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08-17-2001, 05:24 PM
This question was raised in our daily AiM chat today, and I promised to bring it before everyone. Of course, that was 5 hours ago before our DSL went down. It wasn't till I was cleaning up the living room and my son noticed something on the floor. "Hey Mom, isn't this phone line supposed to be plugged in somewhere?"


Coven wants to know if it would be acceptable to trade a spawn. In our case it means - would anyone be willing to trade OUR turn for Kland for THIER turn at Trak? We want VP keys more than the ST keys at this moment so want to know how anyone would feel about this.

08-18-2001, 02:23 PM

08-19-2001, 07:21 PM
Trading rotation spots for the same mob would be acceptable. However, trading a lesser mob for a more desirable mob would not really fly in my opinion.

08-20-2001, 06:51 AM
Sorry Myst. If we gave up a Trak right now, the 7+ people waiting for teeth would probably tie me down in Kael so giants could tap dance on my testicles.

08-20-2001, 09:05 AM
hehe - thanks for at least thinking about it though guys - I'll let everyone on my side know it is a no go