View Full Version : I'm Very Interested in Sirensa's Post
08-17-2001, 11:07 AM
Sirensa mentioned something interesting in another thread.
She said something about the "3 attempts rule" for rotations, and the fact it was not yet a rule.
What is this proposed rule?
I'm interested in any agreed-upon rule set that prevents us from wasting each others' time.
08-17-2001, 11:30 AM
basically it went that if a guild fails 3 times in a row on a rotated mob (3 different dates not 3 tries on one date), then they would sit out the 4th date and could return again on the 5th date.
I thought it was a done deal - but I guess not
08-17-2001, 02:42 PM
The biggest objection seemed to be that it would thwart with smaller guilds being given ample chance to learn a new mob whereas pioneer killers had weeks/days on end to learn pulls and strats before insane competition. Also people felt it fostered an elitist mentality. (This is the nicest way I could word this sooo if it is wrong then please feel free to correct my interpretation)
What I had suggested was that any guild failing 3 spawn attempts in a row (not in the same night of course) would be removed from the rotation. They would be welcome to rejoin the rotation any time after it had cycled through at least all other guilds in the rotation.
The reason that I suggested it was to limit wasted spawns. Specifically to have things killed as fast as possible to squeeze in as many respawns as possible in between patches. Also it can be very confusing to plan a weekly raid schedule not knowing who is passing/failing what mob and when your turn will come when you are not ready and force you to skip a turn on a mob you were not really expecting to get until the following week and didn't plan for.
08-17-2001, 02:56 PM
Sirensa said:
The reason that I suggested it was to limit wasted spawns. Specifically to have things killed as fast as possible to squeeze in as many respawns as possible in between patches. Also it can be very confusing to plan a weekly raid schedule not knowing who is passing/failing what mob and when your turn will come when you are not ready and force you to skip a turn on a mob you were not really expecting to get until the following week and didn't plan for.
I think this is excellent reasoning.
08-17-2001, 03:02 PM
As a member of one of the smaller guilds, I am appreciative of your consideration and would certainly support the rule.
Of course, VE won't ever fail three times in a row :P
08-17-2001, 03:28 PM
I didnt know there were that many spawns being waisted. If you look at the current rotation every guild on X mob rotation is capable of killing that mob.
I think this might be feasable if X guild was to try Y mob and its pretty obvious they dont got a chance in hell of ever defeating him to impliment this rule. We currently dont have guilds running around doing this.
But being said it does prevent slower guilds from practicing and learning how to kill X mob. Granted it is 3 attempts and most would figure it out by then. I still find it hard to believe that it ruins anyones plans when X guild loses to Y mob. In fact all it does is speed up the rotation cycle.
I really dont think the rule is needed at current state. No guild is abusing the rotation system by putting themselves down for each and everymob unless they know they can kill it.
Dlgoth Riknueth
08-17-2001, 06:04 PM
When it was first brought up, I think it was Cinder actually who used us as an example of why it wasn't fair (which kinda shocked me at the time, heh). Basically what he said (which I agree with) was that he used L`Malla vs. the newest Cazic as an example.
Each attempt we had, we learned and adapted. We lost 4 or 5 times I think it was, but we would eventually kill him. And we did, and each time we do, the kill is smoother. Sitting out a rotation would seriously hurt the learing process for any guild attempting a new mob. As much as I hate to use this as an example, not all of the guilds on these rotations are decked out with top of the line gear, tons of level 60's and primal weapons. Some of us do have to work a bit harder for our kills.
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