill in the culture.
Perhaps we shall simply destroy Brighton then attempt to extort Steam Power.
We position our galleys of sipahi outside english territory.
Vidle's Lament abandoned. The people rejoice.
We delcare war on England! We pay the vikings 300 gold to join us in the fight!
Our assault on Liverpool doesn't go well, we lose sipahi in key battles.
The assault continues, more losses.
The last of our invasion forces fail. The vikings shall continue the war for us.
The golden age and recent improvements are treating us well, with a 277GPT income. We should be able to upgrade our defenders to riflemen soon.
The Mongols delcare war on the Vikings. I am inclined now to sit back and let them fight.
There is a galley with 3 sipahi in it near NAG. Use them for homeland defense, or join the fight, it's up to you.
12-20-2002, 05:12 PM
My people have been starved, my armies have been lead to slaughter and Vader's BO pervades the throne. Once again I find myself taking the reigns over from a cruel and merciless ruler. All in all Vader inflicted more casualties on his own people then the enemy; way to go Stalin.
1360 AD (1) - I decide to send the remnants of our army to attack the English at Brighton. Nagasaki production changed to aqueduct.
1365 AD (2) - Vaderton completes bank and begins work on an aqueduct.
1370 AD (3) - Troops approach Brighton!
1375 AD (4) - Danzli completes its harbor and a temple is errected in anticipation of growth. Nag'ISH completes its harbor and begins aqueduct construction. Wandering warrior upgraded to MI. Istanbul spearman upgraded to rifleman. I do the same for every spearman in a town with a barracks. The Sipahi land in the forest (not the open terrain) around Brighton, the best defender is a regular spearman.
1380 (5) - Brighton falls without so much as inflicting a wound. We manage to scrap a Man O War in the harbor as well. I decide to keep the city as an outpost.
1385 AD (6) - One of our galleons valiantly holds of a Man O War. The Sipahi load up and prepare to blitz the mainland. Settler Joins Vidleton.
1390 AD (7) - Vidleton and Nagopolis complete banks. I land the Sipahi in the forest near Coventry.
1395 AD (8) - Cannons open fire on the Sipahi; but Coventry falls anyway! The English seem to be fairing well vs. the Vikings however. Hareid and Karasjok have fallen to them. Our plan for a peaceful victory seems questionable now.
1400 AD (9) - We are running out of things to terraform.
1405 AD (10) - Our Sipahi are not fully rested yet, It will be up to Arc to continue the war or to make peace.
I have taken two cities from the English and made them ours. I do not know if this was a futile action or not; Vader's turn looms over all occupied people like a scythe. I wish Arcius much luck.
12-20-2002, 10:56 PM
I'm not sure we can continue a war without losing cities, I'm going to offer peace until we can build up our Sipahi army.
1405 AD (Pre-turn) - Rushing a Temple in Vidlebourg to avoid culture flip. Our valiant Sipahi ward off an enemy Cavalry.
1410 AD (1) - An agreement is reached, England gives us 21 gpt and all of the gold in their treasury (27) for peace. We begin building more Sipahi for a later war, I wish we had Universal Sufferage. Moving the Settler to join a captured city.
1415 AD (2) - I starve the foreign citizens of Vidlebad and Vidlebasa. I'm so very kind.
1420 AD (3) - Science to 40%, +154 gpt and we already have 4k in the treasury.
1425 AD (4) - A settler joins the recently starved size 2 city of Vidbasa and a temple is rushed. Our workers have nothing to do until Steam I buy it for 1100 gold from the Vikings. The Mongols and Vikings have one source of coal (we could take Scandanavia's in one turn if their rails are not built yet). We'll have an advantage in England for some time, and perhaps Scandanavia if we strike quickly...
1430 AD (5) - Mass Sipahi production continues, we have 5 ready to ship out to England. Lots of revolts, how am I suppose to be a dictator when the people can think?
1435 AD (6) - Troop movement.
1440 AD (7) - More troop movement, 4 Sipahi are halfway to the English mainland.
1445 AD (8) - Our Golden Age is over, so I trade Saltpeter to the Viking in exchange for 17 gpt...hopefully it helps them hold off England while we build our forces up.
1450 AD (9) - Reinforcements arrive in Vidbasa.
1455 AD (10) - I've rushed a Sipahi in Vidleburg so there will be two new Sipahi ready to sail next turn. I pray that Vader doesn't annihilate our glorious army during his coming turn.
Notes: Most of our Sipahi producing cities are connect by rails, or nearly connected. You can move the new Sipahi from Vidleburg and Istanbul to fill the Galleon in the south. 8+ Sipahi should be a sufficient attack force for the initial attack...the English are preoccupied in Scandanavia. You can wait, but attacking as soon as we can would be a good idea.
Also, are we going for a domination victory? If so, attacking the turn after our Sipahi arrive would be ideal. If not, attacking before our GPT / Peace Treaty agreement with England is over will severely hurt out reputation.
12-20-2002, 11:02 PM
The Mongol Empire of 1445 AD:
Our trade of Horses for 5GPT to Mongols has expired, I do not renew it.
The trade of saltpeter lets the Vikings hold up better vs England, but it also means we can't attack them for another 20 turns without repercussions.
With our large treasury, I rush many improvements, mostly courthouses.
We are caught stealing technology from England, and they have declared war! A conquest victory it shall be.
The vikings are still Gracious, so we have one ally at least.
We sign an alliance against the english with the vikings.
We conquer Hastings with no casualties. Resistance is heavy. Starvation begins.
The Mongols declare war on us as well. Oh no, not the mongols!
Tempted to mobilize for war to end it swiftly...
We give iron to the Vikings to improve their survival odds against our mutual enemies.
A mongol Galley approaches. Will keep one sipahi on the mainland to see what lands.
Since I use mobilization so rarely, let's try it out. Mobilization attack, go!
Badly in need of defensive units on the front - since we have a good rail network, some defenders are borrowed while we produce riflemen.
*7* Man-O-Wars near Vidbasa. We must be careful shuttling troops.
Hastings resistance is finally over, we rush a temple.
Riflemen arrive in Hastings, we can continue the offensive.
Our rail network is complete. Workers move to improve production in key cities with rails.
Our galleys retreat to the east side of our empire, to avoid the man o wars. We may have to change our landing point.
All of our remaining pikemen and spearmen are upgraded to riflemen.
The man o war sink an empty galley and destroy some roads. Annoying, but nothing we can do about it for now.
Liverpool defenses are fierce, but we only take one casualty.
We ask for peace with the mongols, since we are busy with the English anyhow. It costs them 38G and 1GPT.
Their price for attacking the english is pitiful. Spices and Silks.
We notice too late that the only english Horses are near our front - a lone sipahi takes the chance to pillage them immediately. No more cavalry for England.
War weariness begins to set in.
We trade iron and horses to the mongols for wines and 13GPT.
Much disorder from weariness. Once we take london (in a few turns, if not next turn), I recommend we have a bit o peace, or change to communism.
We attack Hareid, destroying one defender.
F Man o wars. Their destroying roads is such an annoyance.
England still has a fair supply of cavalry. For us to destroy!
The assault on England begins! Many defenders, many killed, two sipahi destroyed. We shall have to retreat and heal.
12-21-2002, 12:05 PM
What is this? I am left in a decent spot. The English are crumbling, we beat on London's door step. Some space aliens must have captured the real Vader and replaced him with some trained chimp.
1510 AD (1) - Our troops are on London's doorsteps but are badly bloodied. We will need a turn or two to regroup.
1515 AD (2) - English Man O Wars shell our occupied territory. The RNG gives me a jaw dropping battle as a longbowman takes down a veteren rifleman without suffering a single wound.
1520 AD (3) - England and Scandanavia make peace. The goal is to quickly put down London before troops return from the front. War weariness raises its ugly head, London must fall soon.
1525 AD (4) - This war must stop soon. Our people are nearly in open revolt. Our troops attack this turn, win or lose peace must follow. We win at Hareid but lose at London; the English went into a conscription frenzy and reduced the town to size 4. The sheer number of conscripts was too great to overcome. We make peace and extract communism from them. Mass police station production begins.
1530 AD (5) - The revolts end and we reduce luxury consumption. Shall we renew our research?
1535 AD (6) - The Mongolians and English fight each other on the outskirts of Liverpool. The very conscript swarm that detered us is being sent to the slaughter.
1540 AD (7) - We resume scientific investigation.
1545 AD (8) - English and Mongolian conscripts are battling it out, I can watch their city size fall. I munch popcorn. Vidleton completes its police station.
1550 AD (9) - More popcorn.
1555 AD (10) - The Vikings offer a mutual protection pact and a right of passage treaty, I turn them down.
I recommend to my successor a resumption of the war with the English when our police stations are complete. The English are hurting from their war with Mongolia and seem to be ripe pickings. Scrath that, our salt-pepper just exhausted itself. We wont be able to build more Sapahi until our trade with the Vikings expires.
12-21-2002, 04:01 PM
1560 AD (1) - I begin rebuilding our roads and rails that were destroyed.
1565 AD (2) - Rebuilding continues. A few workers are sent into captured territory to build railroads.
1570 AD (3) - I begin to starve the foreign citizens of Vidle Village, I'll drop them down to size 2. I also rush the library.
1575 AD (4) - Sipahi in NagISM is replaced by a Rifeman defender.
1580 AD (5) - *Yawn* ...peace
1585 AD (6) - The Mongol-English War is still raging, we should take advantage of this quickly.
1590 AD (7) - Sanitation research complete, another Sipahi complete.
1595 AD (8) - Our spice trade with the Vikings end, I don't wish to renew it...the Vikings have served their purpose already.
1600 AD (9) - A new shipment of Sipahi (and one Knight) arrive in Liverpool. I continue building Knights, which can be upgrade in Liverpool the turn our trade with the Vikings ends.
1605 AD (10) - Scandinavia and the Mongols sign a peace treaty, hopefully they will entertain my successor when they focus on England.
Vader next.
12-22-2002, 09:23 PM
Since Vader's a slacker I won't be able to get in one last turn before my holiday hiatus. I will be gone until the 30th. Aal mentioned he would be interested in taking my turns. I'm cool with that.
Just remember Aal. Winning and losing aren't that important as long as you belittle Vader along the way.
12-22-2002, 10:29 PM
Arcius is gone too...probably should just put game on hold.
Hell, it was my turn? Sorry, will do tonight.
01-02-2003, 02:14 PM
rofl, dumarse.
Peace with everyone! How BORING.
Our only saltpeter going to the Vikings. How UPSETTING.
My reign shall have to focus on improvements of our glorious realm. We thus sell Sanitation to the Mongols for Industrialization and 158 Gold.
Production switched to Factory in all major cities.
One factory hurried. We have many undefended cities - building some riflemen.
Our workers replace irrigation with mines on the mainland until we have hospitals built.
Scandanavia is falling. We trade horses and iron to them for wines to attempt to help them hold back the English.
More mines, a few turns of Factory construction shaved off of 3 cities.
Investigated London - 6 riflemen defenders.
Minor micromanagement of tiles on mainland.
Our peace treaty with the English may be cancelled at any time. If we do attack, London is not a good first target. 3 turns until we have saltpeter back. I decide to wait until then.
We purchase Electricity from the Vikings for some techs + 699 gold.
England still asks too much for The Corporation.
Universal Suffrage begun in Vidleton.
There is an english convoy off our west coast - is it headed to the mongols, or do the english attack us soon?
Ah! The mongols are selling Corporation much cheaper. Only costing us Electricity and 100 gold.
All trades with the Vikings cancelled! Knights upgraded. We may attack at any time.
Let us take the English war spoils - we have enough to take York.
York is ours. One sipahi lost in the attack.
Vaderopolisis is ours. One sipahi lost in the attack.
Viking support in the war will cost us... but the price is acceptable. Silks, Spices, 1240 gold. We sell them iron for 25GPT now that they can afford it.
The counterattack approaches.
Our english population causes revolts in many border towns. Unfortunately we cannot selectively starve them.
I have just noticed that we control England's coal. Excellent. Rifelemen set out to pillage their horses, saltpeter and iron.
Oops, pressed enter. will leave it at the starting start after AI moves.
The AI got lucky in two cavalry vs rifelemen battles, destroying our scouts. Still, the attack is going better than expected.
01-05-2003, 12:58 PM
1660 AD (1) - The klutz has left me with a turn in progress. Troop shuffling.
1665 AD (2) - A Galleon is sunk by an English Man O War. I am left a nice big plate of war weariness. Our towns revolt and I increase entertainment spending.
1670 AD (3) - Nagopolis completes factory and begins hospital. I begin an assault on London. All normal rifleman are dead and only conscripts defend the city.
1675 AD (4) - The English counter attack and drive my Sipahi from their land.
1680 AD (5) - I begin to question the wisdom of this war with the English. Neither our people nor our troops were prepared for it. War weariness escalates; our people grow tired of war. Luxuries are at 50% to keep them from revolting. The English refuse to talk.
1685 AD (6) - Order is restored in most of the empire. Istanbul completes its hospital and begins Sipahi production. New Yorks defenders prevail. Rifleman hurried in the occupied territories.
1690 AD (7) - Vidlegrad completes factory and starts Sipahi production. The English still wont talk.
1695 AD (8) - We hold off more English attacks with no casualties. Vidleburg completes factory.
1700 AD (9) - Nagopolis and Vader's Landing complete their projects and begin Sipahi construction. The English land troops near the undefended Vidbasa and refuse to see our envoy. The Heavy English naval presence leads me to think we should reinforce the continent from the other side. We have a galleon waiting. I am using workers to buy us some time.
1705 AD (10) - Vidbasa falls. The English still avoid peace. We need peace badly. They we can reinforce the continent and crush the English when Universal sufferage is complete.
Arc up next.
01-06-2003, 11:46 AM
1710 AD (1) - The English acknowledge our envoy and peace is made - for Vilbasa and most of their gold (250) which allows luxaries to be set at 20%. I begin stacking Riflemen and Sipahi on the southern end of our continent for easy access when transportation arrives.
1715 AD (2) - Our trade for Mongol wines has expired, 2 gpt added to the trade to keep it going.
1720 AD (3) - England's invasion of Scandinavia continues, let them weaken each other even more...
1725 AD (4) - Vaderpool deposes to the English...
1730 AD (5) - A 3rd Galleon rushed in Nag<ISM> to hurry the transportation of troops.
1735 AD (6) - The Viking city of Stockholm captured by the English. More importantly, Universal Sufferage completed in Vidleton.
1740 AD (7) - The first sign of pollution near the "beautiful" San Vidle. 8 units positioned on the English border just north of Vidle Preserve, ready to attack London at a moment's notice.
1745 AD (8) - The Mongols declare war on us? No more wines. Vaderopolis falls to the horde of enemy Cavalry, ugh. Right of Passage agreement with England so we can crush the Mongols.
1750 AD (9) - Vaderopolis is ours once again, another Sipahi attack force enters the hills to attack the Mongol captital next turn.
1755 AD (10) - Our Iron trade to the Vikings ends, they will not renew it. 5 Vetern riflemen are defeated in the Mongol capital, no Sipahi will fall soon.
Suggestions Regarding the War:
1) There is a Galleon near Vidleburg, from there we can land our forces on the tip of the Mongol continent (near Almarikh). They don't seem to be putting up much of a fight for someone with railroads in place, you should be able to land and attack without much resistance.
2) There is a river between our Sipahi and the Mongol capital of Karakumwhatever. Make sure you move diagonally before attacking to prevent un-needed losses.
Goals? I'd like to be ready for war with the English in 18 turns when the RoP agreement ends to reclaim our territory. We should be able annihilate the Mongols by then...
Vader up.
01-06-2003, 11:54 AM
that this board would let you edit in a forgotten attachment =\
Well, here's my suggestion. Let's let one of the observers choose the VC we go for.
Space race, Diplomatic, Cultural, Domination are all turned on.
First one to post what we have to win with, wins!
01-06-2003, 12:07 PM
We're actually tied with sciences, so if we built the Theory of Evolution first and focused on technology it would push us ahead and make the Space Race possible :p
Just riskier than domination.
We'd have to be totally incompetant to lose a space race with our current situation. Diplomatic/Cultural are the only two that pose a challenge of completing before 2050 I think.
01-06-2003, 01:20 PM
Hurry up and finish this game. I vote you go for domination, put every last Eglishman, Mongol, and Viking to the sword.
01-06-2003, 02:23 PM
/rawr Thuggo
Domination it is. We shall crush them!
01-07-2003, 04:54 PM
When are you going to finish this game? I want in on the next one.
Arcius said he's unavailable for a few days, so we're waiting for him. Feel free to jump in and take the next move Thuggo.
01-08-2003, 11:09 AM
I have to wait til I get back home, for some reason I can't play civ 3 at work.
01-08-2003, 02:05 PM
Vader, you do realize it is your turn right?
I knew it was my turn, um yeah.
01-08-2003, 02:44 PM
So like hurry up and destroy all the hard work that Vidmer and Arcius have put into the empire, Nero.
01-08-2003, 03:47 PM
I guess telling you that I found time to take my turn wasn't enough of a hint =\
01-08-2003, 03:56 PM
BTW, this succession thing you guys are doing atm, do I need play the world for it? The expansion here costs 5 bucks less than a full game, gay :/
01-08-2003, 05:39 PM
We're playing as a civ from the expansion, so yes, you need the expansion for this paticular game.
Ok, so my turn was exceedingly boring:
Pre-turn! (1752)
We must eliminate the mongols!
A few sipahi construction changed to harbors and hospitals in key cities.
The english and viking ships have at each other. Let's hope it whittles down their fleet significantly.
Since we now have hospitals, we can convert mines back to irrigation when appropriate.
We attack the mongol capital!
Karakorum is ours, along with Leo's Workshop, at the cost of one Sipahi.
Our troops stop to rest before pushing on, while we land a squad outside Almarikh.
The English have a cavalry army about - we must be wary.
We capture Almarihk easily. Temple hurried in Karakorum.
Our forces converge around Ta-Tu.
We attack! We take one casualty, but destroy all but one defender.
Battlefield medicine begins in Vidleton. I recommend using this as a pre-build for Theory of Evolution.
Our attack continues, but we must retreat to heal.
What a boring turn! Nothing happens.
The vikings and english call off their war... curses.
The mongols are conscripting. We shall have Ta-Tu soon.
Sipahi construction at home resumes. We continue to attack, destroying constripts and losing a sipahi.
War weariness begins, but is light.
RNG is not our friend, we take one loss, but kill only a few riflemen. It is but a matter of time.
01-09-2003, 12:46 AM
i got the expansion so if you want to when you restart at a point i would like to join .
01-09-2003, 12:01 PM
Ah, seems some things never change. Vader has left me with nothing but wounded troops and war weariness.
1774 AD (1) - Massive town revoltes from war weariness. I mass troops to take Ta-Tu (the city not the band).
1776 AD (2) - RNG is not my friend. Conscript rifleman chase off vet sipahi.
1778 AD (3) - Ta-Tu or should i say Vid-Vu is ours! We will soon make a naval landing to finish off the filthy Mongols.
1780 AD (4) - The population bursts into we love Vidle celebrations. We should be close to a domination win. Temptation to stab Vikings grows.
1782 AD (5) - scientific method complete and replaceable parts started. We change from battlefield medicine to theory of evolution.
1784 AD (6) - Troop movement. I amass troops near Molde "just in case".
1786 AD (7) - Troop movement.
1788 AD (8) - The Vikings have replaceable parts(and infantry). We buy it from them and reconcider war.
1790 AD (9) - Hovd Falls and the Mongols are no more. Now what to do?
1792 AD (10) - The population revels in its victory. Happy gas lowered to normal levels once more. We are likely close to a domination victory; but who do we hit?
Arc up next
01-09-2003, 02:21 PM
1794 AD (1) - Who shall we attack next? The English are a more formidable opponent, while the Vikings are small and weak - they could be conquered quick and easily. I choose England for now, but my successors will have the final decision. Preparations begin! Riflemen upgraded to Infantry in some cities in need of defense (<3 Sun Tzu's AoW and Leonardo's Workshop)
1795 AD (2) - Troops are being shuttled to our the English continent.
1798 AD (3) - More shuttling.
1800 AD (4) - Theory of Evolution completed, we learn Steel and Refining and begin work on Combustion (15 Turns at 40% Science)
1802 AD (5) - More troop movement.
1804 AD (6) - *Yawn*
1806 AD (7) - *Twiddles thumbs*
1808 AD (8) - Most of our troops are in position to attack English towns, more are on the way to assure success.
1810 AD (9) - There are probably enough Sipahi in position to take all of the targeted cities, with at least one Infantry to move in and defend. It won't hurt to send a few more if the numbers don't satisfy you, but I think it will do until we get Combusion and upgrade the Galleons.
1812 AD (10) - Ah, my reign has come to an end. Good luck to my successor, should you decision be to attack or to wait.
Vader next.
01-09-2003, 07:55 PM
Oh, and to those of you who are anxiously awaiting the game's end: Vader should be able to finish the game sometime during his turn. I ended my turn with 40+ units spread out on the map (very close to 5 different English cities) if we don't win soon it's his fault!
Theory of Evolution completed, we learn Steel and Refining and begin work on Combustion (15 Turns at 40% Science)
Noooo =(
I always use ToE to get to Electronics, for the sole purpose of getting Hoover - possibly the best wonder in the game.
Plus, remember that techs further up in the tree cost more, so using the free ones from ToE to get "higher level" techs and then researching the cheaper ones is a faster way to research.
Taking turn now, we shall crush them!
01-10-2003, 09:29 AM
We cannot build the Hoover. There are no rivers on our main continent, and the other cities have low production.
Ahh thanks for reminding me, I noticed no rivers back at the beginning, but forgot all about it!
Pre-Turn (1821):
Ugh, the english have rubber... but we have many sipahi.
Upgraded our riflemen at home to infantry.
Battlefield medicine isn't building - it begins in Nagopolis in case we cannot assure victory soon.
England has no Oil or Coal, excellent.
We trade Steel for espionage to the vikings. Investigating cities during war is very helpful!
The war begins.
Stockholm falls. No casualties.
Copenhagen falls. One casualty.
We attack Bikra... the English Army is stationed there. Regardless, Bikra falls like the rest. One casualty.
There are many English cavalry in open terrain... they seem to do better defending themselves than the cities do!
Vaderpool is defended by infantry. Bleh. We kill two infantry and our first casuality is handed to us by.... a fortified Cavalry.
Rubber and Horses pillaged.
The english counterattack is feeble. They manage to kill only two sipahi.
War weariness is setting in quickly.
We attack Nottingham. High cultural borders slow advancement of rear troops, little progress.
Civil Disorder strikes.
The Great Vader achieves a Domination Victory!
A final score of 3201.
01-10-2003, 12:31 PM
Vader has stolen victory from my grasps. I will not let this happen again! I know Karen, Thuggo and potentially Card and Aal want in on the next game. A test of time(just mod) game perhaps?
Sounds fun to me. I'll leave it to someone else to generate the map/game/rules for this one though =)
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