View Full Version : EQ Dreams

01-08-2003, 04:38 AM
I know I'm not the only one that has these now and then. Well, here's the one I had last night.

Hoss is heading to kill Mith Marr, except he seems to be located in a zone that looks remarkably like the Plane of Hate. I arrive late for some reason, and beacuse of all the see-invis stuff in Hate, I have to get a CoH. Zarxen is in my group, so I ask for a CoH!

After a few minutes of asking and seeing that Zarx isn't afk, I figure out that he has me on ignore! By this point, Andy is getting pissed off, because for some reason the raid can't continue til I'm there (That's quite a subconscious ego of me!). So I start yelling in GC that Zarx has me on ignore, and that I'll just invis up and take my chances.

I make it to the raid alive, but they're not gathered at a place in hate - it's one of the bases in the CTF mod of one of the Quake1 E4 maps - the one with the really slim wooden bridge over lava. I'm so pissed off at this point, the first person to look at me sideways, who happens to be a guy I knew in high school, I grab him by the lapels and push him into the lava.

01-08-2003, 05:42 AM
*puts on her best Freud impression* Und how does this make you feel?

Seriously though I always promised myself that if I ever started having EQ dreams, I'd immediately quit playing... hmmm wait a sec I HAVE QUIT! :p

This is an interesting thread, very revealing :eek:

01-08-2003, 05:53 AM
I had a REALLY weird 'eq at the next level' dream one time.

It was like 'virtual reality eq'...

So instead of sitting down at your computer to play, you go to this 'amusement park' type place and 'dress up' and walk into the world. Everything then is kinda like 'real buildings' and stuff, and then all the monsters are added in, with computers.

So, I go here, for this grand opening of the Plane of Hate, and the zone isnt open yet!

but I 'sneak in' and I'm walking around a big 'set' of the Plane of Hate, and there are people walking around with construction tools, finishing up stuff, and 'developers' talking about monsters, and talking about computer animation, cameras, effects, bugs, etc.

(I guess it's like all the mobs and everything are added in like a holodeck type thing)

So I get seen, and escorted out, to the 'line' outside to wait for it to open... and then I'm all like 'man, that ruined it for me, now it won't feel as 'real' b/c I saw it behind the scenes.

Then I woke up, freaked out....

01-08-2003, 06:48 AM
Woodash's scared me MUCH more than Lola's...

pushing people into lava by the lapels is at least rational...

01-08-2003, 09:07 AM
i dont dream, i`m weird :mad:

01-08-2003, 09:31 AM
Strange I had an EQ dream last night too. Except everything was real life and not EQish and I was soloing. I had to kill this place holder and turn in his head to get a pair of golden sabres (wtf?! I dont dual wield :mad: ). Then I had to put one sabre into a slot in a giant stone basilisk to get him to spawn and the only way to kill him was get the other sabre in to a specific hole in his neck. It was pretty easy but I remember being really scared. After the kill I went into another room where there was a hot tub with a hot brunette and a blonde, and I had sex with both of them. But almost all my dreams end that way :eek:

01-08-2003, 09:37 AM
I had a dream once where I was at a raid with Evening Reign and 500ac boots dropped. Ariachne and I argued over who was more worthy of the boots.

She ended up burning my right foot to a crisp and stated that those boots were only meant to be worn in pairs, so she grabbed them and took off :(

My foot has then since healed! I want my boots!!

01-08-2003, 11:34 AM
I dream about naked ladies...

Actually ive had the odd eq dream as well but it wasnt as indepth as someof these :)

01-08-2003, 11:56 AM
I don't remember exact dreams but usualyl if i had a dream about eq (or other games for that matter) they involve somehow tying in real life to the game...I think I once cooked dinner as a wizard with sunstrike :/

01-08-2003, 02:38 PM
back in my Vido days (pre-kunark and very early kunark) I started having dreams (nightmares) about letting people die.

I have a very vivid imagination and these dreams were very detailed. I would dream that I let my group down and missed a heal; someone would die and I would wake up with an incredible feeling of guilt.

I stopped playing EQ not much later for a combination of reasons. When I came back I didn't play the cleric much.

As Vidmer off an on after a long play session I would enter a state of semi sleep. A state in which I felt like I was still playing and interacting with people(with simulated conversations that were occasionally quite hillarious) but was in bed. I would wake up with a start and look a bit confused before dozing off for real.

01-08-2003, 03:15 PM
I combat any bad feelings I have about letting characters die in EQ by ensuring that I die twice as much as anyone else. Therefore I know that regardless of them dying to my error, I have still lost experience and looted my corpse twice as often - so its all ok. :p

01-09-2003, 10:19 AM
Haha Andy! ;)

01-09-2003, 11:43 AM
LOL Andy

Why so FD again Andy? (now we know why)


P.S. Although Elyria was a close second for awhile.

01-09-2003, 01:15 PM
yah i either have weird dreams about eq...or else all i see is text scrolling in my sleep, weird huh?

01-09-2003, 01:48 PM
I had a dream I was flying over Warslicks Woods in a helicopter cutting down Giants and that Goblin that drops that damn eb earring. Then we went to The Overthere and leveled the Outpost. That'll teach those Dragoons!

01-09-2003, 07:49 PM
LOl Andy you have become better at Looting your corpse 250:p