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View Full Version : Pardon the language ;)

Dlgoth Riknueth
08-16-2001, 10:13 PM
So i'm JUST about to go to sleep, went to reach over to turn the monitor off on my monk parked in EJ, and sev walks over me. Just spawned.

Twenty minutes later, we have enough people in EJ to kill two+ Sevs, fully buffed and ready to go. Puller is inc with sev, he hits the group, and BOOM, zone crashes. Come back, we're set back about 15 -20 minutes, no buffs, standing where ever we were at that time. Let me tell you how absoFUCKINGLUTELY PISSED OFF I AM RIGHT NOW.


Sevwatch 2k1 can suck my ass!

08-16-2001, 10:23 PM
Get this Dlgoth:

At nearly the same time, ML pulls Klan, first wave of his new AE, or maybe his fear, hits, and WW crashes.

I dunno if it was the AE or the fear that did it, no damage message but lost a buff and was feared, so maybe both?

Anyhow, I'm buying the beers to commiserate on this one.

Dlgoth Riknueth
08-17-2001, 05:08 AM
It was as soon as Sev's fear breath hit we all dropped.

BTW from my understanding Kland's new breath is the same as the keepers..400 AE unresistable cold + dispell. Should finally make the fight slightly more interesting heh.