View Full Version : Fear bug...
08-20-2001, 05:22 AM
...hopefully the next patch will resolve the fear bug that's been experienced recently. It seems that if more than a certain number of people are feared in a zone at one time it crashes. (All of the outdoor Kunark dragons, Wuoshi, and Klandicar have been causing crashes). End result, ML has still not been able to get a fair shot on Klandicar (we had him to 20 percent then alot of people musta got unlucky on resists (we musta had 40 people of 50 still alive when the zone crashed)). In any case, we'll be continuing to try for Kland until the zone fails to crash on us (gay verant bugs). Hopefully that'll be fixed next patch.
Hopefully they'll fix Harla too. (Bastiches, I want my fookin shroud)
--The Unconscious
08-20-2001, 06:48 AM
Another rampant bug atm, not sure how public this one is, but GFay is stripping guild tags on a regular basis right now.
Close to ten ML lost tags zoning in there over the last 18 hours, I know it got me as well.
08-20-2001, 11:22 AM
If Klandicar pops again before the patch, would ML be interested in letting someone take a shot at him with lower numbers perhaps?
Maybe a raid party of about 36 would be less likely to crash the zone...
08-20-2001, 12:14 PM
Doubt highly it has anything to do with the numbers really Andaas. Might see about running a test on Gore and Talendork as well actually, and see if it's any outdoor zone that the dragons use Fear.
Woushi did it to L`Malla
Sev did it to L`Malla
Klan did it to ML
Not only that, but the same night we killed Sont, Klan did this.
During the fight, Klan did several Fears before the zone crashed to the final one, so it's really hard to say it's based on numbers. People had already died before the crash, so it's likely a bug somewhere in the coding that surfaces randomly during the battle.
Dlgoth, did Sev and Woushi crash the zones immediately, or had the fight been in progress? How many people approx were there? Did they crash right as an AE Fear hit?
We've heard this is happening on other servers as well, think there's even a thread on Safehouse about it. Hopefully VI is aware, and already has the fix prepped.
08-20-2001, 12:18 PM
Other guilds have killed him without incendent, FYI. I believe Numbers plays a LARGE part in it...
08-20-2001, 12:25 PM
Raw numbers are a part of it, but also is relevant how people save. If you have 30 people and by some freak chance they all get feared at once, the zone is crashing.
Safehouse thread says that Sontalak and Klandicar are being perma-killed on all servers though.
Maybe they'll fix Harla this time... bitches.
--The Unconscious
Dlgoth Riknueth
08-20-2001, 12:32 PM
Sev crashed IMMEDIATELY with about 30-35 people in zone. Wuoshi crashed on second fear AE with about 32-35 people there and about another 10 in zone elsewhere.
08-20-2001, 12:40 PM
IG tried Gore sat around 4am with 24. I dont know if its related or not but about 70% of us crashed to desktop and couldnt log in the rest of the night. I have no clue if this was due to AE or not. It happened in the middl of the fight.
08-20-2001, 12:56 PM
Just so that the blaming game stops right here, its happening on other servers as well, not just ours: e?topicID=7947.topic
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