View Full Version : Lend?
08-15-2001, 05:33 PM
Someone said ML was killing him...could you post before you do this next time? I know there is no formal rotation on him, but I am also sure you know Hoss and Vindication both kill we need a rotation on him too now?
08-15-2001, 09:34 PM
Think we should just start a formal rotation.. Vindi > Hoss > ML is how it is atm as ML just got and Hoss got one before.
08-15-2001, 10:20 PM
Good plan.
08-16-2001, 01:17 AM
Should probabaly do the same on Sontalak too now. Last 2 went to ML, Hoss/Vindication had been doing Sontalak previously. So either Vind or Hoss next, etc...
08-16-2001, 06:15 AM
Len rotation is find.
As far as I understand Sontalak has not been killed by either HoSS or Vindication in house, always together or with guests. Since neither of the other two interested parties, to my knowledge, has proven ability to kill Sontalak, the rotation will start with ML (next spawn Fridayish) with VD and HoSS to follow. (this based on previous rotation rules)
Also, I propose on Sontalak, due to his short spawn time, that we invoke the 3 fails rule. If you fail 3 times in a row, you skip the following rotation and may re-enter on the next round. Also please inform the next guild in the rotation of your intent to pass in a timely fashion. His spawn time is 2 days, every single day missed is half a Sontalak.
--The Unconscious
08-16-2001, 06:34 AM
Actually Hoss has killed him in house, Vindi hasnt so stick us at the end of the rotation.
Dlgoth Riknueth
08-16-2001, 07:35 AM
If your starting a Lend rotation I'd like us on it.
I'm wanting to give sont a try as well, not 100% on him yet though. There seems to be discussion about a rotation for him, yet almost every time I Head to ToV he's up.... Is this going to be a rotation solely due to the jealousy of one guild getting him twice in a row?
08-16-2001, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Leafweir-ML
As far as I understand Sontalak has not been killed by either HoSS or Vindication in house, always together or with guests. Since neither of the other two interested parties, to my knowledge, has proven ability to kill Sontalak, the rotation will start with ML (next spawn Fridayish) with VD and HoSS to follow. (this based on previous rotation rules)
Also, I propose on Sontalak, due to his short spawn time, that we invoke the 3 fails rule. If you fail 3 times in a row, you skip the following rotation and may re-enter on the next round. Also please inform the next guild in the rotation of your intent to pass in a timely fashion. His spawn time is 2 days, every single day missed is half a Sontalak.
Hoss killed Sontalak in-house a few months ago. We started working with Vindication doing joint raids on him because Sont is just so much fun that we wanted to submit ourselves to that fight twice as much (kidding here, hehe, was just a bit easier to combine forces after a Lend fight and drop Sont too).
Sont's spawn time has been as erratic as Klandicar from my experience, ranging from 48 hours to 96 hours, we've seen him spawn in 24 hours as well (seems similar to the outdoor kunark dragons honestly).
08-16-2001, 02:43 PM
No offense intended here Andaas, truly just curious.
Was that the kill when there were Seekers there helping you?
Or was it a kill using the now defunct Giant train? (I don't know if you guys used this or not, I just remember hearing about the nerf back when folks were trying to get the Scout, before the faction buff on it. Not sure it was killed this way on D Ro actually, so honestly is curiousity and nothing more.)
Either way, Hoss hasn't been able to kill Sont in house since then. Neither has Vind. Seriously, you and I both know you've tried it solo, which is the reason you teamed up to do it recently and split the keys or however you handled the loot.
I see there is a rotation on him now, which is fine, and I wish you good luck with him on your turns.
08-16-2001, 03:28 PM
they killed it in house before seekers broke up. I don't think they used any giants, though I could be wrong about that.
HoSS has killed sont in house legit.
08-16-2001, 04:24 PM
Yes, Hoss has killed Sontalak legit, with no outside help from either Seekers or Vindication. We did not exploit him with giants, we didn't charm Ionat, we didn't do anything that could possible give you reason to *exclude* us from being in the rotation. It was a 100% legit kill using about 40 Hoss. We have only half-assedly tried since then, because quite frankly he sucks and is one of those mobs meant to be Zerged.
On another note - the "3 times fail = kicked out of rotation" idea was SEVERELY shot down by members of this forum. Personally, I still like it - but my having suggested it even started a lot of ill will from certain guilds who accused me of elitism, not earning our kills, and being high and mighty. I am sure you all can well remember this discussion.
If we would like to re-address the 3 fails and you're out discussion I am all for it. If not, please do not pretend that it was ever made a rule.
08-16-2001, 05:18 PM
To clarify further on Hoss doing Sontalak in-house. When we killed him with Hoss only - we made attempts across 2 nights, the first night, there was about 6 Seekers assisting us. The second night (when we killed him), it was Hoss only (perhaps 1 or 2 unguilded guests were invited - various Seekers had asked to attend, and we decided to pass on their joining us), and we did it with about 40. This kill was made during the days when the scout quest had been changed so the giants could not be used on Sontalak.
We attempted Sontalak one more evening after that (before the joint raids with Vindication), and found ourselves losing to him after 2 attempts with approximately 36-40 people. It was at this time that we decided it would just be easier to work with Vindication and do joint raids on Sontalak.
Hoss and Vindication recently decided to take on Sontalak and Lendiniara on our own, and Hoss has had 1 evening of attempts on Sontalak since that time. We had 3 fights that night, 1 with 36, 1 with 33, and 1 with 28 -- all of which ended with him enraged or lower. I think we have the skills to kill him, and without an army of 90+.
08-16-2001, 11:07 PM
seems its a moot point as ML put themselves first anyhow...heh
08-17-2001, 04:10 AM
While I agree that ML is the 1st guild to kill Sontalak in-house in awhile, I think taking 3 spawns in a row was an overstepping of boundaries, considering there are 2 other guilds that wish to kill him, and 1 other guild that has killed him in-house in the past.
And no, I did not agree to Leaf's proposal of ML taking the "next" Sontalak spawn on "Fridayish" as he mentioned. Primarily due to the fact that Hoss took 1 night of attempts on Sontalak last week (our first in-house attempt since abandoning the joint raids -- also, *before* ML had successfully killed him in-house), and then ML took 2 spawns back-to-back without even consulting the other guilds that have/can kill him.
You just flat out assumed you were the only ones to have killed him in-house. Personally, I feel that ML should sit out 1 round of the rotation to make up for this.
08-17-2001, 05:19 AM
Now we're levying penalties for mobs that aren't even on rotation yet?
--The Unconscious
08-17-2001, 06:09 AM
Guys...Sontalak wasn't even killed in MONTHS. Now ML is killing him, and everyone is having a stink about it. Sont was not on rotation, and he is now. ML is not at fault for anything here. Why consult guilds about killing a dragon that has not been shown very much interest in the past until now?
08-17-2001, 06:25 AM
/e Points to Dozekar, Ikatiar, Eashen, Lendiniara, Dain, Yelinak, Tormax, etc, etc, etc.
No changing the rules mid stride because they apply to you now, kk?
BTW folks, like I said, I was just curious, not trying to exculde anyone, just getting facts straight about stuff I didn't know. You'd think you'd be glad I was asking instead of assuming. Thanks for the info though, good things to know.
08-17-2001, 06:27 AM
Another point, to Inizen specifically:
Vindication killed Yelinak 3 times in a row, twice before a rotation started, and they started at the front of a rotation when it was made. Before you cry foul about ML doing this with Sontalak, look first for the precedence that has been set on mobs without rotation.
And no, Vind wasn't the only guild trying to kill him, ML had been there recently as well, thanks 1% health.
08-17-2001, 06:33 AM
Yes but Vindi was the first guild in rotation proper, but more than all that.. Sont was being killed.. I think this all comes from some folks feeling like they wernt consulted or even asked about Sont.
As for ML staying out or staying in a turn, whatever, pls get Vindi in the rotation though~ :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
They made it too easy to be kew ^^
08-17-2001, 06:37 AM
Yeah yeah, you or HoSS is up next forget who, expect him up today or tomorrow (thx zone crash).
--The Unconscious~
08-17-2001, 06:42 AM
Ciner, I could say the same about folks being consulted about Dain, about Yelinak (you *honestly* think that after getting him to 1% without primals and DB that we'd not be able to kill him? Please.), about Lendiniara, about Orc Camp 1.
You've yet to ask us, "Hey, we're gonna go kill Yelinak again since we killed him last time, you guys want to take a shot before we go?"
ROFLMAO, I think I'd faint if you ever did something like that.
You and others here have stated time and again that they are here for their (guilds) own interest. What makes you think ML is any different in this respect, or that we would feel it necessary to ask permission to kill something in house that hadn't been killed in house by a guild in several months?
It's a moot point. ML is not sitting out a rotation, unless Vind plans on sitting out a Yelinak rotation, and Hoss plans on sitting out a Statue rotation. Being as those will never happen, I'd say we're in agreement on something.
Rotation was not created by ML, but it was created following the precedence of several other rotations. It's there now, and we're sticking to it. Good luck on your in house attempts, at least this is one rotation that even when the mob dies it will go by quickly.
08-17-2001, 08:13 AM
Actually quint, After your "getting him to 1%" you DID fail, am I not correct?
And it wasn't meant as a threat, you people really take things way to I said, you went first, it's a moot point, I could care less. Move on with the rotation. Quintall your very hostile person, you need to quit thinking everyone is out to spite you and your guild (or are they? haha =D).
08-17-2001, 08:31 AM
You fail to see the whole thought of that sentence I can see.
Vind fails 3 nights running, wins on 4th and gets their strat down, using Primals and multiple DB's.
ML goes one night, gets Yel to 1% on the second attempt, with 1 DB and no Primals.
The point here is I was asking if you honestly thought we couldn't kill him at that point. Failing at 1% with less of the so called necessities tells me that a guild will rock a mob hard once they perfect their execution.
See our last Yelinak for this.
I've been saying to move on with the rotation the whole time, and to stop trying to cause issues with one (saying ML should skip a turn). If I seem hostile to you, perhaps you should look at why I might be that way, and realize you sound much the same when anything of this sort is mentioned regarding your guild. hell man, you sound hostile even when people are just trying to get things hashed out pre-issue (See Bara's thread).
Ya, I sound hostile a lot. I know it, and folks here know it. Deal with it. I'd make a funny about feeling hostile, but since I'm hostile, I can't make a funny.
08-17-2001, 08:42 AM
FFA mobs are FFA.
Sont, and Len, until they were in rotation, were FFA.
We all knew it.
No one needed to be notified.
ML isn't accepting any "penalties" or sitting anything out.
08-17-2001, 09:59 AM
Personally I could care less that ML did Sontalak yesterday - both Hoss and Vindication were busy and would have probably passed on rotation anyways.
08-17-2001, 10:44 AM
Just because you see a rotation in this forum, doesn't mean that there isn't a rotation.
Did ML know that Hoss and Vindication had a private rotation going on Lend? This was a rotation that we held in respect of one another outside of this forum.
That same respect had been afforded us from them regarding Sontalak when Hoss attempted him last week. After our failed attempt last week, we had other plans and didn't get a chance to return.
Do I think its right that ML hogged 3 Sont spawns in a row? No.
Does it really matter? No, since Hoss was busy, and Vindication was too it seems.
Had Sontalak been killed in months? Yes - about 2 weeks I'd say was the last time he was killed prior to ML.
08-17-2001, 11:13 AM
We have a forum and established rules of adherence to rotation mobs, that we agree on.
In the spirit of the brisk, business relationship that some folks have established on this forum, Mythic Legion is perfectly willing to follow established rotation protocol.
Whether you have a secret handshake with another guild on the rotation of a mob not currently being acknowledged on this board, is irrelevant.
ML hogged nothing. It is ML's feeling that the hogging is being done by other guilds on this server. However, regardless of what ML's personal feelings may be with respect to hogging, you won't hear ML squeal, when the rules established by rotation are being followed, regardless of whether we think you were asses for doing it, to begin with.
08-17-2001, 11:23 AM
Sheesh, love the full reading that happens here.
Andaas, I said in house in months, not dead period.
If he, with his short timer, had been up for a couple of weeks even with 2 guilds doing em, then sounds safe to say there was little interest in ensuring he was dead.
ML simply followed in the footsteps of those who have come before us, and ensured he died on his respawn every respawn until a rotation was set up. Funny how this keeps getting overlooked, this fact that it's happened on multiple mobs before by Hoss and Vind/Seekers (when they were in Seekers that is).
We all keep saying the rotation is there, fine, let's roll with it then. ML killed Sont on our rotation last night, he should respawn sometime today or tomorrow based on the zone crashing an hour later.
08-17-2001, 11:29 AM
With regards to Sontalak and Lendinaira, I'd say that very little hogging has taken place from any guild's perspective. Both have been up for days (and weeks in the case of Sont) at a time due to other time commitments by those that were/are capable of killing them - so that left ample opportunity for others to take shots at them freely.
Look - I'm sorry I even said anything about ML sitting out a rotation, heh. I don't really care, it was late when I posted that and realize now that it doesn't matter. Perhaps I was just posting to get a rise out of you or something, I dunno.
Can we just STFU about this please?
Can you feel the love here Andy? :p Everyone is just so gd nice!
08-17-2001, 12:01 PM
fuck you ubar
08-17-2001, 12:10 PM
Just think, it will do nothing but get worse from this point forward.
Within the next month, every major mob on the server will be killed within 24-48 hours of server reset. There are going to be people wandering around looking for things to kill.. and nothing will be there.
We will all be at each others throats. Fun...
08-18-2001, 02:32 AM
the thing is andaas, even if we didnt have this great rotation set up it would still happen(all mobs being dead 48 hrs after server pop). There isn't much we can do, minus petition for a server split.
Dlgoth Riknueth
08-18-2001, 12:25 PM
I dunno, Andaas. As much as we keep predicting it'll go downhill, for the most part, at the end of the day we resolve most issues like adults and move on. Hopefully it'll continue. ;)
08-18-2001, 02:24 PM
Yes, server split. Pleebs.
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