View Full Version : Dual Succession 1 - Team One (Arcius, Thuggo, Vader)
01-10-2003, 09:35 PM
Player1: Arcius
Player2: Thuggo
Player3: Vader
Welcome to the second Hoss succession game! This time, we're going to try something a bit different. The teams have been chosen at random. Below are the rules for this game:
Dual Succesion Rules
2) The first team to achieve victory, in any way possible, wins.
3) No reloading you game to take your turns, you play through and save at the end. Preserve Random Seed will be on, so reloading will not change the results anyway.
4) No abusing Rights of Passage. (Example: Irrigating the mined lands around an enemy city producing a wonder).
5) No goto orders that will take longer than the duration of your turn to complete.
6) No automated workers
7) No Governers
Game Settings
Civilization: Spain
Difficulty: Emperor
World Size: Small
Land Form: Continents
Climate: Random
Temperature: Random
Barbarians: Sedentary
Culture Flipping: On
Culturally Linked Start Locations: Off
Respawn AI Players: Off
Let the games begin....
We will crush them.
Question is, settle on the forest on the coast, or on the river? Too bad there doesn't seem a square touching both yet. Maybe the explorer will turn up a bonus square to swing it.
01-10-2003, 10:15 PM
4000 BC (1) - And so it begins. We're starting on the eastern shore, my worker spots luxaries and bonus tiles in that direction.
3950 BC (2) - I waste a turn moving the settler.
3900 BC (3) - The first of many cities is founded, our capital of Madrid!
3850 BC (4) - Sciences set to 80%, working towards Iron Working so we are prepared for an early war. We have a luxary so I will not raise the rates on those.
3800 BC (5) - Nothing.
3750 BC (6) - Nothing.
3700 BC (7) - An American scout appears in the north. Honest Abe offers Pottery for Alphabet, I accept.
3650 BC (8) - Not much.
3600 BC (9) - Yay, jungles are spotted Northwest of Madrid, hopefully they cover half of our continent. Oh, how we love to clear jungles! Right, Vader?!
3550 BC (10) - My last turn, once again, is very boring. I can't wait until the territory grab stage is over.
Thuggo is next.
01-10-2003, 11:51 PM
3550 BC (1) I take over
3500 BC (2) I move our warrior north to look for a new city location. Yay we have a lake irrigation for all.
3450 BC (3) Move warrior northeast, spices are spotted... and more jungles
3400 BC (4) Borders of Madrid expand, new warrior is completed, I send our new minion south to explore, procuction changed to settler
3350 BC (5) More scouting... jungles, mountains, prairie... :\
3300 BC (6) Worker completes mine, I notice my predecessor is not funding the highway dept. so I build a road on top of this mine to give us a little needed cash.
3250 BC (7) More scouting. I silently berate the lazy spanish workers for being so slow in produsing a settler.
3200 BC (8) Same
3150 BC (9) Road complete we get 1 icon of trade, Americans appear nearby again. I begin moving our warrior back to Madrid to escort our soon to be finished Settler
3100 BC (10) I scout more with our Northern warrior, the Americans are near, I found no good locations for a new city, but next turn we will have a settler for my successor to place. On the bright side we appear to have large numbers of luxuries nearby. Unfortunately we also have large amounts of jungles and mountains. Lola is next.
3100 BC
01-11-2003, 08:03 AM
Thuggo, your first turn is after you press the spacebar to end a turn ;)
Pre-Turn (3100)
Research set to minimum possible. Purchasing techs from the AI, especially in the early game, is cheaper than researching them ourselves.
Settler production changed to Granary. Since our settler is done in 1 turn but growth not due for 4, we have 3 turns of wasted shields. We'll need the quick city growth to more quickly produce settlers as well.
Contact with the Romans. We trade ceremonial burial for Bronze Working and 9 Gold, and start researching Writing. They would seem to be to the south.
More jungle to the north. Our expansion should definitely focus on the south.
Cultural borders to the north... it looks like America.
More exploration. It is indeed an American city to the north.
Luxeries set to 10% for a bit to accomodate Madrid's growth to size 3, since we have no MP.
Ivory spotted to the south, and an ideal city location.
We should also settle on the penensula to our east.
Good choice for starting spot btw Arcius.
Granary complete. Settler production begins.
Our northern explorer begins to return to serve as MP or visit the peninsula. Settler escorts not required since barbarians are sedintary.
Roads on Game beginning. Roman cultural borders encountered to the south.
Furs encountered to the south.
Settlers are one turn away. Be sure to re-adjust our luxery slider as soon as they are complete.
Dotmap of potential city locations. There are a LOT of luxeries very close by to us - we should be able to settler near most of them.
Exploring to the east I think would be very profitable, looks like some good land there. I'm not sure where the best spot for the next city is - brown or purple perhaps. If we go that way, need another worker badly.
Also, we need to discuss soon what our VC goal is, since we have to concentrate our efforts in that direction.
01-11-2003, 08:40 AM
It's too early too tell what victory would be fastest. I think we should continue to explore so we know what kind of position we are in. We should, however, be prepared for an early war. If there are only two other civs to our north and south we should be able to pick them off one at a time.
01-11-2003, 09:17 AM
2590 BC (1) - The new Settler moves towards the penninsula, we should settle near the spices soon...we don't have a lot of mountains / hills for possible iron sources.
2550 BC (2) - Not much.
2510 BC (3) - LOTS of furs to the south, too close to the Roman empire, I'm afraid.
2470 BC (4) - This penninsula looks okay, so far.
2430 BC (5) - Exploration / Settler movement.
2390 BC (6) - More movement.
2350 BC (7) - Nag End founded.
2310 BC (8) - Not much.
2270 BC (9) - Settler built and moving toward the Ivory as it is in danger of being taken by the Romans soon. We should build near the single spices next, the Americans are closing in as well (and have taken the other spices).
2230 BC (10) - Need to move our warriors back into cities...the AI likes to attack undefended cities. Note: there are two spices near the one that was thought to be a single spice source...this should definitely be our next priority.
Thuggo next.
01-11-2003, 06:21 PM
2230 BC (0) I curse the Americans
2190 BC (1) I buy the wheel from the Americans for 70 gold. WE ARE BEHIND IN TECHNOLOGY!!!! But we have a lock on horses.
2150 BC (2) Warrior is defending Nag's End, production in Madrid changed to warrior, settler in position, moving warrior to defend our soon to be founded city.
2110 BC (3) City of Thuggopolis founded production set to temple
2070 BC (4) I curse the americans again they are too close. I look at our enemies technology and test the waters for trade. They want to gouge us, they appear to want at least 60 for warrior code and more than 70 for other stuff.
2030 BC (5) Warrior built in Madrid production set to settler
1990 BC (6) Thuggopolis is defended. FU ROMANS!!!!
1950 BC (7) I move a warrior to defend a city location I like by spices.
1910 BC (8) NOONE WILL SELL US TECHS!!!! Apparently our foes are greedy, they shall pay for this some day.
1870 BC (9) Our Enemies are building too close to us I am nervous, perhaps we should work our technology to building ships to colonize the rest of the world.
1830 BC (10) A new Settler will be completed next turn. Choose a good location.
Holy crap! Nobody mentioned the 2 wheat floodplains RIGHT next to us?? How long ago did those get mapped?
Also, Nag End isn't on a coast, so can never build harbor, and there's like 5 or 6 coastal squares that will never be able to be improved =(
Reminder: Thuggo install IRC.
I think we should discuss on this thead or in IRC the placement of our next 5ish cities, since city placement is one of the most important and non-reversible decisions to be made in the early game. I propose that no city be founded without a majority opinion (2 folks) agreeing on the spot. We're on a good pace already, I think we can afford the pause mid-move now and then. I'll put a dotmap up for the soon-to-be-completed settler later tonight.
Pre-Turn 1830BC
Science moved to 10%. Luxery moved to 0%. 7GPT currently.
Settler complete. We head off for the WHEAT!
Temple construction begins in Madrid.
We purchase Iron Working for 63G and 2GPT.
Yay! There is iron securely within our borders.
At least one of the wheat will be ours uncontested.
Vader's Wholesome Bread (WHB) founded. Let them eat cake!
Temple construction in WHB begun.
Nothing to move.
America demands 20G. We gladly pay.
Romans are building the Pyramids.
We begin to road the Iron.
Temple in Nag End complete, worker construction begun - we only have one!
American cultural boundries near Nag End.
Temple in Madrid complete.
Nothing to move.
Again, nothing to do.
There are MANY places left for good cities. I recommend using VWB as a settler factory (granary then settlers after temple) to spit them out. There's at least 5 good spots nearby remaining, which I'll note on a dotmap.
I am troubled by our warrior-only defenses.
Writing is done in 1 turn. I HIGHLY recommend the Literature, and to begin pre-building the GL in Madrid with the Collosus soon.
We need road connections to our cities, and many more workers quickly.
Connect the Ivory near Thggopolis (sic)
Explore! Trade world maps as soon as someone has mapmaking.
Dotmap #2.
Red should be our next city, followed by... blue, yellow, purple, brown?
01-11-2003, 09:40 PM
1550 BC (Pre-Turn) - Nag End production changed to Barracks, we will need veteren units soon.
1525 BC (1) - We start researching Literature for the Great Library. Science at 20%.
1500 BC (2) - Nothing.
1475 BC (3) - Settler is finished, moving it (along with a warrior) to the northwest corner near the iron.
1450 BC (4) - I establish an embassy in Rome.
1425 BC (5) - Not much.
1400 BC (6) - Our road to Iron is complete, too bad it's not in our territory.
1375 BC (7) - Rome demands 20gp, I give in. They are polite toward us now.
1350 BC (8) - Fort Nagus is built in the Northwestern hills, defend it well.
1325 BC (9) - Not much.
1300 BC (10) - Settler is built and begins moving to the square west of the wheat (Red dot on Vader's map). Barracks in Nag End are completed, we can build our veteren spearmen here.
Build up a large force of spearmen to defend our border cities, Madrid needs at least one as it is undefended right now. Send at least 3 Spearmen to Fort Nagus! If the Americans decide to attack us, it will be here. It's close to their capital, holds a valuable resource, and the mountain will protect attackers from any counterattack. Luckily, it is built in the hills and has a defensive bonus. Defend it well.
To settle around the brown dot when possible, as the Iron is just out of our reach.
Build the Great Library - it will help a lot with techs.
Thuggo is up.
01-12-2003, 10:00 PM
1300 BC (0) After staring blankly at the mirc setup instructions I give up and start my turn.
1275 BC (1) Thggopolis renamed F U ALL. Production set to spearmen. moving our settler NW.
1250 BC (2) Temple done in Lola's city. More movement.
1225 BC (3) Boring.... I move the settler. I see American Settlers near us
1200 BC (4) A roman settler near us too. No spearmen done yet.
1175 BC (5) We have horses now. Spearmen built in Madrid.
1150 BC (6) Lots of enemy movement. Americans building pyamids. Spearmen in Nags end
1125 BC (7) More boring movement that doesnt involve killing.
1100 BC (8) City of Ebolaville founded. It's not ideal but I was rushed by the Americans.
1075 BC (9) Nothing
1050 BC (10) Oops Vaders bountiful crackmarket or whatever has unrest. I send Dancing Girls to quell the masses. The Americans are moving settlers and warriors through our territory. So uhhh I leave this to Vader.
We have more troops now, more luxuries, a new city, and enemies in our empire which I cannot threaten because we are weak as wet shit. SAFE US LOLA!!!
Pre-Turn (1050BC)
We purchase a map of our continent for 49 gold. Much is revealed to us.
Pre-building in Madrid for TGL begun.
Nag End changed to Settler production, there is much room for cities nearby.
VWB begins granary production. Or settler. Can't decide.
VWB hurries settler. There are 3 AI settlers wandering around, I'm anxious to beat them to the remaining prime real estate.
An American settler is eyeing the square next to our iron. They shall not get it.
Our worker glut is unacceptable.
Settler rushed in Nag End.
Embassy in Washington established. Their capital is 70ish turns away from the Pyramids currently.
The Romans found Ravenna at the brown? spot. We shall simply have to capture it.
The Japanese and American settler expeditions are wandering aimlessly!
We move a spearman from Madrid to block the passage to the plains near the Iron.
Lake Vader founded north of Nag End.
We may build the Forbidden Palace now.
The Japanese and American settlers have left our territory.
Vader's Fine Fur Coats founded.
Temple hurried in Ebolaville.
Worker production in Ebolaville.
Celts complete the Oracle.
We have 8 cities. Rome has 8, America 6, Japan 7.
We have Iron, Spices, and Furs in our territory but NOT connected by roads.
We have The Collosus building in Madrid, ready to switch to TGL when Literature done in 11 turns.
There is a Settler building in VHB, who can move to the plains next to the Iron. There's also a good spot for a city SE of the Horse SE of Madrid.
The known world.
Red and Blue are good spots for future cities.
01-14-2003, 07:02 AM
775 BC (1) - I notice the Japanese are cautious toward us, I give them 1 gpt to bring them to polite and keep them out of war for 20 turns (hopefully).
750 BC (2) - Nothing.
730 BC (3) - Starting Barracks in THGGOPOLIS (haha) now that the worker is finished.
710 BC (4) - Not much.
690 BC (5) - *Yawn* Pyramids finished in Rome.
670 BC (6) - Ugh, civil disorder. Luxaries raised to 40% (ugh) to keep the people of Madrid from units avaliable to garrison there.
650 BC (7) - Nothing.
630 BC (8) - Workers...uh, work.
610 BC (9) - Settler complete, moving to the Iron within our territory. VHB begins building Barracks.
590 BC (10) - Spearman moving toward Madrid, but you should it to Fort Nagus or a city with only a warrior. Road to spices finished in 2 turns so you may be able to lower the luxary rates instead of adding another unit to Madrid's garrison.
Notes: Literature in 1 turn. Switch to The Great Library in Madrid asap. The AI might start to demand Literature regardless of their attitude toward us, if we refuse war is guarenteed (so be prepared - all cities should have a spearman, defend borders with a few veteren spearmen, etc)
Thuggo get on IRC!!!!!!!!!! =)
01-14-2003, 12:16 PM
I am not permitted to use IRC at work sorry.
Come talk to me and Arc after work then, we were discussing a few things that we wanted your input on =o
01-14-2003, 03:37 PM
Like I can't connect to
01-14-2003, 05:00 PM
apparently because I'm too stupid to use an IRC channel
Find one of us on EQIM or something and we'll walk you thought it!
01-16-2003, 03:17 PM
Ok I can't either any of you on IRC so I'm just gonna take my turn.
I've been there all day, what about you? =)
01-16-2003, 06:49 PM
This turn shall be titled Thuggo's Capital Improvement Projects.
590 BC (0) - Preturn BS
570 BC (1) - We learn literatue despite Lola's unwillingness to fund ecucation. Washington builds Colossus. Production in Madrid set to The Great Library. I eagerly await the large collection of nudie magazines it is sure to contain.
550 BC (2) - Building Roads etc. I buy Warrior code from Rome to spite Lola. Luxuries to 30%
530 BC (3) - More roads
510 BC (4) - More roads
490 BC (5) - I look through all the cities. Corruption is Rampant we need a new government badly. Oh yeah MORE FUCKING ROADS.
470 BC (6) - More Roads :\
450 BC (7) - Spearment in Nag's End building more spearment there too.
430 BC (8) - Yet more roads. I buy masonry from Rome to punish my successors for forcing all this fucking road building on me.
390 BC (10)- Attention all I am a civil engineer if I want to design roads I can do so in RL. If I want to watch brainless morons build roads I can do so in RL. Please don't make me do this again.
I survey our glorious realm. It is indeed glorious.
Temple rushed in Vader's Lake of War
Ebolaville and VWB changed to worker production. Until we clear the jungle, those cities will be getting no production for units.
Temple rushed in Fort Nagus.
Research goal switched to Monarchy.
Luxeries dropped to 0%.
Walls begun in Fort Nagus
Barracks in Vader's Lake of War
Romans begin TGL
Rome completes the Great Wall
Americans cascade to TGL
Hmm why is the worker near Ebolaville clearing the jungle without the spice? That square would give us extra trade if cleared first.
Japan and America at war!!! We must keep an eye on how they do.
Temple hurried in The Nagamo.
The romans I fear are about to attack, 2 warriors appear next to Vader's Fine Furs
World map purchased from Rome for 9G and 1GPT - the americans and japanese have colonized many islands nearby.
False alarm, the warriors have not attacked. I worry still about where they are headed.
The romans move more units into our terrain. 4 warriors and 1 archer. I know not their target.
They could be headed to VWB. Warrior in FU ALL upgraded to Swordsmen. Spearmen rushed in Ebolaville.
Walls rushed in VFF.
2 warriors and an archer next to FU ALL. Do they intend to attack? If so, it would greatly behoove us to strike first (by insising they withdraw)
We insist they withdraw!
They do. Perhaps they were going to join the war against America or Japan, but they have no hostile intent towards us for now it seems.
The romans begin moving north again. What is their intended destination?
We move warriors to FU ALL for upgrades.
Warrior upgraded, swordsmen moving to reactionary positions.
5 turns to TGL.
We demand the romans leave again, but this time they delcare war! WAR WAR WAR!
Our first fight, we lose a swordsman against a warrior, sigh.
Spearmen moved to cover workers - fur road is 1 turn away.
01-18-2003, 11:23 AM
190 BC (Pre-turn) - What's this? WAR? I thought you despised war, Vader! Although I enjoy a good war now and then, I am against this one. We are not prepared for war. I show Japan how much we appreciate peace and give them a whopping 1 gpt.
170 BC (1) - Great, America signs an alliance against us. We lose one swordsman in FU ALL's defense, a new one is rushed before the city is lost to the 4 approaching attackers. Defenders moved around, most of the workers are sent home to allow for better defense. The lack of many Vetern units worries me.
150 BC (2) - So far, the defense is holding up. We've lost a few units, but I'm not worried about any of those cities. An archer has landed near Ebolaville, I am worried about that.
130 BC (3) - vader's Lake of War revolts, no units lost this turn. Vetern spearmen is en route to Fort Nagus. I'm more concerned with a swordsman assault than the Warrior / Archer / Horseman attacks by the Romans.
110 BC (4) - Rome declares war on the Japanese. Again, no units lost (or hitpoints, for that matter). 2 Roman units destroyed.
90 BC (5) - The Great Library is finished. Madrid starts building Barracks for vetern units (yay!). 5 or 6 Roman units approach FU ALL.
70 BC (6) - Not good, the Spearman in Vader's Fine Fur Coats is defeated. Workers return to clearing jungles and connecting cities. Our Swordsman destroys one of two stacked attackers by FU ALL. Spearman rushed in VHB.
50 BC (7) - We're going to lose FU ALL...regular warriors just killed off our Vetern spearmen leaving one injured defender. This is not good.
30 BC (8) - Pillaging, lots of it. FU ALL is cut off and our road to the Ivory is destroyed. Also, our road to Iron by Fort Nagus is destroyed. The Romans want 200 gold for peace, I decide to take my chances.
10 BC (9) - 6 Roman units are outside V's Fur Coats, 1 defender both cities on the Roman border. I give up and sign a peace treaty with Rome for 150 gold and 2 gpt. Worker sent out to repair the damage.
Thuggo next, have fun building roads.
01-21-2003, 05:39 PM
10 AD (0) Peace with America
30 AD (1) boring stuff Japan extorts us for 24 gold and our map. I will not forget this.
50 AD (2) We learn the republic. Revolution!!!
70 AD (3) Republic formed. Holy shit that was fast.
90 AD (4) Same shit different day. Rebuilding our infrastucture and BUILDING US AN ARMY WORTHY OF MORDOR!!!!! Mwahahaha
110 AD (5) Luxuries lowered we need cash.
130 AD (6) Barely breaking even atm any more units or stuctures and we go in the hole.
150 AD (7) Rome continues to move troops through our territory towards America.
170 AD (8) Rome now at war with America.
190 AD (9) Rome throws lots of troops at Boston. Oh yeah our luxuries are starting to flow again and our cities are starting to become better defended.
210 AD (10) America is at war with everyone but us. Boston falls to rome. Japan slaughters American troops near our borders. A wise and crafty leader could take advantage of this situation. But unfortunately Lola is up next.
01-22-2003, 06:27 AM
70 AD (3) Republic formed. Holy shit that was fast
The Spanish are Religious, revolutions take 1 turn.
craft leader could take advantage of this situation. But unfortunately Lola is up next
Obviously you don't know Vader well! He's definitely a craft leader, a regular Martha Stewart.
01-22-2003, 06:16 PM
Ok my typing skills suck ass I know this. So just let me say DIE NAG!!!!
01-23-2003, 07:43 AM
My typing skills aren't amazing either, I just couldn't pass up the chance to call him Martha Stewart =\
Our score exceeds all known civilizations.
We have the second largest populations and the third largest land area. It's good to be the king.
We are currently in Republic... why are we researching Monarchy when we're in the Middle Ages?
Engineering research begun.
A granary building in Fort Nagus which is at max population currently??
Swordsmen upgraded to Med. Infantry.
We're building a lot of defensive units - wars are not won with pikemen.
We're WAY behind on infrastructure. Two more workers incoming next turn.
Luxeries and science reduced, GPT increased from 4 to 15. Scientist specialist in two cities to keep up research.
We sell the republic to Japan for his map and 120G.
Ivory connected. Luxeries reduced to 0%.
Japan destroys that American city to the NE. Our troop movements to that sector must be altered.
It's not looking good for the Americans. They don't seem upset, as they're building the Hanging Gardens!
Rome is attacking Philadelphia... 5 turns until our peace agreement is up. We shoould be ready to attack by then. Washington is the prize, with its two wonders.
Our Medieval infantry approaches Fort Nagus.
Aqeuduct complete in Madrid. Marketplace begun.
Barracks in Fort Nagus hurried.
Ho ho! Boston (Roman) has defected to us! Excellent! We of course, accept their generous offer.
We move our pseudo-army out of Fort Nagus.
We may declare war next turn. We should be careful to defend Boston, er, Vader's Loyal Subjects, as it has only the free spearmen we were given when it rebelled.
To do:
Take Philadelphia, take Washington before Japan does.
Be ready to turn on the Romans - our defenses are acceptable currently, but roman troops moving north may make for poor timing for war. I know not what they will say if we ask them to leave. We shouldn't ask until we are ready to fight (this time).
Continue irrigation/mining. Create a road to VLS.
01-24-2003, 01:43 PM
340 BC (1) - Troop movement.
350 BC (2) - Not much.
360 BC (3) - Disorder in Ebolaville, damn them. Temple rushed in the formerly-American town to prevent defection. We will invade America next turn.
370 BC (4) - War is declared! Our glorious army enters American territory.
380 BC (5) - The Romans have captured Philly, so our new target is Washington. To prevent war, a right of passage agreement is signed with Rome.
390 BC (6) - Lalalala.
400 BC (7) - We take out an American archer on the way to Washington, the city will be ours next turn.
410 BC (8) - I was wrong. Our small attack force manages to take out 3 Vetern Pikemen with one loss. When the turn ends, a regular spearman is guarding the city. I doubt we can take it with our injured troops.
420 BC (9) - Thanks a lot, Japan. The last remaining Pikeman in Washing is now Elite. I attack anyway, two casualties and Washington is ours.
430 BC (10) - Carelessly let the citizens of Washington protest, starvation begins. You may want to build a settler in Madrid, as Seattle is size 1 and will be destroyed instead of captured.
Thuggo next, we need one piece of road to connect Washington...YAY!
01-25-2003, 01:48 PM
430 AD (0) Nothing I have been left in a good position
440 AD (1) Temple rushed in Washington moving to finish off America in Seattle.
450 AD (2) Seattle is defended by 3 spearmen
460 AD (3) Seattle falls to Rome and Survives. Well now we have a spare settler :\
470 AD (4) Preparing a grand army for Lola.
480 AD (5) Reconstruction continues
490 AD (6) Spearmen upgrade project underway
500 AD (7) All of the last 3 turns messages continue in this one
510 AD (8) ...
520 AD (9) ...
530 AD (10) Eblolaville riots. That city has a ton of people and no infrastructure. Corruption is rampant. We can spare it's production to produce buildings for now.
I have prepared a small army for Lola near Seattle and Philly and producing another near the Roman border to defend there. I think we should make peace with America and then focus on Rome.
Americans, where have ye gone? Good work on getting Washington, the northern Roman cities shall be ours before long as well.
We sign peace with the Americans for 2G and their World map, all they can afford. We can't get to them anytime soon anyhow.
Ebolaville entertainer changed to scientist, so we get 40 turns working on Invention.
Madrid building military units? And only size 6 now? Did someone build a settler there? Let's keep the population up and build improvements there to take advantage of the lack of the corruption. Harbor building in Madrid.
Nag end building Marketplace, we have more than enough pikemen in the NE. Moving two of them towards the mainland to prepare for imminent war.
We sell spices to Japan for 50G. We have multiple techs they do not, it should be no problem bringing them into a war against rome.
Barracks hurried in VLS, as we need that and a wall there to be ready for war.
Horsemen building in VWB, so we have some mobile troops.
Settler FORTIFIED in VLS. (don't forget about this unit)
Minor troop movements.
All spearmen are now pikemen.
Harbor complete in Nagamo. Building galley now, so we can find the other continent (especially since we have the lighthouse)
Vader's Mounties complete. They shall serve a vital homeland defense and worker enslaving role.
Our right of passage agreement is up. It is time to strike!
We give Japan Engineering for a military alliance.
We move on Seattle, killing two horsemen and forcing one to retreat. Another squad approaches Pompeii, and Philadelphia.
Their horsemen are quick and strike our injured elite Med Inf.
We take Seattle with a pikeman (ha!)
We use our massive treasury to hurry some units to better prevent horsemen incursions.
Philadelphia is ours. (along with 4 workers)
Pompeii is ours.
Now we must defend ourselves against the horsemen.
The RNG is not our friend, and our pikemen and MedInf lose to 2 archers in Philadelphia.
War weariness begins. We must be mindful. Fortunately we have enough income to increase luxeries to weather the storm until our alliance wears off. Worst case, we can switch to Monarchy quickly.
The japanese land units next to Philadelphia. Let us home the romans withstand their attack so we can take the city back.
Be informed Fort Nagus is empty right now, as the pikeman moved north to cover workers building a road temporarily.
Doh, pressed enter by accident. Was so into this war =) Have not made any move this turn, Japan took Philadelphia.
01-26-2003, 10:37 AM
630 AD (Pre-turn) - Nothing, I am denied my pre-turn!
640 AD (1) - Troop movement. Revolution. A couple units rushed.
650 AD (2) - I am crowned King (Queen? =\) of Spain. A couple cities are in unrest.
660 AD (3) - Our fur city defended successfully with 0 casaulties, destroying 3 Roman units. Reinforcements are still moving in from the North.
670 AD (4) - We learn Monotheism and Invention. A couple more units rushed.
680 AD (5) - I hate pillagers. Temple rushed in Pompeii.
680 AD (6) - We lose a Galley in Ocean, no sign of sea or coastal squares to the west yet. Fought off some invading pillagers with Infantry, 1 unit lost. Our elite unit produces a Leader (save this for the Forbidden Palace later, fortifying him in Madrid for now).
690 AD (7) - More troop movement.
700 AD (8) - A few enemy units moving toward FU ALL, the 3 defenders should hold them off. Our troops enter Roman territory - Antium is the intended target.
710 AD (9) - Haha, Philadelphia has defected! I guess we don't need to take it from the Japanese. Our source of Iron to the North is exhausted, a new one appears Southeast of VHB. Antium is ours, 0 units lost to Rome's 5 (and a captured Catapult).
720 AD (10) - No Roman counterattack, they putting up less resistance than I expected. Two entertainers added to Antium to start starving the Romans out, it's in unrest at the moment but there is still a resistance for 1 more turn. Furs traded to Japan for 6 gpt and 15g, do not lose our extra furs or it will piss Japan off!
Notes: Japan has ~15 units in our territory and the alliance is coming to an end in 6 turns. They may decide to turn on us, so be careful and keep them happy. We have plenty of cash to rush Temples in newly captured cities (Antium needs one).
Thuggo next.
Yay a leader! Yes, we must use it for the Forbidden Palace. Washington perhaps? It has the collosus being wasted by corruption, and is in the center of the continent.
Excellent turn all around. Early temple production is really paying off in defections. I love that iron replacement as well, it'll boost production in VWB nicely.
Do we want to keep Antium? It's not in a very good spot. Perhaps we should disband it and reform one tile west on the coast.
FU ALL needs an aqueduct at some point, probably doesn't make sense to build it at this point in the war.
Pompeii doesn't need a courthouse yet does it? Perhaps a harbor due to lack of easily irrigatable land, or barracks.
01-26-2003, 03:00 PM
720 AD (0) Wow nothing we are in good position I think
730 AD (1) I am starving Antium moving the army to Ravenna.
740 AD (2) Minor resistance Enroute
750 AD (3) We lose a few workers to Faggoty Roman horsemen. I am sure our poor workers are now being buggered by the damn romans.
760 AD (4) Pushing to Ravenna. America Builds the Hanging Gardens. Yay waste of a wonder.
770 AD (5) Rome is Building Leonardo's Workshop. I get sick of the shithole known as Antium and destroy it. FU ROMANS WE DON'T NEED YOUR KIND HERE!!! Yeah I wasted a whole possible settler boo hoo.
780 AD (6) Rome and Japan make peace. Nice choice in allies, what's the matter couldn't find the French to fight for us. Well fuck them too I will remember this treachery and burn their cities in time. Ravenna is ours with no losses. Our loyal soldiers have a good time with the daughters of Ravenna. RAWR!!!
790 AD (7) Celt's Build Sun Tzu's Art of War. Hoho we do have more competition.
800 AD (8) Blah blah our troops are recovered and Ravenna is fortified it is time to push onwards.
810 AD (9) Rome is near hmmmmm
820 AD (10) Our glorious armies camp in the hills outside of Rome. Rome is currently in chaos. I'm sure it has to do with the forces massed outside their gates. Will Lola crush Rome and end all Roman hopes for victory. Will the Eternal City belong to the Spanish or will Lola pussy out and go for lesser targets.
Our realm is glorious indeed.
Granary hurried in Washington, as we cannot switch to FP (something must've been disbanded, or forest cleared) yet. Our leader is heading to Washington.
Madrid is building Horsemen. I feel we should be building city improvements and wonders there, let the lesser cities build military units. We begin Leo's in Madrid.
Pompeii switched to harbor. Without food that city won't get above size 2.
Vader's Wholesome Bread is becoming an excellent city now, our second highest commerce producer. Marketplace begun there.
The Japanese units are going home. I will rest easier when they are all gone.
Our troops are stationed outside Rome. I feel attacking a capital at this point is premature, but it is their only source of Horses. Let us move so we're not across from the river, and attack!
Forbidden Palace in Washington rushed with the leader.
We begin to starve the Romans out of Ravenna, and rush a Temple.
The romans have invention, and now are bringing their longbowmen to attack our MedInf army. Since we have no pikemen to support them, we must strike first.
The FP has increased our GPT from 70 tp 96
We attack Rome. Do or die! We kill many defenders, but capitals are always well defended, we fail to take the city. The longbow counterattack will kill off our army I fear.
We take Rome! BARELY. The Pyramids and the Great Wall are ours, both excellent wonders to capture. We must sue for peace immediately or we will lose Rome.
We receive Hispalis (where we would have rebuilt Antium), 95G and 18 GPT.
We move all available troops to end the resistance in Rome and prevent flip back to the Romans.
More units moved into Rome.
We take this opportunity to switch to Republic.
Republic begun.
Temple in Rome rushed now that the resistance is over.
Temple in Pomepii rushed. Harbor in Pompeii rushed.
WARNING! Japan is now Annoyed. We give them spices for cheap, no improvement.
Their army is almost departed.
Japan and American sign for peace.
Cultural borders discovered by our galley. Now, if it doesn't sink next turn, we'll be able to make contact.
Japan demands Invention. We must agree, sadly. (Their entire army is outside Washington)
Our galley is lost. No contact today.
Courthouse hurried in Rome. Will be useful when the starvation ends.
Establish contact with the other civs. It may take a few suicidal galley attempts, but such is the price.
Starve Rome.
Bolester defenses at Washington. Japan will declare war before too long, I fear.
Eliminate the Romans.
Remove jungles, improve cities.
01-27-2003, 06:09 AM
Gah, the situation with Washington doesn't sound good. Only one regular pikeman defender, or there are more now?
We shouldn't have abandoned Antium yet. Disbanding a city full of resisting or foreign citizens will count as razing the city (and it may have hurt Japan's opinion of us).
Yeah I told Thuggo, he knows now. Washington has 3 pikemen and at least one MedInf currently, so it can hold off a decent sized swordsman army. But japan has a slightly larger than decent sized swordsman army. We've bought enough time giving them Invention though.
01-27-2003, 07:14 AM
920 AD (Pre-turn) - Fort Nagus changes production to Pikeman, the harbor can wait. A couple Pikemen rushed.
930 AD (1) - Weird, Japan asks to renew the fur deal for 6 gpt. I agree, maybe we have 20 turns (or more?) until they declare war. 2 Pikemen sent to Washington. That may be enough to hold off a Japanese attack, if they keep moving away.
940 AD (2) - Nothing.
950 AD (3) - Galley moves toward the cultural borders.
960 AD (4) - Nope, Galley lost.
970 AD (5) - Rushed the rest of a courthouse in VLoW, will start production military units here too.
980 AD (6) - Washington defense in place. A few units / improvements rushed in various northern cities.
990 AD (7) - Ebolaville riots, I plan to introduce the Ebola virus into their drinking water as revenge. I change my mind, Thuggo would notice.
1000 AD (8) - Courthouse rushed in Ebolaville.
1010 AD (9) - Nothing much, move troops around. Notice Japan is now polite toward us. (Our military is no longer outnumbered by them - oh, how soon they forget their hate).
1020 AD (10) - Pikeman starts moving from VHB to Hispalis to protect it, I think we will want war with Rome soon. Let's wait until we get Gunpowder, though. Also, a Pikeman is in The Nagamo (WTF? I didn't found this city!) en route to Vader's Lake of War for defense.
Notes: we need to raise the science rates after we get Gunpowder. Japan is not attacking us anytime soon, and if they do, our border cities are well protected.
Goals: 1) Establish contact with other civs! 2) Prepare for war, try and keep a scientific lead. 3) Kill Caesar - I hate him. 4) Kill Vidmer - *this is priority*
Thuggo next.
I think if we go after Chivalry next, raising science to get it ASAP would make sense, but otherwise let's milk TGL until it's obsolete (won't be long now)
Did you starve Rome down?
01-27-2003, 07:23 AM
Rome starved down and allowing it to grow now. It should probably grow twice before we go to war (and perhaps a rushed Library as well).
I'm not sure on the timing, but lets plan on going back to war with Rome after we've gotten Chivalry and have a nice Knight army? Our peace treaty will have worn off by then, and we can use the interim to build horsemen to upgrade to knights.
I love the bottleneck at Washington, will be nice and easy to defend from the Japanese.
Did you try to cross the ocean at the same place as one of our previous attempts? Maybe going from the west side, or an uncharted eastern spot would be luckier for us.
01-28-2003, 10:27 PM
1020 AC (0) I take command of our glorious empire.
1030 AD (1) Not much to do
1040 AD (2) /yawn
1050 AD (3) I think we are gonna need a bigger boat I keep sinking our galleys.
1060 AD (4) Peace with Rome again.
1070 AD (5) Learn Gunpowder and Theology. Research set to Chivaly with 50% of our budget going to this. I decide to squander our gold and bolster our defenses with musketmen. Sorry I can't wait for Leonardo's workshop. We are still staying slightly ahead in cash and we have 2k banked by the time I'm finished.
1080 AD (6) Building Sistine Chapel in Washington
1090 AD (7) ...
1100 AD (8) Rome building the Sistine Chapel
1110 AD (9) Japan building the sistine chapel. Hmmm how did they both learn that so soon after us.
1120 AD (10) 1 turn til Chivalry.
I didn't increase our army much at all but we are in a slightly better defensive position with a couple ne techs and another otw. We need to build knights soon and crush Rome. Many cities are very close to rioting. Japan only seems to have one source of Saltpeter and that is near our borders. We only have one source of saltpeter near pompeii. Japan seems to be positioining units near our borders. That is actually the main reason I upgraded our defenders. I don't know if the sistine chapel is worth it but hell it gives us some production towards a better wonder at worst.
Chivalry in 1 turn, yay! I turn science down to the minimum to get the last turn. You all do this with one turn remaining, right?? =o
We're building Med. Infantry? Why? Horsemen will upgrade right away to knights in 1 turn, and the infantry will be obsolete.
I switch Madrid to Sistine Chapel - a slightly better wonder for us than Leo's imo.
This shall be a turn of peace I'm afraid, as we won't have enough knights for Japan, and still only 12 turns left until peace is expired with Rome.
Chivalry complete. Chemistry begun.
Worker action. Horsemen upgraded to knights.
Worker action.
More hot worker action!
Knight production begun in key cities.
Some knights moved from the south to the north, in case Japan decides to attack.
Worker action.
Sistine Chapel complete. Celts complete Copernicus' observatory, so they may be a bit ahead of us in tech.
Golden age!
We see more cultural borders with our galley than ever before. Will we sink? Probably.
We sink. ARG. Well, the Celts will find us soon, and it shall be moot.
Perhaps we should use this galley to invade the american islands?
What a boring turn! Continue building knights, and kick Roman ass in 2 turns.
01-29-2003, 09:59 PM
Don't knights have a weakness against fortified units? We should be working towards navigation IMHO.
The celts will find us and great-library us up to education before we could research up to navigation I'd wager.
As for the combat weakness, never heard of anything like that.
01-30-2003, 06:19 AM
Me either, Knights will do fine until we get Cavalry.
01-30-2003, 07:25 AM
1220 AD (Pre-turn) - Science at 50%, Chemistry in 7 turns.
1230 AD (1) - Not much, except I notice Thuggo is a liar! Japan has two sources of saltpeter, both just north of our territory.
1240 AD (2) - Nothing
1250 AD (3) - Gally sinks =\
1255 AD (4) - Not much.
1260 AD (5) - Move troops, work, etc.
1265 AD (6) - Yawn.
1270 AD (7) - Metallurgy in 8 turns.
1275 AD (8) - Troops in position to attack Rome, next turn.
1280 AD (9) - Furs traded to Japan for 8 gpt, they were annoyed with us and we don't need to fight them yet. War declared on Rome! Medieval Infantry move toward Veii, Knights are attacking the capital. Attack on Neapolis does not go well. 2 / 9 knights lost, all injured and the city is not ours. They have saltpeter and iron from Japan, damn them.
1285 AD (10) - Knights retreat to Hispalalis, 2 reinforcements arrive + 4 more closeby. Medieval Infantry are in place to attack Veii next turn.
Goals: Destroy Rome. Keep building units. I think we should get Military Tradition next to crush Japan, education will be a free tech from the celts when we contact them, or they find us (which should be very soon, we don't have any cities producing galleys so you may want to).
Thuggo next, good luck and remember we can switch to Monarchy in 1 turn when War Weariness kicks in :D
You both have a hard on for attacking the capital first don't you!
I've usually found it's a bad idea - always MUCH better defended than any other city - just take all those crappy tundra cities first, and their capital can be safely sieged.
01-30-2003, 09:22 AM
I only go after the capital when I have 10 or more powerful units to attack with, and I didn't know they had musketmen before I moved in!
Besides, if their capital is destroyed their new capital is pretty far away from the captured one, and it's where most of their army resides.
We have gobs of cash, use some of it to investigate cities before declaring war =)
02-05-2003, 10:12 PM
Ok so I have been slacking some here goes.
1285 (0) uhhh nothing looks good so far
1290 (1) Rome Builds leonardo's workshop. We lose 2 infantry to shitty rolls.
1295 (2) The war continues
1300 (3) Veii is take, Leo's workshopo is ours.
1305 (4) The farmers in Veii are all turned into enterainers. The people may be starving but they are enjoing some good down hom country music.
1310 (5) We learn Mettalurgy (from research) and education (from the great library). /mourn the great library. Set research to military tradition.
1315 (6) zzzz troop movement
1320 (7) our golden age has ended, Pisae taken from Rome, VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!!
1325 (8) Hail to the king baby back to monarchy... wait a sec what's this queen shit.
1330 (9) more troop movement
1335 (10) Hello!!!! Cumae is strongly defended and is lucky as hell. Withdraw next turn and bring more knights back later.
Rome's offensive capability is crushed. I think they have 1 or 2 longbowmen and that's it. They cannot last much longer.
02-05-2003, 10:16 PM
here's the file sorry
Excellent work. The romans are on the brink.
Ravenna was being starved? With only one Roman citizen? Our poor people...
Since we are now doing our own research, library construction begun in our key trade cities.
Ahh, a hidden stack of 9 fortified knights in hispalis. What were they up to I wonder?
Temple rushed in Veii
Pisae is a joke of a city - going to abandon it as soon as it gets to size 1
The knight stack moves towards Cumae - I'm worried about attacking the capital (yet).
More knight movement.
We attack Cumae. Who gave the stupid romans gunpowder anyway? They have at least 4 musketmen in Cumae.
RNG spits on us, we do no damage for 4 attacks in a row. Only kill 2 musketmen.
Pisae abandoned.
One of our knights loses... attacking a longbowman! ARG!
One of Cumae's musketmen leaves, escorting a settler. All too easy.
Cumae shall fall next turn!
The Cumae assault resumes. That musketman is still a pain. Sigh, they have a longbowman left in the city.
We can't even defeat a longbowman in Cumae! Our first knight is KILLED.
Cumae, finally, is ours.
Only Neopolis remains.
Military tradition complete. Astronomy begun.
16 knights upgraded.
The cavalry assault begins!
Neapolis is ours.
The Romans are no more!
We move our cavalry north. Our trade agreement with the Japanese just ended... excellent timing.
02-08-2003, 12:45 AM
Ok I think Nag is fortifying random units in cities around our empire in an effort to build his own personal army.
02-08-2003, 07:41 PM
I just got home from a trip, so, like - tommorow.
02-09-2003, 10:09 AM
1385 AD (Pre-turn) - Rush a couple inprovments to make way for more Cavalry production.
1390 AD (1) - Hah, Japan has already entered our territory. I demand they remove their troops, and they declare war.
1395 AD (2) - Suprisingly, I've lost two Cavalry attacking Medieval Infantry.
1400 AD (3) - Japan's offensive is stopped before it can even attack, all surviving units from the past 3 turns have retreated.
1405 AD (4) - Japan's first Cavalry appears by Washington, both of Japan's Saltpeter sources are now pillaged.
1410 AD (5) - Lots of Japanese Cavalry about, luckily they won't be able to build them for much longer.
1415 AD (6) - Japan should be on the defensive after this turn. 20+ Japanese units have been destroyed.
1420 AD (7) - Astronomy finished. Navigation in 8 turns. Ah, they do still have some attackers (at least one Cavalry!). Luckily, its destroyed without inflicting any damage and we are free to attack next turn.
1425 AD (8) - Japan is moving Galleys south along our western coast, I've left one Cavalry in the Neapolis for extra defense in case they invade our newly conquered territory.
1430 AD (9) - Buffalo is ours without any unit loss. The attack on Nagasaki doesn't go as well, and two Cavalry are lost (but, we do get a Leader). All of the saltpeter on our continent is within our borders now.
1435 AD (10) - Temple rushed in Nagasaki, Buffalo resistance will end next turn. The leader is forifyed in Madrid for Army building or whatever. And hey - the settler I forgot about! Moving him toward Buffalo so he can add some Spainish citizens quick in a newly starved city somewhere.
Thuggo next.
02-12-2003, 07:20 PM
1435 (0) I look around for secretly fortified units /glare Nag
1440 (1) Not much some movement to the front. working the workers. Vikings are destroyed somehow.
1445 (2) Contact with the celts. I buy their map.
1450 (3) Navigation learned. research set to something like music history or some shit.
1455 (4) New York falls to our troops.
1460 (5) Not to be outdone Army Group B takes Nona. Our troops celebrate by stampeding the women and raping the cattle.
1465 (6) Defending our cities from Japan's counter-offensive. They fail miserable at the cost of 4 samurai, 2 longbowmen, and 1 medieval infantry, compared to our 1 medieval infantry and 2 cavalry. HOHOHO Samurai Jack cries.
1470 (7) Building Magellan's Voyage in FU ALL. Build J.S. Bach's Cathedral in Madrid. Leader used to hurry.
1475 (8) Yay J.S. Bach's cathedral is ours.
1480 (9) Satsuma is ours.
1485 (10) Our armies are poised to strike a crippling blow to Japan. BTW get an embassy with the celts I forgot.
Starvation continues of newly captured cities.
Walls building in border cities (although they shall not be on the border much longer)
We trade furs to the Celts for Printing Press. We could've traded another luxery to them when we met them for Banking, and not had to research it ourselves. Don't neglect the trade window!
We move our troops onto Japan's only iron, ready to strike Osaka.
We trade Spices and Incense to the Celts for Economics, 60 gold and 13GPT. The japanese begin constructing Magellan.
We attack Osaka! Two losses, and the city is ours. Japan can now no longer build Samurai.
We are now researching Physics. Banking complete.
More starvation, the resistance in Osaka ends.
Celts begin Shakespeare.
Temple rushed in Osaka.
Edo falls. It's a trash city, going to disband it as soon as we finish starving muahaha.
Kagoshima falls.
Troop movements
2 cities left on the mainland, we attack their capital now!
We destroy all defenders but one, many bad rolls.
Kyoto is ours.
We attack Tokyo.
We capture Tokyo! The continent is OURS.
As soon as we finish off the resistance, we can move to the newly built caravel, and take their last 2 cities.
Physics complete.
02-15-2003, 09:42 AM
1540 AD (1) - The Celts declare war on Japan, and destroy their 3rd city. We have no silks, shall we move a settler east and use it for future attack on the Celts?
1545 AD (2) - Starving continues, troops moved to attack Japan's island.
1550 AD (3) - Caravel moves toward Japan.
1555 AD (4) - Bah, the Celts beat us by one turn. 4 Celtic Cavalry have just landed by Nagoya, we will take Izumo.
1560 AD (5) - I'm not sure we have enough units landed to take their capital, so blocking the Celts from landing new troops until we can land reinforcements.
1565 AD (6) - Settler and Musketman move west to claim the silks. 3 more Cavalry approach Japan's island.
1570 AD (7) - Reinforcements land.
1575 AD (8) - Izumo captured and Japan destroyed!
1580 AD (9) - Settler lands on the Celtic continent (1 turn before the Celts did the same).
1595 AD (10) - Pamplona founded, sent more troops to protect it / attack the Celts. There is a Caravel waiting to take two musketmen from Washington and Philly.
**Remember to turn the Science rates up, lowered to 10% for max gold gain as Magnetism is coming in 1 turn.** Keep the soon-ending trade with the Celts going. Oh, and starve that Japanese citizen out of Edo next turn and abandon it.
Oops, I hit enter on accident. So you missed America declaring war on us and attacking our new city (we won). Haven't done anything, so just play =o
02-22-2003, 02:32 PM
Sorry it took me so long been 2 boxing a lot this week.
Anyway here goes
1590 (1) I am denied my preturn meddling curse you Arcius
1595 (2) Spices and Incense to the celts for 13gpt
1600 (3) Meddling
1605 (4) Rebuilding the army and increasing the infrastructure
1610 (5) ...
1615 (6) Hey great the celts just extored me for furs. St. Louis destroy. Pamplona falls to a series of bad rolls.
1620 (7) San Francisco taken.
1625 (8) Theory of Gravity learned.
1630 (9)
1635 (10) Adam Smith's Trading company built. Celts build newton's whatver.
1640 (11) Sorry was in the swing of things and forgot. Anyway I have 3 cavalry on the American's remaining Island, 3 more otw, several units set up to be transported. 3 more outside Pamplona ready to pounce when we won't destroy it. We need a navy. I built a galleon to help transport and we need frigates and more galleons. GL Vader.
We trade Ivory for 50G and 20GPT to the Celts.
The Celts have nationalism.. no war with them for a while.
I switch most of our construction projects to city improvements.
We take the American city of Pamplona (on the Celtic continent)
Assault on Miami. We take no casualties, but do not defeat all of the brave spearmen.
We capture Miami and the Hanging Gardens
We capture Houston too, taking the last American city but alas... they have a settler on a boat somewhere. Our ships go off to search for it.
We discover and switch to Democracy!
The Americans found another city on the Celtic continent. We shall exterminate.
Cavalry being shipped to Detroit.
Nada again??
Detroit taken, Americans destroyed.
Just us and the Celts now!
Now that we have no enemies, life is peaceful and easy. Library and University construction is the focus.
Steam Power complete.
Philadelphia begins Iron Works.
Rail construction begins!
We are building Cavalry in Madrid, VWB, and Rome to send to other cities for disbandment purpsoes.
03-04-2003, 06:43 AM
1695 AD (1) - Units start moving to the Celts' continent.
1700 AD (2) - Spice / Inscence trade renewed to keep the Celts happy.
1705 AD (3) - Nothing
1710 AD (4) - Industrialization finished, we start Universal Sufferage (the Celts do as well).
1715 AD (5) - Transporting troops.
1720 AD (6) - Transporting more troops.
1725 AD (7) - Can you guess?
1730 AD (8) - Nationalism finished, Electricity research started to work toward Scientific Method.
1735 AD (9) - Rushed some culture on our two cities near the Celts, moved troops.
1740 AD (10) - See Celtic units on our border with the mustketman moving to Detroit, move other troops, very exciting.
Thuggo next.
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