View Full Version : Zarwin come back!

01-09-2003, 01:56 PM
I hope he has a 'good break' and comes back with renewed interest.

In the meantime, I wanna tell a Zarwin story...

So I was up late crawling some dungeon or exp'ing or something, and got chatting with Zarwin, and met him somewhere, as he offered to port me (I think nexus to bank)

So, it was late (prob 1 or even 2am, and I had to get up for work at 6) and I'm kinda bleary eyed...

Zarwin ports and I'm in Emerald Jungle, he picks up Selenjara (I think...), so we sit there chatting and Selenjara turns into a gnome, fires up super selo's and starts racing us around the zone only like a ubah gnome bard can do. (I dont even remember but I think he let me go gnome too) Anyway, if you've ever /autofollow'd a bard, in gnome form, it feels like your moving way faster than is possible...

So then I'm like ok, im TIRED, please drop me in nexus...

Port - hmmm, I'm in Tox forrest! he suddenly disbands and ports out!

/tell Zarwin ha ha, get back here! :P

Port - Plane of Hate! dammit Zarwin! I gotta get some sleep! heh...

Port - Cazic Thule wtf? I was lost for a minute, hadn't ported into CT in ages heh...

He ported a couple more times, I don't even remember where (I do remember him saying he was fresh out of PoS stones heh), and finally dropped me in Nexus.
