View Full Version : Dual Succession 1 - Team Two (Vidle, Cardinal, Karendra)
01-10-2003, 09:38 PM
Player1: Vidle
Player2: Cardinal
Player3: Karendra
Welcome to the second Hoss succession game! This time, we're going to try something a bit different. The teams have been chosen at random. Below are the rules for this game:
Dual Succesion Rules
2) The first team to achieve victory, in any way possible, wins.
3) No reloading you game to take your turns, you play through and save at the end. Preserve Random Seed will be on, so reloading will not change the results anyway.
4) No abusing Rights of Passage. (Example: Irrigating the mined lands around an enemy city producing a wonder).
5) No goto orders that will take longer than the duration of your turn to complete.
6) No automated workers
7) No Governers
Game Settings
Civilization: Spain
Difficulty: Emperor
World Size: Small
Land Form: Continents
Climate: Random
Temperature: Random
Barbarians: Sedentary
Culture Flipping: On
Culturally Linked Start Locations: Off
Respawn AI Players: Off
Enjoy your defeat...
01-10-2003, 09:43 PM
I forgot to mention, keep a log of everything that happens during your turns (like we did in the first succession game). Good luck.
01-10-2003, 11:25 PM
4000 BC (1) - Madrid Founded. I decide against leaving my mark on the world this time. The river spot is too tempting to walk away from. Warrior construction begins.
3950 BC (2) - I set our research goal to Literature via Writing. At this point any level of research leaves us needing 40 turns. I turn science down to 20% until we can grow.
3900 BC (3) - Just some roadbuilding. 3 incense is visable to the south and 2 spices to the north; this bodes well for us.
3850 BC (4) - More construction/terraforming.
3800 BC (5) - Same.
3750 BC (6) - Our first warrior is built. I send him south to scout as the land looks promising.
3700 BC (7) - An American scout appears from the north. I believe we should expand northward first in a cockblocking action. Southern scout warrior recalled northward. We trade the alphabet to the Americans for pottery and 10 gold.
3650 BC (8) - Scouting and stuff.
3600 BC (9) - Yada Yada.
3550 BC (10) - The north is heavy jungle. It may be hard to capture those spices early.
I stand aside and hand our fledgling empire to Cardinal and then Thuggo. Give em hell fatties!
01-11-2003, 02:08 AM
thuggo other team stupid sk:/
but iwill take my turn after card:)
01-11-2003, 08:53 AM
I knew that, I was just calling you a fatty =p.
01-11-2003, 09:44 AM
01-12-2003, 07:49 AM
3550 - Zen examines the woeful mess Vilde leaves him ... bemoans, perhaps, the premature placement of our fair capital, only thankful it was not named vidleopolis..
3500(1) - OMG Borders expand due to our high culture, obviously from my influence... move new warrior east only to find it narrow land mass... do not like idea of next city in vidle forest world north... must find spot for New Zenland... continue scout Northward, mountains and forest.. bleh ... begin settler ... science at 10, lux 10 to keep content
3450(2) - Worker off to build more roads ... explore SE with War 2, scout NNW with war 1... Enemy border seen..
3400(3) - exploring.... work continues...
3350(4) - American Warrior appears to NW .. keeping our 2nd warrior ready to trot home until imperialist american scum make their intentions clear ...
3300(5) - Enemy warrior turns north, continue NW scouting, goign to have to do something about the Imperialist scum, terrain will buy us time anyway... still looking for site of next city....road South .. want luxuries!
3250(6) - Americans seem annoyed with us, I sense bribery soon to sooothe, continue scouting in general
3200(7) - American scout to south, not ready for war quite yet....continue south exploration, funds growing to buy techs... need to find spot for growth !
3150(8) - Rome Warrior found SSW, America to north is but a foothold, he must be eliminated, suggest WAR after founding next city....
3100(9) - Scouting, American Scout heads SE, Rome Warrior disappears SSW
3050(10) - Settler due next ... lands to west may be more fruitfal than N or S for new growth, fear squeeze play if both left alone....road on incense S.. in anticipation of growth SSW or W
And so I pass it along, somewhat barren spot with Rome to SSW and foothold of America to north, I sense a war brewing soon ....
01-12-2003, 11:19 AM
I taking over rulership from card (why doesnt enter our civ golden age with it!!!!!)
after seeing the mess here(i blame soley vidle for it) i agree that war is ininventable. i never liked those dollar imperialist anyways!
3050 taking over citizen rejoice!
3000 setler ready.. now where to go... spices in north but no good spot to found a city and since we are planing for war(i hope)
we need a ok spot for next town.i decide we go west maybe we can get the western spice secured that way.
the lower warrior goes west aswell and sees a roman warrior(this gonna be a mess soon). other going southish. madrid building a warrior now.
2950 scouting western more and happyly see that there is some wheat close to spices. all foodplains tho:/ will need a worker mining it so we can build in town faster.
2900 omg road with luxury completed! we are happy. sending worker west too to start building road towards the new town.
2850 romans contact us. they have bronzeworking warriorcodes and masonry i will leave it to vidle to maybe buy some tech.
building road more scouting
2800 warrior build sending it east since the northern warrior is now close enough to be in madrid soon. starting granary since we grow slowly and it is a nice recource store if vidle(that looser) decides to build something else.
Bearlin founded! building warrior for now(remember please to use worker to build mines on wheats)
2750 not much up just scouting more south. seeing furs in south.
2700 scouting more east and south.
2670starting building last road needed for conecting both towns i would sugest to mine/road the wheat next then one spice.scouting.
2630 roman borders found.
2590 my last turn(citizens unhappy that vidle next) just more scouting.
Vidle now(damn we are lost). i would like to build one more city then start building for war(maybe buy a tech from romans for better attak units). aternativly we can just try to out expand the 2 others then zerg them.also need to find an ok spot for a habor town(south east or east look promising).
01-12-2003, 12:31 PM
Makes me wish I had time for a game with you. ;)
The commentary is at least entertaining to read during my down time at school. High marks to Card and Karen for humor and to Vidle for readabilty. :D
01-12-2003, 05:00 PM
2550 BC (1) - I wrest control from the playa hatas. I buy Bronze Working and Warrior code form the Romans. The Americans should be easier pickings early on. I reset our spending; someone put luxury at 10% without there being a SINGLE unhappy person in the kingdom! Some scouting.
2510 BC (2) - More scouting. The little peninsula to our east looks like promising expansion land.
2470 BC (3) - Still more scouting.
2430 BC (4) - We make contace with the Japanese who are behind in tech. They unfortunately appear on that little peninsula I just commented on. I buy iron working from the Romans for 30 gold and 6gpt. There are two spots of iron to the north of us; in the no-man's land with America. I know where we need to expand to.
2390 BC (5) - Bearlin is growing fast. I move to build a road to spices. There is all sorts of nice territory down by the Romans.
2360 BC (6) - Scouting and such.
2310 BC (7) - Writing is only 5 turns away. I would like to start on the Great library right away; our expansion/military situation however is not favorable. The Americans have established Boston in our norther spice patch. Perhaps some archers would be cheaper then a settler? Maybe we should wait for swordsmen.
2270 BC (8) - Scouting
2230 BC (9) - The Americans extort us for 12 gold; qeue bear rant in 5. The Romans are expanding northward and securing the Fur; qeue another bear rant in 10.
2190 BC (10) - Woops, was too busy being witty and let Bearlin slip into rebelion for a turn. Man are they growing fast. There is lots of nice land left for us; but the Romans and Americans are putting the squeeze on. We however are in no shapre to take much action about it.
My advice: we need a new town near the closest iron deposit. We secure iron, build 5 or so swordsman and start chopping up the Americans. We should also try to deny America the other iron spot. The Japanese have the wheel but are demanding an insane price. Keep checking with them to see when it comes down.
Fatso #1 up next.
01-12-2003, 05:13 PM
you forgot savegame vidle what was your int again?:)
01-12-2003, 05:59 PM
.... oh, I but wish there was a Vidmer online in EQ to berate !!!
- Turn 1.....
01-12-2003, 06:09 PM
we should dump some seafuries on him card!
01-12-2003, 09:02 PM
What you mean you guys can't read the files off my computer?
01-13-2003, 11:59 AM
2190 - OMG !! Bearlin is rioting ! Where is my 3rd city ! Lost in Vidle's idle thoughts no doubt ! I fear near all hope is equally lost ! I fear America and Rome likely vasty out number us.... we will need to play Rome off against America at some point.... trying to figure out what our strength is ..... I am presented with 1 worker, and 1 warrior garissoned in each city, two warriors off on long distance recon, a city in rebelion, a near complete granary, and nothing else !! ... ah yes, there is one thing to do... Madrid renamed "Vidle's Folly"... Lux increased to 10, workers reassigned in Bearlin before accepting new turn.... oh, and the bank with 8 gold ought to allow me to buy my way into... er...
2150(1) - Order restored in Bearlin, Vidle's FOlly produces Granary... Begin settler in VF (someone has to expand us!!), we need to secure that iron deposit and we need ocean access, Bearlin's building warrior will join up with VF's Settler and press northward, <sigh> 6 turns away !!!! Not much else for me to do except await the impending extortions from Rome and America! Southern recon warrior is encirlced by Roman cities now, will attempt to make break accross Rome to get a peek at their holdings before being threatened....
2110(2) - Writing completed, begin Masonry lord knows we will need walls... lots of VERY thick walls... lux to 20 in anticipation of rapid Bealin growth, science 30 to bring masonry in at 20 instead of 40 turns... breaking even money wise... continue lost scout paths, Rome will threaten us since we have wandered into their territory to come home... 2110 Rome's turn, they threaten us as expected, I agree to move out and while I have their ear, I trade Writing for Masonry, we can focus tech on other goals next turn ....
2070(3) - Switch to The Wheel, not seeing any horses around this too may well change... continue scouting, gotta get warrior near rome home....Northern warrior strays into American territory.. will get threat soon..I worry Bearlin's explosive growth outstripping ability to support it... may bring a scientist or tax collector on soon to slow growth until a temple is present...
2030(4) - MOve scouts to consolidate power, warrior soon builds in Bearlin, move him north then... northern scout pressing westward across american territory to see how big our problem is....2030 America's turn threatens our warrior again, get a freebie move west ( devious Zen, just devious....)
1990(5) - Move scouts, Warrior due in Bearlin next turn (Yay!), growth again due in Bearlin in 3, tempted to convert a pop to tax or scientist, but hold off 1 more turn.... lack of shield production in Bearlin gonna hurt....
1950(6) - Road finishes North of Bearlin, more luxuries! allows us to drop lux rate back down a notch, set worker on road to next luxo... Scouts move to consolidate, glimpse 2 american settlers <sigh> they already out number us 3 to 2 in cities ;(
1910(7) - Grrr Philadelpia appears smack in the middle of our northern iron target, our settler builds in VF now with no near build spot, we do not have the forces to dislodge the fledgling Filthadelphia quite yet, so I send settler off to east iron deposit, VF now builds Archer -- WAR MODE ON -- I try to bring northern warrior closer home by still crossing american lands, hope to get passage home.... Bearlin shield production is terrible , I am at a loss as to where our military might will come from.... but we have no choice....
1870(8) - America does not threaten us, but moves their scout in, I warn them to move, no war yet....
1830(9) - My ploy to get our northern warrior home fast, pays off, America threatens us and our warrior in returned southward, Our meager forces build in the North now... science down a notch, the wheel aint gonna help us now, trying to gain funds.... gather forces outside Philly.
1790(10) - further consolidation... settler moves east, sees jap squatting on our iron ;(
Well, I tried my best with what I had, lord help us now....... I would hold off attack until a few archers present, I think at best we can hope to gain Phila, and sue for peace early before American forces can be brought to bear... the eastward expansion must get that iron and hopefully a port.... Ok Bear, looks like battle will occur in Vidle's turn, lets pray his generalship surpases his file attaching skills......
01-13-2003, 11:48 PM
ok taking over again!
1790 bc checking the status and ewww boston has to die aswell.
1750 have to move settle a bit odd since japse warrior blocking the bottleneck moving southwarrior northwards to boston.
1725 moving settler into bottleneck after jap leaves moving warrior more northwards. turning one laborer in bearlin into a sientist.
1700 american capitalists establish embasy. first archer rdy wich is getting moved northwards too.
1675 founding Zentauri at eastern iron a habourtown fast so vidle has no chance to get his dirty fingers on the settler to found bad towns.starting to build a warrior for defensiv reasons for now.
1650 America seems to want to conect his towns with roads so when vidle starts offensiv he might be able to snag 2 worker.
1625 telling a evil japanese warrior to get away from Zentauri.warrior build in bearlin moving it north for war for now to maybe block a bottleneck. 2nd spice connected moving worker back to VF to do some work there.Bearlin building a worker now.
1600 building some road to connect 2 other roads moving the warrior north towards phil.
1575 Archer ready gets moved towards boston. Caesar wants 22 gold wich i for now give him since we dont want 2 wars same time but i might sugest that we when we are able declare war to that bastard for this.Atlanta founded northwards of Zentauri.
1550 Warrior ready in Zentauri building spearmen there for defensive reasons.
1525 my turn but since it is last and a warrior/settler combination is in range of our attackers i will give it to vidle to decide to start war now or in 2 turns when another archer is ready.
01-15-2003, 02:43 PM
Warriors? WTH we can build archers but are pumping warriors!
1500 BC (1) - The Americans move another settler into the border lands. We must stop them now or be pushed into oblivion. Boston shall be the initial target. We can cut the roads to its capital and eliminate the defenders that way.
1475 BC (2) - The war opens well for us. We seize a worker, destroy a settler escort and capture the settler; minutes later we raze Boston (and leave Card homeless =D). Casualties incurred: 1 Warrior and 1 Archer.
1450 (3) - Our Norther scouts/skirmishers defend themselves succesfully in the jungle. The Boston task force is finished off in the counter attack.
1425 BC (4) - We press on with our depleted forces to blunt the American counter attack long enough to sue for peace.
1400 BC (5) - We sue for peace, the Americans offer us horseback riding, Mysticism, Philosophy, Map making, their world map and 37 gold for peace. With new breathing room I shift production to settlers, we must fill the gaps and seize the iron. I hurry production in Bearlin since they will just bread like rodents and replenish themselves anyway.
1375 BC (6) - Meanwhile the Romans encroach upon us from the South.
1350 BC (7) - Settlers move into place.
1325 BC (8) - Vidle's Triumph founded, thus securing us Iron.
1300 BC (9) - Just moving/producing.
1275 BC (10) - Second Settler in place at the former location of Boston, sadly I will not get the pleasure of naming this city.
We need to fill out our borders quickly, they we can finish the Americans.
01-16-2003, 01:10 PM
1275 - Hope yet exists, seems Vidle managed to keep us alive for another round... notice horseflesh near vidle's folly SE, will expand to get us some cavalry, things look better for us than the imperialist scum to our north.. hope it continues...wake warrior from Zentauri to guard the settler in 3 turns from VF, entertainer in Bearlin converted to scientist
1250(1) - Cardenia founded, archer defends, worker South of Vidle's folly begins road to next city site, Zentari production changed to worker, need some help building up there..
1225(2) - More movement, roads, consider rushing settler in Bearlin again to build South, but don't..
1200(3) - Settler builds in VF, begin Horseman, move Settler SSE.... move warrior from Zentari to meet new settler, Bearlin grows again next turn, reset scientist to entertainer to compensate, build road SSW of bearlin -- CELTS BUILD ORACLE
1175(4) - Move SSE settle to build spot, general moves...
1150(5) - Karenopolis Founded to block Roman expansion to Horse, undefended for 2 turns, help on the way from north....Bearlin Grows yet again, rush settler at big cost but who cares !
1125(6) - Rushed Settler moved South, risking escort with warrior from Bearlin, general moves
1100(7) - Japan extorts yet another 32 gold, cheap to preserve peace at this time... buy mathematics just incase after negotiation for 100 gold,
1075(8) - More movement, roads, warrior makes Karenopolis safe, Bearlin is unprotected , but no threat visible...
1050(9) - More movement, etc rushing the build from bearlin forces high lux for a fe turns, but growing fast enough to compensate- Southern settler lands on build spot
1025(10) - Woot! rush pays off, Roman settler appears on mountain near ours, we will build first !..ok so Bearlin is in revolt (again, who cares they just a people factory!) but it was worth it, Horseman builds in VF move it to Bearlin so it can react to either American or ROman agression....
Ok, 3 cities founded this turn, we had to grow or die, our military is not exactly our strength, but we are on par tech and $$ wise, at least our horsemen begin to appear... think we should wipe America off planet before dealing with Rome, but they all are ticked these days. We need to try to maintain peace a bit, grow another army and beat up on someone .... I fear Rome will try to eat us soon though....
01-16-2003, 02:32 PM
ok my turn.
1000 bc: roman settler goes of south. order restored in bearlin.
people want forgotten palace now... keeping horsemen in bearlin for now as guard until spearmen ready or we decide who to beat on next.moving warrior into new zenland and worker out to complete road and start mining.
975 fortifying warrior in NZ and start building road and do other worker stuff.
950 nothing big
925 same as above:)
900 horsemen build in VF moving it to folly building spearmen next for defense.
875 moving horsemen on top of the 2 warriors. and moving a worker to build another road around VF.
850road to iron at Zentauri completed archer in zentauri completed building swordmen in there now and moving worker south to connect the city with our empire.moving the archer on the mountain north so he is ready to attack atlanta when we want.
825zentauri rioting i blame Vidle. 2 japanese warrior apear at cardenia.moving horsemen from bearlin to there will be there soon i hope
800 japan declared war on us but Archer in cardenia defends well and is now veteran. moving horsemen from VT northwards to intercept the troop moves of japan.spearmen in VF ready moving warrior out to cardenia.
800 2 warrior attack cardenia but the japanese just suck archer now elite... and reinforcement here. karenopolis builded spearmen. horsemen will be next.
775 moving reinforcement into cardenia and VT troops more north americans expand and want them to move out but thats np.
Vidles turn now. i sugest to finish off japanese attack and then either move an army to their towns taking zentauri route or make peace with them. atm we in good shape against them cardenia has enough troops to defend and they lost 3 warrior and leveled our archer two times.other sugestions: move warrior out of VT to protect worker at VT if america decides to join war. if america joins war we should give them a lesson first if romans join we should try to defend us against them only at first can fight at to many fronts. but its up to vidle.
01-18-2003, 01:16 PM
Yay my turn!
It seems our war with the Japanese will soon hit a snag. We have no route to their territory that will not provoke the Americans into war. We will need ships. I just don't see how a war with Japan can be fruitful anytime soon. I plan to ride this aggression out and then finishing the Americans. I tend to give in to blackmail from the AI because I like to fight wars on my terms. Let them have the measely 23 gold. We will get it back with interest when we sack their capital. The Pompeii region is something we should acquire as well; river, horses, ivory and close to our territory. Japan can wait its turn.
750 BC (1) - Our troops are violating American soil; they threaten war if we do not withdraw. My predecessors are war-mongering fools. We need short and decisive wars not blanket agression. I am going to building some barracks during my turn, we can then create an elite squad of swordsmen to destroy America or drive Rome back.
730 BC (2) - Japanese warrior scouts get in lucky rolls and destroy the troops that were vacated from American territory.
710 BC (3) - Nada
690 BC (4) - The cap builds a settler. Its destination is the plot of land south of Zentauri. It has game and many coastal tiles to itself as well as being adjacent to the cap. This city shall be grand.
670 BC (5) - The Romans extort 30 gold from us; a small price to pay to avoid a two front war.
650 BC (6) - Our norther iron road is complete, we may build veteran swordsman as soon as the barracks are complete.
630 BC (7) - Nada
610 BC (8) - We make peace with Japan for 40 gold; likely more costly then the initial extortion price. Pamplona founded.
590 BC (9) - Glorius peace.
570 BC (10) - 2 Roman warriors and 2 Archers appear out of the southern fog of war. I smell treachery and begin shifting troops. 2 spearmen will arrive before any attack can take place. With luck Bearlin shall prevail.
Fatso #1 up next.
01-20-2003, 03:15 PM
Heh between a rock and a hard place.....
570 BC (0) - Hrmm America hates us to the North and Rome is massing troops south... fun... Adjust some Lux up so all workers can go back to work....
550 BC (1) - Rome Moves in for kill on Bearlin, reinforcements arrive, I rush a spearman there, rush swordsman in VF and Spearman in NZ... alot of roman's march...Roman turn WAR- they kill 4 of their own war and 1 archer in attack, we loose 0 gain 2 vets... looks good, but the onslaught continues... send some gold to america to soften them up for alliance v. rome if needed (they hate us currently, we do not need them teaming up against us)
530 BC (2) - Consolidate forces southward...bearlin costs Rome another 3 units including a horseman, America joins Rome in alliance, UGH (money not well spent...)...
510 BC (3) - Chase up Roman units.. start shifting forces Northward for American aggression....upgrade 2 warrior to swordsman
490 BC (4) - Loss of 1 Swordsman in battle v. spearman south hurts but our Archer prevails.. more consolidation... move forces North t]for attack v. American and still keep strength in South gonna be hard...
470 BC (5) - Move 3 swordsman and a spearman to in striking range of philadelphia... pray, America impales a swordsman on our mini army, Rome kills our horseman south
450 BC (6) - Loose 2 Swordsman in attack on philly, retreat others to ore deposit, Kill 2 Roman units to south with no loss...
430 BC (7) - America kills Spearman on ore deposit ! so much for high ground, choose to retire our forces and gain health... ROme horseman move North, too many I fear...
410 BC (8) - Finish Roads, all can now build Swordsman, rushed units appear, kill Roman elite spearman with a vet Swordsman.... Rome agrees to Peace for 60 gold..... one front war perhaps now possible... Japan appears in central highlands <sigh>
390 BC (9) - Japan declares war ! double ugh , we loose a vet swordsman outside of Vidles triumph.... bleargh
370 BC (10) - Vidles Triumph holds costing Japs 2 units, but a horde approaches ... move reinforcements northward....upgrade a couple warriors...
On the upside, we lost no cities or any major ground... Well, Rome's advances were thwarted at much greater cost to them, America appears weak, but japan VERY strong, we must sue for peace with japan ASAP, kill off america before ROme attacks again, forces enroute to Vidle's triumph seem enough to delay loss...
01-21-2003, 10:55 PM
my turn now. all looks messy we realy need to keep roman out of war else we might loose ground.
350 the spearment at mountain at atlanta defends himself vs 1 archer.japan DECLARES WAR on rome!we maybe should form an aliance with rome against them. moving troups to our northern border.moving worker out of cardenia southwardss to work there safe. moving atlanta spearmen on a mountain southwards so he can heal in neutral area.moving a swordmen out of cardenia on the mountain to permit japanese moving there.
330 the normal swordmen on the mountain at cardenia defended himself vs 2 japanese swordmen and one archer. elite now but badly hurt but was worth it.moving it back to cardenia to heal. atacking japanese forces at cardenia with another swordmen killing a swordmen.killing an archer with another sm.mining a grassland with a worker at VF.VF revolted but i got it unndercontrol now.changed its construction from wordmen to spearmen so it has a defender.rushed a horsemen in bearlin because you never know about romans.
310 japanese archer dies against one our swordmen wich is now veterand. roman horsemen show up south.... i HOPE they are out to fight japan.moving all hurt swordmen around cardenia into the town and fortify them until healed.also keeping new spearmen in VF. new swordmen in karenopolis moving it towards VF .Attacked atlanta with a swordmen killed one spearmen swordmen now veteran but hurt. moved spearmen on his mountain so it can defend him a turn.
290 romans move deeper into our land. moving atlanta sword and spearmen into neutral mountains so swordmen can heal.moving troups northward to cardenia.romans apear to just wanting to move through.
270 romans move deeper. new swordmen in Zentauri moving towards atlanta. having now 5 swordmen around cardenia lets me start the offensive towards philadelphia.
250 romans move through our lands towards japan as i american swordmen apeared around philadelphia towards VT not worried. moving our 5 swordmen on the mountain on neutral ground around philadelphia reveals an incoming japanese army.moving 2 swordmen and the spearmen at atlanta on mountain next to atlanta in hope its enough to get rid of it.
230 romans march on. japanse wimps dont attack our swordmens on the mountain but keep moving close to them. another swordmen ready in VF changing to temple. changing production from swordmen to temple in new zenland and karenopolis we need some culture there.our elite swordment killed a japanese vet swordmen.another elite swordmen killed the vet warrior but down to 1 health now...lost a vet swordmen to jap swordmen but hes hurt now . killed a proctecting archer with a swordmen japanese wounded swordmen now helpless(lets hope our last swordmen finishs it).swordmen killed our swordmen promoted to vet. only one jap archer left wich we will finish off next turn.atlanta battle starts first strike of our army kills a spearmen onslaught will continue!we kill the last defending warrior in atlanta! we race this sorry excuse of an town and capture a settler(now worker of course).2 workers gained ! 53 gold gained! we will show no mercy to the rest of this imperialist scum! moving both worker on the mountain with the spearmen.
210 romans march farther towards japan. a american swordmen around philadelphia. japanese arch wimps out and movs along our swordmen instead of attacking.japan has no honor it seems!finishing off the archer. moving our swordmen on the mountains at philadelphia and one vet spearmen from VT on same mountains to protect a hurt elite swordmen. moving the swordmen from VF towards this battlefield.building a road to conect the ruins of atlanta with our homeland for faster expansion. changed zentauri production from swordmen to settler. resting both hurt swordmen at atlanta and moving spearmen with one of the workers so all are still protected.bought roman aliance vs america for a heavy price(200gp and 16per turn) but i think tis worth it since this way all ais on our continent have a war with another. also since romans now have war with both japanese and americans they wont join an alianze with them against us :) .
190 romans march and march(you know the deal). they have a large army it apears we should worry about that once our othe problems settled down. a vile american swordmen killed on of our mountain ones.more american troups apear northwards i decide to get our wounded troups back to towns but keep the strong ones in this area to finish off this attack.
170 one of our swordmens killed an american one but gets killed by an archer after. the 2nd big roman army marchees through our lands . the first one leaves it towards japan at atlanta.moving our hurt troups towards/into VT and the protecting spearmen along with them. the americans put a spearmen and a swordmen on the iron mountain at VT. killed the archer with a vet swordsmen elite now but down to 3 health and another swordmen of america next to him.i let VF revolt but fixed now and temple soon ready.
Vidles turn now. coments? considering the masses of troups we encountered and the destruction of atlanta war went well. but we still have to worry about philadelphia and the american troups around it(2 swordmen 1 spearmen). also roman army is realy big (like 3 or 4 archer and 5 or 6 horsemen....) good that they are in war with the other 2 should keep that for now and not provoke them BUT need to prepare for war against tehm once the temples build they might be traitors.also on the bright side: romans have no Iron means no legionaires. should keep an eye fo that and block every free iron we can hold.
01-23-2003, 06:42 PM
I'm glad someone left me a town in revolt!
Oh how those roman troops in my land make me nearvous; but the complete lack of iron for the Romans make me smile. Their time shall come soon.
150 BC (1) - American troops cut our Iron road. I decide to regroup our forces on the American front while our troops make an end around attack at Nagoya.
130 BC (2) - We make peace with the Americans for the time being. We gain 120 gold, currency, construction and a new world map. The plan is to psuh against Japan while she is distracted. We can then smite America when we have adequate troops ready.
110 BC (3) - Rats, Rome and Japan make peace. Japan is willing to make peace; but no concessions. I will try to change that in the coming turns. Sigh; damn you RNG. My vet swordsman loses to a regular Japanese swordsman I hit in the open. The Romans are still at war with America however. I decide to make nice with Japan and position our troops for the final war with America. I get 100 gold out of Japan; signifying our "victory".
90 BC (4) - Not much.
70 BC (5) - Troop shuffling.
50 BC (6) - Vitoria founded; and not a turn too soon. Rome lands a settler near by but it can do nothing now.
30 BC (7) - The Roman battle horde is at the gates of Philadephia. I wonder if I should be getting a settler ready.
10 BC (8) - Philadelphia held just barely. Its last defender down to its last healthbar.
10 AD (9) - The world has celebrated my birth and is ready to kick some arse.
I buy polytheism from the Romans for 100 gold.
30 AD (10) - The lack of iron has crippled the Roman offensive. Their archers and horseman are not enough to fell the Americans; we have swordsmen however. 6 offensive units sit on a mountaintop 1 move from the gates of Philadelphia. I shall let my successors do the deed however.
01-28-2003, 12:42 PM
Ok... where to begin...
30 AD Take over from Vidle the Hun.... interesting.. the war looks promising....
50 AD (1) Move army of American Destruction Northwards, pray Rome does not beat us to the punch....
70 AD (2) Destroy Philadelphia's defenses with no loss, our elite Swordsman gets a name "Goliath" and we gain a leader ARMY time.....
90 AD (3) Army Is built and moved Northward, Should be able to do serious damage.... Rome races for Washington but I expect lacks the strength to capture it, may well whittle it down for us....
110 AD (4) Movement... Rome blocking us North...
130 AD (5) we block Rome from reinforcing, they better die soon ....
150 AD (6) We move to striking distance in Philly and maintain blocking of Roman units northward...
170 AD (7) first attack on Wasington kills 2, our loss 0
190 AD (8) We gain Washington without loss, Rome continues to stream Northward... still lacking iron... They must die soon after... our Army is invincible....
210 AD (9) Rome frustrated in their move Northward.... America loses more units to them
230 AD (10) Movement... Consolidation ... Rome's army is large and of concern....
America should cease to exist during Bear's turn. Rome is gettin large and must be squelched soon... our defenses could bear some bolstering, and our civ score is woeful... but we live .....
01-28-2003, 12:45 PM
Dunno why it didn't work first time...
01-29-2003, 07:11 AM
My turn: i see roman legionary....
250 romans move their troops south back to their homeland.i begin to move troops not close to newyork to move towards rome.
moving troops from washington towards new york to end this.
260 same as last turn.
270 same . 3 swords man and our army now at new york it should fall next turn.
280 the attack on new york york falls but our only unit in there is a one hp swordmen and an american archer is next to the town they might retake it next turn. but i will just retake it then again. it also proofs that the americans ahve a town somewhere not on this continent. i would say we dont bother with that one for a while since it will keep roman american war going so the romans might not bother with us(or even better ship out troops) until we are ready to destroy them.
290 as i expected they retook the town but they shall fall now! i retook the town. the last american town apears to be on an island east of vitoria.
300 i start moving the army down to roman teritory and will rest it in a town with baracks once i reach one.
310 troop moves to romans.
320 see above.
330 same
340 army reached zentauri (baracks in there) i would sugest to keep it in there until fully healed.
Vidles turn now he will need to make more troops moves towards rome and might not want to wage war his turn. however regardless what he does i would HIGHLY sugest to buy a japanese declaration of war to romans(or if not possible to america) the turn we start our war with romans. that way they might not declare war on us and we dont have to fight on both borders.
02-01-2003, 11:19 AM
It is my turn to rule. I make peace with the lone American City, I forsee us threatening them for techs occasionally in the future. I get the republic all their gold and a new map for peace with them.
350 AD (1) - I notice the romans have pikemen now; they are geting iron from somewhere. I buy Feudalism from the Japanese for 500 gold. I set our new research goal to chivalry. I trade spices to the Japanese to butter them up.
360 AD (2) - A single Roman spearman penetrates our territory. I am hoping its Japan bound. I move troops southward.
370 AD (3) - We now have a sizable Roman presence in our territory, their approach vectors imply aggression against us. Medieval infantry are among the mix. I tell the Romans to leave or declare war, they declare war. I pour our idle swordsmen into Roman territory.
380 AD (4) - The Romans react to our incursion and pull away from new zenland. Zenland defenders defeat those troops that do attack. Pompeii falls after heavy casualties. I choose to raze the city as we can not hold it. The Roman army outnumbers us and I do not like it. Japan will not enter the war on our side at any price.
390 AD (5) - Our expidition force has not been completely destroyed and roman armies near our borders. Given our relative army strengths I think we should fight a delaying action until they will make peace. We destory a large chunk of the Roman army in an offensive action.
400 AD (6) - Karenopolis loses a defender and appears weak now. For every Roman unit I cut down last turn 3 MI have appeared. There are now 12 Roman troops in our land or on the border. Our counter offensive is faltering under the shear number of Roman troops. Though no city looks to fall soon; I expect widespread pillaging of improvements.
410 AD (7) - Our horses have been pillaged. REinforcements are almost to KArenopolis but so are the Roman troops.
420 AD (8) - Karenopolis falls, but we are in position to retake it. We retake the city but it will likely fall again next turn.
430 AD (9) - The RNG completely fucks our defensive stand and we inflict a total of 1 wound. Karenopolis is lost for now, we pull back.
440 AD (10) - Our troops regroup at VF. We need peace now.
Advice to Card, make peace and start planning our counter assualt.
02-10-2003, 06:28 PM
If Card doesn't make his move soon, maybe Karen can do her's?
02-10-2003, 06:54 PM
ok will do that
02-14-2003, 02:23 PM
Go ahead and do it Bear =|
02-17-2003, 11:18 AM
impatient vidle! i was on a journey last 3 days:)
but here is my turn now
450 AD minor battles vs romans.i could get a peace treaty for no costs out of them.
460 nothing special trying to get an army build up for an attack towards romans.
470 same
480 same :)
490 nothing special
500 ...
510 japanese demand 36 gold and teritory map . i give in.
520 vikings build hanging gardens . moving some troops north since i fear an attack.
530 same as above
540 again same as above:)
our army split due the threat on both sides of borders.
we should decide who to crush and then reinforce that side without moving armies away from other side so we can fight a defensiv war on one side.
things dont look to well realy could use an other goverment since rampant corruption but considering our high unit counts... well may should try to change to monachary.
02-20-2003, 12:42 PM
After a long exile I return to power. First thing I do is trade luxuries with the Romans, hopefull that will keep them off of us for the near future. I would like to destroy one of the Japanese Irons so that they can not trade it to the Romans.
550 AD (1) - I think my immediate plan is to shift into Monarchy. We need to regroup our forces and prepare to squas one of our enemies.
560 AD (2) - King Vidle takes power!
570 AD (3) - I am thinking some conquistadors would be great for some iron destorying missions.
580 AD (4) - Troop movement and production.
590 AD (5) - Same.
600 AD (6) - Peace is boring.
610 AD (7) - Did I say peace was boring?
620 AD (8) - Bearlin is hit by disease, we will need to clear those jungles.
630 AD (9) - Autopilot.
640 AD (10) - And I'm done.
03-12-2003, 02:15 PM
I surrender! My allies have abandoned me! I claim my rights as a P.O.W.. Be merciful.
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